Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

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@ agyasu : If you don't mind, could you possibly translate and tweet this? I wouldn't trust Goggle with something relatively simple but possibly misunderstood. I would very much appreciate it.

I would like to eliminate the 30 second timer during on-line races between when the first place car crosses the line and the race ends. Or at least extend it out to 5 minutes--perhaps just in private lobbies. I had a 20 lap race from Monza on the weekend that all but ruined some terrific battles taking place from 7th through 14th because the race just arbitrarily ended.
Things like credits and xp for online races, online leader boards, qualifying, option to remove parts of the HUD, ability to adjust individual gears on the "fully customizable transmission" and the ability to permanently disable of all driving aids so you don't have to turn them off before every race are just a few of the major annoyances that should be rectified before he even thinks about bikes.
Things like credits and xp for online races, online leader boards, qualifying, option to remove parts of the HUD, ability to adjust individual gears on the "fully customizable transmission" and the ability to permanently disable of all driving aids so you don't have to turn them off before every race are just a few of the major annoyances that should be rectified before he even thinks about bikes.

completely agree! by the way, thanks a lot for the translations agyasu, it's amazing the difference when translating Japanese->Eng with GoogleTranslate compared to the real thing...
Things like credits and xp for online races, online leader boards, qualifying, option to remove parts of the HUD, ability to adjust individual gears on the "fully customizable transmission" and the ability to permanently disable of all driving aids so you don't have to turn them off before every race are just a few of the major annoyances that should be rectified before he even thinks about bikes.

Someone tweet this post to Kaz.
Things like credits and xp for online races, online leader boards, qualifying, option to remove parts of the HUD, ability to adjust individual gears on the "fully customizable transmission" and the ability to permanently disable of all driving aids so you don't have to turn them off before every race are just a few of the major annoyances that should be rectified before he even thinks about bikes.

Thankfully out of those he has said Online leaderboards, credits and xp online are coming soon. Has also said that they are looking at removing the HUD and the gear ratios.

As for the turning off assists, is that not only once for each car rather than every race? Haven't had that problem.

Someone tweet this post to Kaz.

He has directly answered or mentioned all those things other than assists already.
Thankfully out of those he has said Online leaderboards, credits and xp online are coming soon. Has also said that they are looking at removing the HUD and the gear ratios.

As for the turning off assists, is that not only once for each car rather than every race? Haven't had that problem.

He has directly answered or mentioned all those things other than assists already.

I haven't had that problem either. Also slicecom, while what you have listed are annoyances we all want rectified, none of what you listed have anything to do with the core DRIVING EXPERIENCE. None of it.

Actually yeah, instead of getting bikes in there give me a Premium RUF and Supra I will pay good money for either of these!

HEAR, HEAR! This would be a nice addition. Along with a Premium model Countach and MR2 Turbo.
@ agyasu : If you don't mind, could you possibly translate and tweet this? I wouldn't trust Goggle with something relatively simple but possibly misunderstood. I would very much appreciate it.

I would like to eliminate the 30 second timer during on-line races between when the first place car crosses the line and the race ends. Or at least extend it out to 5 minutes--perhaps just in private lobbies. I had a 20 lap race from Monza on the weekend that all but ruined some terrific battles taking place from 7th through 14th because the race just arbitrarily ended.

I Translated & tweeted it as follows:

@Kaz_Yamauchi オンラインで首位がゴール地点を通った30秒後にレースが終わるのは変えて欲しいです。せめて30秒後にするか、ロビーでオプションにするとか。先週末モンザで20ラップのレースをしていたんですが、7位から14位の白熱した闘いが突然終わってしまったのが非常にガッカリでした。

This is something I was concerned about also.

Guys, go ahead and tweet your questions and concerns at Kaz in english. He can and will read it. Just make sure your english remains very simple and concise. I'll try my best to translate his responses. I'm only going to tweet things I'm personally worried/wishing about. The reason I don't want to tweet everything on this board is because I don't want to be considered by him as the obnoxious complainer/question guy of some sort. Besides, I think he'll appreciate different comments and insights from different people.

Edit: However, if you want me to translate certain questions which may be difficult to be understood in english, I'd be happy to translate them for you - But please do the actual tweets from your own twitter account.
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As for the turning off assists, is that not only once for each car rather than every race? Haven't had that problem.

You're right, you have to turn them off for every vehicle. Those of us who never play with assists would like a master switch as in previous Gran Turismo games, so we don't have to turn it off for every vehicle. I'm working on collecting over 1000 cars, I don't want to turn the assists off for each of them manually!

Also slicecom, while what you have listed are annoyances we all want rectified, none of what you listed have anything to do with the core DRIVING EXPERIENCE. None of it.

