KY Confirms GT6 In Development Already

  • Thread starter Robin

Well, while it is likely that the hardware itself will come pretty cheap, you still can't expect it to be sold for "only" (I use that word advisedly, meaning I understand it ranges from person to person) a few hundred dollars more than PS3. I doubt we'll see the price of PS3 drop below $199 after it's been overtaken, so to get the new system for "only" $399 with brand new hardware and all, just seems too good to be true.

Look at the high success of the tiny little iphone/pad at those insane prices, the actual hardware can't be more than $150-200, but to end up recovering money from the years of development the price has to be set accordingly (obviously in Apples case they were overwhelmed how fast they sold millions of units, making serious profit) This applies to every single business, and Sony isn't gonna do us gamers a favour and hand us their console for a low price, it will be "pricy" for the first year without a doubt. And again, this could be where PD steps in and gives Sony a huge helping hand by working their butts off to have a solid GT6 lined up for launch (or VERY soon after) to help sell massive amounts of PS4's at launch prices. And if PD is actually involved in helping Sony build and test the console, well hell, what more do we Gran Tursimo fiends want.

About Microsoft, to be honest, even with their Halo and Gears (guess I'll slip Forza in there as well) fanbase, they have to CLOSELY match Sony (vise-versa of course too) because they can't afford not to adopt 3D or be weak. Think about all the multi-platform games out there, that's why I said earlier that the weaker link will almost certainly take a HUGE loss and not recover and rebound for another generation. Having 2 different video game systems is the most that is needed in my opinion. Nintendo has it's place, but how long can Microsoft and Sony balance the market share before one of them takes the Sega tumble? Btw, love that Virtual Boy comment, that was an epic flop... I have fond memories of playing tennis on that thing with my cousin, for some reason I sold mine when I moved with my family... I wish I wouldn't have, it's actually become a valuable collectors item.

Back to GT6, I am confident that PD actually has much more completed content then most of us want to believe. They have always done a great job of keeping their work/plans under a tight wrap, so while some think they have sooo much to do in time for a launch date GT6, I have this funny feeling there is plenty of complete cars/tracks lingering around on SSD's at PD, which will be kept secret until the big day, at which point everybody will have to pick their jaws off the ground when the new trailers start popping up serious footage of new tracks and cars. PLEASE let me be right!
You mean the Top Gear licence which is by law not exclusive and is entirely PD's fault for not bothering to do anything with it when they were the only one who had it?
Like what? Bowling?? That was fun for a minute... no, actually it sucked, I hated it and was glad to never have to mess with it again.

I guess MS didn't steal the "Avatards" from the Wii either...

Well, while it is likely that the hardware itself will come pretty cheap, you still can't expect it to be sold for "only" (I use that word advisedly, meaning I understand it ranges from person to person) a few hundred dollars more than PS3. I doubt we'll see the price of PS3 drop below $199 after it's been overtaken, so to get the new system for "only" $399 with brand new hardware and all, just seems too good to be true.
So why did SONY do the same thing with the PS2? It was far more advanced save for the skimpy 4megs of VRam, had a brand new, expensive, dual layer DVD drive, advanced controllers with pressure sensitive buttons, USB, expandability, and sold at launch for the same price as the PS1.

The reason the PS3 was so expensive is because it was loaded up with some pricey proprietary technology. Blu-ray devices were just coming onto the market, and there was an extreme shortage of the blue-violet laser diodes they required. Have you forgotten that the Blu-ray players released at the time cost $1000 or more?

PCs were just getting going with dual-core CPUs. SONY saw that and quadrupled it with an 8-core Cell CPU.

It was equipped with USB 2.0, Wifi, gigabit networking, brand new HDMI interfacing, very fast ram for the time, internal user replaceable SATA hard drives, also new technology.

All of this technology is mature now, while also being quite cheap to manufacture. You could argue that the PS4 could once again be the host to a brand new proprietary optical format, like a Holodisc or something. But developers are going to be the determiners on whether some immense quantum jump in delivery format is necessary, especially when price is concerned. And I can assure you that none of them are going to be making content that rivals a Pixar movie in size and scope. I have no doubt that the playfields defined by games like Resistance and MAG of a mile or more in radius are going to be the norm, and the insane scope of landscapes presented by Fallout 3 will be rare. And I don't believe Fallout 3 needed a proprietary format to deliver it to gamers anyway.

