Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

  • Thread starter alba
Well, this thread has gone to hell and back.

It sure has gone to hell... But it isn't back yet. This latest user interface tweet is interesting.I cant wait for kaz to tell us more and show us what they have changed in the next update
This thread has jumped the shark and should be locked

No, it shouldn't, give the moderators no stupid ideas please. This thread is very usefull and very original, besides, the OP made some efforts to create this thread and he is one of the most respected members here.
This thread has jumped the shark and should be locked get back on topic.
Fixed it for yas. ;)

Mini-mods should let the real mods do their job.

Has anyone asked if A-Spec events are going to be expanded? If anything needs a fix, this is it.
Just a random suggestion: Instead of always just asking Kaz questions and bugging him over small things, try to show appreciation and take some time to send him a thank you for all his work. Let him know what you love about his game, not just what you dislike or want changed.

I think after Update 1.05 the guy deserves a lot of love.

Bump - been playing online games for years and have to admit that fixes and updates have been quick to come.
After reading most of this, Im thinking there are probably a lot of WOW players commenting.

One thing is for sure different people want different things from the game - different people want different things fixing first.
What does Kaz's latest tweet mean? Google not making sense again :(

TWEET - そういうことだよね。あとホワイトリスト。RT @HIDEbyTDR: @Kaz_Yamauchi 前後一致で規制回避、というのは出来ないんでしょうか?
TWEET - I like that. After the white list. RT @ HIDEbyTDR: @ Kaz_Yamauchi avoidance of regulations before and after match, that is what I can?

From what i can figure it is to do with event regulations. Might have something to do with seasonal event regulations bieng lifted.
kaz is mentioning something about the thrustmaster and g27 wheels... some hardware motor comment
using google:
T500RS problem does it counter-electromotive force is considerable improvement. RT @ ce9asngf: @ Kaz_Yamauchi But I also G27 has the same behavior. This is what I T500RS be improved in cases? I mean actual use now?

using babelfish:
With T500RS as for problem of back electromotive force being improved suitably, now the shank. RT @ce9asngf: @Kaz_Yamauchi I am G27, but there is the same behavior. With T500RS of example being improved, it increases this? With you said or, the apparatus became errand?

i need to learn japanese; time to bust out the rosetta stone!
has anybody tweeted if he's going to add Porsche in the future as DLC? If he says it'll cost money tell him we will pay!! I'm just curious I know its been brought up before but I've searched and can't find anything resent
has anybody tweeted if he's going to add Porsche in the future as DLC? If he says it'll cost money tell him we will pay!! I'm just curious I know its been brought up before but I've searched and can't find anything resent

he won't add porsche via DLC. at least not yet.

I think that, if they do get the porsche license from EA (and that's an if the size of the titanic), PD would keep porsches back until GT6.
EA doesn't own the Porsche license. Microsoft does. EA used to have exclusive licneses to Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche, but when all their contracts were about to run out a few years ago, none of them chose to renew it because they were missing out on other opportunities like GT and Forza. However, Microsoft bought the exclusive license to Porsche. Ferrari and Lambo aren't doing exclusive licenses any more. (Although, in Lambo's case it's from a company that said that the Bugatti Veyron would NEVER be in a video game EVER) (huh...kinda like NASCAR. Seems like ever exclusive license that EA touches, the company ends up not doing them any more.)

But, because it's Microsoft that owns the license. I seriously doubt GT will ever get the rights to put Porsche in a GT title. The only way they can is to pay Microsoft. Which is a possibility since there's a Bandai Lexus in GT5.
EA doesn't own the Porsche license. Microsoft does. EA used to have exclusive licneses to Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche, but when all their contracts were about to run out a few years ago, none of them chose to renew it because they were missing out on other opportunities like GT and Forza. However, Microsoft bought the exclusive license to Porsche. Ferrari and Lambo aren't doing exclusive licenses any more. (Although, in Lambo's case it's from a company that said that the Bugatti Veyron would NEVER be in a video game EVER) (huh...kinda like NASCAR. Seems like ever exclusive license that EA touches, the company ends up not doing them any more.)

