KY Confirms GT6 In Development Already

  • Thread starter Robin
Makes me want to hit the report button, next time I guess I will.

This isn't either a MS vs Sony thread, nor an I hate MS thread, and yet still not an FM4 bashing thread, let alone a GT5 vs FM4 thread.
It seems only two of you are failing this test miserably.
Makes me want to hit the report button, next time I guess I will.

This isn't either a MS vs Sony thread, nor an I hate MS thread, and yet still not an FM4 bashing thread, let alone a GT5 vs FM4 thread.
It seems only two of you are failing this test miserably.

Aah yes the old report button. When everything fails complain to the Gods of the forum. As if i was the first person to mention forza in this thread
Thanks Tornado and CSLACR. It's like great lengths are being made to dish out biased and bashing opinions on why he (and others) don't like MS when this thread is about GT6 development.. not MS. For the record I'm not looking for praise and appreciation of MS and T10's Forza series just as I'm not for Sony and PD's GT games. I think both franchises are great just as I think both consoles are great. There's no reason to hate on either aside from brand loyalty and fanboy dribble...

I have 1 question for you guys... would you rather have GT6P or GT6 come out next from PD?

Pesonally... GT6. Forget Prologue... forever... there's no need for them at all aside from being a cash grab and causing delays of the next full fledged GT game. I'd love it if PD continues to support GT5 with a possible spec3 or DLC rather than another Prologue and eventually release GT6 this gen, not next.

I gave you reason why people do not like and avoid them. If everyone starts to do like them then there is no option :grumpy: But many people do not like to support them. Deal with it.

Since PD like to have lots of content, variety in their games and to do ambitious things. Like 16 cars on track when others were happy with 8 cars. It make sense to have GT6P as a intermediate. I think GT6P will have only premiums with over 200 odd cars and several tracks with many features and obviously graphics, physcis, sound, AI etc will be improved. If they are going to take more than 4yrs or so for next game in between there should be prologue version.
GT5 is GT6P.

Kaz will have to get on his horse this time around, since GT6 has to come out on PS3.

Therefore its 2 more years, 3 at the most, to release GT6.

Thanks Tornado and CSLACR. It's like great lengths are being made to dish out biased and bashing opinions on why he (and others) don't like MS when this thread is about GT6 development.. not MS. For the record I'm not looking for praise and appreciation of MS and T10's Forza series just as I'm not for Sony and PD's GT games. I think both franchises are great just as I think both consoles are great. There's no reason to hate on either aside from brand loyalty and fanboy dribble....

That a boy cuco, you tell em.
I play both myself.
GT5 is GT6P.

Kaz will have to get on his horse this time around, since GT6 has to come out on PS3.

Therefore its 2 more years, 3 at the most, to release GT6.
I do hope you're correct. As long as Kaz is correct and being honest, this is clearly the case.
If it weren't for all of PD's BS delays in the past, this wouldn't even be up for debate.
Makes me want to hit the report button, next time I guess I will.
You know, you and Toronado are turning into quite the thought police. You in particular have become quite the antagonist to a few posters in the sim thread. You've come rather close to telling people, "No, you did NOT have that experience. I'M right, and you're just being strange." I just had my say and figured the others would put up with it so long till they reached the beating-a-head-against-a-wall with you and drop out of the discussion, which is apparently what happened.

It would be nice if we all agreed with each other all the time, but at the same time, it would be both boring and strange. This board, within the bounds of the AUP, is open to free and open debates and mind wrestling as long as it's not mean spirited. Or if this was your thread. Then you could lay down rules and give people a tap on the head if they get out of line, and report the trollies. However, telling people what they can and cannot do, which you and Tor do routinely is kind of like harrassment. Well, no, actually it is, but we put up with it, just like we put up with you in the sim thread.

I think some of you guys belong on your OWN boards so you can throw your egos around to your heart's content, as long as people will put up with you. And last I checked, your names aren't on this board anywhere, not as mods or anything, except as common citizens, just like me.