So nothing tells me that PS4 is going to do more than supersize the existing technology of 2006, since neither are gaming PCs today or in the foreseeable future. PCs are always going to come with a minimum price tag because you aren't buying the individual components and manufacturing the systems for them yourself. For instance, you don't buy a GPU, you buy a graphics card. This item is manufactured on a daughter board with most likely a PCIe interface, and DVi and possibly HDMI outputs. It has its own ram, anywhere from 512megabytes to two gigabytes. It has support chipsets installed to enable it to communicate with your PC through the OS drivers, and to your monitor or HDTV through the drivers for them burned into eprom chips. All this drives the price up, because everyone in the foodchain has to make a profit to pay for bills and payroll, and the manufacturers need to keep funding R&D to stay competitive.

However, console makers only buy the GPU, and partner with the manufaturer to equip the motherboard with only those components needed to run the thing with whatever game software feeds it. This cuts the cost way down. Remember the MSI GeForce GT 430 with 1GB DDR3 at Newegg, which is $60, $40 after rebate? The GPU itself, perhaps 40 times as powerful as RSX, may cost as little as $10 for nVidia to manufacture. I forget what exactly I mused the new GPU for PS4 to cost, but it could use a GeForce 400 series GPU and be more than powerful enough to run whatever PS4 game software you feed it, displaying it in 3D on proprietary screens for many years. Still, it's likely to be a very late model GPU in order to get all the sexy graphic functions, but even then, the price per GPU chip could easily be less than $50 at start.

But you did bring up something about current products, so let's:

Look at the high success of the tiny little iphone/pad at those insane prices, the actual hardware can't be more than $150-200, but to end up recovering money from the years of development the price has to be set accordingly
While this is true, Apple doesn't care what the rest of the world does for one thing. For another, these gadgets are freaking loaded with features and technology! 9.7" diagonal Multi-touch high resolution color screen. Dual cameras and microphone. Proprietary CPUs and GPUs. Loads of ram. 3G connectivity with carriers such as AT&T and Verizon. Digital compass and optional GPS... you know, the kitchen sink kinds of things. These are tablet computers with their own displays. The price begins at $499 though, hardly an arm and a leg when the iPhones were launched beginning at $600.

Instead, let's compare with something more pertinent to consumer gaming.

PS Vita. Soon to be released in less than three months in the West. Loaded with features, has a proprietary high resolution touch display, and with a touch pad on the back of the unit. Proprietary CPU, GPU, and quite a bit of memory. Wifi and optional 3G connectivity with AT&T... you know, loaded with goodies and features. The price?

$249 US for the standard model, $299 for the 3G model. And what was the price of the PSP at launch in America? $249.

So this is my basis of proposing the price of PS4 at a much more reasonable cost of $349-399, than the crazy $1200 prices some people here insist are likely, and would do nothing but kill the thing before it even launched.

Now, about GT6 content. I really don't think that there is any secret virtual car vault or hidden track locations in Polyphony. It's only been a year, so unless Kaz found an extra hundred modelers, I think they're plunking along as best they can, though at this point, I don't think they could have modeled more than 100 cars and a few tracks, perhaps 6 or 8. And we've got some of those cars and two tracks already.

What Kaz has up his sleeve is anyone's guess, but car wise, I expect nothing but Premium level content. I'm anticipating some extra work in case of a solid, well designed damage implementation remotely like Forza's, as well as Race Mod and Liveries for all cars, but those I expect to be minor issues compared to the proper rendering of the cars. Some time can be saved by remodeling a number of Standards, and there's a remote possibility that these re-models will be sub-Premium in some ways, though I think this is highly unlikely considering the bad reaction to the two car classes in GT5. Track wise, they can port in all the track models from all the previous games and fix them up to near-Premium level, and they should be much better received by the fans and critics, and would save time to boot and give us more to race on. But I expect the focus to be on new tracks for the most part, with most of them being real world locations, or in a few cases, easily identifiable fantasy versions.

However, I'm sticking with my prediction of GT6 on PS4 with all the bells and whistles and features we've been asking for, give or take, with a few of Kaz's own dream inclusions. If it lands in late 2014, I expect 500-600 cars, 60-80 locations, and all kinds of things to do. If 2013, subtract 100 cars and 10 tracks. Updated track count to accommodate remodeled classic tracks returning.
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Let me work this out... So if they've only just started development then that means they might just be able to release it before Christmas, in 30 years time
GT5 was pretty heavily delayed, though. We won't ever know the truth, of course.

Truth of what? Why it was delayed? If so I have to agree with you 120%, cause I think GT5 had issues that they don't want the fans to know about and that is why the game was delayed.
I'd like to know how acquiring a license is MS ripping anyone off.
By that logic, SONY (why always all caps?) SONY ripped off MICROSOFT by acquiring a license for Ferrari's, right?

