Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

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Guys, any of you could get a good translation of this?

昨日、仙台ハイランドで乗りました。休むことなくコツコツと確実に進化させていく努力ってすごいなと思いました。RT @geradcup_g3: @Kaz_Yamauchi アップデートで収録して欲しいです。 ■日産、GT-Rの2012年モデルを11月24日に発売

Yesterday, I rode in the Sendai Highlands. What a great thought and effort will certainly evolve tirelessly and diligently. RT @ geradcup_g3: @ Kaz_Yamauchi want it recorded in the update. Nissan ■, GT-released on November 24, 2012 models of the R
Yeah perhaps... it would be cool to receive the 2012 model, like they did with some cars in GT5 Prologue...

There's a maintenance @ November 17. Who knows?
I hated the GT-R until yesterday...WHEN I SAW ONE! I didn't have time to get my camera out, and I killed myself afterword for that, but it was thrilling.

On the maintenance, maybe MOAR DLC? He said there would be a bonus in December for people who bought different DLCs, so my money is on more DLC.
Well, back to the tweets. Here is a re-tweet he did this morning. Hint of a new car soon?

RCKakashi14 Ricardo Carandang
@Kaz_Yamauchi Just a question, will you release the 2012 Nissan GT-R in the next update of GT5?
2001年の初代GT-FORCE(200度)時代からVGS入ってたと思います。RT @r_h_8492: @Kaz_Yamauchi GT FORCE proの200度モードにデュアルショック3のような補正がかかっている気がするのですが

Translation anyone?
2001年の初代GT-FORCE(200度)時代からVGS入ってたと思います。RT @r_h_8492: @Kaz_Yamauchi GT FORCE proの200度モードにデュアルショック3のような補正がかかっている気がするのですが

Translation anyone?

According to google, it says something about DS3 controllers... GT Force Pro might be a setting or a new improvement for DS3
I hated the GT-R until yesterday...WHEN I SAW ONE! I didn't have time to get my camera out, and I killed myself afterword for that, but it was thrilling.

On the maintenance, maybe MOAR DLC? He said there would be a bonus in December for people who bought different DLCs, so my money is on more DLC.

I saw one too for the first time just a few weeks ago! It was late in the evening and dark, and the GT-R was slowly making its way out from a parking area. It looked fantastic with those headlights! Like looking at the T-Rex (or Godzilla actually) of cars... I was amazed, it was even better than when I saw the Ferrari 458 for the first time.
I saw one too for the first time just a few weeks ago! It was late in the evening and dark, and the GT-R was slowly making its way out from a parking area. It looked fantastic with those headlights! Like looking at the T-Rex (or Godzilla actually) of cars... I was amazed, it was even better than when I saw the Ferrari 458 for the first time.
It stunned me so much, even though I only saw it for a few seconds. You're lucky though, you had a lot more time to admire the one you saw. And I've never seen a Ferrari in my life, so you have me there. But that GT-R, it was a bright red, oh so glorious.
It stunned me so much, even though I only saw it for a few seconds. You're lucky though, you had a lot more time to admire the one you saw. And I've never seen a Ferrari in my life, so you have me there. But that GT-R, it was a bright red, oh so glorious.

Please tell me what this has to do with Kaz tweets. Take your conversation elsewhere, it don't belong here. Getting tired of coming in here looking for new tweets only to find you guys discussing your life experiences.
Positive of topics post > negative off topic posts.

Posting off topic to a person for posting of topic. Is well goofy.
Positive of topics post > negative off topic posts.

Posting off topic to a person for posting of topic. Is well goofy.

Yep, your just as guilty as me then. So, I guess that makes you more goofy than me. Done now cause we both know where this is going, just had to point out your ignorance.
Yep, your just as guilty as me then. So, I guess that makes you more goofy than me. Done now cause we both know where this is going, just had to point out your ignorance.

I'm not the one complaining.

I was simply pointing out that you are a hypocrite and the fact I prefer his positive off topic post to your negative off topic post about his off topic post.

Edit. Ignorant? Seems you really like to project onto others. :)
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My bathroom sink is clogged.

I'm hoping he says something about new DLC soon for Christmas. Then again, they didn't do anything with Prologue as a Christmas gift.

I wonder if the DS3 is similar to a 200 degree turn?
Please tell me what this has to do with Kaz tweets. Take your conversation elsewhere, it don't belong here. Getting tired of coming in here looking for new tweets only to find you guys discussing your life experiences.
You wanna know what this has to do with Kaz's tweets? We were talking about the possibility about the 2012 GT-R being included in DLC. It was 3 posts, and now it's over. Stop trying to boss everybody around. I had an exciting experience, and I'm not allowed to share that in a relevant part of the disscusion?
Dave what app are you using for twitter? That looks different to the official one.

Osfoora, it's a paid app. So was Tweetie, err the "official" app originally. ;). Osfoora offers Twitlonger. Allows or longer Tweets via a hyperlink.