- 3,082
- Allen, Texas
- crispychicken49
- crispychicken49
This was what I posted on another site. So if you see things like "Flood" and stuff like that, don't be confused.
Should the United States legalize marijuana? (TL;DR at the bottom)
Personally, I think it's a good idea. And no, I'm not one of those people who just want to roll a joint and smoke it. In fact even if they make it legal, I would never use it. (Can't even be around smoke, plus the stuff smells odd to me) There are many reasons why I think it should be legal.
It's safer. Smoking pot is safer than smoking a cigarette. It's not 100% safe, but it sure is a lower risk of developing lung cancer. In fact this link says it probably pales in comparison to the risk of cigarette smoke.
It's cheaper. Look how much money we spend on fighting marijuana! $42 Billion! Much more if you count the cost of the War on Drugs. Then how much money are we spending on people in prison for pot? According to the DEA, it's about 1-10 years in prison for possession of marijuana. It costs about $58,000 to keep someone in jail for a year. Or $290,000 for a five year sentence. (Median sentence for marijuana) And how many people are sent to prison for marijuana possession? 6,200 people. That is $1,798,000,000 costing the Federal government each year sending people to prison for marijuana.
Taxing would earn you a bunch too. This link says that the high-grade weed would cost around $20. Tax it by say, 7%, and the government would earn $1.4 per purchase of weed. According to this study, 42% of the people surveyed have tried marijuana. Apply that to the US population, and approximately 131,040,000 people have tried it in the US. Not surprising. Tax it and you would earn $183,456,000 for those greedy tax collectors.
How many other things can cannabis be used for? It helps cancer patients. It helps reduce nausea, pain, and tumor size of cancer patients, as well as many other medical uses. (It's sometimes prescribed by doctors themselves!) Hemp can be used for many things! It can be used for building materials, oil, nutrition, lotion (Something to get you Flood worked up about), textiles, paper, and much more! The uses are endless. Tax this and you'll get billions!
But what about crime? Would crime go down? Certainly. If a drug dealer charges $50-100 for marijuana, (This guy does) and your local Walgreens charges $20 for the best stuff, why would you go to the drug dealer? Cause he has nice looking dreadlocks and a sexy .45 tucked away? You wouldn't have to worry about buying from a shady drug dealer when you can get more of the better stuff for less. The drug dealers go out of business, and the cartels lose money, a lot considering most deal marijuana. Less money for cartels equals less cartels equals less violence and crime.
Less money would be spent on the War on Drugs to fight these cartels which would put more money in the government, which would get us out of this financial problem. Then we can use hemp to make products instead of fossil fuels, meaning cleaner air. Cleaner air would mean less people with lung cancer, and the people that do get cancer could be helped a little by marijuana. Yet we keep sitting here spending money fighting this drug, when we can earn money legalizing it. Just make restrictions similar to alcohol or cigarettes and less kids will get into it while their brains are developing, unlike now when they can get it from drug dealer who sells unrestricted.
So Flood, do you agree or disagree?
TL;DR: We lose too much money fighting marijuana, when we can earn money legalizing it.