You'd do better to stop going out of your way with these disillusioned thoughts of MS's evil. There's plenty of fair complaints to make, you shouldn't feel a need to make them out of thin air.
Truth of what? Why it was delayed? If so I have to agree with you 120%, cause I think GT5 had issues that they don't want the fans to know about and that is why the game was delayed.

No, whether the licence agreements with GT5 had to be adjusted when Microsoft made their own arrangements for the Top Gear "licence".

These things aren't set in stone, and licensing can be a notoriously fickle and short lived thing - for example, the NASCAR Racing 2003 Season was taken off the shelves (and is now impossible to get hold of) because their licence ran out after a change in parent company. EA then bought the licence exclusively, which allowed the retrospective action of removing a (rival, in this case superior) game from the shops.

The delays were self evident. They were trying to do too much with the first PS3 version, to try to avoid the obvious gulf compared to the previous game (i.e., like what happened with GT3). Perhaps the delays meant PD consciously allowed the Top Gear content to slip, if it was even planned.

The original licence may have been bound to a certain release date; if that date wasn't met, I suspect that whoever is "giving" out the Top Gear licence decided to take advantage of another offer. So if PD were "too slow", Microsoft / Turn 10 could potentially have taken advantage of that. Think about how proud Dan was about stating they make "full use" (whatever that means) of the licence.

But, as I said, we'll probably never know for sure.
Tenacious D, do you work for Sony or are you just that big of a brand loyalist?
I don't want to get into the pissing contest here because I can go to great lengths showing the pros and cons of both competitive game franchises, but this thread is about Kaz confirming that GT6 is in development and after GT5's long development, delays, launch and numerous patches still with issues throughout people will be more critical with GT6. Neither MS nor Turn10 nor Forza series should be brought up in this thread... seems it always does though...

Folks need to realize that the issues and disparity in quality and delays in GT5 is mostly PD's fault (with a part of it being Sony's as well). I mentioned it already... PD did not manage the development of their core business properly. They didn't outsource any work nor increased resources within PD to handle not only GT5 and GTPSP but also the brunt of non-game developing work and personal hobbies they took on. You only need to look at PD's website as proof, and recall things like 4K tech (and to a degree 3D) demos that Sony pushed PD to do. Resource management is something PD needs to handle properly to make GT6 that new awesome GT game that GT5 could have been but isn't. And I seriously hope there's no Prologue nonsense coming out for GT6 and that we don't get the bulk of content being ports from last gen. The only way PD/Sony will follow suit is if fans of the series complain about this stuff (or don't buy the game) rather than defend every little nuance to the Nth degree. Defending sets precedent that it's OK to do what PD has done, something no other game developer ever has to be honest.
I still quite enjoy GT5 even with it's faults (but I also enjoy Forza series just as much).
Tenacious D, do you work for Sony or are you just that big of a brand loyalist?
Guilty as charged. ;)

Actually I wish they paid me, I hate working for a certain president. However, a few Microsoft employees have been caught passing themselves off as unbiased posters bashing Gran Turismo at boards like Neo Gaf, and most everyone is aware of the antics of MS Community Manager Che Chu...

And by the way, as you bring up complaining to affect change, I think it's perfectly fine to complain about a monopoly which is trying to gobble up much as of our world as they can. Such as the movie world, email services, search engines... sorry, but I don't see this as a good thing, and I have as much right to bring these issues up as you guys do to defend every little nuance with Microsoft to the Nth degree.

Anyway, I see no reason for there to be Standard cars in GT6. GT5 is already so good that you can go back and enjoy these cars anytime you wish. Meanwhile, GT6 will have on hand 500 or so cars of pristine quality, perhaps built to support damage of the quality of a certain other game. ;)

Tracks are another matter. As I posted in another thread, updating the classic tracks to high quality, similar to the from-scratch Premium tracks of GT5, would take less time and give us many more courses to race on. And as much as Gran Turismo games need many cars, a wealth of tracks are just as important.

The team will have the luxury this time of no outside meddling from SONY - or should, anyway - demanding a PS Vita game, or squeezing in 3D. I think both SONY and Polyphony found out how badly received a quickly bundled game with half thought out structure was, even though it sold at the fastest rate of any GT game with the possible exception of Prologue. And Prologue wasn't the problem with GT5 being hobbled, it was all that other stuff. Making a Prologue isn't all that much work, and most of us would buy it. Having said that though, a GT6 Prologue-ish update could possibly be done for GT5, and once again, not take that much work. We'll see.

