KY Confirms GT6 In Development Already

  • Thread starter Robin
Guys, I'm pretty confident the PS4 won't be as expensive as the PS3 at upwards of $600. The PS3 as already mentioned by some, introduced a whole new technology (blu-ray), and cell structure. This blu-ray technology was so expensive, first model blu-ray players were upwards of $1,000 or more. It made the PS3 at $600, a steal really. However, now blu-ray players can be found for as cheap as $60. If the PS4 sticks to the blu-ray, perhaps upgrading to more layers and data, and similar cell technology, it shouldn't cost as much as we think. My guess is at least $400.

You have to expect Sony is working on something to be considered a new technology (obviously nothing brand new, but something they have taken and built upon). It's clear a general system power increase is the basis, but what else can they do as far as making it unique and make it another multi-purpose machine. Sony will probably opt for the more advanced system (vs. a cheaper spec system, which Microsoft may shoot for), but I wouldn't expect the system to be anything less than $499 at release, most likely $599 for the first year at least. Remember it has to be good enough to be future proof for at least another 6-7 years (that's 2020). So it's gotta be a relatively significant hardware update, which won't come cheap.
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Everything up from 450 euros is expensive. And I really don't want to paid again 600 euros for PS4. If that will be price again I will wait with buying new console until price drops below 450 euros.
Maybe this time it would be Miatas expirience :P A just hope that we wont wait another 4-5 year's for GT6 :ill:

The good news is, you won't have to wait that long, since it will most assuredly release on PS3.

The bad news is, that significantly increases the chance that it will be a mediocre, not great, game.
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Everything up from 450 euros is expensive. And I really don't want to paid again 600 euros for PS4. If that will be price again I will wait with buying new console until price drops below 450 euros.

Next gen consoles will start under 350. Pacman and I at least think so. (sony failure at launch with expensive consoles, parts are now cheap, game distribution moving to internet)
Please Sony dont turn it into another Nissan experience. More American and European cars and no more standards, all cars should have cockpit view and also live editor.
I have plenty of cars that aren't Nissans. ;)

Admittedly, most of mine are Japanese, but keep in mind that in the Premium car lists, the balance is tilted a bit more towards American and European cars this time.

You have to expect Sony is working on something to be considered a new technology (obviously nothing brand new, but something they have taken and built upon). It's clear a general system power increase is the basis, but what else can they do as far as making it unique and make it another multi-purpose machine. Sony will probably opt for the more advanced system (vs. a cheaper spec system, which Microsoft may shoot for), but I wouldn't expect the system to be anything less than $499 at release, most likely $599 for the first year at least. Remember it has to be good enough to be future proof for at least another 6-7 years (that's 2020). So it's gotta be a relatively significant hardware update, which won't come cheap.
You guys expecting an expensive super system are forgetting a few things.

Without a doubt, the form games are going to be delivered on is an optical format. It's cheap and easy to manufacture Blu-ray discs now, and the capacity is immense. The drives are cheap and fast. And SONY isn't going to want to ignore as much as 40% of the world market which doesn't have broadband internet, or the ability to download massive games. On top of that, even with hard drives in the terrabyte range, you can only store so many games and movies, while you can have a huge library of DVDs and Blu-rays.

The drives will most likely be terrabyte hard drives, with possible speeds of 10Krpm, and once again, off the shelf user upgradeable. In 2013, a 4TB drive will probably cost SONY $25 or so.

