KY Confirms GT6 In Development Already

  • Thread starter Robin
I have to disagree.

FM4 is IMO, on par with GT5 and actually has a much better tire model, except a little short on race tire grip.
As well as some other features GT5 doesn't have.

However having said that, I think both games overall leave a lot to be desired.

The only thing either are capable of winning, is a mediocrity award.

So far all we got in these two "next-gen" games is better graphics, and improved physics and thats about it.
Oh, God forbid I leave out the beloved day/night.
Neither game can even deliver a good selection of wheels.
Although Forza has a lot more than GT5.
Take that you GT fanboys. :lol:

BTW its already been discussed in another thread, and for obvious reasons, GT6 will be on PS3.
Looks like somebody wants Ten D to write us another book.

Mediocrity award? :lol: Look if you want to trash Forza go right ahead. Couldnt care less about that ****** GT copycat game. But GT has already won an award this year for best racing last year from joystig. Yes that's an award chosen by gamers and not by 'respected' journalists and industry analysts with metacritic badges on their webpages.

And i can't believe you said the only thing GT5 has on GT3/4 from previous gens are only graphics and improved physics. :lol:

I agree. People should not compare them and I do not think they like it one bit to be compared to Forza. PD wants to compare it self with real thing not others games. Havng said that PD should not ignore Forza or other games. Like the autolog feature and see what others are doing and try to do it better. It appears they don't give a **** about other games and do their own thing which may or may not ideal

PS3 has some years left so there will definitely be something on it I am sure.

I remember that che the infamous forza spokesman said in neogaf that PD guys came over to their Forza booths in e3 2009 and were talking notes. At the time have the people started laughing. Some people in disbelief and others in mockery. To think PD would take notes from folks who can't even model their cars accurately.

No matter what the folks in Turn 10 like to think, there is no competition. You only have to look at the feature list of forza 2,3 and 4. When you compare all three games it's just all mostly the same stuff. 2 years to regurgitate the same things over and over again. Sprinkle a few new things and call it a brand new game. Turn 10 will never have the nous and capability to add things like dynamic time of day. That's the difference between the two devs. Polyphony innovates even at the cost of frying the ps3 whereas Turn10 plays it same and safe all day long and all year long.

And that's without even mentioning the sales difference between the two series
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There are no words.

Are you paid to be that obstinate? I know you are capable of actual comprehension, because you are perfectly able to debate things until the thread stops going your way.

^^^ This guy never learns... troll of the century.

I don't think there is an actual topic being discussed here, more to the point it's just an arena with Toronado vs Tenacious D ....I'm not taking side but you're both being ridiculous and quite frankly, yet again, Toronado is displaying his small-male-syndrome/over-compensating (I've chased up and seen evidence pointing towards this after you cleverly decided to attempt to insult me via Facebook message, showing epic level of bravery and valour). Give it a rest the both of you.
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Sprinkle a few new things and call it a brand new game. Turn 10 will never have the nous and capability to add things like dynamic time of day. That's the difference between the two devs. Polyphony innovates even at the cost of frying the ps3 whereas Turn10 plays it same and safe all day long and all year long.

"Sprinkle a few new things" is what every game developer, including Polyphony, do when making a sequel. Just because Turn 10 chose to add different features to the ones PD chose to add, does not mean that they lack innovation. In fact, nothing in either of the two games is particularly innovative. Weather and time of day changes have been around in racing games for quite some time, as have the livery and online features of Forza. One could argue that the implementations are better, but they're certainly not new ideas by any means.

As with many things, truly new innovations are rare. Mostly what people do is improve existing ideas and combine them in novel ways. Both GT5 and Forza do this.

And this is why it's entirely feasible to make GT6 on the PS3. Sure, GT5 may be making the PS3 out in terms of computation. But there's an untold number of things that can be added to make it a better game that are entirely unrelated to processing power.

In fact, one could argue that GT5 is missing basic features that should be expected in a racing game of this calibre. Even simply adding those would be a major step forward.
I don't think there is an actual topic being discussed here, more to the point it's just an arena with Toronado vs Tenacious D ....I'm not taking side but you're both being ridiculous.

Actually I don't agree, is more like Tenacious D's: Kaz and SONY Tac team good guys vs MS and FM the complete evil alliance , its quite funny actually because is as GT fanboysm as it gets.