I know a lot of people are with DawidM in wanting a race field with 32 cars, but it remains to be seen just how powerful the PS4 is going to be. Keep in mind that if HDMI 2 supports screen rates of 120hz or so, and HDTVs feature it as a standard screen rate, Kaz is probably going to want to use that much, so whatever the GPU is going to be is going to be busy if this is the case, especially drawing all this in 3D. Those cars are going to have a lot of properties attached to them, like sound, lighting, physics, bot A.I., damage, probably custom liveries, etc.

And as he says, and I'd add to, I'm hoping that the track features different grip levels on bare asphalt versus the racing lines with embedded rubber. Tire barriers should flex and rebound from impacts. Collisions could leave debris and fluids that needs to be cleared. Tire punctures... I hope that's optional. :D And other things would be nice too, like individual weather and wind conditions that vary, track puddling that evaporates at realistic rates after rain, etc. I'm with the sim guys who want real life physics and racing rules. A race field of 32 cars would make just about everyone crazy happy, but it remains to be seen just what PS4 is going to be able to handle. Even the most expensive gaming PCs haven't seen this kind of thing yet, though rFactor 2 may bring all this to the testing table. I'm still curious if that's going to be a must-have racer, and if it has anything like this.

If GT6 is still on PS3, it's going to take some heroic efforts on behalf of the team to squeeze much more power out of the GT engine. I've mentioned several things they can do to scavenge power, and thorough testing can possibly find some things that can be further optimized. But guys, this engine is already five years old or so. I'm not sure what more can be tweaked from it, and remember in Spec II, the shadows and other graphics have barely been improved. If you want much more from the PS3, you may be hoping in vain, and I just can't see anything major being possible on this beloved but old tech system. We'll see, though I expect to see GT6 on the next Playstation anyway, where the real potential of Gran Turismo will blossom.
Tenacious D, do you work for Sony or are you just that big of a brand loyalist?
I don't want to get into the pissing contest here because I can go to great lengths showing the pros and cons of both competitive game franchises, but this thread is about Kaz confirming that GT6 is in development and after GT5's long development, delays, launch and numerous patches still with issues throughout people will be more critical with GT6. Neither MS nor Turn10 nor Forza series should be brought up in this thread... seems it always does though...

Folks need to realize that the issues and disparity in quality and delays in GT5 is mostly PD's fault (with a part of it being Sony's as well). I mentioned it already... PD did not manage the development of their core business properly. They didn't outsource any work nor increased resources within PD to handle not only GT5 and GTPSP but also the brunt of non-game developing work and personal hobbies they took on. You only need to look at PD's website as proof, and recall things like 4K tech (and to a degree 3D) demos that Sony pushed PD to do. Resource management is something PD needs to handle properly to make GT6 that new awesome GT game that GT5 could have been but isn't. And I seriously hope there's no Prologue nonsense coming out for GT6 and that we don't get the bulk of content being ports from last gen. The only way PD/Sony will follow suit is if fans of the series complain about this stuff (or don't buy the game) rather than defend every little nuance to the Nth degree. Defending sets precedent that it's OK to do what PD has done, something no other game developer ever has to be honest.
I still quite enjoy GT5 even with it's faults (but I also enjoy Forza series just as much).

Forza4 is a farce. 2 DLC already each worth 7$. Decemember DLC was announced recently of 10 cars again. I do not think anyone would complain for a game to be dealy by 50 days or so to get 20 cars on the disk instead they charge 14$. Online subscription fees to play online. That is why people do not like them. They are trying to fool public 👎 All DLC was planned before. Some Gears3 DLC are in disk already. They want people to buy season pass for 30$ lol.

I think PD made mistakes for sure. So hopefully they have realized it. They do not like to get compared with Forza but it is in a way blessing in disguise and good motivation to make it even better next time :)
Personally... Che can kiss my ass. As the community manager at the time, he should have been releasing info regarding Forza on their official website, FM.NET, not NeoGAF forums. For that alone I would have fired him long time ago.

You still go on bashing MS but neglect Sony doing similar practices. Why does Sony own movie studios and music labels if they are in the hardware business?? Why did they go on acquiring some of the businesses they have? See I take a neutral stance on this stuff.. I know these big companies are greedy and go where they think the money is. I don't go bashing one and defending the other.

But again, this is a thread dedicated to Yamauchi's confirmation of GT6's development. No one is defending MS's practices to the Nth degree, you however are with Sony. You want to hate on MS and their practices? Go elsewhere. I swear you must work for Sony. They should send you a Tshirt or two...