PS4 won't need 16GB of ram, or an nVidia 800 family GPU. Even if it has one, the GPU won't need to be super powerful. The reason that you need around $800-3000 when you build the latest gaming PC is because to start with, Windoze is a memory and resource hog. And because monitor resolution is getting a bit crazy with the pixel depth. Even in a world with anti-aliasing, a bunch of gamers have become deranged in how much resolution they're demanding at extreme framerates, and any time they see a pixel or a frame hiccup, they throw tantrums on chat boards. Geh. :P

HDTV resolution is most likely going to remain at or close to 1080p, and 120hz max though most likely 60hz, for the foreseeable future. Experiments with ultra-resolution TV is a mixed bag, with amazing clarity and a near-real image, but also one that causes motion sickness and epileptic-like reactions in many people. Until these issues get worked out satisfactorily, TVs will only have faster framerates, most likely 120hz. A GPU from the nVidia 400 or 500 family should be able to handle this easily, though developers will probably want something in the latest geneaology for the most effective rendering and best effects. But even then, a trimmed down 700 or 800 series GPU will probably only be $50. Assisted with SPE-like co-processors, it will have incredible muscle.

A CPU of whatever family, Cell, Intel or whatever, will most likely just be in the 3.5ghz range, if that, be multicore and perhaps in a dual CPU arrangement, though with a constellation of SPEs tailored for specific tasks, a second multicore CPU may not be necessary. This technology is mature already, and though a custom ASIC CPU and SPEs will still be more expensive to start, perhaps $75-100 per unit, the price will drop dramatically as manufacture gets up to speed, and bad chips become rarer. This new architecture will be tailor-made to chew through the processing of physics, A.I. and laying out of massive playfields, and won't need the latest in nanotechnology to do it.

Because this system won't be made for Windoze or the PC pixel bigots who want ridiculous resolutions running at better than 200hz, the amount of ram won't be astronomical, but around 4-7 gigabytes, 3 or 4GB of system ram and 2-3GB for graphics. Even very fast ram shouldn't cost much to solder into the motherboard.

Connectivity will be basic off the shelf stuff this time. HDMI is mature, as are whatever wireless tech the PS4 will be equipped with, as well as wired for those of us who like fewer microwaves or better connection to the internet. And none of the internal components will be saddled with a PC motherboard with the potential bottlenecks of a PCIe buss structure, made for ease of installation but hampered somewhat in performance.

Because of this, the PS4 isn't going to have to essentially be a $2000 gaming PC in a little black or beige box (I'm betting black again), with the equivalent of a $300 graphics card and a 5ghz multicore CPU cluster fed by dozens of gigabytes of ram. I suspect that PS4 will be $349 to $399 and be in one basic form as the PS1 and 2 were to amortize costs better with one SKU to sell and ease production. Just peek at my previous post mentioning the prices you can get the old tech these days, and then keep in mind how the cost will continue to drop over the next two years.

While GT6 could indeed be made for the PS3, I suspect that PS4 is just over the gaming horizon with a 2013 launch, and within a year, to have GT6 on it. This is what happened with PS2 and GT3, though in the west it took a little longer for us to get our copies. But remember how it went with GT5, and while they intended to have a worldwide release, you guys in Europe had to wait a little longer - we waited a few days, or one, if I recall. But whatever the hold up is in Europe, most likely arranging the licensing and languages for dozens of countries, you can bet that SONY Europe is going to work like mad to keep that delay from happening, or be very long.

And as I said previously, PS4 would get a huge boost from a killer app. Which game would fit that definition best? Ratchet & Clank is a big seller and quite popular, but not quite. Uncharted is too, but no. The same for Killzone. Metal Gear Solid would be on such a pedestal. But remember what was a platinum seller just on pre-orders?

GT5 Prologue.

A GT6 with 500-plus Premium level cars and 50 or more race locations impeccably modeled would sure do it. I know some of you insist that would mean 10 years of development. Not so. The Premium level cars and tracks are already the pinnacle of what we'd expect, as they're just about photo-real in detail, and models will work on any system. The same with artwork. And since developers will be involved in the design of PS4, the OS and development tools, you can bet that one developer in particular is intimately involved with the PS4, so making code for it won't be a huge obstacle.

This all depends on what SONY wants, Kaz will do, and the world holding together, but this is my judgment call on it.
Hirai should simply go over to kaz and tell him this.

