Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

  • Thread starter alba
An interesting new tweet:

accelrr: I've seen fireworks pattern changing. How many types of fireworks are there?

Kaz: There is a built-in fireworks simulator in GT5. We haven't been able to maximize it's potential yet, however.

That could mean there may be newer, better fireworks on the way!

Man he's staying up late. (3 AM in Tokyo)

Agyasu will you ask about the split screen replays?

Will someone ask him about replays for split screen? Why there aren't any and if he plans to implement it in the future? Has he already addressed it? I want to be able to watch the replay of playing with my friend.
I would think. IIRC the DFP it is select, R3, shift up. I would hate to think that this is only for GT4, and i am completely wrong about all of this.

Quick search of the forum
As your inkling suggests that hasn't worked since GT4.

Isn't rotation lock automatically adjusted depending on the car in GT5?

Only for Go Karts and Rally cars. Go Karts feel around 200 degrees, then it gets extra stiff to keep steering even though the wheels dont turn further.
On Rally the wheels limit at 540 degrees but it feels loose past that. All other cars are 900 it would seem.
I would accept an optional video mode which offered:
High quality shadows
High quality cars
High quality track textures
High quality smoke/dust/snow

-while removing-
Animated people in the stands
Grass and bushes
Objects that are part of the terrain that are rendered but not part of the track

In summary, If GT5 is pushing the limits of graphical quality, why not remove all the "extras" and focus on what really matters in a Racing sim? Maybe we should ask for a "custom" high quality graphics mode (similar to what a PC user does.)
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I would accept an optional video mode which offered:
High quality shadows
High quality cars
High quality track textures
High quality smoke/dust/snow

-while removing-
Animated people in the stands
Grass and bushes
Objects that are part of the terrain that are rendered but not part of the track

In summary, If GT5 is pushing the limits of graphical quality, why not remove all the "extras" and focus on what really matters in a Racing sim? Maybe we should ask for a "custom" high quality graphics mode (similar to what a PC users do.)

I think this would be too cumbersome, namely, because the PS3 is a console. Having options is good, but too many and this quickly becomes frustrating to use (much like a PC). Then, it becomes a game of who is more technically saavy, etc.

Also, remove trees, water, grass and bushes? Have you not heard the complaints GT5 has been getting for "plain and boring" tracks? Imagine the fury that would arise. No thanks, I don't these are not good ideas for the PS3, even though they work for PCs.
Agyasu is it possible for you to ask Kaz two things?

1: Can PD implement the MLAA that GoW3 had? (With the help of Santa Monica Studios)
2: Is it possible for them to patch in the sound of the wipers on the cars.

Thanks in advance 👍
Agyasu is it possible for you to ask Kaz two things?

1: Can PD implement the MLAA that GoW3 had? (With the help of Santa Monica Studios)
2: Is it possible for them to patch in the sound of the wipers on the cars.

Thanks in advance 👍

Sure thing, please tweet from your account, though!

1: God of War 3 で使われているMLAA をGT5に導入する事はできますか?サンタ・モニカスタジオの援助を借りてでも、です。

2: ワイパーブレードの操作音を入れることが出来るでしょうか?

The two questions are stated individually from one another.
I think this would be too cumbersome, namely, because the PS3 is a console. Having options is good, but too many and this quickly becomes frustrating to use (much like a PC). Then, it becomes a game of who is more technically saavy, etc.

Also, remove trees, water, grass and bushes? Have you not heard the complaints GT5 has been getting for "plain and boring" tracks? Imagine the fury that would arise. No thanks, I don't these are not good ideas for the PS3, even though they work for PCs.

So considering the tracks are already "plain and boring," you think more people are happy with horrible shadows, horrible looking cars, horrible terrain, and horrible looking people in the stands? All that is needed is a radial button that says "High Quality mode - Yes or No." A pre-customized High Quality mode could work just as well as selecting, no trees/grass/objects, no people in the stands and low quality water. Asking for a mode that enhances the look of what really matters should not be out of the question, considering the horrible quality of almost all of the rendered graphics.
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is anyone asking kazunori to add hood view? It's more important than a lot of things asked here! Imagine driving a standard car in a PROPER vay!!!!
Hood view!!!!! Come on!!!!
I want to know if there will be an option to turn off the virtual cockpit arms and virtual steering wheel :)
If i could turn those off, i would always play in cockpit view on my premiums.
is anyone asking kazunori to add hood view? It's more important than a lot of things asked here! Imagine driving a standard car in a PROPER vay!!!!
Hood view!!!!! Come on!!!!
You mean better hood view that isn't 3 feet above it.

