Lack of details in background trees

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I actually like GT's trees. They consume very little memory and processing power. Allowing Nurburgring to look like it is surrounded by forests with multiple layers of trees instead of just one or two.

Track detail is one of the lowest priorities i want improvement on. Physics, number of cars on track,dynamic weather, day/night cycles, track wear such as skid marks and racing lines are all more important to me. Also damage but i think we'll only get that in WRC events or races with just a couple of cars.

PD have a limit to the ram they can use on a track. Nurburgring is obviously the highest. Tsukuba would be much lower even Suzuka. However they cannot use the saved ram on anything else on those tracks. If they upped the track detail on the Nurburgring they would have less ram to work with for everything else.......on every track.
I wish Gt didn't stream from disc but loaded the tracks like PGR, so view distances and whatnot would be better.
Maybe an idea to use two BR discs one that is an install disc and the second a menu disc for playing the game.It will probably take up too much memory though.
I regularly stop my F40 on the Eiger track and look closely at the shrubbery along the side of the track, In fact, it should be called "the real bottany simulator" instead of "the real driving simulator". Then I speed off and leave those shrubs coughing in my exhaust wake :)
Maybe an idea to use two BR discs one that is an install disc and the second a menu disc for playing the game.It will probably take up too much memory though.

I dont think PD neeeds 2 discs when you see the Blu-Ray specs:


25 GB (single-layer)
50 GB (dual-layer)
So, you all want GT to go back to people fences, cardboard trees and horrible backgrounds?
No. Prologue is far past the situation of people fences and cardboard trees, so don't take it back that far. As long as I'm able to drive around without noticing the trees (which I do) then I'm happy. I can't recall what the trees in GT look like. That is a good thing.

Should every leaf be rendered? Do you want no other cars on track and 3fps? I'll have 16 cars and perfectly adequate looking trees, thanks.

This is an important topic, so all of you people criticizing it stop.
I'll criticise if I like. You can criticise if you like. If you don't like criticism, don't post.
Maybe an idea to use two BR discs one that is an install disc and the second a menu disc for playing the game.It will probably take up too much memory though.

Dude PD have plently of capacity in terms of data space. Space isn't the issue. They have access to 50GB, compressed, which means more could be installed. Adding more detail in gameplay slows down real-time performance. Which is up to the PS3. I'm sure the PS3 could handle it, but that would require PD to go back and optimise their game engine, which I suspect they wouldn't even attempt to do until possibly GT6.

So with bumping up the detail on the 'trees' its a compromise for peformance and quality - as it always has been.

With memory we're talking about here its randomly-accessed memory not 'read-only'.
Cant really understand what you guys complain about. I think GT trees look good, as daan said I dont notice the trees when I drive. Just took a few laps on suz and I actually think the trees looks quite real, unless you drive of track to study them wich I prefer not to do.
It doesn't. Every GT loads full track and does not stream it.
Large tracks like Nurburgring and probably New York are loaded bit by bit, or streamed, but that doesn't have anything to do with draw distance. But I'm wondering why you bring up draw distance, since Prologue has some of the best distant views I've seen.
The trees really need to be fixed. In addition has anyone looked down the alley ways on London? The buildings look really flat with poor textures. That really needs to be fixed as well. Add visible tire deformation and working reverse lights. That all needs to be perfect before PD does anything silly like implement day/night cycles or changing weather.
Yeah because a working reverse light changes the gameplay way more than rain or night races.
The trees really need to be fixed. In addition has anyone looked down the alley ways on London? The buildings look really flat with poor textures. That really needs to be fixed as well. Add visible tire deformation and working reverse lights. That all needs to be perfect before PD does anything silly like implement day/night cycles or changing weather.

Please - I hope you're being sarcastic.
Yeah I just re-read it in the tone. I just went spastic reading it the first time around.

Damn, whats this thread doing to me.
I for one feel the trees on eiger and high speed are both a bit weak. I don't think it's needed to render trees like the cars, but I don't think we shouldn't be seeing two 2-d planes for a pine tree:)

Ok my two cents.....
I find the trees on GT5:P perfect enough for me. The trees in GT4, however...

I wonder if anyone who has criticized this matter thought of Photomode? 💡 It sure looks great to have "crappy" trees in the background.
I dont know why you guys are being so harsh, I agree with the OP. When playing racing games I spend a lot of time looking at the scenery, umm, almost all of it actually :P The three things I look at... Track surface... Interior... Environment. I'm sure all you guys are happy getting off on the ultra detailed car models, but some people do look at the picture as a whole and see the arsey looking 2D green thing trying to pass itself off as a tree :P

It all helps with a sense of immersion. Personally I think the GTR evo trees look quite nice while moving (not so good when you're stationary, but as long as you're moving they look good), I doubt they are too bad performance wise either. Though the big problem with GTR evo is the lack of shadows from trees.

Tracks like the Nurburgring, or Fuji in Forza 1, or Eiger are my favourite because of the scenery as much as anything, good layout + good scenery = good track. In real life I'll often randomly go for a drive through the country just to enjoy a relaxing drive through a nice environment.

Just because YOU dont care about the trees doesn't mean other people dont and you dont all have to be arses about it. Personally I dont give a damn about tiny little details in a headlight I'll never look at close enough to notice anyway, but you guys were all getting off on it in the other thread. This is a thread about something you'll see CONSTANTLY while racing, the trees, and the fact that they need a bit of attention to be bought up to the same level of quality as the car models.
I didn't know it was april 1st, but appearently it is... or? :rolleyes:

Seriously, who gives a damn about the trees? Of course, it's nice if they look good, but they already do so I don't get what the fuss is about.
Seriously, who gives a damn about the trees?

Exactly. I don't buy GT to stare at some stupid trees, I race.
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As a programmer you want to have the lowest median overhead for a given constant, such as a track.

Lets say the Nurburgring as it is takes 30mb of the video GDDR ram and Tsukuba takes up 15mb. Of the 256mb video ram, you only have 226mb left (and minus the frambuffer about 200mb) for everything else, because Nurburgring takes 30mb. Even when racing on Tsukuba you would only program for 226mb(200mb). Now if the trees fidelity were upgraded, this would have much effect on Nurburgring but little to no effect on Tsukuba. So now, with better trees, Nurburgring uses up lets say....45mb but Tsukuba still only takes up 15mb. This would mean when racing on Tsukuba 30mb would be unutilised. The different ram consumption between the largest and smallest tracks need to kept to a minimum. An easy way to do this is to keep the 2D trees.

It is no coincidence that the wet track in GT4 was Tsukuba.
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Man...i wonder how often you crash around the track while paying that much attention to trees and flowers. I bet it is too funny...

The trees are fine...some people just exaggerate to much.

Maybe I'm just that much better of a driver than you guys that I can pay attention to my surroundings and still race :P
Maybe you should upload some of your everyone can have a good laugh. :crazy:

But Ontopic...PD can consider theirselves happy, if those "small" things is all what people are concerned about.
PD has got their priorties right. The racing element comes first. Sure we would all love Flower type trees. But that would entail compromises and scaling of certain things.

Would you scale the amount of cars rendered on the track, the high car polygon, and other graphical sweeties so that you can have your awesome looking pine trees? Of course not.

The trees are good enough. And in the scale of things they are rightfully at the bottom of the list.
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