'I have got the money right here. what type of machine would you like to make GT5 look like an atari game'

Such a shame Ken is not there with sony. All the crazy engineers in sony have been displaced
@ Tanacious

You can speculate on what hardware prices will be in roughly 2 years, but you're completely forgetting that this doesn't translate to what Sony development & production costs will be to put the system together and in a store near you.

If Sony are able to get the individual hardware parts mass produced for say ~$200, they have to assemble and ship it, they would have to at LEAST sell each unit at $500 to RECOVER initial costs.

Remember there are TONs of older gamers these days so the market has shifted away from being marketed as a kids toy within the price range parents can justify to shell out as a present. If GT6 were to drop on a "pricy" system launch, there's a massive chunk of older Gran Turismo fanatics that will purchase the PS4. This is something Sony knows, and I think $5-600 is a fair price if it's a solid machine.
You can speculate on what hardware prices will be in roughly 2 years, but you're completely forgetting that this doesn't translate to what Sony development & production costs will be to put the system together and in a store near you.

If Sony are able to get the individual hardware parts mass produced for say ~$200, they have to assemble and ship it, they would have to at LEAST sell each unit at $500 to RECOVER initial costs.
No, I'm forgetting nothing. The only system which has been sold for ages at a price remotely near what it costs to produce is the Nintendo Wii, which for $249 at launch actually made Nintendo a profit, because the Wii used more advanced components than the GameCube, but in the same family as those in the GameCube, except for things like the onboard storage. Did you notice this? The tech heads like me groaned at Ninty over it, but they were happy to essentially market an overclocked GameCube to the world when it took off. It was a gamble, but the world ate it up.

On the other hand, the hard drive edition of the 360 which sold for $399 at launch cost MS somewhere in the neighborhood of $550-plus, a normal loss ratio, while the 60gig PS3 cost SONY as much as $850, while only selling for $599. Unfortunately, it cost SONY so much to develop the PS3 that they had to sell at a loss that wouldn't kill them, and they were counting on enough people buying the thing at $600 to at least get a foothold in the market while production costs went down gradually, which they did. SONY took the real gamble.

Neither the XBox3 or PS4 need to be the equivalent of $2000 gaming machines, as I outlined above. Both will most likely sell at around $349-399 while costing $600 or less to manufacture in the first few months - around 150% of retail price has become the norm since the PS1 and Saturn days. At least for the real units with power and capacity, as MS may cheap out again and sell a gimped XBox3 without a drive for much less. Or MS could pull a Nintendo and essentially make an overclocked 360 with more ram for $299. We'll have to see though, because making Playstation a long lived system has played out well for SONY, and MS might try to see if they can follow something of that game plan with XBox, rather than throwing 360 in the dumpster as they did the original Box.
This all depends on what SONY wants, Kaz will do, and the world holding together, but this is my judgment call on it.

I wouldn't count on the world holding together TD. It's a mess right now, and I believe... well, I'll save it for another time.:)
I don't think so at all Tenacious, again you have to consider that the next gen consoles have to be built to withstand the next 6 years into the future, and frankly, these are different times in terms of consoles being more than just a gaming platform. Look for Sony to implement more multi-purpose features to it so it really becomes a universal media hub like a PC. This will give more people a reason to buy the PS4, like PS3 with it's Blu Ray and 3D attracting non-gamers as well.

An oppertunity to create something amazing with a clear improvement has been proven well in tech world in last few year (ipad, iphone sold at crazy prices). I'm looking forward to seeing how far Microsoft and Sony go for their individual ideas, because if 1 of them turns out to be the weaker machine, it could spell bankruptcy for them. I'm sure Sony and Microsoft are weary of each other, trying both not to be the looser, so naturally you should see high end consoles with correlating price tags. I bet the Wii U will be priced around $300-350, which we all expect to be at a much lower performance level.