Now if something doesn't agree with me, I either address it using things like REASON and POINTS of fact and history, or I just ignore it. I don't consider myself to be God's gift to GT Planet, I don't act like I own the place, and I try to disagree without being too disagreeable when I differ. This is the Net and stuff, and some days really get me riled up, and sometimes I shoot off a little too quickly. But one thing I have NEVER done is report anyone or any post. I figure if it's really all that offensive, someone else will.

We've had quite a number of people who have been VERY derogatory towards GT5, Gran Turismo in general, Polyphony Digital, Kazunori himself, and us. Many of them are still here, some are still posting, some are still rather cranky, but oh well. The board survived it somehow, as did we.

It's natural that the ONLY real competition that Gran Turismo has is Forza, and Polyphony digital, Microsoft and Turn 10, and thus WILL BE MENTIONED from time to time. It's inevitable. Now if someone having things to say about Microsoft or Forza, either kind or unkind, causes some kind of unfortunate emotional event with some of you, then I think someone has problems and needs a time out. Or to grow up.

/end rant
They did pretty much everything with GT5. It is not a prologue. They can make lot of improvements and with more content release GT6 too. Most games sequels are not a major upgrade so they can also do the same thing. It just depends what they have planned :)
So many choice quotes (like your statement about how you use "REASON and POINTS of fact and history" when you've done nothing of the sort throughout this thread for most of your contentions), but I think this one is the best:

It's natural that the ONLY real competition that Gran Turismo has is Forza, and Polyphony digital, Microsoft and Turn 10, and thus WILL BE MENTIONED from time to time. It's inevitable.

Because that is totally what you've been doing for the past page and a half. "Mentioning" Microsoft and Turn 10. Of course.


Still waiting for the answer to this:

Does Microsoft as a business have anything to do with this topic whatsoever other than you just trying to divert everyone's attention away from your points when they are called on?

By the way.
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Mostly PM'd, because wow.

It's natural that the ONLY real competition that Gran Turismo has is Forza, and Polyphony digital, Microsoft and Turn 10, and thus WILL BE MENTIONED from time to time. It's inevitable. Now if someone having things to say about Microsoft or Forza, either kind or unkind, causes some kind of unfortunate emotional event with some of you, then I think someone has problems and needs a time out. Or to grow up.

/end rant
Time to time isn't the case with you.
You manage to rationalize most any subject with it in your mind.

You still haven't answered my question.
How did T10 steal the TGTT license from PD? Please tell me what written or unwritten code of moral conduct they broke, and/or what laws they broke.

Tornado's question, how does MS's evil relate to GT6 being in development?
What does that have to do with anything related to GT6 currently being under way?
Sorry Tenacious i always agree with you but Forza is no competition to GT. Competition suggests two equal series on a level playing field going at it. With both having the chance of winning :lol:
Sorry Tenacious i always agree with you but Forza is no competition to GT. Competition suggests two equal series on a level playing field going at it. With both having the chance of winning :lol:

I have to disagree.

FM4 is IMO, on par with GT5 and actually has a much better tire model, except a little short on race tire grip.
As well as some other features GT5 doesn't have.

However having said that, I think both games overall leave a lot to be desired.

The only thing either are capable of winning, is a mediocrity award.

So far all we got in these two "next-gen" games is better graphics, and improved physics and thats about it.
Oh, God forbid I leave out the beloved day/night.
Neither game can even deliver a good selection of wheels.
Although Forza has a lot more than GT5.
Take that you GT fanboys. :lol:

BTW its already been discussed in another thread, and for obvious reasons, GT6 will be on PS3.
Looks like somebody wants Ten D to write us another book.
I agree, I stopped perusing this thread awhile back. I've let Toronado and CSLACR take care of my business.

Guys, GT6 is in development, is it for the PS3 or the PS4? GO!

Gt6 will not be on the ps3, no chance! The ps3 is at limit with gt5, its not going to happen on this current gen.
Gt6 will not be on the ps3, no chance! The ps3 is at limit with gt5, its not going to happen on this current gen.