On topic, I don't want a GT6: Prologue, the creation of prologues only seem to delay and affect the complete development of the product. Also I do believe that KY presence and management are not required anymore on the GT series, GT6 will need a competent producer and designer that can output a decent job and don't utilize resources needlessly, PD is a strong team for GT6 development but KY is the problem, someone competent needs to take over GT6's production.
Wait a minute, what's Forza? :odd:

Wait two minutes, why Toronado always write blue? Attention needed bro? :odd:


Actually I don't agree, is more like Tenacious D's: Kaz and SONY Tac team good guys vs MS and FM the complete evil alliance , its quite funny actually because is as GT fanboysm as it gets.

Not denying that it's hilarious, but both of them are going to far into it, Tenacious D is a good guy, he will realise this, Toronado however will just carry on, he wants the attention, this is also the reason why he's currently looking through the AUP for things to troll-quote.
On topic, I don't want a GT6: Prologue, the creation of prologues only seem to delay and affect the complete development of the product. Also I do believe that KY presence and management are not required anymore on the GT series, GT6 will need a competent producer and designer that can output a decent job and don't utilize resources needlessly, PD is a strong team for GT6 development but KY is the problem, someone competent needs to take over GT6's production.

Not denying that it's hilarious, but both of them are going to far into it, Tenacious D is a good guy, he will realise this, Toronado however will just carry on, he wants the attention, this is also the reason why he's currently looking through the AUP for things to troll-quote.

Funny, if someone disagrees with how GT5 things were handled and how the competence managed to match GT's quality and popularity such thing is consider trolling, I'm sorry but FM and MS just did the work they were ask for and did it right, personally I hate FM3 and at some extents I don't like FM4 but these games are complete and consistent, something that GT5 is not.

People might brag about it but there are clear facts, FM has become a real competence to GT series and the only thing that GT series need to do is improve, people tent to think that GT series needs to improve its assets but that is not true, GT series need to improve as a whole to match the quality that games like FM provides, is not trolling is just the truth, if silly systems and poor management decisions are still supported by fans the quality of the final product will inevitably decrease.

People think that MS and FM affect GT's development but that's not true, the only thing that competence produce is better quality products, if GT series gets overthrown by "Microsoft's copycat" is because GT series didn't manage to stay with good quality, problem that currently affects the series and problem that need to be fixed.
name me one racing game that has dynamic system GT5 has? Just one.

That wasn't my point. My point was that weather and time changes have been around for some time. They're not new ideas. Polyphony took the concepts, combined them and polished them. That's good solid work, and they got a decent result.

It's not really an innovation though, is it? Your argument was that PD is innovative and Turn 10 is not. The dynamic system is not an example of innovation. It's an example of something that is an OBVIOUS factor in real life racing, and someone putting in the time and the effort to implement it well. If you want to use that as an example that Polyphony work hard, are smart, overcome obstacles, or whatever, then I'll agree with you.

But it's not innovative. It's just not.

And really, GT5 is 95% similar to every other racing game out there, because racing games have a single purpose and there's really not that much room to deviate from that.

Probably the most innovative racing game of recent times would have been iRacing, in that they had to adapt so many traditional concepts of racing games in order to make their online racing community work. GT1 was innovative, in that it was more or less the genesis of the tuning and modding racing genre, with real everyday cars. GT5 is simply an extension of that nearly 15 year old concept.

And to bring this back on topic, PD doesn't need to innovate for GT6 in my opinion. There are plenty of established concepts out there that add value to a racing game that could be added to what GT5 already offers. There's probably 5 years of work in adding online features, liveries, body kits, tuning options, social networking, telemetry, media creation and publishing, trading systems, damage systems visual and mechanical, driver training modes, track evolution, helmet cam, tyre modelling, AI, brakes and brake fading, and so on and so on. Some of these are more suitable for a PS4 game, but there's more than enough for Polyphony to do right now, without more computing power and without getting fancy with weird, half-assed ideas that they came up with when they were drunk.

Paint chips? Whoever came up with that idea should be fired.
Funny, if someone disagrees with how GT5 things were handled and how the competence managed to match GT's quality and popularity such thing is consider trolling, I'm sorry but FM and MS just did the work they were ask for and did it right, personally I hate FM3 and at some extents I don't like FM4 but these games are complete and consistent, something that GT5 is not.

People might brag about it but there are clear facts, FM has become a real competence to GT series and the only thing that GT series need to do is improve, people tent to think that GT series needs to improve its assets but that is not true, GT series need to improve as a whole to match the quality that games like FM provides, is not trolling is just the truth, if silly systems and poor management decisions are still supported by fans the quality of the final product will inevitably decrease.