PD already had the luxury that no other dev had in any platform in history in my book. I hope GT6 makes it into PS3 though, not PS4. And I seriously hope we don't ever see any more Prologue nonsense. They don't need to make a glorified demo anymore. The GT brand is massive and people want the full fledged GT game. People bought Prologues as a stop gap until the new GT game was out. If people didn't buy the Prologue games worldwide, it'd send a message to release a full fledged game, NOT prologues. I'm a day 1 buyer for full fledged GT games (have been since GT2, GT1 I got into months after it was launched) and I still won't purchase a Prologue game at a retail chain based on principle alone. Prologues do not need to exist, ever.
Forza4 is a farce. 2 DLC already each worth 7$. Decemember DLC was announced recently of 10 cars again. I do not think anyone would complain for a game to be dealy by 50 days or so to get 20 cars on the disk instead they charge 14$. Online subscription fees to play online. That is why people do not like them. They are trying to fool public 👎 All DLC was planned before. Some Gears3 DLC are in disk already. They want people to buy season pass for 30$ lol.

I think PD made mistakes for sure. So hopefully they have realized it. They do not like to get compared with Forza but it is in a way blessing in disguise :)

This isn't the vs thread... but how is Forza 4 a farce? T10 announced monthly DLC for FM4 just as they did with FM3 and you get new cars, not racemods of existing cars in the game where out of 1000+ cars in the game at launch only 19 are racemoddable and they charged you for more racemods :yuck:. The FM game was improved throughout with updates and tweaks and new features consistent throughout the game. It's not perfect but it's consistent, plays well, sounds awesome, looks gorgeous and is simply fun anywhere you are playing within the game.
The rest of your post screams 'I'm a Sony fan and I hate anything MS does'. Go back to 'gaf or N4G...

Sadly folks need to drop their fanboy BS and realize that GAMERS will play on any platform and enjoy any game/franchise that is good and fun, NOT because it's on platform X or Y... I'm a huge GT and Forza fan because both games are very similar yet very different and as a car nut and racing fan, AND a multiplatform gamer both franchises are must buys.

but again folks, this isn't a vs thread... why is it that each and every time someone says anything negative or criticizes PD or GT that MS/T10/Forza gets brought up???? :dunce:
Take it for what it is... this thread is about GT6 development being announced. If any game is brought up on the norm it should be it's predecessor and what issues can be resolved to make the next iteration better. The only time competition should be mentioned is in lines with 'I like how game X does Y and wish GT6 will have it'
You still go on bashing MS but neglect Sony doing similar practices.
What practices? Perhaps you'll have to refresh my memory on when SONY was taken to court in ANY country for monopolistic practices which were market hostile, as MS was a few times. Even by our own government. And by the way, I'm not particularly fond of SONY the global corporation, which you would know if you had spent any time at the boards from 2005 on. I had plenty to say about them as well as Microsoft, but I'm not worried about SONY taking over the world. They just don't have the capital to.

But on Forza DLC, you must not recall how people flamed T10 for repackaging a number of cars from F3, with just a couple of desirables in each pack, at least early on, and the boycotts of it, or the tracks which were only good for time trials or online races. I'm not a big fan of a company releasing DLC within a month or so of game launch, which I think is much lamer than releasing a Prologue. Especially if it turns out that the content is on the disc already.

I think my advice to you, which I should have said from the start to everyone objecting to my "bashing" of MS:

Go elsewhere.
If you're looking for widespread love and admiration for either Forza or Micro$oft, you are in the WRONG area for that, to say the least. You'd be better served staying in the Forza district if all you want to read are flowery posts in adoration of MS and that other game. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's about all there is at Forzaplanet. Over here, people have threatened violence against Kaz and utter spite for anyone who dares to love GT5 in its released form, which I'm sure would get people run off the boards in that other section if they spoke ill of Forza in just one remotely scathing post. I'm quite happy to remain here, even though the malcontents are sometimes rather derogatory.

Anyway, about the future of GT6 and any possible Prologue, it depends on a number of factors. One thing I think is a key indicator is whether we see or hear word of a Spec III update in the coming months. Such a notice would most likely indicate upcoming substantial content for GT5, further support of GT5 including free and paid for DLC, and that GT6 will be three years off or so. This time, a Prologue wouldn't really be necessary, as there is the possibility that PD could build a demo download for GT5 showcasing some features of GT6. A Prologue would make more sense though. It means a jump start of income for SONY, instant widespread advertising and interest in the next GT, and we get an early taste of what's to come. GT5 Prologue was the first Prologue to be available outside of Japan, but it's proven to be highly popular, so we could see one for GT6. I'd sure buy it, but it's not like anyone twists your arm to make you do so, any more than with early Forza DLC.