GT6 need not push the PS3 any further than GT5 does. It could be a worthy sequel simply by including a lot more premium level content, a solid single-player mode, a more robust online mode (or modes, leaderboards?), and some optimization to remove some of the more irritating graphical "glitches". There's no more computing "power" needed for any of that.
GT6 need not push the PS3 any further than GT5 does. It could be a worthy sequel simply by including a lot more premium level content, a solid single-player mode, a more robust online mode (or modes, leaderboards?), and some optimization to remove some of the more irritating graphical "glitches". There's no more computing "power" needed for any of that.

I think that is what will happen.

On PS1, GT2 was basically GT1 with more content
On PS2, GT4 was basically GT3 witj more content.
So lets hope that on PS3, GT6 will be GT5 with more content.

PS.: I am amazed that some people can turn every hread in to a FM Vs GT thread.
Gt6 will not be on the ps3, no chance! The ps3 is at limit with gt5, its not going to happen on this current gen.

I dont need better graphic I need much better GTmode and much dipper like GT4 GT mode. If they can make better shadows am ok if they can't again ok. Some extra premium cars to 300+ (GT5 had 200+ premium cars) and 5+ track and as I say much better GTmode is enough for GT6 and it's posible on PS3 ;)
Sorry Tenacious i always agree with you but Forza is no competition to GT. Competition suggests two equal series on a level playing field going at it. With both having the chance of winning :lol:

I agree. People should not compare them and I do not think they like it one bit to be compared to Forza. PD wants to compare it self with real thing not others games. Havng said that PD should not ignore Forza or other games. Like the autolog feature and see what others are doing and try to do it better. It appears they don't give a **** about other games and do their own thing which may or may not ideal :confused:

PS3 has some years left so there will definitely be something on it I am sure.
Still waiting for the answer to this:
What does Microsoft as a business have to do with this? (paraphrased)
By the way.
MS's business practices actually have a lot to do with the development of Gran Turismo, and how news isn't divulged like it was in the past. In case you weren't around back in the good old days before Forza or the XBox, Gran Turismo releases were preceded by quite a parade of pics, videos (as of the net coming to life with things like YouTube and embedded video), interviews and what not. By the time the games shipped, we knew quite a bit about them. GT4 was so heavily discussed that we knew almost everything about it at the E3 before it shipped, which was eight months prior to the US release. Some people lamented this fact, and wished they'd never read a single interview or watched one of the videos because there were almost no surprises left.

Along comes Microsoft, the XBoxes, and the cold war between SONY and MS. Now all of a sudden, Gran Turismo news is as scarce as a conservative in the news media. In case you weren't here during those dark days between 2008 and now, it grew increasingly uncivil around here. Over the passing weeks, grumbling turned into board fights. People were either pleading or demanding in sometimes hostile terms for SOMETHING from PD to cling to in the way of... well, anything. Pics, videos, interviews, something to give them hope that before they died, they'd have some sense that GT5 would eventually be in the hands of mere mortals.

Just as with the absconding of the Top Gear License, PD has grown weary of their concepts being pasted into the Forza series, and then things like that. So now with GT6, I think this is why we're likely to not see it on PS3, but a system which will allow the team to dream big and do things which are mostly limited by the imaginations of the designers, things like the Course Maker. And to not hear news of anything of substance until the game is being polished up. Forza, T10 and MS have not made this a good environment anymore, but one in which both camps are as tight lipped as a military program, until things look wrapped up and set more or less in stone.

So now, I have a couple of questions for you.
  • How does me mentioning Forza, Turn 10, Microsoft or anything remove any skin from your nose?
  • What gives you the right to dictate what I or anyone posts on these boards?

Time to time isn't the case with you.
You manage to rationalize most any subject with it in your mind.
If you say so, since it seems from the sim thread that the one person you listen to more than anyone is yourself.

You still haven't answered my question.
How did T10 steal the TGTT license from PD? Please tell me what written or unwritten code of moral conduct they broke, and/or what laws they broke.
Well, "stole" isn't quite the word, or what I said if you read carefully.