Doesn't really matter if they're to do with the driving experience or not, they affect the experience. They, and others should be rectified well before he even thinks about adding bikes.
You're right, you have to turn them off for every vehicle. Those of us who never play with assists would like a master switch as in previous Gran Turismo games, so we don't have to turn it off for every vehicle. I'm working on collecting over 1000 cars, I don't want to turn the assists off for each of them manually!

In GT4 you had to turn off the assists for each car, not for arcade maybe but in GT mode you did. Though a master switch would be good, I too am going for 1000 cars, up to 182 now :)

Doesn't really matter if they're to do with the driving experience or not, they affect the experience. They, and others should be rectified well before he even thinks about adding bikes.

As I said they are doing this, he has tweeted this before. No need to worry.
es6674: Mr. Yamauchi, do you play GT5 with DFGTs and G27s? Don't tell me you play with the controller... lol

Kaz: I use both the DFGT and controller. Though I use an analog stick now instead of the D-pad now. (from another tweet)

He needs to admit 900 degree rotation on the DFGT is unrealistic and unfair in race cars. The wheel has the capability of rotation lock but it's not being used. Not forgetting the G25/27 are capable too.

When the T500 goes on sale with self limitable rotation, it's unfair on the other wheels which are capable but lacking implementation because of laziness.
Doesn't really matter if they're to do with the driving experience or not, they affect the experience. They, and others should be rectified well before he even thinks about adding bikes.

I'll have to agree with @slicecom here, bikes would be cool, but i rather have online leaderboards and the possibility of earning xp and credits online, that's on the top of my list of things i want for GT5 atm, as we've just gotten mechanical damage.

Though the list of what i want for GT5 is pretty long:
1. Online leaderboards.
2. Credits and XP from online races.
3. Livery editor.
4. Course maker tracks playable online.
5. More premium cars.
6. Some fixes for the AI.
7. Some fixes for the shadow.
8. Remove hud.
9. Want to be able to look around my car, so i can see check my left and right side of the vehicle(much like Forza 3).
10. More replay control.
11. Export or upload function for replays.
12. Rim change for standard cars.

That's what i can think of now and not necessarily in the right order. Though the only thing i really need here is the online leaderboards and credits/xp for online races, if i don't see that coming i'll probably be a bit disappointed.
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He needs to admit 900 degree rotation on the DFGT is unrealistic and unfair in race cars. The wheel has the capability of rotation lock but it's not being used. Not forgetting the G25/27 are capable too.

When the T500 goes on sale with self limitable rotation, it's unfair on the other wheels which are capable but lacking implementation because of laziness.

Lol, you activate the steering lock ON THE WHEEL silly!

Slicecom, just so you know, I agree with you. I think all of those things need to be taken care of long before he even CONSIDERS bikes in GT5. Long, long, LOOOOONG, before. I just don't see them as a part of the core driving experience, that's all.
Thanks guys, I intend on keeping up to date with his tweets as they come along.

And as I've said in my previous post, I'd be happy to do the translation work for some difficult questions in English... Just post there here! But please tweet them from your own account!
Thanks guys, I intend on keeping up to date with his tweets as they come along.

And as I've said in my previous post, I'd be happy to do the translation work for some difficult questions in English... Just post there here! But please tweet them from your own account!

So far I have had replies from english questions but have kept them as simple as possible, if I have other ones I will let you know :)
Will someone ask him about replays for split screen? Why there aren't any and if he plans to implement it in the future? Has he already addressed it? I want to be able to watch the replay of playing with my friend. :guilty:

is it possible to activate a steering lock on the dfgt in gt5?

I would think. IIRC the DFP it is select, R3, shift up. I would hate to think that this is only for GT4, and i am completely wrong about all of this.
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He needs to admit 900 degree rotation on the DFGT is unrealistic and unfair in race cars. The wheel has the capability of rotation lock but it's not being used. Not forgetting the G25/27 are capable too.
Isn't rotation lock automatically adjusted depending on the car in GT5?
Will someone ask him about replays for split screen? Why there aren't any and if he plans to implement it in the future? Has he already addressed it? I want to be able to watch the replay of playing with my friend. :guilty:

Me too. Will some twitterer please ask him?
An interesting new tweet:

GT5には花火シミュレータがあります。まだ十分に使いこなせていないんですが。RT @accelrr: @Kaz_Yamauchi 花火のエフェクトが変わった気がします。もともと何種類かあるんですか��

accelrr: I've seen fireworks pattern changing. How many types of fireworks are there?

Kaz: There is a built-in fireworks simulator in GT5. We haven't been able to maximize it's potential yet, however.

This could mean there may be newer, better fireworks on the way!

Man he's staying up late. (3 AM in Tokyo)
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Will someone ask him about replays for split screen? Why there aren't any and if he plans to implement it in the future? Has he already addressed it? I want to be able to watch the replay of playing with my friend. :guilty:

I translated your question below:


Please post it from your own twitter account(if you have one), RedSuinit.

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