Both companies have big business decisions to make and new consoles have historically been a gamble, but most of the time it's better to do more than less if you want to succeed in business. But as maxpontiac says the world is a mess and we have no clear view if there will be some serious troubles with how our economy works within 2 years, so we shall see.
occasionalracer, M$ has the power and money to advertise like crazy, so it wouldn't matter to them if they had the weaker console, nor did they take much gamble as Sony did with the PS3. It's already pretty apparent that the PS3 right now is the more powerful system in its cpu, with a superior disc-drive, yet the 360 is holding its own. This is perhaps why Sony is strictly, not wanting to release the PS4 late again next gen, and why MS is in need of an upgrade as the Wii. So really, it's a matter of timing more than power, unless it's a significant difference in graphical capabilities, which I doubt. If the PS4 does manage to release around the same time frame as the next Xbox, it would have to be priced competitively.

Like TD has noted, I'll agree with you guys that Sony will take the much bigger risk in technology jump, which is why I said AT LEAST 400 dollars. I'm not saying that it will be 400 dollars, but it's a possibility IF all they're doing is increasing RAM power, blu-ray opticals, and a slight cpu change. I'd consider this playing it safe, which might not be a bad idea considering they still have the Blu-Ray advantage and M$ will likely go the safer route as they did with the 360. But yes, knowing Sony, they're rather big risk takers. What's important to Sony right now is really just if they get the system out in time with their competition, especially with Sony on the weaker side with advertisements. I'm just not sure if they're going to be as groundbreaking as the launch of the PS3 after the PS2.

If GT6 does release for the PS4, I hope it isn't on the console's launch. Not only does it not need to, I'm not sure how many "casual" (not us hardcore fans that understands the game for what it is) are willing to jump for it that soon after the reception GT5 received from critics. I don't know why you think $500-$600 is easy for people but I personally don't think it's that accessible to a lot of people, including myself even if I am a hardcore fan. Then again, if they do release it a year or so later (with possible price drop), that doesn't really correlate with Kaz saying that we won't have to be waiting that much longer for GT6 as we did with GT5. Then again (second time lol), PD might change their plans again midway in development.
I wouldn't count on the world holding together TD. It's a mess right now, and I believe... well, I'll save it for another time. :)
This is precisely why I made my sig what it is. I just hope we have enough sense in America to elect a sensible president, because the problems this world is going to face after 2012 are going to be dreadful.

I don't think so at all Tenacious, again you have to consider that the next gen consoles have to be built to withstand the next 6 years into the future, and frankly, these are different times in terms of consoles being more than just a gaming platform. Look for Sony to implement more multi-purpose features to it so it really becomes a universal media hub like a PC. This will give more people a reason to buy the PS4, like PS3 with it's Blu Ray and 3D attracting non-gamers as well.
Yes, but what do you think is going to be so outrageously expensive this time?

Neither XBox3 or PS4 is going to need a new optical format. Blu-ray drives are cheap now, and will likely prove to be more than large enough for both gaming and movie purposes, because Ultra-HD or whatever they're calling it isn't likely to appear for a good number of years, if it even does. Besides, the team necessary to generate so much content that it needs more than 200GB would have to be as big as a movie studio, or larger, and that's just not happening. I sincerely doubt Gran Turismo will ever let you hop into your street car when the race is over and drive from Motegi to Tokyo. ;)

Because of this, neither unit will need more than a base GPU of the latest nVidia family - or whatever, but it seems like SONY and nVidia have a partnership thing going, and who cares what MS does. The chip itself might cost $50 to make at first, but drop rapidly in unit price as production continues.

Neither will it need tons of ram. I'm one of the oddballs who can have 50 browser windows open at once when I'm hot into researching on a story or something, and my PC with less than 5GB of ram between system memory and the graphic card handles it just fine.

Neither unit will need a custom made 5ghz processor, if such a thing is even possible yet at a consumer price point.

4G connection, 5G, 6? Cellphones are doing the 4G thing now. USB3 or 4? How much would that cost?

I really can't think of what would make either system cost a bunch, unless M$ included gold coins as a pack in goody. But I expect that even if MS loaded up their system to a stupid level, they'd sell it for $399 max because they're made of money. And whatever SONY produces will most likely cost the same and be a better deal because everything will be in the box. And possibly perform much better.