It depends on whether SONY has grown tired of Microsoft ripping them off, such as making off with the Top Gear license within months of their acquiring it, and wanting to return the favor.
"Stealing" would be more like what I mentioned of the "Avatards" as I call those... Mii-like munchkins in the 360 "desktop" or whatever they're calling that thing. Or in the case of racing game content, securing an exclusive deal between SCE and EA, so that only Gran Turismo on consoles and PC sims could have Porsche in their games, with loads of cash, obviously. What M$ did was "make off with" the Top Gear license, by doing what they always do, throw money at the market to buy it up as best they can. And yes, this may include journalists. News of horrendous failure rates of the 360 in the first two years are completely missing from all but a few gaming outlets and message boards.

Anyhow, I'll look at your precious PM later, I have to get on with my evening and Christmas frivolity.

GT6 need not push the PS3 any further than GT5 does. It could be a worthy sequel simply by including a lot more premium level content, a solid single-player mode, a more robust online mode (or modes, leaderboards?), and some optimization to remove some of the more irritating graphical "glitches". There's no more computing "power" needed for any of that.
I can't see how you think this won't require more processing power. The GT5 Engine is at least four years old, perhaps even six in development time overall. A console has normally yielded up all its programming tricks in the first four years of its release, and game engines tweaked about as far as they can go.

Maybe PD can pull off something extraordinary next year, maybe it can be patched into the GT5 Engine. Maybe a GT5 Engine 2.0 can be built. I have mentioned several things that can be done to scavenge power for better graphic effects and physics. Things like reduce resolution to 720p, reduce background detail, reduce all car detail in game, attach sounds only to the cars next to you and then have a general racing "noise" much as Toca and Forza 4 have done, things like that. I don't think that the PS3 has much more to give. Naughty Dog even said as much back in development of Uncharted 2, which looks almost the same, if not better in certain ways, as Uncharted 3.

This is the fifth year that PS3 has been on the market, and in developers' hands a year longer, and this is the point in a console's life at which system performance tends to plateau.
Along comes Microsoft, the XBoxes, and the cold war between SONY and MS. Now all of a sudden, Gran Turismo news is as scarce as a conservative in the news media. In case you weren't here during those dark days between 2008 and now, it grew increasingly uncivil around here. Over the passing weeks, grumbling turned into board fights. People were either pleading or demanding in sometimes hostile terms for SOMETHING from PD to cling to in the way of... well, anything. Pics, videos, interviews, something to give them hope that before they died, they'd have some sense that GT5 would eventually be in the hands of mere mortals.

Just as with the absconding of the Top Gear License, PD has grown weary of their concepts being pasted into the Forza series, and then things like that. So now with GT6, I think this is why we're likely to not see it on PS3, but a system which will allow the team to dream big and do things which are mostly limited by the imaginations of the designers, things like the Course Maker. And to not hear news of anything of substance until the game is being polished up. Forza, T10 and MS have not made this a good environment anymore, but one in which both camps are as tight lipped as a military program, until things look wrapped up and set more or less in stone.
Yeah. You have to actually prove the causal link between Forza/Microsoft existing and PD being miserly with information before you act as if we should accept it just because you said it.

How does me mentioning Forza, Turn 10, Microsoft or anything remove any skin from your nose?
  • You constantly bring up the "Microsoft is an evil monopoly" tirade in threads where it is completely irrelevant. Like you did in this one.
  • You constantly bring up the "Microsoft is an evil monopoly" tirade in threads where you have been called on your statements but want to divert people's attention away from that fact. Like you did in this one.
  • You constantly bring up the "Microsoft is an evil monopoly" tirade in threads and then turn into the biggest hypocrite in the world the second people point out that the only practical difference between Sony and Microsoft in terms of corporate structure is that Sony doesn't do it nearly as well, because Sony has just as many fingers in just as many pies as Microsoft does (if not more). Like you did in this one.

There are more, but those are the main ones.

What gives you the right to dictate what I or anyone posts on these boards?
It's funny that you posted this when you got into the "exact words" game with CSLACR below. The closest I said to "you aren't allowed to post that here" is saying that if you want people to actually give a damn about your opinions of Microsoft's corporate practices you should take it to a thread where people are posting about something related to Microsoft's corporate practices, or you might as well just shut up about it because no one cares.

