Here are some of his recent tweets:
エア・リストリクタとバラストは必要だと思っています。RT @h_kabukichi: @Kaz_Yamauchi SUPER GTみたいにリストリクターで出力調整とか、出来ないんでしょうか。オンラインでそういう方法で縛りを設けてレースをしたい…。
h_kabukichi: Will it be possible to apply horsepower restrictions via something like air restrictor plates used in SUPER GT? I'd like to see races with limitations defined that way...
Kaz: I do think air restrictors and ballasts are necessary.
12月下旬あたりで。RT @goodup2k: @Kaz_Yamauchi タイムアタックのみんなの記録を見れるようにしてほしい!
goodup2k: I'd like to be able to see everyone's time attack records!
Kaz: It will be available sometime in the latter half of December.
おめでとう。目標は1分以下のラップタイムだね。モンツァでは。RT @xren0306: @Kaz_Yamauchi X1のモンツァやっとブロンズ取れました
xren0306: I finally got a bronze in the X1 Monza challenge.
Kaz: Congrats. The goal was a lap time under a minute was it not?
GT5では、リプレイのファイルサイズが巨大なのです。だから、それは簡単にはシェアできない。RT @yupasm: @Kaz_Yamauchi リプレイをフレンドのみんなと共有したいです。
yupasm: I'd like to be able to share my replay files with friends.
Kaz: In GT5, replay files are huge. So it won't easily be shareable.
ギリギリで間に合わなかった。RT @alex_dlc:
alex_dlc: Volkswagen Scirocco pic
Kaz: We were unable to make it in the game in time. (ギリギリdoes mean he was close, though. Maybe we will see it in an upcoming DLC?)
フレンド専用で遊ぶなら、「マイラウンジ」がベターだと思うな。コーヒーカップのアイコン。RT @hagino: @Kaz_Yamauchi フレンド専用部屋が多すぎるんですがなんとかなりませんか?
hagino: I think there are too many rooms restricted to friends... Can something be done about it?
Kaz: If you're going to play with friends only, I think the "My Lounge" would be better. The one with the coffee cup icon.
MTGP,GT1,GT2,GT3,GT4,GT5、すべてエンジンは違います。RT @crossxfire68: @Kaz_Yamauchi A simple question, is Motor Toon Gran Prix based on the same engine...
crossxfire68: Read above
Kaz: MTGP,GT1,GT2,GT3,GT4,and GT5 all have different engines.
もし完全手動設定だけ、でよければそれは簡単です。でも、自動設定も同時にできる、となると難しくなる。UIのデザインです。もちろん、頑張れば不可能じゃない。RT @na35f: @Kaz_Yamauchi 5Pで出来ていた各ギア比変更なぜ出来なくしたんですか? 
na35f: We were able to adjust individual gear ratios in GT5P. Why can't we do that now?
Kaz: If it's to be done manually only, it would be easy to implement. However if it's to be done automatically as well, it becomes an issue with the UI. It's not impossible, of course.
12月下旬ごろに。RT @redbullracer: @Kaz_Yamauchi when will online leaderboards be released?
redbullracer: Read above
Kaz: Second half of December.
$500ぐらい。ハイエンドなものです。RT @tomm_n: @Kaz_Yamauchi , could you tell us in which price range the Thrustmaster T500 RS will fall into? Thanks a lot!
tomm_n: Read above
Kaz: It's about $500. It's pretty high-end stuff.
EDIT: Some more...
Yes. RT @lmerigar: @Kaz_Yamauchi possible new GT-mode events in future updates?
lmerigar: Read above
Kaz: Yes. (No need to translate. Yay!)