Whatever PS4 is going to be though, I'll get one, because the Playstation developer family make the best games. I know this is my not-so-humble opinion, but the world seems to see things my way.

Erm... and what daus said. :D
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Microsoft may be sitting on a healthy stack of funds to use for advertising, but if you think about it, how many people are gonna run out and buy a console because they saw their ad somewhere... not many, I think people will have the common sense to go online and check reviews and so on. Sony actually has a much broader advertising appearance throughout the world.

Also, say the Xbox drops a half year earlier than PS4, do you really think buyers will flood stores immediately? I don't, I think the vast majority of people will wait for Sony's release to see what they bring to the table, and then people make their educated purchase. And this is why I'm saying that if Microsoft pull the "earlier, cheaper but weaker" console, there will be a dark cloud hovering over their headquarters in the long run, because EVERYONE will want the better system... not necessarily at launch, but in the years to come. This is about future-proofing up to about 2020!

Of course there won't be anything as groundbreaking as the leap to HD we saw in this console generation, but that had less to do with gaming, more with HD technologies being mass produced for home-entertainment. This time around it's up to the developers to do something special in terms of bringing a new wow effect to the gaming world.

For instance, I read a rumor somewhere Sony might be working on a super widescreen curved 3D monitor, essentially replacing triple monitors, putting gamers into the game on whole nother level (wouldn't that be sick for GT?). I'm assuming the PS4 GPU would have to be specifically designed to output this type of resolution. This could be pricy in terms of initial development costs. Sony has a lot display technology know-how and also have a wider variety of other resources/partnerships to put into a video game system than Microsoft does. Things like this is what's going to set one apart from another. It's not all about raw hardware specs, but more so taking existing tech further in a unique way. And they're not going to give it away for that cheap in the beginning. Trust me, people out there will buy a new console for $6-700 without feeling ripped off, it's simply how it works with any new quality product in the world.

I think Microsoft is a bit more nervous than Sony, and I wouldn't be surprised if they are very cautious about releasing too early. I don't think the console market will do well at 3 price categories, the weaker one will end up the looser next gen, obviously Nintendo playing in a different ballgame doesn't have direct threat, so it's all or nothing for Sony and Microsoft.

All speculation of course :dopey:
Things like (a new 3D monitor) is what's going to set one apart from another. It's not all about raw hardware specs, but more so taking existing tech further in a unique way. And they're not going to give it away for that cheap in the beginning. Trust me, people out there will buy a new console for $6-700 without feeling ripped off, it's simply how it works with any new quality product in the world.
Good points, but you're lumping two different things together with it.

We're in agreement that it's not about raw extreme hardware specs. But look how it plays out with PS3. It wasn't made from the start with special 3D capability. RSX isn't endowed with specific instruction sets to enable 3D imaging. It's basically an nVidia 7850 GPU custom made for the PS3 to work well with Cell's SPEs and the motherboard. It's way behind the old 9900 series, and antiquated compared to the 400 series, essentially a 40,000 on the old scale, to give you an indication of how far nVidia has taken their imaging technology.

So even though RSX is basically a fossil compared to today's technology, it can still run GT5 to an amazing level, and in 3D at 30hz - or less, unfortunately. Now if PS3 could be upgraded to a 400 series GPU with at least a gigabyte of fast ram dedicated to it, GT5 would be issue free graphically, and perhaps run in 3D at 120hz if the TVs would support it. Today, a basic 400 series GPU chip might cost $30, if that, and the ram might be another $30 or less.

As I posted previously, any GPU nVidia and SONY settle on for PS4 is going to be more than powerful enough, while only costing $50 or so at the start. Assisted by SPE processing, the GPU should be more than powerful enough to render a massive 3D playfield in 1080p@60hz, or faster. So the system can be rather basic compared to a bleeding edge gaming PC in 2013, and still just cost $400 or so.

