Legalization of Marijuana

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I'm sure it's the same as alcohol. We already have those laws in place so literally making the exact same laws keeps it easy. So no smoking at work, no smoking in a car, age restrictions etc.
I'm not sure about weight since I'm not really into weed that much, only a VERY occasional user.

Could you define a "VERY occasional user"? I'm curious to know where I stand.

I'm sure it's the same as alcohol. We already have those laws in place so literally making the exact same laws keeps it easy. So no smoking at work, no smoking in a car, age restrictions etc.

Some states have no open container laws, for some reason if those states legalized marijuana I couldn't see them applying the same alcohol laws in that respect. Here in Washington it is legal for passengers to have open containers in certain vehicles, so keep your eyes peeled for cheap mobile homes! I can't say I've ever gotten a contact high while riding with or driving around my smoking buds, I can only hope they don't restict it's use even in those certain vehicles.

Smoking bans are ****, so that's another hurdle in and of itself. I'd love to be able to take a rip from a bong during the premier of The Hobbit, or are theaters not on the list of places where smoking is not allowed? Reading about Washington/Seattle smoking laws. Even if so, finding a theater that allows smoking might prove to be difficult. Could drive-in/outdoor theaters make a comeback? Likely not. Meh, we've still got brownies. I'll eat the whole plate!
Wouldn't it be the same thing as an electronic cigarette? I assumed these were legal to use in places where smoking was not, but doing some reading I'm finding information where there have been attempts here to ban those as well. Ridiculous. Not sure if the bans have actually passed though.


At the December 16, 2010 meeting, the King County Board of Health passed the following regulations in regards to electronic cigarettes:

Prohibits selling electronic cigarettes to minors.
Prohibits offering free or nominal cost electronic cigarettes.
Prohibits electronic cigarette use in all areas where smoking is prohibited by law.

Wouldn't it be the same thing as an electronic cigarette? I assumed these were legal to use in places where smoking was not, but doing some reading I'm finding information where there have been attempts here to ban those as well. Ridiculous. Not sure if the bans have actually passed though.

In Britain, electronic cigarettes are legal to smoke anywhere, people who run establishments though don't always believe this and try and cause a fuss. I have seen many arguments over those things including one coming to blows.
Well, certainly if it's their establishment they have the right to cause a fuss. No?

No, they have the right to not serve you for more or less any reason (excluding race, sex etc). For a customer this is covered by "The Offer/invitaion to treat" in UK law.
If they serve you though or allow you to be a customer/patron Then they have to abide by the law, and the law does not say you cannot smoke an electrical cigarette, unlike a regular cigarette. They can't ban/eject you for using a pen, even if they have a sign up saying..."No Pens".

I can't think of an exception to this.

I vote NO. Strongly. I've seen what marijuana does to people.

A kid at my old school. Straight A's in year 8. One of the smartest in the school, he was really pleasant and happy. Above 90 marks in everything. He started smoking a bit of weed, by year 10 he couldn't talk or put sentences together well at all, and had no clue what was going on and was always miserable. He didn't finish year 12 because he was too lazy and got crap marks. Besides understanding all the well known facts about what dope does to you, there is seriously NO argument for legalisation. Drugs are bad and **** people up. We all know that.

Anybody that thinks silly cigarettes are ok, they're totally irresponsible in regards to society and they're simply thick. As soon as you experience meeting and talking to someone "before" and "after" they've smoked pot for a couple of years, the evidence is overwhelming and its really sad. We don't need such a terrible thing in society any more than it is today (illegally).

Things like this happen at my school. Thus, why I feel marijuana destroys people. Just because it's "...only as bad as Alcohol..." doesn't mean it's any BETTER than it!
I've smoked pot for several years, it hasn't ****ed me up. I'm certainly not the most the intelligent individual but neither was I before smoking.

That whole quote is pretty much hogwash.

Things like this happen at my school. Thus, why I feel marijuana destroys people. Just because it's "...only as bad as Alcohol..." doesn't mean it's any BETTER than it!

ah ok. I know a child who at school stole his fathers car and ran 3 people over. One ended up in a wheelchair for life.
Guess we should just ban all cars for destroying lives, as this one experience must mean it is a universal truth for everyone.

Things like this happen at my school. Thus, why I feel marijuana destroys people. Just because it's "...only as bad as Alcohol..." doesn't mean it's any BETTER than it!

Only proof that minors shouldn't consume any drugs.

Tobacco, alcohol, cough syrup, scripts, etc.

Marijuana has never destroyed anyone, there was obviously many things wrong with that kid before he "dropped off"
He was probally under a lot of stress, and decided **** it in high school. It happens.

I fell of in high school, but didnt start smoking pot until my senior year.
Even then I didnt start smoking regularly until the end of the school semester.

I like to say Im fine.
Only proof that minors shouldn't consume any drugs.

Tobacco, alcohol, cough syrup, scripts, etc.