Likewise, I expect some word near next year's E3 on both XBox3 and PS4, which will possibly lead to mention of both systems' release during the holday 2013 season. Both systems will at least have mention of their respective racing series being available then or soon after if they do, which would mean Forza 5 on the NextBox, and GT6 on PS4.
This isn't the vs thread... but how is Forza 4 a farce? T10 announced monthly DLC for FM4 just as they did with FM3 and you get new cars, not racemods of existing cars in the game where out of 1000+ cars in the game at launch only 19 are racemoddable and they charged you for more racemods :yuck:. The FM game was improved throughout with updates and tweaks and new features consistent throughout the game. It's not perfect but it's consistent, plays well, sounds awesome, looks gorgeous and is simply fun anywhere you are playing within the game.
The rest of your post screams 'I'm a Sony fan and I hate anything MS does'. Go back to 'gaf or N4G...

Sadly folks need to drop their fanboy BS and realize that GAMERS will play on any platform and enjoy any game/franchise that is good and fun, NOT because it's on platform X or Y... I'm a huge GT and Forza fan because both games are very similar yet very different and as a car nut and racing fan, AND a multiplatform gamer both franchises are must buys.

but again folks, this isn't a vs thread... why is it that each and every time someone says anything negative or criticizes PD or GT that MS/T10/Forza gets brought up???? :dunce:
Take it for what it is... this thread is about GT6 development being announced. If any game is brought up on the norm it should be it's predecessor and what issues can be resolved to make the next iteration better. The only time competition should be mentioned is in lines with 'I like how game X does Y and wish GT6 will have it'

GT5 DLC came because there was a demand for it and moreover they have been updating the game since launch. Forza was released on October and 2 DLC already. Looks like both DLC were almost ready but they came up with a plan to sell it seperately, which is exactly what is happening and many devs are following this practise.

Nascar 2011 DLC was free on PS3 it was 2$ on 360:

Ice, Community manager on the forums:
Microsoft set the price for DLC in line with their policy and it is out of our control. On PS3 it's free."

L4D(Left 4 dead) DLC free on PC but 7$ on 360:

Paying for features make sense but why for online gameplay.

Some educated gamers and those who are aware what is going on industry dislike these things and refuse to take this BS especially when there are other options avaliable :)
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Germany belongs to Japan now, I didn't know that. ;)

However GT5prologue was the 1st to really disappoint me for various reasons...

That's the good thing about DLC; you can keep a game fresh till a brand new title comes out.

With GT5, that couldn't happen, as it was to be the first full-numbered Gran Turismo game on the PS3.. Therefore, before it launched, PD thought we'd like a little snack before the main course (knowing it would be 5 years or more).

At any rate, I doubt we'll see any more prologues unless the wait for the first PS4 Gran Turismo game is loooong. :ill::scared:
Hmm yeah possible but there always have been prologues ( on PS2 at least ) and PD is not likely to change their tradition and lose that money .
I don't really mind either way, but the prologues always were lots of fun.
I do not think there is anything wrong with prologue version. They would like to make GT6 on PS4 but in the mean time they should release something on PS3 as well :confused:
Hmm yeah possible but there always have been prologues ( on PS2 at least ) and PD is not likely to change their tradition and lose that money .
I don't really mind either way, but the prologues always were lots of fun.

There have been a grand total of two Prologues and five full games.
(There were several limited demos, promotional versions and a one-off reduced-down "concept car" version; well, in two very similar, regional versions.)

I'm not sure that qualifies as a tradition just yet. Arguably, the DLC for GT5 could serve as GT6 Prologue.

EDIT: I should say I fully expect (at this time) to see GT6 on PS3; if not, then there might need to be something to tide PS3ers over with. But that just seems needlessly messy.
Tenacious D
I think it's perfectly fine to complain about a monopoly which is trying to gobble up much as of our world as they can. Such as the movie world, email services, search engines... sorry, but I don't see this as a good thing, and I have as much right to bring these issues up as you guys do to defend every little nuance with Microsoft to the Nth degree.
No matter how incredibly off topic it may be?

You bring this crap up in every single thread I see you post in, go find a proper thread regarding the subject if you wish to discuss it so badly.