People think that MS and FM affect GT's development but that's not true, the only thing that competence produce is better quality products, if GT series gets overthrown by "Microsoft's copycat" is because GT series didn't manage to stay with good quality, problem that currently affects the series and problem that need to be fixed.

They're both two different interpretations of car culture in my view, this is why I don't think you should compare the two. But if you're going to say "oh this one is best" I think you should judge on the following shown purely in figures without any rif-raf or waffling, just the figures on their own:

- Copies sold
- Profit/Loss
- Professional drivers produced as a result of playing
- Professional drivers who play the game on a regular basis
- Active users
They're both two different interpretations of car culture in my view, this is why I don't think you should compare the two. But if you're going to say "oh this one is best" I think you should judge on the following shown purely in figures without any rif-raf or waffling, just the figures on their own:

OK lets try it:

- Copies sold

Following this logic if tells me that if a game sells more is actually better, if that is true then NFS game would be the kings of racing games according to that logic, not to mention that according to that logic COD series would be the best game ever made.

- Profit/Loss
For GT5 is 60 million USD in development and 5 years of resources to sell around 70 million copies.

For FM3/FM4 is less than 60 million to produce and published two games, with sales figures of 4 million for FM3 + 2 million for FM4, this says that they are doing about the same, the most interesting thing is that MS managed to produce two games within budget at a very profitable revenue.

- Professional drivers produced as a result of playing
Seriously? I know I play a lot of COD but that doesn't make me James Bond, likewise I don't think that a Professional racing driver based on GT knows about tyre warm up, weight transfer and of course damage.

- Professional drivers who play the game on a regular basis
How can you know that? I know Sebastian Vettel might play the game but it can be an advertising stunt, besides that doesn't make the game better, how does affects me that SV is playing the game?

- Active users
Both have about the same population but it depend more on monthly affluence, in which case FM would be leading.

I played online modes for both games and FM manages to be more entertaining with actual damage and other features that were supposed to be implemented on GT5.

Each series has pro and conts but GT5 has a long way to match its "on paper" features (like damage for example, or code stability, or actually functionality, or DLC model implementation which is very wrong).
Seriously? Again?

Perhaps this hasn't sunk in quite enough for some members, so it'll be bolded:

We have GT vs FM threads. Probably a few too many. Take the endless bickering about those two games to one of them, don't continual drag the chip on your shoulders about either to other threads where it's not needed.

The topic of GT vs FM is now done in this thread. If somebody wants to drag it back up, they can enjoy some away time. There are no warnings after this.
Professional drivers as a result of playing either : what the hell is GT Academy then? More drivers are coming about as a result of being good on games, this goes back to a British Rally Champion (forgot his name) who started his career as a result of being good at one of the WRC games on PS2.

The reason I say actual race drivers who play on a regular basis as this would reflect the balance of realism and fun/playability, I know a group a few sports car drivers from LEC and ALMS and they all seem to be playing one of the two games in question against other driver (remember, they ALL know each other) ...I won't say which game as it may come across as bias... also I stated those things in relation to these two VERSIONS of these TWO GAMES, seems that you have deliberately decided to mis-understand that to have your go at being Tenacious D or Toronado. I didn't even mention NFS, Sebastian (who is more of a COD person to be honest), I have no idea how on earth you managed to link COD to James Bond because they are irrelevant to each other whereas there is a link between motorsport, FM and GT (you made yourself look like an idiot basically...).

Now can we actually talk about the TOPIC?
Professional drivers as a result of playing either : what the hell is GT Academy then? More drivers are coming about as a result of being good on games, this goes back to a British Rally Champion (forgot his name) who started his career as a result of being good at one of the WRC games on PS2.

GT academy is just a Gran Turismo brand, nothing more. The game is used as training just as Iracing or F1 driving simulators, saying that GT5 is the only racing game that does this is actually mistaken, and that such thing actually has some impact of IRL performance is actually ludicrous, their skill depend on their skill and they still have to make IRL training.

The reason I say actual race drivers who play on a regular basis as this would reflect the balance of realism and fun/playability

Have you ever played I racing, or any real simulator for example. Real simulations have to cope with IRL demands, fun/playability has nothing to do with realism, just game design, something that PD needs to improve a lot(Broken level up systems and other game elements that should be removed/fix for GT6).

