It should be fine to debate Gran Turismo in respect to ANY game, really, either console or PC, including a cert5ain competitor. Unfortunately a tiny number of people here get extremely buttsore if you bring it up, or its maker. But generally, when you see something you like, admire or want in another game, it should be allowed to be presented, debated and discussed in how it would further Gran Turismo as a series, especially GT6. And that certain other game isn't a bad game, it's a good game, as much as some of you might be surprised to see me say it. Motarded, don't snort pop out your nose.
I like discussing these other games because, as much as certain people put words in our mouths around here, very few people think Gran Turismo is a perfect series. Some think it's the best racing game out now, but how is that any different from fans of any other game? We find things we like and glom onto them, and sad but true, none are perfect, not even iRenting. All of them could stand to lift pages of features from each other.
As much as I repeat how stale I find PC sims in general, they clearly get a lot of things right, have millions of fans who look to their chosen game to define the genre, and the way they capture the various factors of racing are really nice. And I will have to say that, mods aside, the GTR series is about the pinnacle of the PC sim genre overall. iRacing apparently has the best overall physics, and a MUCH better car selection, but man, do you have to pay for the privilege.
I WOULD LOVE IT if GT6 had a simulation section devoted to real world motorsports of various types and leagues, the way the sims do, including all the rules and regs, and the car dynamics of Live For Speed and a certain competitor. Some sim fans groan at the idea, sure that PD can't tie their shoes right in this regard. Others insist that something so finicky, difficult and technical has no place in a Gran Turismo game. I say give it a shot. It can't be any worse than Shift, and there would always be the Arcade and GT Modes for those who want to stick to old school Gran Turismo. And every racing game, even sims, have difficulty levels and assists to make it easier on the kids and newbs. I think throwing anything and everything on the table should be open game for discussion regards GT6, and beyond.
Epihhany? I saw a question, I answered it. But what makes GT5 any better in that respect?
I guess it escaped you, but you and a number of people talk down GT5 for poor sounds, bad A.I. and graphic issues. Now it can be argued that the point of a PC sim isn't about perfect audio and photo-real graphics, or with damage that's as amazing as in Grid or Forza, and I'm fine with that. The point of a sim is to realistically replicate the physics and dynamics of professional racing in certain leagues, as is reasonably possible considering the technology of the time. And for those that live for the current-best physics in a racing game and the chance to watch how their performance stacks up on a points board, that's cool.
But when these guys come around and say, "Those are some sucky sounds in GT5, and the bots are brain dead, and we have weather and time of day too," I can only shake my head. Especially when they post videos of cars with sucky sounds, bots that brake like they have epilepsy and clog chicanes like six year olds are at the wheel, have graphics that at the very least look last gen, and have environment effects that are even worse.
It can be argued that GTR2 is the best racing game out today, the pinnacle of realism in both physics and bot behavior. I would concur, but I'd much rather race against GT5's bots, and look at GT5's graphics and environmental effects - which blow GTR's off the screen in my estimation, even with the flaws, and listen to GT5's car sounds, and drive on those tires. And I sure as heck can't buy and own a thousand cars in a PC sim. I can't buy a Peugeot 301 street car in any sim, mod it up, and find myself in a race against Ferraris, Zondas, Ford GTs and Lamborghinis, and have a blast fighting them. I can't even own ONE car in a sim. It's always a loaner from some racing team.
And the tire model is really pretty darn good. Right now, it can be argued that the tire model in either Live For Speed or a certain competing game are the best in racing games currently, or in iRacing. There's no way in heck I'm going to pay the admission fee to get into and rent iRacing, I can't afford it for one thing, so I can't comment on that. But against Live For Speed's tire model, which I personally think is better than the unnamed competitor, I have to say that GT5's is remarkably similar. Yes, LFS's is better, but not markedly better, and GT5 is a heck of a better game. Sure, LFS and a certain competitor have better car dynamics. But it's so close, that the rest of the package more than makes up for any shortcomings. To me. Others have other criteria, they see things differently, and that's fine. But this isn't a matter of right choice or bad decision, this is a matter of taste and preference, and there is no right or wrong in that. Just having fun.