Marijuana has never destroyed anyone, there was obviously many things wrong with that kid before he "dropped off"
He was probally under a lot of stress, and decided **** it in high school. It happens.

I fell of in high school, but didnt start smoking pot until my senior year.
Even then I didnt start smoking regularly until the end of the school semester.

I like to say Im fine.

It's like with everything, if you have it under control, it's not a problem. Question is, when is it a problem?
When you take away someone else's rights.

The right to smoke weed?

But that wasn't what I was thinking with my question, it's sometines hard to see it as a problem when you are using it on a daily basis. I'm sure smoking it every day don't have to be a problem, it's an expensive hobby but, when does it get out of hand? Some people are better of not knowing and when you smoke at home, people are going to smell it. Some people can't just come in for cup of coffee or whatever, when is it 'controlling' your social life?
Marijuna use is often a symptom of the problem, not necessarily the cause. Not that it actually makes the problem any better.

I know people who've done it and lived normal, fruitful lives. I know others who do nothing but do it and don't.

I also know people who let video games control their lives, leading to poor school performance, poor job performance and ruined marriages. Ask me why I don't play GT5 at the moment and have consciously chosen not to buy into Diablo III or Skyrim? Because I'm an addict. I know I can't stop once I start, so I consciously choose not to. The "high" I get while playing interferes with my life too much, so I've stepped back so I can concentrate on other things.

Don't ask me to give up caffeine, though. :D


The continued criminalization of marijuana is one of the big hypocrisies of our time. We allow alcoholic consumption, leading to liver failure, car crashes, bar brawls, murders, lost jobs, ruined marriages and ruined lives, yet we don't allow marijuana, whose biggest effect, all on its own, is as a co-factor in underachievement in underachieving teens?


I see marijuana as like alcohol. Not for kids. Not at work. Not while driving. Police it like that and that's all that's really necessary. Legalize it. Tax it. Bring it out into the open. This way you can ensure that people buy it from drugstores and hippie herbalist shops instead of from drug dealers looking to hook them onto something more profitable. You can still go after underground sellers and dealers who choose to sell without FDA approval or licensing, and you get the tax dollars from legit sellers to fund the operation. Win-win-win.


Surprised it hasn't been mentioned here, but this might be something of a downer for recreational users who are trying to push the medical angle for legalization:

Think it's a fantastic thing, actually. Medical marijuana that will be easy to legalize. Because it doesn't get you high.
Marijuna use is often a symptom of the problem, not necessarily the cause. Not that it actually makes the problem any better.

I know people who've done it and lived normal, fruitful lives. I know others who do nothing but do it and don't.

I also know people who let video games control their lives, leading to poor school performance, poor job performance and ruined marriages. Ask me why I don't play GT5 at the moment and have consciously chosen not to buy into Diablo III or Skyrim? Because I'm an addict. I know I can't stop once I start, so I consciously choose not to. The "high" I get while playing interferes with my life too much, so I've stepped back so I can concentrate on other things.

Don't ask me to give up caffeine, though. :D


The continued criminalization of marijuana is one of the big hypocrisies of our time. We allow alcoholic consumption, leading to liver failure, car crashes, bar brawls, murders, lost jobs, ruined marriages and ruined lives, yet we don't allow marijuana, whose biggest effect, all on its own, is as a co-factor in underachievement in underachieving teens?


I see marijuana as like alcohol. Not for kids. Not at work. Not while driving. Police it like that and that's all that's really necessary. Legalize it. Tax it. Bring it out into the open. This way you can ensure that people buy it from drugstores and hippie herbalist shops instead of from drug dealers looking to hook them onto something more profitable. You can still go after underground sellers and dealers who choose to sell without FDA approval or licensing, and you get the tax dollars from legit sellers to fund the operation. Win-win-win.

Well said, sir. Agree 100%. 👍

Surprised it hasn't been mentioned here, but this might be something of a downer for recreational users who are trying to push the medical angle for legalization:

Think it's a fantastic thing, actually. Medical marijuana that will be easy to legalize. Because it doesn't get you high.

Well that's no fun. 👎
They make those kinds of preparations at Oaksterdam. The recreational users basically funded the therapeutic side of the business.
Could you define a "VERY occasional user"? I'm curious to know where I stand.

Sure can, I have smoked it about 6 times this year. However the people I smoke it with smoke it much more often (most days), so I'm pretty much seen as a lightweight when I can only smoke 1 joint shared between 3 of us before I'm feeling pretty stoned.

Weed should be legal, chavs will stop smoking it because its legal and people like me can smoke responsibly without legal worries.

The focus should change from prohibition to education, tell people that they can do what they want however that long term use will cause problems and to be responsible. I have noticed no difference in my academic performance since I have started smoking MJ, I'm still a straight A student. The other people I have noticed a difference though, however I would point this more to the people they hang around with rather than the MJ itself.
Biggest negative effect on grades in College? Counterstrike.

But for some reason, Med Students get better grades with it. Apparently the stress release you get from shooting virtual people in the head helps them study better. :D