I didn't even mention NFS, Sebastian (who is more of a COD person to be honest), I have no idea how on earth you managed to link COD to James Bond because they are irrelevant to each other whereas there is a link between motorsport.(you made yourself look like an idiot basically...).

Stating that the sales figures actually affect the quality of the a game and that such thing is significant to the experience is actually quite idiotic, stating that professional drivers who play the game on a regular basis have an effect on the game is actually even more idiotic. If a solider plays COD that doesn't make him actually capable of sorting the situations portrayed in that game for obvious reasons, actually saying that GT5 makes capable racing drivers just follows that same stupid logic, GT academy makes the racing drivers, not GT5 (or GT6 for that matter).
Oh brother. Go play Mortal Kombat for a while because I'm just too sleepy to play GT5 right now, and looks like one or two people are having their own fisticuffs. And evidently someone has a sore rear end. Fine, I suppose I'll speak in general about the racing game market and their capabilities, so no one has hurt feelings. ;)

Imari is right about certain things, but others I have to differ with. As I mentioned before, GT6 should improve at the very minimum on the graphics. I'm not sure that anyone would let it slide if it had the same miserable looking shadows and particle effect glitches of GT5. If PD trimmed back certain things as I mentioned, including dropping the resolution to 720p, I know many would point it out, but both fans and critics would cut them slack on that point in order to produce a much prettier game.

Also, certain things could simply be coded properly. Leaderboards, an online system which resembled what we have commonly in just about every PC shooter these days, comprehensive stat tracking and the ability to edit Time Trial board entries as we have in GT4, better matchmaking and race sorting tools, as well as a good scoring system to allow us to find highly regarded racers and servers would go a long way towards giving GT6 long term playability.

You can't leave out the single player side. Giving GT6 an extensive list of races, with single events, championships and Manufacturing Cup races would add tremendously to its lasting appeal as a racing game, for those who aren't enamored so much with the online racing scene. I enjoy it, but I really don't do all that much online racing either, nor do many people.

And there are a number of goodies which add to the appeal of a racer. Livery Editors, online shops and "ebays," both give players a LOT to do and experiment with, and have proven to be extremely popular in certain games. These are two prominent things which Gran Turismo has lacked so far, and are requested by a number of fans. The PS3 may need to devote a substantial amount of resources to supporting 16 cars with custom liveries, though we have no idea on that as of yet.

Other things will most likely require a more powerful system, such as a Course Maker remotely as powerful as the one in ModNation Racers, but with more realistic assets. Kaz has already mentioned that the Movie Maker would have to wait for a Playstation with more ram. Perhaps custom liveries would fall into this requirement as well. It's hard to say. But I'll repeat this in case it's not clear: the GT5 Engine is at least four years old, if not as much as six. At this point in every previous console's lifespan, it has reached maturity, and very little performance more can be squeezed from it, if any. As the big heads at Naughty Dog have mentioned, Uncharted 2 looks better than Uncharted 1, but U3 doesn't look much better at all.

Kaz doesn't need to tell us to "expect perfection," we already do, and is why so many have been grumpy at the weird features, lack of others, and flaws in GT5. And this is why GT6 has got to improve almost everything. This doesn't mean it has to be on PS4, or that Kaz has grown senile and needs to step aside like SONY rather rudely did to Ken Kutaragi, the father of the Playstation. He and his team just need to get backers :D to the basics of what motorsports is all about, and figure how to put as much of that as they can into GT6, on whatever platform that is.

Two years is too soon for GT6 in my estimation, not giving GT5 enough time to garner income, but three would work. And then if GT6 is half as good as we hope it to be, we'll buy it by the millions once again. I expect though that it's going to be quite a tasty treat for us.

By the way, you can argue that sales figures are irrelevant in the discussion of the quality of a game, but no one really believes that. If GT5 was as disposable as a typical Madden or Pokemon, you guys might have a point.
GT academy is just a Gran Turismo brand, nothing more. The game is used as training just as Iracing or F1 driving simulators, saying that GT5 is the only racing game that does this is actually mistaken, and that such thing actually has some impact of IRL performance is actually ludicrous, their skill depend on their skill and they still have to make IRL training.

Have you ever played I racing, or any real simulator for example. Real simulations have to cope with IRL demands, fun/playability has nothing to do with realism, just game design, something that PD needs to improve a lot(Broken level up systems and other game elements that should be removed/fix for GT6).

