Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

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Really looking forward to see all the stuff Kaz has said on his twitter in the game sometime, hopefully it's just not rubbish.
My understanding would be that if it is linked to a PSN Profile, unless you have the details of that persons PSN online account then you can't use that save.

So GT5 fires up, matches the psn profile details stored in the save game file with the currently logged in user on PSN. If this is done in offline mode then either it won't load the save game or trophies will be turned off.

Until they release the update..we will all be guessing.

I suppose it stops them going online then as two people who don't have a internet connection should be able share a save, there's no PSN account to check.

I read FIFA has this but just wondering how it works. And even can you hex edit it so that save has your PSN ID in it or something.
Patches with new features are a bit different. A developer in the AAA world doesn't make anything because he decides to. He has to pay 100+ people a month (in a small studio), you have an idea how much money that is?

to be fair look at GT:P that recieved a large number of good quality updates that made a difference to the game. i would expect nothing less and maybe more from the PD crew for GT5.
Here are some of his recent tweets:

エア・リストリクタとバラストは必要だと思っています。RT @h_kabukichi: @Kaz_Yamauchi SUPER GTみたいにリストリクターで出力調整とか、出来ないんでしょうか。オンラインでそういう方法で縛りを設けてレースをしたい…。

h_kabukichi: Will it be possible to apply horsepower restrictions via something like air restrictor plates used in SUPER GT? I'd like to see races with limitations defined that way...

Kaz: I do think air restrictors and ballasts are necessary.

12月下旬あたりで。RT @goodup2k: @Kaz_Yamauchi タイムアタックのみんなの記録を見れるようにしてほしい!

goodup2k: I'd like to be able to see everyone's time attack records!

Kaz: It will be available sometime in the latter half of December.

おめでとう。目標は1分以下のラップタイムだね。モンツァでは。RT @xren0306: @Kaz_Yamauchi X1のモンツァやっとブロンズ取れました

xren0306: I finally got a bronze in the X1 Monza challenge.

Kaz: Congrats. The goal was a lap time under a minute was it not?

GT5では、リプレイのファイルサイズが巨大なのです。だから、それは簡単にはシェアできない。RT @yupasm: @Kaz_Yamauchi リプレイをフレンドのみんなと共有したいです。

yupasm: I'd like to be able to share my replay files with friends.

Kaz: In GT5, replay files are huge. So it won't easily be shareable.

ギリギリで間に合わなかった。RT @alex_dlc: http://media.il.edmunds-media.com/v.../2009_volkswagen_scirocco_actf34_fd_5_717.jpg

alex_dlc: Volkswagen Scirocco pic

Kaz: We were unable to make it in the game in time. (ギリギリdoes mean he was close, though. Maybe we will see it in an upcoming DLC?)

フレンド専用で遊ぶなら、「マイラウンジ」がベターだと思うな。コーヒーカップのアイコン。RT @hagino: @Kaz_Yamauchi フレンド専用部屋が多すぎるんですがなんとかなりませんか?

hagino: I think there are too many rooms restricted to friends... Can something be done about it?

Kaz: If you're going to play with friends only, I think the "My Lounge" would be better. The one with the coffee cup icon.

MTGP,GT1,GT2,GT3,GT4,GT5、すべてエンジンは違います。RT @crossxfire68: @Kaz_Yamauchi A simple question, is Motor Toon Gran Prix based on the same engine...

crossxfire68: Read above

Kaz: MTGP,GT1,GT2,GT3,GT4,and GT5 all have different engines.

もし完全手動設定だけ、でよければそれは簡単です。でも、自動設定も同時にできる、となると難しくなる。UIのデザインです。もちろん、頑張れば不可能じゃない。RT @na35f: @Kaz_Yamauchi 5Pで出来ていた各ギア比変更なぜ出来なくしたんですか? 

na35f: We were able to adjust individual gear ratios in GT5P. Why can't we do that now?

Kaz: If it's to be done manually only, it would be easy to implement. However if it's to be done automatically as well, it becomes an issue with the UI. It's not impossible, of course.

12月下旬ごろに。RT @redbullracer: @Kaz_Yamauchi when will online leaderboards be released?

redbullracer: Read above

Kaz: Second half of December.

$500ぐらい。ハイエンドなものです。RT @tomm_n: @Kaz_Yamauchi , could you tell us in which price range the Thrustmaster T500 RS will fall into? Thanks a lot!

tomm_n: Read above

Kaz: It's about $500. It's pretty high-end stuff.

EDIT: Some more...
Yes. RT @lmerigar: @Kaz_Yamauchi possible new GT-mode events in future updates?

lmerigar: Read above

Kaz: Yes. (No need to translate. Yay!)
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Thanks a lot for the translations @agyasu. I GoogleTranslated them, but yours are definitely better! :D

I have a question... I don't understand what does Kaz mean with the gear ratio thing... that's the main thing I'm worried about with GT5 now!
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Thanks a lot for the translations @agyasu. I GoogleTranslated them, but yours are definitely better! :D

I have a question... I don't understand what does Kaz mean with the gear ratio thing... that's the main thing I'm worried about with GT5 now!

