Legalization of Marijuana

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Nope. It's a damn shame, really. Sure, I can get the frozen burgers at the local store and while if you take the right process to microwaving them (20 seconds with plastic opened, 40 with top buns off and out, 20 more with top buns back in and on) they're good, they're not quite as good and expensive at nearly $1 a piece. Don't question my cooking process, it's the first way I tried and worked great and I'm not risking changing it up! :lol:

I really miss the double jalapeno cheeseburger, those were the best. Real talk.

There's a Del Taco a few miles south but I haven't made it to it yet. I was pretty sad to hear about the one in St. Louis shutting down, even though I no longer live there.
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Actually try fully heating them with the buns. That soggy bun is part of it because after they flip the meat they put the top bun on and then when they finish they put the whole thing together on the griddle and slide it to the side or back, sitting in the juices, until your entire order is ready and then plate/bag it all at once. Plus, the onions can stick to the bun, but are cooked with the burger.

Part of the joy of eating at White Castle is getting to watch your food being prepared through a window between the register and the drink machine.

EDIT: Wow, way off topic now. Or is it?
Yeah, White Castle is supposed to have soggy buns. I feel bad for anybody who hasn't experienced eating 15 of them, then running like a maniac into the bathroom a few hours later. They're worth the struggle.
White Castle burgers are terrible, at least imo. Their chicken rings on the other hand are outstanding. I haven't been there in ages though. Too many people got robbed at the one near me so I don't go anymore.
Actually try fully heating them with the buns. That soggy bun is part of it because after they flip the meat they put the top bun on and then when they finish they put the whole thing together on the griddle and slide it to the side or back, sitting in the juices, until your entire order is ready and then plate/bag it all at once. Plus, the onions can stick to the bun, but are cooked with the burger.

I quite like the soggy buns of "cooked at White Castle" White Castles, but I'm scared soggy microwaved buns will be nasty. I'll give it a try though, my method does indeed produce soggy lower buns. BTW totally on topic! ;)

I feel bad for anybody who hasn't experienced eating 15 of them, then running like a maniac into the bathroom a few hours later. They're worth the struggle.

It's amazing how quick they get to work, ain't it?

White Castle burgers are terrible, at least imo.

You should change your username cause you're clearly a fake. :P

I see most of you are a Harold or Kumar. :lol:

Ever had the pleasure?

I have a friend who said she'd ship me some authentic whities but I've been too lazy to get it sorted.
Constitutional analysis of federal vs state laws specifically aimed at colorado and washington marijuana laws.

The article explains why federal supremecy does not apply in this case, and why the state laws are constitutional and should be upheld by the supreme court if/when the supreme court hears the case.


One interesting thing that the article points out is that the state vs federal marijuana battle has been going on for a long time in the form of medical marijuana, which the federal government technically bans. States have gotten away with legalizing that for years, and the outright legalization is no different. Makes me think this is more of a done deal than I realized.
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I'm not reading the whole thread, sorry.

I voted yes and, I would like to add my thoughts.

Smoking weed does NOT lead to harder drugs -
Its all down to how strong the individual is. We all have a choice in life. I have been offered many other, harder drugs and have always refused. Didn't want to ruin my High X).
Ever thought that Nicotine, Caffeine and Alcohol could be gateway drugs?

Smoking weed does NOT turn you into a vegetable -
If thats the case, myself, my Mum, Dad, Grandma, Sister, Girlfriend and many many friends are collectively a greengrcers.
If you lose your mind to grass, you're either taking other stuff too or, you're green hasn't been cleaned and / or had bad things added (hash especially).

Smoking weed does NOT keep you from acheiving goals in life -
I have a full time job, 2 flat TV's, car, Girlfriend of nearly 8 years and a life. If you let these things slip and make weed your priority in life, then things will fall apart. Just like it does with booze but, probably much easier to break away from.

at the end of the day, it is down to the individual. If you have willpower, self control and common sense, you too can have fun without fear.

Bill Hicks Quotes #2 - Drugs are good
"If you don't think drugs have done good things for us, then take all of your records, tapes and CD's and burn them."