Stating that the sales figures actually affect the quality of the a game and that such thing is significant to the experience is actually quite idiotic, stating that professional drivers who play the game on a regular basis have an effect on the game is actually even more idiotic. If a solider plays COD that doesn't make him actually capable of sorting the situations portrayed in that game for obvious reasons, actually saying that GT5 makes capable racing drivers just follows that same stupid logic, GT academy makes the racing drivers, not GT5 (or GT6 for that matter).

Off topic much? Especially after...

Seriously? Again?

Perhaps this hasn't sunk in quite enough for some members, so it'll be bolded:

We have GT vs FM threads. Probably a few too many. Take the endless bickering about those two games to one of them, don't continual drag the chip on your shoulders about either to other threads where it's not needed.

The topic of GT vs FM is now done in this thread. If somebody wants to drag it back up, they can enjoy some away time. There are no warnings after this.

Imari, sorry but i didn't ask for a long text.

I simply asked which racing game out there has the dynamic system Gt5 has since it's not innovative according to some folks

I am not asking for hundreds, just name me one.
I have to concur somewhat with vandalizer on his points. It can be argued that the graphics of GT5 these days are no big deal, although that's a really tough point to defend. With all the uber power of PCs over PS3, you just don't see graphics like GT5's on them. In fact, for the most part, they have all looked mostly like PS2 games in HD for about a decade.

Sure, night racing and weather can be found here or there in racers. But it's really hard to call the PC sim versions immersive. You can say that racing on the Nurburgring as day becomes night in GT5 isn't really all that innovative. But what it is...

Is... well, just incredible, unmatched in my experience. Those of us who take the time to experience it don't really care if it's been done before because it hasn't, not like this.
Sure, night racing and weather can be found here or there in racers. But it's really hard to call the PC sim versions immersive. You can say that racing on the Nurburgring as day becomes night in GT5 isn't really all that innovative. But what it is...

Is... well, just incredible, unmatched in my experience. Those of us who take the time to experience it don't really care if it's been done before because it hasn't, not like this.

Thank you. That's exactly what I was trying to get across. It's not innovative, but it is awesome. And that's all that GT6 really needs, more things that people can play and go "Wow, that's awesome!". They don't need to be new things.
PD's strength in graphics has always been the design direction they use (lighting engine and color choices) rather than raw poly count, which is why GT5 still looks good even though it technically isn't that impressive.

Wait two minutes, why Toronado always write blue?
Because it is a bye-week.
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I really need to quit nodding off to GT5 replays... :P

that's all that GT6 really needs, more things that people can play and go "Wow, that's awesome!". They don't need to be new things.
Well........ that's true. Mostly. I think. No, I think you're right, though I'll spell it out a bit more, as usual. Yes, most likely a wall of text is coming. ;)

For even the hard core racing fans who also happen to love Gran Turismo, like me, getting the next GT game isn't even in question. For millions of Playstation owners, this is also true. And even some of the people who are getting rather bored of the same old same old with GT are going to buy it. Rip out the Standard cars, add a few dozen new tracks - some Premium, some not so Premium - and a few hundred Premium level cars, fix the graphics, add the leaderboards and some of the expected goodies for GT5... maybe if it didn't even have damage again, or Storefronts or a Livery Editor, I think it would sell at least as much as GT5.

I think. Generally, I'm sure there would be the usual celebration of a new GT game which didn't take five or six years to produce. But if it didn't include something new to the series, I'm not sure how deep and long lasting the enthusiasm will be. The reason that so many forgave Kaz and PD the many weird and irritating things in GT5 is because of how cool the rest of it is, what a quantum jump in quality the PS3 brought to the series. It's almost not Gran Turismo anymore, but some kind of reality simulator.

And then of course there's your explicit definition of "new." It's really hard to think of what isn't in a racing game these days. Heck, in GT5 we have competitions to give lucky winners a new career as a real life race car driver! So considering that just about all the bases have been covered in other games, there really isn't anything new to bring to the table, as far as I can see, other than really weird things like car soccer and cat & mouse gameplay (which... please, God, no!). In that context, Kaz and the team have to simply think of what real world things to bring to life in GT6, and do it.

