That's because there isn't much of a turn on for most men if they think about how she is doing it to feed her three-year-old daughter. It's sex, it's supposed to be fun. It is no different than thinking that a job at an amusement park or movie theater would be fun. As the customer it is fun. To think about how much it sucks for the workers kind of defies the goal.CarlosI was a bit shocked how easy they thought about the girls, truly thinking they were doing this for fun.
From what I heared and witnessed is that the drug flow isn't broken in any way.
It might be even easier to get big quantities because dealers don't have the 5 gr limit ( I know about making the tour to all the coffeeshops)
That way peeps can still smoke and there will be less hassle from drugs tourists in the border regions.
^Most places have tourism boards that specifically try to bring tourism (aka business, money, etc) to their area. If you don't care if money flows into your country or not I guess your opinion makes sense. Me, I like making money.
That's because there isn't much of a turn on for most men if they think about how she is doing it to feed her three-year-old daughter. It's sex, it's supposed to be fun. It is no different than thinking that a job at an amusement park or movie theater would be fun. As the customer it is fun. To think about how much it sucks for the workers kind of defies the goal.
I like having potential customers around my business. I like safe roads too. I don't see how making a guy performing a legal activity suddenly into a criminal makes your streets safer.I like making money too. But I also like safe roads. I like that even more.
It's not the women that I am talking about, but I am comparing activities done for pleasure. It is a job, so I compare her to any other employee from a customer's perspective. How would you prefer I approach it? The subject raises controversy at the first word, so there is no polite way to describe it.There is a big difference between pressing a button at a fair or being a prostitute. Bit senseless to talk about these women in such a way.
You should move to some US cities. Some specialize in cops with nothing better to do than give out traffic tickets. Another idea that I see low speed neighborhoods do is put in speed bumps.I am refering to the fact that many drug tourist did not keep to the 30 zones in my area.
You should move to some US cities. Some specialize in cops with nothing better to do than give out traffic tickets. Another idea that I see low speed neighborhoods do is put in speed bumps.
Is speeding seriously the big crime problem you were concerned about?
Are you talking about guys crossing the border from five minutes away?
You poor soul. You are just plagued with first-world problems.No of course not. Poluting, annoying people too.
I wonder if Canada feels the same way about American 18-year-olds crossing the border to drink alcohol.Yes.
Seriously, you would love the US. We have a restaurant chain known for their rocking chairs set out front for people to just sit in while they wait for a table to open up.I do not have time to sit in a rockin' chair. But the idea sounds tempting.
Or you don't see them, because they can't go to the coffeeshop near you anymore.
You poor soul. You are just plagued with first-world problems.
I wonder if Canada feels the same way about American 18-year-olds crossing the border to drink alcohol.
Seriously, you would love the US. We have a restaurant chain known for their rocking chairs set out front for people to just sit in while they wait for a table to open up.
True, just look up the reports, complaints about street-dealing and related nuisances are up by 34% since the introduction of the weedpass.
FoolKillerI wonder if Canada feels the same way about American 18-year-olds crossing the border to drink alcohol.
Or that. Yeah, black markets. They're a bitch.
Fact: People go to Amsterdam for weed. That's what every single American thinks the entire point of going to Amsterdam is. That's it. We make movies about it. There's 300,000,000 of us so I hope ya'll are building some new jails. Might want to hire some secretaries for the paperwork.
I didn't say anything about the Red light district.
ZohsixGT5I didn't say anything about the Red light district.
The first sentence was sarcasm to show just how serious I find your "crime" problems. And the term "first-world problems" is a common term to describe the kinds of non-issues westerners have found a way to spend their day fretting over, like if our kids have enough sunscreen and never letting a drop of tap water cross our lips. Too much traffic falls in there. It is in contrast to real issues like finding potable drinking water, starvation, and disease, or third-world problems.Childish.
19 then. I don't like near the border, just know some Michigan residents that talked about doing it.*19. Except Quebec.
Tough nut to crack. You need a sure way to test for DUIs, if for no other reason to check after an accident. My first thought is that it should be out of your system and you be fine, making the tests show a false positive, but then I remember some of the Spicoli type of potheads I know. Hurm. Maybe a rule that evidence of intoxication is required, such as being like Spicolio or having a distinct odor. I wonder if the test can be made to detect the age of the chemical in the blood based on some degree of breakdown or something.I'd say the sarcasm is more adult in nature.
On the topic, Washington is looking to pass i502, which will legalize carrying up to an ounce for anyone over the age of 21.
The flip side is showing more than 5 nanograms of Active THC per milliliter blood of is grounds for a DUI. And while people shouldn't drive when they are under in the influence, it has been shown that regular smokers will show more than that after days of not smoking. What people are worried about is a shift from possession convictions to DUI's, or that the Federal government will slap the legalization part down and keep the DUI part.
I'd like it to be legal, but not if I'm going to get a DUI for smoking the day before heavily and then sleeping it off.
On the topic, Washington is looking to pass i502, which will legalize carrying up to an ounce for anyone over the age of 21.
The flip side is showing more than 5 nanograms of Active THC per milliliter blood of is grounds for a DUI. And while people shouldn't drive when they are under in the influence, it has been shown that regular smokers will show more than that after days of not smoking. What people are worried about is a shift from possession convictions to DUI's, or that the Federal government will slap the legalization part down and keep the DUI part.
I'd like it to be legal, but not if I'm going to get a DUI for smoking the day before heavily and then sleeping it off.
I am glad that some US tourists who happen to be GTplanet members, do visit the Netherlands for other things our country has to offer.
How much is a girl there? Not that I have a plane ticket or anything *shifty eyes*