Killzone 2 GTPlanet Clan

  • Thread starter Hereward
Cool am going on now then GTPlanet it is! If anyone wants to join please do.

Game set up:

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Cool am going on now then GTPlanet it is! If anyone wants to join please do.

Game set up:


As soon as my brother finishes to play his turn on K2 I'll join up
passwords are either higher of lower case not mixed so for future referance password will be lower case, so thats "gtplanet"
To everyone who asked to join the clan you have all been invited. Still waiting on quite a few to accept then maybe we can organise a time for games or something.

I quit out as I think I was lagging the game
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Dudes, those matches were long! After three matches I had to leave, it was getting kind of boring and my eyes were starting to hurt. Plus, hunger was kicking in. It was good playing with you guys.
Jambo I was shooting you and you were dead but your character was staying standing LOL at one point I'd emptyed my cip into and was smacking you in the head with my rifle and your guy was just standing there taking it LOL
Right onto more serious stuff, the guys who turned up tonight did a really good job up against some of the UKOG clan members I invited (well keep it racing themed LOL) they were sporting a flying drone and a sodding sniper but through coms and team work we had them beat just about, the last 2 matches decended into a little bit of chaos as a few randoms turned up and went of on rambo which point it started going down hill, the last match we won simply through the fact we had 2 more members than the other team. I'll have a word with the UKOG guys and set up a clan shoot in the near future with some restrictions to even it up a bit.
One thing though coms and team play! when it was being used it was fantastic when it wasn't things fell apart quickly. The point of a clan is so we can play as a team, if that means sitting for a few mins defending a point and not getting to fire a shot then thats what you got to do it's not about getting more points than everyone else it's about your team beating the other team and everyone having a good time doing it. If you want to be chargeing in all the time then you go on the asault team it ain't a problem but if your defending don't go running off an a lone wolf mission whilst the rest of the team are shouting at you to come back LOL

Right what worked and what didn't well defensive matches worked really well with a team at the defence location and a suport team backing them up from a nearby location, again the coms worked well calling out enemy positions.
bodycount matches also went well when we pulled the team back to a good defensive positon with open ground around it and just let the enemy throw themselves into the killing ground, location for this is key though as just 1 sniper can rip apart a poor defensive position.
Assasination........if your the target get your arse hidden so the squad can defend you, forget shooting the enemy they know adsactly where you are and there all looking in your direction! defensive position.....hide!
for the attacking missions working in groups and flanking made the most impact but it's really down to the maps on this one.

Once we get some snipers we can get sniper counter teams going as without them we really need to use daft amounts of cover which against the UKOG guys really had us restricted but again some really good scraps tonight and thanks to all the guys who showed up. It was the first time most of us had played as a team and it was good how it prety much went to plan.
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I was invincible, but then I died.

Worked against me also, there were many times I had shot people only to be killed then have them die about 5 seconds after i had actually shot them :S
A lot of people were going "rambo" on the other team. Easy kills. :D

But, one thing that bugged me really bad was that in the map Corinth Crossing on a "Body Count" mission most of you guys were camping at our spawn point. What was up with that. I felt like I was the only one doing the work right there.
On that map we basicly tried to stay in the spawn point and let the enemy come to us, we had a good defensive position.....well we thought we had till the sniper got round the back...... but at the point we went in we were ahead we were giving the plan out on coms to stay in the spawn area but you and F1 didn't hear I guess? We'd used the same location earlier when defending the saboutage mission and just creamed them coming in to plant the C4....they hadn't spoted the back way in at that point LOL
Yeah, but the thing was that they were camping too. There was the sniper and the two other assault-gunners on the bridge, camping.
Thats what we thought, at the time though we were actualy in the lead so they would eventualy have to come to us........I had beans and coffe on and Scaff had his guitar out round the fire and everything, we were quite happy waiting for them LOL
Still (of the matches I played in) we won 2 out of 3, which for a first time out is pretty good going.

I just love that big open desert map, the scale of it is huge and we played well as a team on that one.

Just have to say that the comms works so much better on KZ2 than any COD game. Most voice chat on COD is a garbled mess, but with KZ2 it was clear and easy to understand and that made a big difference when working as a team.


