Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

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Nobody asked about brakes and cosmetic damage?

What about cosmetic damage? I'm at level 26 and I've got plenty of damage. although, I have seen a couple cars that do seem NOT to have damage...like the Weds Sport Lexus IS350. I slammed that thing a few times during the Grand Valley Endurance and didn't notice a scratch.
What about cosmetic damage? I'm at level 26 and I've got plenty of damage. although, I have seen a couple cars that do seem NOT to have damage...like the Weds Sport Lexus IS350. I slammed that thing a few times during the Grand Valley Endurance and didn't notice a scratch.
Is it more "sensitive" at your level or do you still have to crash hundreds of times before you notice a little dent on the hood?
Someone should ask if there are more Racing Modifications coming.
Gah... INDEED! I can't believe I kept forgetting to bring this up for days! Not just for the 200 Premium cars either.

And the same for brake upgrades. Surely that needs to be patched in as well.
For brake upgrades, more detailed brake simulation will be needed (brake fading, feel characteristics between different types, etc).
In GT4, they had absolutely no effect. That's probably why they removed them.
For brake upgrades, more detailed brake simulation will be needed (brake fading, feel characteristics between different types, etc).
In GT4, they had absolutely no effect. That's probably why they removed them.

if you look at brake section brakes are installed and aren't solid like engine upgarde. So i think he will add brake parts.
Yamauchi's latest Tweet:

Please read past comments for already answered questions. I'm currently evaluating questions still unanswered.

Maybe we should create a FAQ with Yamauchi answers?
Can someone translate this, I tried with google but it didn't make sense... Something to do with the backup save data patch -

心配は無用ですよ。RT @SteedVLX: @Kaz_Yamauchi セーブデータがバックアップできるようになると聞きましたが、そのパッチがあたってから作成したセーブデータしかバックアップできないっていうオチはないですよね?もしそうなら今やりこんでも意味がない。
Can someone translate this, I tried with google but it didn't make sense... Something to do with the backup save data patch -

心配は無用ですよ。RT @SteedVLX: @Kaz_Yamauchi セーブデータがバックアップできるようになると聞きましたが、そのパッチがあたってから作成したセーブデータしかバックアップできないっていうオチはないですよね?もしそうなら今やりこんでも意味がない。

- I've heard that it will be possible to back-up save data, but won't there be the caveat that only save data created after the patch will be able to be backed up, will there? If yes, then there wouldn't be point in playing the game now.

KY: No worries.
I wish I could write in Japanese, I would love to know what happened to Machine tests and if it would return. I wont even bother trying to use online translators, it would probably translate into a insult. :P
Even 480p is absolutely fine for YouTube upload, none of us need HD replays, we're not trying to sell the game to anyone.

It would be cool if PD would host a cloud based system like folding at home so the PS3 could just upload the tiny save game file and the encoding would be done by a huge network of computers and then sent along to youtube for you...

This would take the strain off the PS3 and mean no need to sit around and wait while your PS3 was doing it's thing...
Some latest tweets:

画角が広いのが一番の理由。それと主観視点のカメラにスプリングとダンパーが入っているせいですね。それでも、走行中のポーズメニューから「画角狭い」を選ぶと、かなり視界が振動しているのがわかります。RT @chocobo1228:視界の振動を再現しないのには何か理由があるんですか?

chocobo1228: Is there a reason "shaking vision" is not emulated in the game?

Kaz: A wide field of angle is mostly to blame. Also, it's because the camera is equipped with a spring and damper. However, if you set your field of vision to "narrow," you would notice that the view is actually shaking quite a bit.

PSNの仕様による制限なので、残念ながら出来ないようです。RT @kochan_lupin: @Kaz_Yamauchi ラウンジを作る際のコメントの最大文字数を後10文字程長く調整する事は可能ですか?

kochan_lupin: Can you make it so we can set the lounge description to something longer than just 10 letters?

Kaz: This is an issue with PSN. It's unfortunate, but we can' do anything about it.

気づいてくれてありがとう。そのあたりは相当がんばって挙動をイチから作り直しました。RT @ryubigandam: @Kaz_Yamauchiそういえば、GT5のドリフト、GT4より簡単になりましたねぇ~細かいセッティングしなくても、楽にドリフト出来るので、安心です‼

ryubigandam: Drifting in GT5 is much easier to pull off than in GT4... I'm happy we can drift without having to set it (the car) up in meticulous detail!

Kaz: Thanks for noticing that. We put in considerable effort creating from scratch the driving physics to make that possible.

それはNASCAR特有の「リーディングドラフト」を表現するためにあえてそうしているんです。RT @fom2896: @Kaz_Yamauchi AIに後ろから追突された時に、AIに押される感じになってコースオフしてしまう。NASCARシリーズなんかのオーバルだと致命的なんです

fom2896: When an AI driver rear ends me, I go off course as if I'm pushed around by the AI. In an oval course like NASCAR, this is fatal.

Kaz: That happens due to the physics engine's approximation of the "leading draft", a unique phenomenon in NASCAR.

「スキッドリカバリ−フォース」をONにしていませんか。ダートやスノーではOFFが正解です。RT @kurobuti060309: @Kaz_Yamauchi GT4よりGT5の方がダートやスノーでもグリップが利くのは気のせいでしょうか?

kurobuti060309: Is it just me, or there's a lot more grip on dirt and snow courses than in GT4?

Kaz: Do you have the "skid recovery force" turned on? It's better if you turn that off for dirt and snow courses.
It would be cool if PD would host a cloud based system like folding at home so the PS3 could just upload the tiny save game file and the encoding would be done by a huge network of computers and then sent along to youtube for you...

This would take the strain off the PS3 and mean no need to sit around and wait while your PS3 was doing it's thing...

As far as I am concerned cell processor is very powerful alone for that very purpose, it even outperforms iCore 7 in video decoding. So PD could have created some kind of utility (out of the game - for xmb) so we can export replays there and let PS3 convert the files say during the night...
I've read many pages, but found no answer to this:

Can someone please ask if there's going to be an improvement on clutch support of the G25/G27? If it's going to be fully analog and not just on/off?

I'll be waiting anxiously if someone cares to ask :S
Has anyone asked if the T500RS has a load cell brake? This looks to be the last make or brake spec left unanswered.
I would love if somebody could ask Kaz about the visual damage in GT5. If anybody remembers there were screenshots posted in GTP news section showing deformation in the Best Buy demo that looked fantastic, and for the retail release of GT5 they have toned it down considerably from what we saw. If somebody could ask Kaz why that is, I'd love to see his answer, because it seems like they have an absolutely incredible damage engine that they don't want people to see. I'm not sure if Kaz even knows so many of us saw it and liked it, but the fact that it was done seems to imply that if they wanted, they could patch GT5 to have that superior visual damage engine if they wanted to.
I would love if somebody could ask Kaz about the visual damage in GT5. If anybody remembers there were screenshots posted in GTP news section showing deformation in the Best Buy demo that looked fantastic, and for the retail release of GT5 they have toned it down considerably from what we saw. If somebody could ask Kaz why that is, I'd love to see his answer, because it seems like they have an absolutely incredible damage engine that they don't want people to see. I'm not sure if Kaz even knows so many of us saw it and liked it, but the fact that it was done seems to imply that if they wanted, they could patch GT5 to have that superior visual damage engine if they wanted to.


I agree