It does have to stand out though, offer something dramatic to set it apart, as that's been Kaz's goal in every game, to produce a dream racing experience without equal. For the most part anyhow. What he plans on doing, I don't know, but he raised the bar pretty high with GT5. It has to go up a good bit next time too, or some fans and critics are going to cry "Sequel-itis," and this time, they would be right. Still, Kaz hasn't rested on his laurels yet. Each GT has been something bold in some way, even if GT3 was only a magnificent move into the pre-HD, nearly-photo-real world we're in now. He's going to do something to make us go "Wow," no matter what system it's on.

Yep, wall of text, hope you enjoyed. :D
I really like the dynamic time shift in GT5 but sadly it's only available on 3 tracks: Toscana (fictional), Nurburgring's Nord and LeMans. The Spa DLC track didn't get this, which kind of stinks but oh well. My problem with folks harping up dynamic time shift need to realize that it is a great feature and done quite well but it is exclusive to 2 real world tracks, 3 if you can't the fictional Toscana. I hope GT6 gets the better quality tracks and time shift is done on more tracks. And I hope if they add weather again that they do it across the board, not just on 8 tracks in the game... across the board. I also hope that the E30 M3 is in GT6 in premium form, and no standard BS makes its way to the next GT game. Like mentioned before... please dear god... no ******g Prologue nonsense!!!
Hm... I hadn't noticed how many dynamic time transition tracks there are. That's a shame. Maybe in a Spec III we'll get them.

As for a Prologue, you have to think of just how popular GT5 Prologue was. Now if the proper game isn't but three years off, I don't think one will be made. I think. But even then, there's more than a slim chance we'll be seeing one. If you're tempted to buy it, don't come around and rant about it or you'll just get a lot of finger pointing and LOLs for your trouble. :D

One other thing. I've been thinking of things which at least aren't that common in racing games, and I've come up with two items. A certain other game happened to have come up with an amazing way to teach bots to drive in the first edition, which I proposed way back in the early days of GT4 on the boards. They called theirs Drivatars. You took them on a series of short runs in cars of different power and engine placement around certain tracks with unique curve features, such as decreasing radius turns, increasing radius turns, blind turns over hills, slaloms and chicanes, etc, then you took it around a complex track for a full lap to finish. It was an amazing system and worked very well. They proved very helpful when I made killer bots which were a pain for me to beat, and they won a number of races for me which gave me fits. I was hoping they would make a return, but sadly, no.

Another which is a good feature in this series is the dynamic racing line, which is the more or less ideal path to take around the track, with different colors defining acceleration, slow down and braking zones, and which changes these areas based on how laid back or aggressively you're racing. Fortunately, this is one item Kaz found to be a good addition to GT5.

A couple of others which are about as uncommon are the Storefront and Auction House. The AH is rather like an ebay, an open auction in which you set the rules just as on a real online auction site with minimum sales amount, buy it now and other determiners. The Storefront is your personal shop in which you offer your own wares for sale, and these can be cars, liveries, tunes, decals you make, anything. And of course there's the excellent Livery Editor, though the one made by Eutechnyx - and if I can't mention Eutechnyx, you need help - may be even better. You can even paint over the livery skins of the race cars, making them your own personally identifiable rides. For those who don't want to see anything original online, or if loading these bogs you down for some reason, you can block custom liveries.

All of these, I'm also hoping to see in GT6.
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Apparently this is needed, so I'll clarify; it's entirely fine to mention other games. It was never stated otherwise. If this thread is going to devolve into another "GT vs FM" flame-fest over which is best, however, those involved will be taking a holiday. We have threads to discuss those things.

However, we also have plenty of wishlists for GT6, and at the current rate, this is very quickly becoming another of those. Kaz has confirmed GT6, but that is the extent of what we know about it. Listing features we'd like to see is all well and good (I'm sure we all have some, whether they be tinkering of the current features or wholesale importation of other series' most successful ones), but it certainly feels like a path already travelled.

A thank you to those who decided to clean things up back-channel 👍
Actually I was thinking about this the other day, and I brought it up a long time ago in now ancient threads compared to these I suppose. Anyways, I said that a great way to improve GT games to get people in place that feels like a real race car or racing experience without the seat, buttkicker and force feedback wheel and surrounding cockpit, would be the use of real racing drivers. I look at GT academy and with Ordonez and others I see a group of now real racers that have had real on track experience. These racers could be used by PD to test the beta system of what GT6 would later become and fine tune it into a much better sim racer than any GT before it. GT would need to source other racers like that from WRC, F1, and Nascar fames for those cars, but as far as regular production and sport car racing go they already have the drivers on their payroll.

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