Yeah loved the desert map, easy to learn so most of us knew where we were and comments like "2 enemy at the back wall" actualy ment something LOL we were prety much at a disadvantage on that map due to the UKOG sniper but using cover and keeping to the high ground ment they had to come to us at which point we creamed them.
Hereward, When i get the chance to play online more, i would like to be the strategic SNIPER

@To all killzone 2 gtplanet clan members, i created a killzone 2 social group so fell free to join.
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Not a problem you may find it will take you some time to rank up enough to get to sniper class to start with so going in the suport group first will give you the best sniper opertunities. I got a few 285 feet (87m) headshots with the standard ISA rifle so thats your best gun to use while you rank up.
Right quick update on clan members, we have a total of 64 places available with matches from 2v2 - 16v16 so multiple clan events are possible. heres who we have so far.

Jambo GT
Rabia EX
Grim reaper
The following have invites but haven't accepted them yet
ceiling fan

Loads of room left guys the more there is the more matches we can run!
hey energiya

I'd really like to join the clan soon but iv got to put alot more time into the single player and online until im a bit more familiar with the controls and feel. What i want to ask you is being from Adelaide like me do you suffer lag playing with people from other continents like you do in cod?

The only FPS's Ive played until this are cod and im struggling like a fair few ppl atm with how the aim doesnt move much when u tap it but moves alot if u hold it a little longer. Maybe in a week or so i might be ready to pull my weight with you guys
Hey Scaff it may have been my connection but your mic seemed very sensitive, every time someone spoke last night it was replayed through your mic if you know what I mean.

Again this may have just been me Hereward can confirm or deny, if it was you may need to turn the setting down in accessory settings.

Squasher, we are all new at the game, it doesn't matter much about your skill level either, I am certainly not great!
dyer you old dog, cheers for putting up with us lot last night, only noticed at the end of the last game you were 2 guys down, Was it you or Eric with the sniper? may his bolt go rusty and cloak get lice LOL really had us scrableing around for cover. Are the UKOG guys up for some "friendly clan matches?
hey energiya

I'd really like to join the clan soon but iv got to put alot more time into the single player and online until im a bit more familiar with the controls and feel. What i want to ask you is being from Adelaide like me do you suffer lag playing with people from other continents like you do in cod?

The only FPS's Ive played until this are cod and im struggling like a fair few ppl atm with how the aim doesnt move much when u tap it but moves alot if u hold it a little longer. Maybe in a week or so i might be ready to pull my weight with you guys

The only time i've seen lag playing people from other countries is when i am playing ferrari challenge, but i dont know about killzone 2 yet due that i have not play it online but will be soon.

As for cod i'v seen same lag, but i havent played it for a long time.

Hereward, Are clan members going to be put into certan classes like snipers ect. I dont know what classes there are in killzone 2.
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Not seen any lag on KZ2 apart from Jambos's conection which resulted in him being dead but still standing up......saying that his 33k modem is a little under powered at the moment!!!!
What I would say to EVERYONE is if you fancy joining even if it's just to join in on practice nights with some of the GTP guys then stick your name down, join the Killzone 2 group and just join in when your free, we have 64 spaces available so were not short of space, we can easily remove you if you want to leave.
LOL, I just want to make it clear that I actually have a 100mbps connection.

Unfortunately it is shared betwen a full block of flats :(

My connection is dependant on how many people are using the network at a time.
Good game last night guys very much enjoyed it and i will see you lot again online very soon.
You shot me to death (a lot) and it was great fun.

Hey Scaff it may have been my connection but your mic seemed very sensitive, every time someone spoke last night it was replayed through your mic if you know what I mean.

Again this may have just been me Hereward can confirm or deny, if it was you may need to turn the setting down in accessory settings.

Squasher, we are all new at the game, it doesn't matter much about your skill level either, I am certainly not great!
It may be down to me, I tend to not want to turn the home cinema down when I am playing and it may have been picking other sounds up and causing the problem.

I will check the mic volume level later on today.

Can also confirm that I had the same issue with you refusing to be 'properly' dead, do the descent thing and lie down when someone kills you LOL.



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