But I'll play your game anyway: The moderation staff has made it very clear that Forza vs GT thread derailment is absolutely not allowed no matter how much you want it to be, so what gives you the right to ignore that and start going on Forza/Microsoft comparisons just so you can try to keep people from picking apart your points?

What M$ did was "make off with" the Top Gear license, by doing what they always do, throw money at the market to buy it up as best they can
Once again, Microsoft somehow "made off" with a by law not exclusive licence?

Because no essay-length post detailing just how terrible Microsoft is as a company will change the fact that Microsoft having the Top Gear licence doesn't mean that PD had it stolen from them, even if you hoped that I would forget that I already pointed that out to you.
I think that is what will happen.

On PS1, GT2 was basically GT1 with more content
On PS2, GT4 was basically GT3 witj more content.
So lets hope that on PS3, GT6 will be GT5 with more content.

PS.: I am amazed that some people can turn every hread in to a FM Vs GT thread.

Especially when Forza isn't even mentioned in the first post, and has nothing to do with PD.
@ Toronado

I have to echo what cuco33 asked me. Are you paid to defend MS? Do you own stock in the company? Who cares what anyone thinks of Microsoft, or McDonalds, or any company? Considering the truly hateful, spite filled vitriol levied at Polyphony, Kaz and Gran Turismo around here, you might think that the only dissing allowed is towards them. But that's really not the case, and no one retired and made you Jordan. At least as far as I know. And somehow, whatever you think about anything, whatever I think about anything, whatever anyone thinks about anything here, the world will keep turning and no one will die over it. Unless they're very, very strange.

Now I suggest you do what I do. This is the intranet and all, so you are going to read some things from time to time that won't agree with you all that much. To put it mildly, considering what a condescending crank you can be on occasion. If you really don't like something you read here, just skim right on past it. I promise not to cry if you don't read my posts, it's no skin off my nose. ;)

Anyhow, on the topic at hand, I wouldn't say anything definite on what system GT6 appears on. Someone in SCE Europe I believe has already hinted that releasing the PS4 sometime after the NextBox hits the market won't happen this time, and indications are popping up that development of games on both new systems from SONY and MS are underway. As some adroit poster has pointed out a few pages ago, if PS4 ships in 2013 or so, releasing GT6 on PS3 would be downright suicidal. The sighs of relief from perhaps a million or two fans who won't have to buy a new Playstation to play it will be drowned out by the rest of the world, who will be screaming for an updated game on the much more powerful PS4 immediately, if not sooner. And consider that powerful system = more features.

If you think that PS3 is powerful enough, remember how ugly the shadows still are, and the particle effects still are. How people still periodically complain about the framerate slowdowns and screen tearing. Think of how very small the improvements were in the Spec II update. And also think of what dramatic improvements we got in Gran Turismo on PS3 vs Gran Turismo on PS2.
  • Up to 16 cars on track at once vs 6.
  • Almost photo-real cars and tracks, and movie quality replays.
  • Weather and time of day transitions.
  • Online racing, and on overseas hosts often with very little lag.
  • The Course Maker.
And these are just a few of the goodies we got, off the top of my sleepy head. I don't know about you, but the thought of what could be possible on PS4 is exciting to me, and I can hardly wait for them.

Now as I said before, SONY and Kaz are going to do whatever they will do. The PS4 is going to release whenever they decide to release it, and GT6 is going to be on whatever system they put it on. It can be on PS3. It can have a few improvements and more features. But it won't be that easy to pull off, and will require more work, compared to what they can accomplish on a system with much more power and ram.

Regardless, it will be a slightly better game if they put it on PS3, at least, and most of us will gladly buy it. It'll most likely have all cars to Premium level, and even with Standard tracks, they'll look very good. It's possible we'll have Race Mod for a good deal of the cars if not all of them, and the Livery Editor many have been wanting. We could have a Course Maker on the scale of the powerful one in ModNation Racers. More tracks and a better online structure, many more single player races this time, silly things like the XP and paint chip systems removed and a few other gripes will make this a much better game for most of us.

