Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

  • Thread starter alba
Some of the non-tweet-quoting posts in this thread are quite interesting and have managed to remain pretty much on topic.

That said I wonder if it might be better to ask the mods to delete all non-tweet posts and keep this thread pure?
And I think you're wrong. They've been working on this game for over 5 years, including the release. Obviously they have the right to take a small vacation, right?

This quote here really boils me. Why should the whole damn organization be entitled to a holiday? What company wouldn't fulfill obligations or commitments because of vacation. They can give all the vacation leave they want. That doesn't mean the organization gets excused from doing it's job.
Again, lack of info and web translations of tweets aren't enough, and "having a break" probably doesn't even mean vacation. They must be busy with other things (Kaz traveling, and the team busy with GT Academy and the next update), so the events got left behind.

Which obviously doesn't excuse them from doing it, and generally "doing their job" right.
This quote here really boils me. Why should the whole damn organization be entitled to a holiday? What company wouldn't fulfill obligations or commitments because of vacation. They can give all the vacation leave they want. That doesn't mean the organization gets excused from doing it's job.

Do you have a job? Does it involve studying code and 3D modelling all day?
Ok, that's enough bickering for now. Please stay on topic or we will indeed lock this thread.

Just curious, but is it possible to simply delete the bickering without closing the thread? The thread is very useful. It seems a shame to close it down because it strays OT...

In a multi-million $ company nothing gets released until it is tested tested and retested until perfection. Seasonal events are intricate and challenging if you don't go max your car out. It probably requires a whole team to create them. Seems like GT5 isn't perfect but the same glitches we hate probably were withheld because they aren't ready.
In a multi-million $ company nothing gets released until it is tested tested and retested until perfection. Seasonal events are intricate and challenging if you don't go max your car out. It probably requires a whole team to create them. Seems like GT5 isn't perfect but the same glitches we hate probably were withheld because they aren't ready.

Really? then how do you explain GT5? I work with programmers all day and i understand the concept of testing/perfection etc. When we deliver something that is not to the client's standard, we go back to programming. Even when the client isnt happy with their own initial requests, we go back to programming. Until they are satisfied, we dont take "a little break". Now we are much smaller than PD and in a different and surely more simple field but that is our philosophy. Sony and PD can surely afford a team to keep us, their clients/fans happy with constant upgrades/new events etc. Hell, most people said here they would pay for DLC, even if they are just std cars becoming premiums..which should have been in the initial release.
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Really? then how do you explain GT5?

It's a partially completed game. The part that works, that is important, is when you press the gas and make it around the multiple completed tracks in 1,000 completed cars with thousands of possible completed tuneable settings. The parts that don't work aren't released for reasons only known to a group of game developers in Japan. If you don't get it, then noone can help you, not even a Kaz tweet.

I'm not responding further, they are right, too much bs here. If you want to know more info regarding business go to college, work hard, and get a challenging job, work hard, where the market demands your time, everyone thinks solutions are just a click of a button away and eventually you take a break or else you go mentally stale and you begin to do stupid things.
It's a partially completed game. The part that works, that is important, is when you press the gas and make it around the multiple completed tracks in 1,000 completed cars with thousands of possible completed tuneable settings. The parts that don't work aren't released for reasons only known to a group of game developers in Japan. If you don't get it, then noone can help you, not even a Kaz tweet.

I'm not responding further, they are right, too much bs here. If you want to know more info regarding business go to college, work hard, and get a challenging job, work hard, where the market demands your time, everyone thinks solutions are just a click of a button away and eventually you take a break or else you go mentally stale and you begin to do stupid things.

I already have a challenging job and i know solutions arent a click away unfortunately. But tweets are and tweeting about taking a break just sounds stupid when you have an unfinished product after 6 years of god knows what.
As i said somewhere else, the game has the basis to be amazing. The driving is still top notch and the premium cars are mindblowing. I just have a hard time believing they can not hire people to finish this game if they really need to take a break. This game will be highly profitable between prologue and GT5, thats +/- 10M copies sold at $50 a pop. Even if they dont want to invest, they could release a 2.0 version with a lot of fixes for $10 and most people would get it and would be happy and remain GT fans. As of now, i am a disappointed fan. If i were a teenager with limited means, i would be pissed and woud think twice before buying the next GT and a PS4.

I would love to see how much $ Turn 10 made from their DLC...
It's a partially completed game. The part that works, that is important, is when you press the gas and make it around the multiple completed tracks in 1,000 completed cars with thousands of possible completed tuneable settings. The parts that don't work aren't released for reasons only known to a group of game developers in Japan. If you don't get it, then noone can help you, not even a Kaz tweet.
Yeah, but how are seasonal events connected to that?

I'm not responding further, they are right, too much bs here. If you want to know more info regarding business go to college, work hard, and get a challenging job, work hard, where the market demands your time, everyone thinks solutions are just a click of a button away and eventually you take a break or else you go mentally stale and you begin to do stupid things.
I completely understand that after such a lengthy and demanding task, people will need a vacation. No problem there.

What I don't understand is why PD put out the statement that seasonal events will be updated on a weekly basis from now on and then come to the conclusion that they need to take a break. Why didn't they just say that seasonals will be updated weekly, but will take a break through February? I mean they did step forward to explicitly put out a statement just to contradict it a moment later.

