Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

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I dunno Ive got a shed load of games to play still and a fair few I can buy.

Frankly no game should have its customers looking for patches/DLC/sequel within at least a few months of release.
It's just a little funny to see so many 'This feature is broken' or 'This promised inclusion is....not included' threads on the first page of this forum....makes me wonder whats been going on over there at PD.

We're a simple bunch....don't make us grind unnecessarily, don't promise things and fail to follow through (GT5:P data transfer, anyone?), let us enjoy our 'pure driving simulator', and we'll gladly spend our hard-earned money on your PD products....as well as the products you feel we should own ($500 Thrustmaster, anyone?) with a smile on our faces!

Instead, we get wine-tasting and global travel!
For my own opinion, they should develop GT6 for the PS4 and patch GT5 as the only GT-title on PS3.

It fits on the actual console generation and there isn´t much space to give technical improvments (just optimations), but a lot of content can be added and thing for GT5 can be fixed.
Wine tasting. :sly:

Anyway, I'm glad I got the game now and incomplete, rather than be waiting for another year. Wouldn't you agree? None of the other games I'm interested will be out until 2011 or later.

Now that the game is out, he still is: whine tasting :P even more so than ever before.

keep yourself sober Kaz-san
I agree with Big Ron. 👍

A well patched, well supported GT5 will be an incredible game. Well, it is already, but deal with the shortcomings, and make the XP system make sense, and it'll be Best Game of the Year level. Besides, the things he wants to push the PS3 to do... well, it just can't, not well. A more powerful PS4 would give us all the detail he wants, and the ability to expand his dream to the point it's close to real life.
Why does everyone say the AI in GT5 is broken? It's the most realistic AI I've seen. I did half an Endurance race last night, and when I came around to lap people, they were still drifting and sliding about. And they move off the line when you're trying to lap them. Heck, I've gotten some of my fastest laps through traffic. That was never possible in previous GT games.
I agree with Big Ron. 👍

A well patched, well supported GT5 will be an incredible game. Well, it is already, but deal with the shortcomings, and make the XP system make sense, and it'll be Best Game of the Year level. Besides, the things he wants to push the PS3 to do... well, it just can't, not well. A more powerful PS4 would give us all the detail he wants, and the ability to expand his dream to the point it's close to real life.

Easy to say that, but who's to say he simply won't set his sights too high again?

PS4 might handle the shadows and relections and textures and lighting much better, but he'll probably undo all that with 35 cars modelled down to the screwthreads on a grid, real-time engine modelling and physics, complex fluid dynamics and weather, "interactive crowds", "driver injuries" or all manner of other things that will push the framerate to breaking point......again.

If GT5 is an indicator of anything, it's that PD can not judge what is do-able very easily, and at the very least, they are far too optimistic about what they are capable of.
Easy to say that, but who's to say he simply won't set his sights too high again?

PS4 might handle the shadows and relections and textures and lighting much better, but he'll probably undo all that with 35 cars modelled down to the screwthreads on a grid, real-time engine modelling and physics, complex fluid dynamics and weather, "interactive crowds", "driver injuries" or all manner of other things that will push the framerate to breaking point......again.

If GT5 is an indicator of anything, it's that PD can not judge what is do-able very easily, and at the very least, they are far too optimistic about what they are capable of.

As you should know every artist has it´s dreams and they are very good to realise if you have the right tools. But if your tools are not working to the point you need to, you are starting to make compromises to get a passable result.

If you want to run 100 mph, you can´t start with a cycle, but need to take a powerful car (or bike).

Same with PS3. Everyone thought it is a powermaschine, but hey...now we know it reaches its limits very fast (for some of us maybe too fast).

I don´t need a GT6 on PS3, because it is like GT3 and GT4, some little technical improvements but all in all the same. Only thing was new content.

And in times of internet and updates, I can live without a sequel on PS3.

GT6 should more than a content update but more the next level of what Kaz dreams of. And that is for shure not possible on PS3 at all.
For my own opinion, they should develop GT6 for the PS4 and patch GT5 as the only GT-title on PS3.