Bill Hicks Quotes #7 - A stoner, not a fighter
"I have never seen two people on pot get in a fight because it is ******* IMPOSSIBLE. 'Hey, buddy!' 'Hey, what?' 'Ummmmmmm....' End of argument."

Bill Hicks Quotes #9 - Natural is illegal?
"Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit...unnatural?"

I'm going to apologize as this is off topic, but I've been told it's the only place I'm allowed to discuss it...

I'm actually curious as to what constitutes an illegal substance by GTP definition? Assuming the poster lives in a state and/or area where the substance isn't actually illegal, or possesses the proper qualifications to legally own said substance, is it still against AUP to speak of it?
I'm going to apologize as this is off topic, but I've been told it's the only place I'm allowed to discuss it...

I'm actually curious as to what constitutes an illegal substance by GTP definition? Assuming the poster lives in a state and/or area where the substance isn't actually illegal, or possesses the proper qualifications to legally own said substance, is it still against AUP to speak of it?

No. Not a discussion like this.
I'm going to apologize as this is off topic, but I've been told it's the only place I'm allowed to discuss it...

I'm actually curious as to what constitutes an illegal substance by GTP definition? Assuming the poster lives in a state and/or area where the substance isn't actually illegal, or possesses the proper qualifications to legally own said substance, is it still against AUP to speak of it?
The final choice on if any topic breaks the AUP or not is down to the staff. However as far as this topic goes feel free to discuss the subject at length and the pros and cons behind its status as a drug (i.e. why it should or should not be made legal in the various parts of the world. However I would caution great care is discussing personal use of any substance that is of varying legality across the US, and would go as far as to strongly recommend that you don't do so.

No. Not a discussion like this.
Your not a member of staff and as such it would be appreciated if you would refrain from tell members what they can and can't post.
The final choice on if any topic breaks the AUP or not is down to the staff. However as far as this topic goes feel free to discuss the subject at length and the pros and cons behind its status as a drug (i.e. why it should or should not be made legal in the various parts of the world. However I would caution great care is discussing personal use of any substance that is of varying legality across the US, and would go as far as to strongly recommend that you don't do so.
Thank you for taking the time to respond Scaff, I do appreciate it.

I have not, nor will not discuss any use of the substance in question. I'm only questioning the GTP logistics of using a(n) AUP that doesn't apply. If the substance is in fact legal, how can they be violating the AUP or TOS agreement that you've referred them to?
Thank you for taking the time to respond Scaff, I do appreciate it.

I have not, nor will not discuss any use of the substance in question. I'm only questioning the GTP logistics of using a(n) AUP that doesn't apply. If the substance is in fact legal, how can they be violating the AUP or TOS agreement that you've referred them to?

The substance in question is not globally legal and as such it is indeed a grey area, which is why the staff make the final choice in this regard, in this instance based around the fact that its is still illegal for the vast majority of the membership and we have no way of 100% confirming the exact location of a member stating they are in a location that it is legal in.
Basically it's up to staff to decide. My credentials as to my legal rights are not at GTP disposal. They have no way to verify if I am prop 215/420 compliant(as per my state). Yet I am.:sly::sly:
Your not a member of staff and as such it would be appreciated if you would refrain from tell members what they can and can't post.
Oh sorry Scaff I didn't mean it like that. I was just thinking for how long this thread has been up just using that as a reference. Only reason I said that. Sorry i guess
I would go so far as to call it a favor, not allowing people to potentially expose themselves to prosecution. It does happen.
Recently to someone in my area posting narcotics on Facebook. :lol:

On topic, I am thrilled that it has become "legal" in any new area. :)
We are approaching 20th April (International weed day) and there is a large event going on in London. I know people who are going and had a bit of a google about it and it seems that it happens every year openly and the police don't get involved. Very interesting considering the very anti drug stance that most officers give. What do you guys think??

(I'm personally very for it, weed should be legal as the damage it does to society is mainly caused by the fact that it is illegal.)
I can imagine that we're going to get a bunch of people out and about on the twentieth here. I figure, a few years, the novelty will wear off, and then we'll have some nice regulations akin to alcohol.

Incidentally, my brother's just applied to a job at a marijuana bar near the University District, doubt he'll get it, but kudos for such a thing to actually exist.