I also understand that the seasonal events take some time to be prepared so that they work as intended. Nonetheless, it must be possible to prepare a range of events, then go on vacation and have someone else release them on schedule.
It boggles my mind why Kaz never bothered to learn English. The communication would be alot smoother. Someone send this man Rosetta Stone!
It boggles my mind why Kaz never bothered to learn English. The communication would be alot smoother. Someone send this man Rosetta Stone!

He knows english fairly well but he doesn't like to use it if he can help it. (He has been see speaking english)
What's with my Mr. Know it all ?

So, if it's advertised on TV or on the BOX itself that it has certain things in it, shouldn't they be in it to begin with ? It actually says "leaderboards" on the back of the case. Those were actually added after, so it doesn't count. (time trials only)

Remember the guy on TV that said something like, "realistic damage", well I say make it work ? Where is the damage ? And a thousand cars ? nope. How about "massive online community" ? Don't think so.

And how bout those:

0:51 damage detection (when ? in the 2013 update ?)
1:06 dynamic race conditions (dynamic ? oh really...)
1:11 course maker (not in my game)
1:18 share courses online (can you ? tell me how then, oh, 2012 update ?)
1:32 online community (I don't consider playing online being part of a community, I call that "playing online", that's it).
1:41 gift and share (we can gift, but can you share ? oh, probably another update in 2014 for sharing).
1:51 a revolution in racing ? (what revolution ? the only revolution is the rpm of the engine, because it doesn't revolutionize anything).
and to finish things up, at 2:06, it says that the PS3 only does everything, really ? well mine doesn't play PS2 games, so much for doing EVERYTHING.

And how about 3D ? Who plays in 3D ? 0,000001% of the GT players ?

You spent abit of time to do this and...didn't prove anything. All this show's me is someone nitpicking at features that are there. Just not done perfectly like you and alot of other people expect..

I didn't get my hopes up and get caught in the commercials hype like you did. Being a reader of this forum for a LONG time helped me be realistic on what to expect from GT5.

At then end of the day the game is about DRIVING. Not how bad you can smash your car up. Not how you want to feel like part of a community, so on and so forth.

I'm just thankful we have the ability to get updates now. Atleast it's possible to get new features and fix things. It's like having a nagging girlfriend but still putting up with her. Obviously somethings good about it. If your not pleased quit playing the game. End of story.

Oh yeah, course maker is at the main menu :dunce:
Hey... I blame the "delay" on seasonals on the cheaters that were cutting across the grass in GT academy.

They had to address that (change the course, twice) and there was just no time for the rest.


And you can share courses. And cars.
You spent abit of time to do this and...didn't prove anything. All this show's me is someone nitpicking at features that are there. Just not done perfectly like you and alot of other people expect..

I didn't get my hopes up and get caught in the commercials hype like you did. Being a reader of this forum for a LONG time helped me be realistic on what to expect from GT5.

At then end of the day the game is about DRIVING. Not how bad you can smash your car up. Not how you want to feel like part of a community, so on and so forth.

I'm just thankful we have the ability to get updates now. Atleast it's possible to get new features and fix things. It's like having a nagging girlfriend but still putting up with her. Obviously somethings good about it. If your not pleased quit playing the game. End of story.

Oh yeah, course maker is at the main menu :dunce:

Calm down man - I think he played FM3 instead of GT5...
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I thought this thread was about Kaz Tweets, not "Hey Guys! I hate GT5, and have nothing better to do but rant on and on and complain about how this game could be better instead of enjoying it" thread...

From what i've seen, 82 pages are full of complaints and mod warnings while the remaining 4 pages (as of this post) are actual Kaz tweets/translations.

Anyways, i hope PD releases Seasonal 7 and/or GT5 1.06 (or whatever update number the next update's given) soon, i'm getting bored of grinding. :lol:
I thought this thread was about Kaz Tweets, not "Hey Guys! I hate GT5, and have nothing better to do but rant on and on and complain about how this game could be better instead of enjoying it" thread...

From what i've seen, 82 pages are full of complaints and mod warnings while the remaining 4 pages (as of this post) are actual Kaz tweets/translations.

Anyways, i hope PD releases Seasonal 7 and/or GT5 1.06 (or whatever update number the next update's given) soon, i'm getting bored of grinding. :lol:

I just hate all the complaining and nitpicking. But yes, i hope Seasonal event 7 is up soon. I need that cash and XP 👍
I check this site every day from monday to friday hoping theres news on the next update , because I cant wait to see if they add something new.
Hey... I blame the "delay" on seasonals on the cheaters that were cutting across the grass in GT academy.

They had to address that (change the course, twice) and there was just no time for the rest.


And you can share courses. And cars.

I had the same thoughts. Blame the GTA CHEATERS!!!!!!
Slow down bro, its just a game for good sake

"Just a game". Well, depends on how you look at it and how much you are invested financially.

I know from RC racing, I had a whole more fun when i started buying high end stock motors, high output battery packs, high speed micro servos, assorted tires and,different spring oil combos. Of course going from a Tamiya Grasshopper to a Frog to a Schumacher Cat finally to a Team Losi JRX2 added to the fun.

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