Now, the display technology is another matter. PS3 doesn't cost more, the 3DTVs and glasses do. I've read about those things too, but those are completely separate issues from PS4. 3D headsets and proprietary TVs will have their own price tag, whatever it is, but that won't have anything to do with the cost of PS4. You can still enjoy your incredible gaming experience on your existing HDTV while you save up for the 3D stuff, whatever it is. Yes, I'm most likely going to get one, but later when I have the cash to blow. I'm holding out on something that doesn't require the glasses like Nintendo managed for 3DS.

Microsoft is another matter entirely. I can see them going the cheaper route as with Wii U - gah, that name. :lol: The reason being that they have a ready market with up to 10 million gamers hot for the latest Halo or GEARS! game, and the current Madden or Fifa. And if the XBox3 doesn't measure up to PS4 in prowess, the fans will tell us to STFU and go on playing their games, much as the Wii fans have, though for much shorter periods of time. However, they're sitting on tons of cash and have prestige on the line, so I'm thinking while XBox3 won't be quite as cool or powerful, it'll still be close. Whether or not they jump on the 3D bandwagon is another matter, but I'm not expecting them to make a Virtual Boy dud like Nintendo did.

Whatever SONY does, I expect everyone to be outrageously happy when PS4 launches, most likely in 2013.

On GT5, if we don't get a Spec III update, this will mean that GT6 isn't far off. If we do, then GT6 will hit in 2013-14, though my money is on 2014, within a year of PS4's launch. This will give Polyphony the time to build a good car roster, lots of tracks, loads of features including a decent damage build this time and Race Mod and custom liveries for all cars. If it lands in late 2014, I expect 500-600 cars, 50-60 locations, and all kinds of things to do. If 2013, subtract 100 cars and 10 tracks.
It was more than obvious after gt5 came out, that some sort of planning for a successor has started. I'm sure it will be so much different than what we have now. It seems to me, Kaz over thinks things, or rather, gets caught up in way too many ideas.
Features like FF/REW in replays, multple tunes on a car and transmissions you can tune all came with GT4 new. GT5, some came later, some never. And the release date was pushed over some two years time. Given that, we'll have GT6 maybe in 2019 and it will have less features than GT5 did.
I hope to hear something may be at E3, Gamescom or at the worst TGS. GT game on PS4 is long way from now. There is time for at least GT6P with good improvements :)

Obviously on PS4 we should be expecting 24-32 cars with amazing weather effects, damage and what not but it is probably at least 4yrs from now :ouch:
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With pleasure I greeted more cars on the track, but it is also affected by the class of cars that we drive, I think the stock cars, it makes no sense to give more than 20/24 cars, but the endurance contest I would like to see several classes of cars on the track, say GT1, GT2, LMP, etc.. approximately 32/36 cars on the road (after the 10/12 cars from each class). I hope to acquire a license eg Supert GT, DTM and WTTC, I would gladly also saw Porsche cars in the game. I hope also to greater adherence to mechanical damage than visual (visual must be well done, simple textures Replaces the Forza Motorsport has not satisfied me, If you can not do them at a good level, it just does not want to visual damage, good mechanical to me will suffice). I count on such things as a dirty track, past the visit outside the route, such as spills oil, radiator fluid, I would like to see the possibility of catching puncture. Maybe for longer races, such as the 10 laps we introduce a system of flags on the track, we also attempt to start the race from the starting field and qualifications. For this course, the development of what already is and what PD has done in engine for this generation, but also for the future generation, it is just beautiful thoughts so that the PD perspective and attach such attention to detail.
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With pleasure I greeted more cars on the track, but it is also affected by the class of cars that we drive, I think the stock cars, it makes no sense to give more than 20/24 cars, but the endurance contest I would like to see several classes of cars on the track, say GT1, GT2, LMP, etc.. approximately 32/36 cars on the road (after the 10/12 cars from each class). I hope to acquire a license eg Supert GT, DTM and WTTC, I would gladly also saw Porsche cars in the game. I hope also to greater adherence to mechanical damage than visual (visual must be well done, simple textures Replaces the Forza Motorsport has not satisfied me, If you can not do them at a good level, it just does not want to visual damage, good mechanical to me will suffice). I count on such things as a dirty track, past the visit outside the route, such as spills oil, radiator fluid, I would like to see the possibility of catching puncture. Maybe for longer races, such as the 10 laps we introduce a system of flags on the track, we also attempt to start the race from the starting field and qualifications. For this course, the development of what already is and what PD has done in engine for this generation, but also for the future generation, it is just beautiful thoughts so that the PD perspective and attach such attention to detail.

