Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

  • Thread starter alba
For those wondering, PP stands for performance points and is a measure of car performance taking into account: Power, Weight, Downforce, Tyres etc. It means closer racing because you can put say a Veyron against a Caterham, which despite the HP difference should be a good race (Just an example guys).
I really hope that stricter restrictions will be added to the online play, such as no race cars, RM, powertrain type, brand type, years and so on!

If the PP system is sophisticated enough, it will almost make these filters redundant.
wow, it was just as I hoped.

Yea this PP system is desperately needed.

I can see how grueling that would be to calculate and balance...

Probably why the transmission customization is disabled. Way too many variables, I'm sure there would be no way to make a one-fits-all point change for cars that exploit long/short gears to unrealistic degrees.
My main hope is that the penalty system gets an overhaul.

I hit someone accidentally, I get the 10 sec penalty, someone hits me accidentally, I get the penalty. Same thing with cutting some corners, and getting 4 tyres off the road by accident.

It used to be funny, but now it's become plain annoying:irked:
i swear kaz only answers the dumbest questions on his twitter.... probably because they are in japanese and he can read/understand them.

answering questions about the color of Gallardos?!? green RX-LMs...
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My main hope is that the penalty system gets an overhaul.

I hit someone accidentally, I get the 10 sec penalty, someone hits me accidentally, I get the penalty. Same thing with cutting some corners, and getting 4 tyres off the road by accident.

It used to be funny, but now it's become plain annoying:irked:

its a lag and network issue, to be honest. Not saying its your connection, but just the connection to GT5 online racing in general.
I've been racing fine not hitting anybody on my screen and the person go "WTF man don't bump me!" and the opposite happen where they hit me but on their screen it was smooth sailing.
its a lag and network issue, to be honest. Not saying its your connection, but just the connection to GT5 online racing in general.
I've been racing fine not hitting anybody on my screen and the person go "WTF man don't bump me!" and the opposite happen where they hit me but on their screen it was smooth sailing.

I usually race in high connectivity rooms with little lag. Inconsistency with the penalties is the main issue for me.
I usually race in high connectivity rooms with little lag. Inconsistency with the penalties is the main issue for me.
You're misunderstanding me
The lag is in the way GT5 handles incoming connections not the connections themselves.
You could all have 10 ms pings and wired connections, and the problem would still be there.
looks like we finally get more tuning of the gear ratios...

google translation
Yes, it will be. RT @ canopus615: @ Kaz_Yamauchi you will improve in the next update I would like more detailed set gear ratios?

はい、その予定です。RT @canopus615: @Kaz_Yamauchi ギア比をもっと細かく設定したいのですが次のアップデートで改善されますか?
Man, this is absurd! A company of this size and value can't hire a guy to come into the forum and just tell people what's going on? We really have to wait for untranslated tweets from the company president made as he rides the elevator or something for answers to our questions? And no real answers... just vague hints for the most part. I can not believe a company runs this way in this day and age.

I guess I am writing as a frustrated fan, but who found the TDU2 forum, where there are developers actually answering questions in multiple threads (that game has a bunch of bugs as well) and keeping people up to date on what's going on, what's being addressed in what order, what to expect from DLC and why... the contrast is incredible. Why PD? Why must you run your company with worse management/relations than a lemonade stand?
Man, this is absurd! A company of this size and value can't hire a guy to come into the forum and just tell people what's going on? We really have to wait for untranslated tweets from the company president made as he rides the elevator or something for answers to our questions? And no real answers... just vague hints for the most part. I can not believe a company runs this way in this day and age.

I guess I am writing as a frustrated fan, but who found the TDU2 forum, where there are developers actually answering questions in multiple threads (that game has a bunch of bugs as well) and keeping people up to date on what's going on, what's being addressed in what order, what to expect from DLC and why... the contrast is incredible. Why PD? Why must you run your company with worse management/relations than a lemonade stand?

I remember someone bringing that up a long time ago, the reason they can't is because of legal reasons or something. Has to do with stealing ideas.
I don't likehow he seems to answer questions with "i would like to", "i hope to", "it would be nice to", "maybe in the future", and ending his answers with a question mark?
I made numerous posts of suggestions for GT5 since 2005. Everything from an overall concept to individual elements such as bot drivers having names and distinct personalities. I even categorized six or seven different aspects of racer A.I. About two-thirds of my ideas ended up in Forza 2 and 3. :P

But fortunately, many of them did indeed wind up in GT5. While nothing says the team at Polyphony didn't think of them ahead of time, just the possibility gives me a warm fuzzy in my soul.

Anyway, this update is looking promising for further improvement for the rest of the year, and perhaps for years to come. And frankly, I don't care that PD doesn't have a paid PR person to feed us drivel every day. Besides, they'd probably quit after a day or two having to deal with the fruitbats on this board...
XXURL="http://www.strictly-software/kaz_yamauchi/ja/en"]Real-time translation of Kaz's tweets.[/URLXX

We broke it.
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Adjustable gear ratios, performance points, fix for the fatal bug, new special events. This is great!!
Do we know anything else about the upcoming update?
Man, this is absurd! A company of this size and value can't hire a guy to come into the forum and just tell people what's going on? We really have to wait for untranslated tweets from the company president made as he rides the elevator or something for answers to our questions? And no real answers... just vague hints for the most part. I can not believe a company runs this way in this day and age.

I guess I am writing as a frustrated fan, but who found the TDU2 forum, where there are developers actually answering questions in multiple threads (that game has a bunch of bugs as well) and keeping people up to date on what's going on, what's being addressed in what order, what to expect from DLC and why... the contrast is incredible. Why PD? Why must you run your company with worse management/relations than a lemonade stand?


I wouldn't even expect an actual dialogue, I'd be happy with a one way stream of information from a PD spokesperson who simply keeps us up to date once in a while about what's going on. Is that really too much to ask?
And frankly, I don't care that PD doesn't have a paid PR person to feed us drivel every day. Besides, they'd probably quit after a day or two having to deal with the fruitbats on this board...

You do realize that a dedicated PR person who has to deal with the public is trained for that? Either way, I would be happy with a detailed notice posted on PD's or Sony's own website with an exact list of of bug fixes, changes and updates. Just about any software developer I can think of does this. It shouldn't even be a question.

I've said it before. I'm appreciative of Kaz's tweets. If it wasn't for this, we would know almost nothing at all. But PD as a company are 15 years behind the rest of the world when it comes to communication.
Interesting Tweet...
ごめんね。2月18日のアップデートの後は心配しなくていいです。RT @yanimasirva: 今後は安心してゲームを勧めていいのでしょうか?今までにかけた時間が突然無意味になったら立ち直れません。

Google Translate...
I'm sorry. After the update is February 18, do not worry. RT @ yanimasirva: What's the future I recommend the game in peace? 立Chi直Remasen suddenly become meaningless time spent so far.

Anyone got a better one?
Q. Will I be able to safely progress the game this time? I won't be able to recover if all the time invested so far will suddenly become meaningless. [referring to the save-breaking bug]
A. I'm sorry. After the February 18th update you won't have to worry anymore.
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