It fits on the actual console generation and there isn´t much space to give technical improvments (just optimations), but a lot of content can be added and thing for GT5 can be fixed.

GT6 will be a launch title for PS4.... The PS4 will come out in 2017... and GT6 in 2022 LOL
He said they were technically possible, but were quite complicated. So it's unlikely we will see them.

Surely that's exactly what PD should be doing? Technically possible yet quite complicated is the perfect formula for a groundbreaking computer game.
Why does everyone say the AI in GT5 is broken? It's the most realistic AI I've seen. I did half an Endurance race last night, and when I came around to lap people, they were still drifting and sliding about. And they move off the line when you're trying to lap them. Heck, I've gotten some of my fastest laps through traffic. That was never possible in previous GT games.

I have no clue why anyone would complain about the AI either - I'm going to assume that most of the whiners have no experience doing one (or more) of the three following things:
1. developing software (and I'm not talking about a sweet windows app to auto calculate world of warcraft skills)
2. playing real games (and I'm not talking about games that require you to make a head shot 50 times in the course of 10 minutes)
3. having a real life outside of 24/7 video games

I think the AI performs exactly as computerized AI should perform. It analyzes and adapts to it's environment. Anyone who says otherwise - needs to go back to school and take an AI course. If you have a problem dealing with the GT5 AI...good luck with the rest of life when you turn your playstation off.
I have no clue why anyone would complain about the AI either - I'm going to assume that most of the whiners have no experience doing one (or more) of the three following things:
1. developing software (and I'm not talking about a sweet windows app to auto calculate world of warcraft skills)
2. playing real games (and I'm not talking about games that require you to make a head shot 50 times in the course of 10 minutes)
3. having a real life outside of 24/7 video games

I think the AI performs exactly as computerized AI should perform. It analyzes and adapts to it's environment. Anyone who says otherwise - needs to go back to school and take an AI course. If you have a problem dealing with the GT5 AI...good luck with the rest of life when you turn your playstation off.

This is a very bad post.
Why does everyone say the AI in GT5 is broken? It's the most realistic AI I've seen. I did half an Endurance race last night, and when I came around to lap people, they were still drifting and sliding about. And they move off the line when you're trying to lap them. Heck, I've gotten some of my fastest laps through traffic. That was never possible in previous GT games.

Forza 3 is the top racer when it comes to AI.
This disturbs me quite greatly. :grumpy:

Surely that's exactly what PD should be doing? Technically possible yet quite complicated is the perfect formula for a groundbreaking computer game.

Here's what he said on twitter.
na35f: We were able to adjust individual gear ratios in GT5P. Why can't we do that now?

Kaz: If it's to be done manually only, it would be easy to implement. However if it's to be done automatically as well, it becomes an issue with the UI. It's not impossible, of course.
I have no clue why anyone would complain about the AI either - I'm going to assume that most of the whiners have no experience doing one (or more) of the three following things:
1. developing software (and I'm not talking about a sweet windows app to auto calculate world of warcraft skills)
2. playing real games (and I'm not talking about games that require you to make a head shot 50 times in the course of 10 minutes)
3. having a real life outside of 24/7 video games

I think the AI performs exactly as computerized AI should perform. It analyzes and adapts to it's environment. Anyone who says otherwise - needs to go back to school and take an AI course. If you have a problem dealing with the GT5 AI...good luck with the rest of life when you turn your playstation off.

Huh? I think the general sentiment is that the a.i. is quite broken, as it sometimes seems completely unaware of the player's presence. The actions it takes due to this lack of awareness are often enough to completely ruin a race.
Here's what he said on twitter.

This doesn't make sense... This is what "final drive" "gear" is for... It simply evenly pulls the gears apart or together regardless of the individual setting... and there is a return to default option so technically its all covered...

This just looks bad as it's been a mainstay feature in racers forever... to say one of the leading driving games can't do this technically just sends the wrong message to the community... The other competition is laughing its ass off as we die a little inside...