Frickin ridiculous man.
If you're looking for widespread love and admiration for either Forza or Micro$oft, you are in the WRONG area for that, to say the least. You'd be better served staying in the Forza district if all you want to read are flowery posts in adoration of MS and that other game. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's about all there is at Forzaplanet. Over here, people have threatened violence against Kaz and utter spite for anyone who dares to love GT5 in its released form, which I'm sure would get people run off the boards in that other section if they spoke ill of Forza in just one remotely scathing post. I'm quite happy to remain here, even though the malcontents are sometimes rather derogatory.
Here's the thing: None of this (as usual) hypocritical diatribe explains why anyone should give a damn about your biased opinions about Microsoft considering it isn't related in the slightest to the topic purview. Which, interestingly enough, was exactly what cuco was saying when he said "go elsewhere" with it. Not that the Microsoft Defense Force is mad because you are ragging on Microsoft. Not that he wants Microsoft and Forza to be loved in this thread. Simply that no one cares what you have to say about an issue that has nothing to do with this thread, so take it to a thread where people may actually care what you think about it rather than repeatedly dragging it in here in a lazy attempt to change the subject.

Now, in case you forgot, what the topic was actually about was basically "what's the story with GT6 development."
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Thanks Tornado and CSLACR. It's like great lengths are being made to dish out biased and bashing opinions on why he (and others) don't like MS when this thread is about GT6 development.. not MS. For the record I'm not looking for praise and appreciation of MS and T10's Forza series just as I'm not for Sony and PD's GT games. I think both franchises are great just as I think both consoles are great. There's no reason to hate on either aside from brand loyalty and fanboy dribble...

I have 1 question for you guys... would you rather have GT6P or GT6 come out next from PD?

Pesonally... GT6. Forget Prologue... forever... there's no need for them at all aside from being a cash grab and causing delays of the next full fledged GT game. I'd love it if PD continues to support GT5 with a possible spec3 or DLC rather than another Prologue and eventually release GT6 this gen, not next.
No, whether the licence agreements with GT5 had to be adjusted when Microsoft made their own arrangements for the Top Gear "licence".

These things aren't set in stone, and licensing can be a notoriously fickle and short lived thing - for example, the NASCAR Racing 2003 Season was taken off the shelves (and is now impossible to get hold of) because their licence ran out after a change in parent company. EA then bought the licence exclusively, which allowed the retrospective action of removing a (rival, in this case superior) game from the shops.

The delays were self evident. They were trying to do too much with the first PS3 version, to try to avoid the obvious gulf compared to the previous game (i.e., like what happened with GT3). Perhaps the delays meant PD consciously allowed the Top Gear content to slip, if it was even planned.

The original licence may have been bound to a certain release date; if that date wasn't met, I suspect that whoever is "giving" out the Top Gear licence decided to take advantage of another offer. So if PD were "too slow", Microsoft / Turn 10 could potentially have taken advantage of that. Think about how proud Dan was about stating they make "full use" (whatever that means) of the licence.

But, as I said, we'll probably never know for sure.

I agree with you and I think that is what delayed GT5, licensing issues for other auto racing like DTM modern wise. I still to this day think that GT was delayed for so long because they had an issue with certain groups to get the cars in the game, hence the so little newer cars and plenty of old hat.
The vibe always changes here when I leave this forum for a day or so.

But anyway, I would like to comment about the GT6 or GT6P part. There is absolutely no reason there should be another prologue. There was a prologue for GT4, probably because the game was way over due its initial launch date. There was a prologue for GT5, because a lot of people have been anxious to play a next gen GT and it was already 2 years into the gen, and 4 or so years since GT4.

I think PD is currently back on track. Unless they have something ridiculously ambitious on a feature or something that's gonna take them some time till the next GT, it shouldn't warrant a prologue. However, if GT6 is going to be releasing in 2014 or later, which I hope not, there might be one.

Also, it doesn't make much sense to me for them to release a prologue for a next gen game. It's either GT6 for PS3 or PS4. I'm on the PS3 side because financially it's best for me. To think that I'll have to be paying upwards of 60 dollars or more to keep GT5 interesting through DLC, THEN having to buy a whole new console (and game) to play GT6 as early as possible, is a bit scary for me right now. Of course it all depends on the PS4's price and its availability. I'm also probably the few here that are fond enough of GT5's current engine. Sure it's not perfect, but I'm enjoying GT5 a lot with it. I'm just picturing how much I enjoyed GT2 so much, which wasn't a big improvement in the engine compared to its predecessor that is GT1. A new game structure with new features with the same engine can go a long way in my opinion.
(blah blah)
(yadda yadda)
Ya know, if Microsoft didn't matter to you, it wouldn't matter. Yes no? And you two are strangely silent whenever someone posts "Well, Microsoft can seem to afford the Porsche license just fine..." or "Turn 10 seem to be able to model 500 cars in two years..." without any regard to any facts or bias in those posts. You guys who act like all businesses are the same, everything is relative, the world is just a big wash of different shades of gray are really bad in these kinds of discussions, because you throw this stuff out without any substance or reason to support it. This is as silly as Slipstreem saying that the file bogging in GT5 is just as bad as in Forza 3, when it's not even remotely close - you two call him on that? Not a trick question. Or any liberal playing the race card.