Like some of your ideas, but hate to say it. Porsche is only allowed in EA games, and unless PD make a joint effort for GT6, I doubt we'll ever see those cars in the game until the deal is off between EA and the German car maker.
Like some of your ideas, but hate to say it. Porsche is only allowed in EA games, and unless PD make a joint effort for GT6, I doubt we'll ever see those cars in the game until the deal is off between EA and the German car maker.

*Fires off a purely speculation flare before he speaks*

Technically, T10 managed to work a deal with EA to provide a license for Porsche cars... which has since become null and void.

Maybe it's because there's another partner who's willing to pay more/strike more deals with EA? But PD would need to want the license really badly for that to happen so who knows.

On a side note though, lets remember this is about a confirmation of GT6 development thread, not a content/feature speculation thread.
*Fires off a purely speculation flare before he speaks*

Technically, T10 managed to work a deal with EA to provide a license for Porsche cars... which has since become null and void.

Maybe it's because there's another partner who's willing to pay more/strike more deals with EA? But PD would need to want the license really badly for that to happen so who knows.

On a side note though, lets remember this is about a confirmation of GT6 development thread, not a content/feature speculation thread.

True, but we all know or most of us know why Porsche isn't in the game, and I was letting the member know, since this is also not a desire thread per say for GT6.
GT6 will be like Windows 7, where GT5 was like Vista.

Vista was a new O/S, Windows 7 is just all the bugs removed from Vista SP2.
GT6 will be like Windows 7, where GT5 was like Vista.

Vista was a new O/S, Windows 7 is just all the bugs removed from Vista SP2.

^Exactly, even Kaz himself has said this in interviews, but it's funny how nobody wants to remember this in the midst of their fanboy-rantings.
Technically, T10 managed to work a deal with EA to provide a license for Porsche cars... which has since become null and void.

Maybe it's because there's another partner who's willing to pay more/strike more deals with EA? But PD would need to want the license really badly for that to happen so who knows.

On a side note though, lets remember this is about a confirmation of GT6 development thread, not a content/feature speculation thread.
On Porsche, this is very true. Keep in mind that Porsche has also been in PC racing sims such as the GTR series, so you can't say that it won't be in GT6, though the likelyhood is slim. It depends on whether SONY has grown tired of Microsoft ripping them off, such as making off with the Top Gear license within months of their acquiring it, and wanting to return the favor. If I was the head of SONY, and I found out that MS had yanked this rug out from under me, I'd give a blank check to the negotiating team and say, "DO WHATEVER IT COSTS TO GET THAT EXCLUSIVE PORSCHE LICENSE! NAOW!!" :D

But on the matter of GT6, there's nothing wrong with doing some wishing, because otherwise, we know the team is working on GT6 now. A thread with nothing but posts saying, "Yup, they're working on GT6." What he said." "Ditto." would be kind of pointless, no? ;) We aren't going to get squat for a year or two other than a movie at the next E3 at the earliest.
It depends on whether SONY has grown tired of Microsoft ripping them off, such as making off with the Top Gear license within months of their acquiring it, and wanting to return the favor.

You mean the Top Gear licence which is by law not exclusive and is entirely PD's fault for not bothering to do anything with it when they were the only one who had it?

No one "made off" with anything.