One thing I want to know is the chase cam gonna get a camera that isn't always stuck on a pole to the the car.
5. More premium cars.

In my opinion, PD should work on offering the Race Modification for all Premium cars (non race cars, etc).

After Race Modding my 69 Camaro, I fell in love with the feature. I was slightly disappointed when I found out that I couldn't RM the 2007 Mustang GT.

Race Modding could go a long way in GT5.
In my opinion, PD should work on offering the Race Modification for all Premium cars (non race cars, etc).

After Race Modding my 69 Camaro, I fell in love with the feature. I was slightly disappointed when I found out that I couldn't RM the 2007 Mustang GT.

Race Modding could go a long way in GT5.
I was really shocked when I saw the R33 only had one front splitter and 3 wings.
In my opinion, PD should work on offering the Race Modification for all Premium cars (non race cars, etc).

After Race Modding my 69 Camaro, I fell in love with the feature. I was slightly disappointed when I found out that I couldn't RM the 2007 Mustang GT.

Race Modding could go a long way in GT5.

Well that would work for me as well, and i have to agree that the race mod for the 69 camaro really looks nice.

But why not get both? More premium cars and more race modifications? =)

Edit: And to the one above, i would love to see more aero parts for certain cars as well.
Would anyone be willing to ask Kaz if he plans on adding any more NASCAR cars and tracks to GT5 via DLC. If tried to ask the question 3 times (twice in English and once in Japanese) and he seems to be ignoring it. I'm not sure if I'm just not timing the questions right or he isn't seeing it or whatever, but I really want to see the question answered so would anyone else be willing to tweet him this?
Can somebody ask why he changed the bumper view? I hate it!! It simulates the cockpit view with an invisible cockpit... You´ve got 1 meter to the car in front of you but your car already hits the car in front...

Also online leaderboards :)
I would appreciate it if they would put more options in the pause menu. I also would enjoy tune setup saves and the ability to open a track in practice mode, tune my car in the pause menu, and access other tunes previously saved. Similar to Forza's setup, I think it's a nice feature.
Can someone ask Kaz if PD can enable a top down option for convertible cars during races? The top down version is already available in the phototravel anyway.
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standing starts would be awesome for the topgear track, that way you can properly compare to topgear tv show.. I guess a trick would be to park your car very close to the start line before the timer is triggered.. much like when you are at the drags :D

also about Kazunori staying up late.. in a tour video of polyphony digital, apparently alot of their work is done from 12am to 4am.. so at 3am he is probably full of energy lol..

one thing I miss, being a bit of a drag racing nut, is the 0-400 meter trial and the 0-1000 meter trial... also I've been waiting for the drag racing mode to return when it was pulled from GT2 lol.. that's a question I wouldn't mind asking him.. maybe later.. all the questions he is getting lately he might get stressed out and explode lolol:scared:
standing starts would be awesome for the topgear track, that way you can properly compare to topgear tv show.. I guess a trick would be to park your car very close to the start line before the timer is triggered.. much like when you are at the drags :D

also about Kazunori staying up late.. in a tour video of polyphony digital, apparently alot of their work is done from 12am to 4am.. so at 3am he is probably full of energy lol..

one thing I miss, being a bit of a drag racing nut, is the 0-400 meter trial and the 0-1000 meter trial... also I've been waiting for the drag racing mode to return when it was pulled from GT2 lol.. that's a question I wouldn't mind asking him.. maybe later.. all the questions he is getting lately he might get stressed out and explode lolol:scared:

Yes please, someone ask if htey can implement drag racing on the top gear track/Red Bull Hanger. 400M and 1000M would be great.
Agyasu can you translate the following message so I can tweet Kaz?


"Subaru Legacy GT 03' sedan have left break light not lighting up properly at night race. Right break light works perfectly, though. Because one side works and other side doesnt it looks very weird. Is this fixable by patch?"