And any thread straying from the topic? Gosh, that never happens around here. ;) Jeepers, you mini-mods...

Anyhow, a GT6 Prologue depends on a few things. Is GT6 going to be on PS4? Is it dramatically different from GT5 in certain ways? Can something which properly represents GT6 be patched into GT5? And how long is it until GT6 goes gold? Warning, I'm going to bring up a certain game. :D

Forza demos are cute, but I'm not sure what the point is, personally. I didn't get the F4 demo so I don't know if it's different this time, but the F3 demo had the physics as F2 for the most part, and one track with three cars to race on it in one make races. The game itself was much better. The fans loved it, but I didn't really see the point of it, and only played it for a few hours.

The Gran Turismo Prologues prior to GT5P were pretty small demos, but you did have a number of things to do. And of course GT5P was huge for a demo, with five courses and a whopping 35 or so cars to play with, online racing, and replays could be saved. And then it was updated with twice the cars and another track. It has proven so popular, outselling most other full racing games, that SONY may be tempted to do it again. And most of us would likely buy it.

And there would be advantages, even if GT6 is made for PS3. If you want to talk about sloppy, patching GT5 is getting there. With each update, a number of people report problems which often need a patch themselves. With each change to the game code to update the physics, A.I. or graphics, the game seems to get slightly less stable for many. A GT6 Prologue would be a clean purpose coded game and should run better than a massive update to GT5. The physics and graphics could be so different that it would make sense to preview it in a new build of a Prologue. And of course if GT6 is made for PS4, a Prologue on PS3 wouldn't make sense, any more than a Forza 5 demo on the less powerful 360, when the game is made for XBox3.
This is as silly as Slipstreem saying that the file bogging in GT5 is just as bad as in Forza 3, when it's not even remotely close - you two call him on that?
You already know I don't have any FM games, so taking the big leap to assuming you're correct, how would I call him on that?
Putting less and less thought into these posts are you?

It's got nothing to do with every thread staying exactly on topic, it's got to do with your answer for everything in this world, which is always, "MS is evil, and that's why GT....something"
MS gets TGTT? Clearly they stole it from PD, damn the laws, a guy on the internet says it's stealing, it must be then right? Who gives a damn?

Yes, T10 has been doing much better at making games less then every 5 years, that doesn't make them an evil corporation.

Ya know, if Microsoft didn't matter to you, it wouldn't matter. Yes no? And you two are strangely silent whenever someone posts "Well, Microsoft can seem to afford the Porsche license just fine..." or "Turn 10 seem to be able to model 500 cars in two years..." without any regard to any facts or bias in those posts.
It's getting really pathetic at this point, you know. Answer the question. No topic changes. No ignoring it and burying it under an essay in the hopes people don't realize that you are just repeating yourself. No trying to act as if you are the only sane man by claiming the people picking apart your points are biased. No outright lies that you hope to hell people want the thread to stay on topic enough that they won't call you on them and derail the thread even more.

Does Microsoft as a business have anything to do with this topic whatsoever other than you just trying to divert everyone's attention away from your points when they are called on? Because if not, shut up about it. Simple as.
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Ha, what's everyone forgetting is how Turn 10 and dan greenwalt were crying over EA closing off porsche from everyone. They were like 'but we will never do the same to other racing devs'

And yet these twits pulled a Bi**h move when they went after the top gear license just weeks before GT5 launched. All the stig challenges and anything Top gear related suddenly removed from Gran Turismo and GT website. Exclusive partnership with world's greatest motorshow they called it. They were under the illusion that Top gear audience would buy their GT copycat game. And at the same time sting GT5 launch hype.

And lo and behold Forza 4 was an epic success. Sucess as in successful failure. Normally i would'nt wish developers to fail but everything about Turn 10 reeks of copycat, insecure bravado and desperation. Serves them right churning mediocre game after mediocre game every 2 years. All the metacritic reviews and arse kissing of reviewers haven't got them anywhere. All the attacks on Polyphony and the legend that is Kaz has got them no where.

No wonder PD are under no pressure to release another GT game this generation. Pitiful Competition.