Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

  • Thread starter alba
  • Online events with recompenses
  • Shadows & lighting correction
  • Hud can be removed
  • G25/G27 support
  • Better head tracking
  • Better cockpit view
  • Free roam online with circulation rules

It looks like somsone translated a fan wish-list.

The shadows won't be fixed. It's the result of hardware limitation.
It looks like somsone translated a fan wish-list.

The shadows won't be fixed. It's the result of hardware limitation.

I'm pretty sure he's tweeted that he's still looking into it. Hardware limitation is definitely the reason for the shadows, but that's not to say optimization can't be done and the software that produces the shadows enhanced to perform better. It's no guarantee but it's definitely possible.
Agyasu, do you mind asking why they have made it so you can't roll over online?

So you you actually know what I am talking about click here.
I've written in that thread (actually the one linked by interludes) a reply you might find interesting. But before of that, I'm more worried that tall standard cars are almost impossible to roll over offline, because their center of gravity (CoG) appears to be unrealistically too low. Have you tried rolling over a standard kei car (any will do the job) and observing its behavior? It doesn't look right at all to me.
I've written in that thread (actually the one linked by interludes) a reply you might find interesting. But before of that, I'm more worried that tall standard cars are almost impossible to roll over offline, because their center of gravity (CoG) appears to be unrealistically too low. Have you tried rolling over a standard kei car (any will do the job) and observing its behavior? It doesn't look right at all to me.

I don't even know what "a standard kei car" is.. :lol: But I do agree that even in offline it is unrealistic how hard it is to roll tall cars.

BTW, replied in the other thread.
I don't even know what "a standard kei car" is.. :lol: But I do agree that even in offline it is unrealistic how hard it is to roll tall cars.
This is one example:


kei car = japanese "light vehicle", usually (depending on the year) below 660cc of displacement, below 3.3 m in length and 1.4m in width. No restriction on height (which tends to be high in order to maximize internal space).
I be having a question! (I decided be pirate talk).
Can ye find out if GT5 will have the tyre walls replaced with ones that work :P
I know that in GT5 tires with custom sidewalls (for example, white stripe) in cars that have them get replaced with tires with ordinary black sidewalls when you upgrade to Sports or Racing tires.
Isn´t it a fact, that standard cars can´t be rolled over. Just premium cars have this feature, I think.

Today, I twitted with Angelina Jolie and she said, she miss me very much and she would love to see me.....I love Twitter ;)
Isn´t it a fact, that standard cars can´t be rolled over. Just premium cars have this feature, I think.
Standard cars can be rolled over, but it's extremely hard as they seem to be strangely bottom heavy. It's probably because their in-game technical specifications haven't been updated since GT4, where they weren't supposed to roll-over. My theory is that their Center of Gravity (CoG) is deliberately too low.

Here's proof with a Daihatsu Move, anyway (sorry for the "artistic" photo shoot, the road was flat though):


(you can by the way see that the car is resting on its wheels, as if it was almost going to flip to the other side in the upright position. Not very realistic as it's supposed to be a top-heavy car)

Wrong type of tyre wall :)

I meant these ones...

Ah so you meant THOSE tire walls!
It's probably because their in-game technical specifications haven't been updated since GT4, where they weren't supposed to roll-over.

If I am rigth, even standard cars got updated to the new GT5-physics, so it should be harder than with premium cars.

All in all, it is way too hard for every car to roll over it, because of the strange collision physics and maybe, as you said, the low cog
Sounds like a cop out to me. Considering every single GT had independently adjustable ratios.

Whatever, just another feature cut. 👎
Wine tasting. :sly:

Anyway, I'm glad I got the game now and incomplete, rather than be waiting for another year. Wouldn't you agree? None of the other games I'm interested will be out until 2011 or later.
I dont have very high hopes for a lot of patches.

Dont want to be a downer, but honestly i feel like its just a lot of talk and no action from PD.

It was the same when prologue was released. They made it sound like there would be coming lots of updates, and stuff, at one point they even claimed that it was somehow going to merge into the full GT 5.

I really hope I am wrong. And make no mistake i really love the game, it hasent left my PS3 since i got it. But somehow i cant help being a litle anoyed when i cant backup my savegame, or compete online with some sorts of reward, heck i cant even compare my lap times with my friends.