Dai - Yesterday you had a chance to drive my competition drift car. I believe it was your first time trying to drift. We only covered the basics, but what did you think about the experience?
Kaz - Yes, there were no visual targets on the lot so I couldn't give my driving the proper feedback, because it was hard to judge if I was oversteering into the circle or understeering. But overall I was very impressed with the way the car was set up to continue drifting. Like how the way the clutch suddenly catches and how excellent the throttle response was. These things are all done to compete in drifting. The setting was great. The steering is quick and I was just impressed how well a professional drift car was made.
Dai - I'm impressed you were able to feel all of that in just that short time. You understand how a car acts when you do certain things so I was blown away at how fast you picked it up.
Kaz - Thanks, but I've been thinking about car movements for over 20 years now.
Dai - You have the theory all in your head already. So you're here in Las Vegas for the GT Awards at SEMA? What's the goal of GT Awards?
Kaz - In Japan everything changes rapidly. There aren't many things that don't change in Japan. But at SEMA I saw the unwavering side of American car culture that was being preserved. At the same time there is a fast changing American car culture, too. That's when I realised how awesome it would be to choose one of these gems. To select the coolest car from Gran Turismo's perspective.
Dai - I had a chance to see the GT Academy national finals at Comic-Con in San Diego. Can you talk about that project?
Kaz - Actually GT Academy was something I've wanted to do since I started Gran Turismo. How great would it be to make a real driving simulator that could turn you into a professional racecar driver? I knew that would happen some day. It would only be a matter of time. The timing was perfect four years ago. We decided to team up with Nissan Europe to start it. I said to myself, "the time has finally come!" I had no doubt that the winner would be able to succeed as a real racecar driver. I was absolutely confident that our first winner Lucas would go on and be successful.
Dai - Recently Lucas Ordoñez finished Petit Le Mans in the DeltaWing. I'm sure you're proud of Lucas' success.
Kaz - He got on the podium at Le Mans, too.
Dai - But you knew from the beginning that he would succeed.
Kaz - These are young people who started playing Gran Turismo and we changed their lives. They were gamers still in school and suddenly they are thrown into this glamourous profession. Right after they win, they are still kids, but when I meet them after a year, they've all grown up to be real racecar drivers.
Dai - But that's a positive change. I think you're providing them a great once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Almost like a saviour.
Kaz - But who knows how long they can continue? So I sort of take it as each GT Academy winner is essentially another new Polyphony Digital employee. I feel responsible for these kids. If something really happens, I need to take care of them.
Dai - You've raced in races such as the 24 hours of Nürburgring. Will you continue to compete this year, too?
Kaz - That just came together by coincidence. I was invited and just couldn't refuse because it was Nürburgring. I was intrigued by it all and had a great time racing. Racing was only in my imagination until that point, and this experience made it a reality. It was great for the game in that sense.
Dai - As you know, I'm a drifter. Do you have advice for me to branch out to different disciplines of motorsports?
Kaz - Simply I think that someone that has perfected drifting has unquestionable machine control abilities. The only difference is whether keeping the car sideways or making it go forward. It's all about controlling the car. I think you'll be successful in any category. It's all up to what you want to do. How about Pikes Peak?
Dai - I've been thinking about that. I really can't say it out loud, but I used to be a touge racer. Pikes Peak is the ultimate touge.
Kaz - Nürburgring is good, too.
Dai - I would love to go! Thanks for your time, enjoy the rest of SEMA.