And it's a confidence killer, if you can't "technically" do something so common it makes people wonder what else can't technically be done...

I was/am a huge gear tuner in games... its the first thing I always do to truly understand the cars power bands and potential... by moving how the power is put to the road can change a car to fit any driving style... even making the uncontrollable cars controllable or more predictable (along with other tuning of course)...

Sorry, I just love this game so far so I'm pretty bugged by this... And I assumed it was unlocked as an advanced feature later on...
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Sounds like they should have just stuck with PS2, i mean thats really sad to admit they couldn't figure out how to do it on the PS3.
This Is retarded I'm selling my ps3 to get back Forza 3. I actually liked that GAME it was FUN and there was no GRINDING. Even though it was easy to drive I wasn't getting mad every time i left a race. Ill just buy gt5 soundtrack add it to my 360 and call it a gt5 Game.

(Notice i never said anything about forza being a better sim racer)
Of course they are, how could they not be the best(better) when the cars are so easy to handle ?? :dopey:

yet another joke that no one will laugh at ... :(

Yea at least they delivered on the release dates and gave people what they wanted. And fix most the online bugs and stuff.
Forza 3 is the top racer when it comes to AI.
I'd dissagree with this, Forza AI is simply more blatant in it's actions so that it's more noticable but imo it's not ideally suited to a racing sim. They're often far too aggressive and too willing to pit you. GT5's AI is much more subtle and as a result noticing it relys more on you driving how you'd be expected to drive in a racing situation. I've had great battles against the AI where I've spent several laps jostling with the same one or two cars for position. Racing GT5's AI is much more fun when you take a car that's at the most equal to the opposition and you drive sensibly. Sometimes I'll pick a car I know I can't win with and just enjoy seeing how well I can finish, it might be outside of the top 3 but those races so often prove more enjoyable than the ones where I get the lead after the first lap or two and win.
Huh? I think the general sentiment is that the a.i. is quite broken, as it sometimes seems completely unaware of the player's presence. The actions it takes due to this lack of awareness are often enough to completely ruin a race.
"General sentiment" is pretty meaningless when it comes to public opinion, especially when there are zero filters in here and twelve year olds can make remarks. Have you noticed the quality of spelling in may posts? ;)

"(the A.I.) sometimes seems completely unaware of the player's presence." "Sometimes" everyone is unaware of other drivers around them. I've completely missed cars that weren't small as I was driving, sad but true, but no accidents thank God, just a few car horns. Certainly in motorsports, drivers wreck into each other all the time.

If you guys mean that the bots will bump into you, most of the time I've noticed that it's because I was overly aggressive, pushed against them in traffic or ran them off the road, cut bots off abruptly or slammed into them when they were braking. In those cases, much as in Forza, they retaliate. But if you watch any motorsports at all, surely you know of drivers who are exactly like this. The late Dale Earnhardt made a career out of spinning people out when he couldn't pass them.

Just fire up GTR Evo and start a race on Monza with you in the middle or back of the pack. Then watch as the cars grind their way through the chicane like roaches. In GT5, they seem to navigate it much more like humans. The only game which has exemplary A.I. might be Toca 3, but I got irritated at a few of those bots too.

I should defer to Dave's post above on that. Like him, I enjoy racing against the A.I. for the most part. I just got done with several races and in only one did they give me both barrels for cheap driving, but then I was in a rush to eat some dinner.

Yea at least (Turn 10) delivered on the release dates and gave people what they wanted. And fix most the online bugs and stuff.
Turn 10 wasn't almost a year late with their Forzas, but they only made one holiday launch window that I'm aware of. They also only give the fans a portion of what they ask for, and I find that PD is faster at fixing bugs. Online for both F3 and GT5 are pretty limp, and F3 has been out for a year.
kaz already confirmed its due to memory issues that PSEye support is limited to arcade.

and as it is, they could have just left it out of the game, arcade is easily the least played aspect of this game.

besides, i cant see what hogs up so much more memory in a GTLife race as compared to an Arcade race. Surely, counting up the XP after the race cant put the PS3 to its knees now can it...