In GT5P, you were able to tweak gear ratios rather freely by hand.

From my understanding, it seems PD is trying to implement an automatic gear tuning system. (isn't that besides the point? I would rather tweak them manually... Oh well) It seems figuring out a workable UI is an issue right now.

I would have liked to see a GT5P-style gear tuning system, though.

There is no guarantee of seeing such system as of yet.
In GT5P, you were able to tweak gear ratios rather freely by hand.

From my understanding, it seems PD is trying to implement an automatic gear tuning system. (isn't that besides the point? I would rather tweak them manually... Oh well)

I'm once again baffled by Kazunori's reponses. Why take something as powerful and well implemented as the QuickTune / gear ratio's and replace it with a My-First-Sony substitude? AND not realise that we'd very much like the feature back :dunce:

Nice to see him tweeting again though.

EDIT: Also, the early-december update is already delayed into late-december. 👎
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I'm once again baffled by Kazunori's reponses. Why take something as powerful and well implemented as the QuickTune / gear ratio's and replace it with a My-First-Sony substitude? AND not realise that we'd very much like the feature back :dunce:

Also, the early-december update is already delayed into late-december. 👎
Nice to see him tweeting again though.

The update isn't delayed. Its an update. He does have a life too you know and the holidays are coming
In GT5P, you were able to tweak gear ratios rather freely by hand.

From my understanding, it seems PD is trying to implement an automatic gear tuning system. (isn't that besides the point? I would rather tweak them manually... Oh well) It seems figuring out a workable UI is an issue right now.

Yeah, I know, I've had every GT to date and I've always manually tweaked them, just I didn't understand very well what Kaz wanted to say! (I'm Spanish so maybe I don't get the English either).

The automatic gear tuning system is already in as you can already choose a "top speed" and so the gear ratios change accordingly. But it's weird that you have the boxes to do so manually and they are greyed out... I had a theory, that maybe you are not allowed yet because of the mechanical damaged not implemented yet... maybe if you get a wrong ratio, you get engine overloads or broken gearboxes.... but, oh, I'm afraid this is only a dream of mine...
Also, the early-december update is already delayed into late-december. 👎
Nice to see him tweeting again though.

Sure about that? As i've understood it, we are looking at getting two updates this month, one with mechanical damage sometime "early December" and another with online leaderboard sometime "late December".
hey any chance we could all ask him about the HSV-010 GT? I think he'll give a reply if he sees enough people want to know when/if the car is still coming!
I'm once again baffled by Kazunori's reponses. Why take something as powerful and well implemented as the QuickTune / gear ratio's and replace it with a My-First-Sony substitude? AND not realise that we'd very much like the feature back :dunce:

Nice to see him tweeting again though.

EDIT: Also, the early-december update is already delayed into late-december. 👎

Maybe having both systems, automatic and manual, work correctly with so many different cars is more difficult then we assume.

But you're right, I also like to do some fine tweaking to each gear separately.
He answered my tweet:

ラリーモードがあるように、もちろん可能です。あとはゲームのフローをどう作るかです。RT @agya: @Kaz_Yamauchi GTPlanet の皆さんから質問。「コース・メーカーで"point to point"、ループしないコースを作る事は将来可能になりますか?」

Me: Here is a question from people at GTPlanet: Will it be possible to create point to point courses in the course maker? It would be awesome to race down a touge course...

Kaz: As there is a rally mode (With Point to Point courses), it's possible, of course. It now comes down to designing the "flow" of the game.
Thanks for that one, I asked him about it recently but had no answer... I don't understand why there's no point-to-point out of the box, it's inside the GT5 booklet written that you can do it...
Thanks for that one, I asked him about it recently but had no answer... I don't understand why there's no point-to-point out of the box, it's inside the GT5 booklet written that you can do it...

A lot of things about Gt5 are poorly implemented, some design elements are really bizarre, its a shame because the driving is outstanding.
can someone ask him if he's going to cater for all the people that already own a g25/27 and put in support FOR SURE? (hes said hes going to "try" i believe) or will it be ignored as the new super expensive wheel (with shifter sold sperately) is the new baby?

i feel hes taking the piss out of the people who all bought new wheels for GT5 thinking there was no new wheel, then AFTER the game comes out and everyone has their new wheels, does he then say theres a NEW wheel coming out.

cheeky ****ers.
how about adjust the weather and time on the tracks like nurburing/monza/le mans/eiger... in practice and arcade mode, i'm bored alway racing with rain.

Why don't we have the same option panel for tracks, as seen in online mode

Someone can ask him ?