But, because it's Microsoft that owns the license. I seriously doubt GT will ever get the rights to put Porsche in a GT title. The only way they can is to pay Microsoft. Which is a possibility since there's a Bandai Lexus in GT5.

That is wrong, EA still have Porsche licenses and they are not afraid to use them...like in Need For Speed Hot Pursuit.
Fixed it for yas. ;)

Mini-mods should let the real mods do their job.

Has anyone asked if A-Spec events are going to be expanded? If anything needs a fix, this is it.

I wonder what comes after extreme and expert.... "schumacher"? LOL
but I definitely agree with your request!
I wonder what comes after extreme and expert.... "schumacher"? LOL
but I definitely agree with your request!

Why you agree? There isn´t anything after extreme or expert. The A-Spec-series are not the problem but the AI, which is too slow in every level. So instead of expanding A-Spec to higher levels they just need to make the AI faster.
Enough with Porsche. We have Rufs, which are pretty much Porsche chassis/bodies with different specs. Why should we complain when we have an alternative?

Anyways, I wonder what Kaz' favorite car of all time is... (Probably a Skyline). I do think somebody should ask why he includes so many Skylines.
Why you agree? There isn´t anything after extreme or expert. The A-Spec-series are not the problem but the AI, which is too slow in every level. So instead of expanding A-Spec to higher levels they just need to make the AI faster.

They could add an extra page to each level, and beef up the AI in those events. That would double the number of A-Spec events and allow us to enjoy a real race every now and then. I don't mind losing if it was a good race. Well, not unless it really matters, of course ;)
original tweet:
Kaz_Yamauchi リモートレース、そろそろ、といっても2月上旬あたりかな。RT @hagino: @Kaz_Yamauchi 12月予定だったBスペックブラウザはそろそろきますか?

from google:
Race Kaz_Yamauchi remote soon, and I can say around early February. RT @ hagino: @ Kaz_Yamauchi Mon 12 B was scheduled to come soon Supekkuburauza do?

from babel fish:
Kaz_Yamauchi Remote race/lace, gradually, with speaking, per February first third kana. RT @hagino: Does the B specifications browser which is @Kaz_Yamauchi December schedule come gradually?

待たせてすみません。それ、もうすぐアップデートする予定です。RT @jbkblack: I &GTPlanet have tried being nice Mr yamauchi but now we are getting upset When will gearbox...

I'm sorry to keep you waiting. It will be updated soon. RT @ jbkblack: I & GTPlanet have tried being nice Mr yamauchi but now we are getting upset When will gearbox ...

It may not make wait. That, it is the schedule which is already updated immediately. RT @jbkblack: I & GTPlanet have tried being nice Mr yamauchi but now we are getting upset When will gearbox…
There is also mention of a Tokyo Salon special event being present, anybody seen it yet, or is it just for Japan?
There is also mention of a Tokyo Salon special event being present, anybody seen it yet, or is it just for Japan?

is the website talking about that event on friday january 14th. the present car stealth 787B, pictured and translated. you get a code to redeem in the playstation store.

damn it im out its drifting.

Gran Turismo 5 special event at Tokyo Auto Salon 2011

January 14, 2011 (Friday) 0:00 - 14 February 2011 (Mon) 23:59 schedule

Event Type:
Drift Trial


Madrid City

The following sports software

Award entries:
"Mazda 787B Stealth Model" Product Code

After the event (scheduled for February 21, 2011 or later), you will receive entry to the PlayStation ® Network sign in ID product code is set to e-mail address. PlayStation ® Network Please check in advance whether you can receive your email you registered Itadai. If we receive mail that might be disqualified from obtaining the code.
Did my part of spamming Kaz too just now :P

