Even whiskey tasters have to spit, not swallow.![]()
What about rock/punk stars. Pretty sure they can combine both.![]()
Biggest negative effect on grades in College? Counterstrike.
But for some reason, Med Students get better grades with it. Apparently the stress release you get from shooting virtual people in the head helps them study better.![]()
MisterEadsI smoke daily. Regardless, it should be legal.
ORPHANTHIRTY7Well as Dr. Dre said "hey hey hey, smoke weed everyday".
MisterEadsThat was Nate Dogg, RIP.
And I shall, lol.
But honestly I don't understand why they don't just make it legal but have the same laws for like alcohol or something like that. It would produce revenue too
I believe the main reason politicians are hesitant to legalize it is because they make more revenue off it when it's illegal through drug busts and under the table activities with money laundering from Mexico and what not.
A contemporary example we might consider is the current situation in the Gaza Strip, where an entire population is subject to a biopolitical management so extensive that the Israeli government has even intervened at the level of the bodily metabolism of Palestinians living in Gaza, through counting the exact amount of calories supposedly needed to keep the population just barely above the rate of starvation, and only allowing aid that equates to that exact amount to enter Gaza’s borders. Foucault explains the apparently paradoxical nature of a governmentality that can willing expose such a large portion of its population to near-death (and “unwillingly” to death) and at the same time aim to expand and maximize the life of another portion of its population, through what he calls “State racism.” He describes racism as “a way of introducing a break into the domain of life that is under power’s control: the break between what must live and what must die” and characterizes this function of fragmenting the population and separating the lives that are worth investing in and maximizing from the lives that must be sacrificed in order for the rest of the population to thrive, as “a biological relationship” aimed at maintaining the purity of the species (254-255). It is in this sense that “in a normalizing society race or racism is the precondition that makes killing acceptable” (256).
In the case of the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the Palestinian people, we do not necessarily have a State that out rightly targets Palestinian civilians or seeks to murder Palestinians in general, but we do have, I would venture, an accurate and contemporary example of biopower’s “making live and letting die.” As Foucault says, “When I say killing, I obviously do not mean simply murder as such, but also every form of indirect murder: the fact of exposing someone to death, increasing the risk of death for some people, or, quite simply, political death, expulsion, rejection, and so on” (256). It is within this framework that the Israeli government can justify its control of food and aid imports into Gaza and the shooting of Palestinian fisherman off the coast of Gaza: these biopolitical strategies that might be characterized as “letting die” are always justified through appeals to “security,” that is, the security of the rest of Israel’s population at the expense of those the government has deemed, in Foucault’s terms, a “biological threat…to our race” (257).
Tonight is the night, in Washington, and it looks like a bunch plan to celebrate it at the Space Needle, no surprise.
I'm not working at the moment and being the responsible adult I amI'm gonna have to pass. 👎
Depends on the job.![]()
I believe all of the pending charges for marijuana pocession or whatever here in King County at least have been dropped, or so I've read. May have been like that for all of Washington. I think possession here in Seattle has been a pretty minor offense for a while, at least possession of small quantities, so I doubt many of those people are in jail. As for the rest of Washington I don't know.
I know Spokane and Whitman County stopped processing any currently open cases and were no longer charging people in the interim period. Now that is the 6th, I'm kind of curious how open people are going to be about it.
Of course, I'm torn because I have exams over the next week but also want to take advantage of the new law![]()
As it looks now they will basically make ideidcial alcohol laws only change the word alcohol to weed and press print. What I'm wondering is what happens to the people in jail or charges with weed? I get that a large drug dealer there will be no change but so many people have charges of possession on their record. I assume they will drop the charges off their records and get no compensation.
Also what about restaurants. They are saying no smoking outside in public just like drinking but a lot of restaurants have outdoor fenced off areas that are basically right on the street. You can smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol there so will you be able to smoke weed there as well?
Even with these laws its too weird that federal law has it banned. It should of been the opposite where it's legal but up to the state to determine whether they want it legal or illegal. Right now everything that people are doing big business wise to get factories and stores etc in order to sell can all be shut down. I think that's probably the governments aim with this play as they know shutting down the big players is what will bring them the most money. Let's all these small time bust of street level dudes go and now they can simply Google who is the biggest dope dealer and gps the location to shut them down. Nothing they can do to fight the charges since federal law obviously trumps everything. Will be an interesting year to see how this all goes.
Probably not. They're probably the biggest suppliers. They're good at making money and I assume they would legitimize and incorporate. There would be no reason to fight the law any more.If the rest of America gets on this legalization, then the Marijuana cartels down South can suffer a huge blow.
DennischI wonder what this will do to American tourism to Amsterdam.![]()