But, if PS4 is releasing in two years, this all goes out the window. Now for me and many of us, this is a good thing. I know you guys in Europe are groaning over the inevitable delays you'll be facing over something like this. But keep in mind that SONY is trying like crazy to make those as short as possible, considering the number of cultures, languages and various governments they have to deal with. They are getting much better at it. Remember, GT5 was released generally in Europe on Nov 24, the same day as in North America, and was actually out a day later in Japan and Australia. This was about as worldwide a release as it gets.

I know some of you still cling to the idea that PS4 is going to cost a small fortune, but I've spelled out why this is highly unlikely. True, a game and a new system is a lot more expensive than just a game. But considering the rich features the PS3 made possible, I'm practically squirming with anticipation of what we'll see on PS4. But, either is possible, whatever happens, happens, so we'll see in a few years.

And I have to touch on this:
Sorry Tenacious i always agree with you but Forza is no competition to GT.
I agree. People should not compare them and I do not think they like it one bit to be compared to Forza. PD wants to compare it self with real thing not others games. Havng said that PD should not ignore Forza or other games. Like the autolog feature and see what others are doing and try to do it better.
I certainly agree with these sentiments, and I keep coming back to remarks Kaz made years ago, back in the GT2 days, when he stated that his competition was with the real world of cars and motorsports. PD doesn't have to look at what other games are doing to be popular. They don't have to look at what other games are doing to consider additional gameplay. In fact, if every other racer ends up with some stupid soccer, bowling or cat & mouse stuff, I pray that Gran Turismo will remain a haven of racing sanity. Even though drifting will probably always be a part of it. ;)

The team does have to regroup and get their heads on straight though. GT5 was a mess of odd inclusions. Forget Standard cars and tracks, things like the paint chip deal and the XP system were mostly a source of irritation for us. They need to get back to the core of what makes a good racing game, and a good Gran Turismo game, and build on it in the way the sensible things were added to GT5. Things like the Course Maker, and Race Mod which unfortunately looks a bit tacked on right now. Weather and time of day transition worked fairly well, and did add greatly to the experience. Damage, not so much, and most of what they worked on for a year ended up being removed. The one livery you get with each car in Race Mod is pretty weaksauce, and I hope this gets improved. Both that and damage would benefit greatly from a much more potent PS4.

The Livery Editor in particular is quite a point of contention when it comes to Forza, one of the few things that sets it apart from Gran Turismo. PD doesn't have to consider Forza for the livery painter per se, but what T10 came up with is a pretty darn clever solution. Even then, Eutechnyx has supposedly taken this a big step further in their own system, which has no "sides" to the cars, treating the whole surface as one with no breaks from top, front, back or sides. But the solution both came up with is very elegant and powerful. With just a few colored vinyl shapes, gradients, decals, text fonts and numbers, racing number plates, flags and such, you can create a great looking, and best of all, unique livery which identifies you and you alone as owner of that car.

For everything else though, the damage, the racing types and so on, just let the world of motorsports be your model and inspiration. I'm with the sim guys in wanting a proper simulation mode covering a number of racing disciplines, from hobbyist and semi-pro organizations like our own SCCA, through the serious leagues like WRC, BTCC, WTCC, ALMS, DTM, Super GT, etc. Whole seasons with calendars, rules, points standings, stat tracking... the whole enchilada, for those who love serious racing. And the same thing online. GT Mode can still be there for those who want to sandbox and collect cars by the thousands.

Anyhow, gotta get back to it. I still have hundreds of cars to mod up and race, and just one lifetime to do it in. ;)
I thought the simultaneous release dates where applied to avoid sales loss.
Same as review blackouts prior to launch.

On topic I dont think you'll see another GT on PS3.

PS4 will be next release IMHO.
I have to echo what cuco33 asked me. Are you paid to defend MS?
There are no words.

Are you paid to be that obstinate? I know you are capable of actual comprehension, because you are perfectly able to debate things until the thread stops going your way.
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