Legalization of Marijuana

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Valid point
It is which kind of makes the rest of you post a bit odd.

I think the chances are bigger than for a non user to jump to hard drugs.
Thinking it doesn't make it true.

I know a large number of people who have only ever smoked weed and never graduated to anything else, I also know just as many people who would never smoke anything but are quite happy to pop pills/legal highs/coke, etc.

Your belief in this particular point is often cited, yet has never been proven.

Except the lesson that killed a baby.
What lesson would that be?

First it not even certainly from that article that drugs were the cause of death "The woman is probably dead by drugs.", and if it does turn out to be that then it unlikely to be weed that was the cause (unless this turns out to be the first every death of its kind in human history).

The lesson here is that someone died in unknown circumstances, what that has to do with the topic at hand I am at a loss to understand.

How did extreme sports get mixed into this? Tobacco? Smoking a sigar or drinking a beer every now and then is dangerous?
You opened the gateway that's how.

You have taken a story about two people who may have died as the result of drugs, and if they did drugs that were almost certainly not marijuana and tried to use it to validate maintaining a ban on marijuana.

That actually makes less sense than calling for a ban on Pachinko based on this....

....after all we at least know that Pachinko addiction was the root of this death.
It's not just two people. A young mother OD'd and the baby died because of lack of care. That's the reality.

I already knew that my post would lead to this kind of reactions. It's OK. I am not that black and white. Sad to see that others are.
It's not just two people. A young mother OD'd and the baby died because of lack of care.
That's two people by my count!

That's the reality.
It is the reality and no has disagreed with that, however you seem to be taking the unknown (i.e. the actual cause of death in this case) and attempting to use it to support a totally unrelated point.

I already knew that my post would lead to this kind of reactions. It's OK.
What reaction?

I think you will find that what I am saying is that this is unrelated to the discussion in question.

I am not that black and white. Sad to see that others are.
No one is being black and white about this, you however are using an unrelated and very tragic incident to try and prove your point, seems a bit rich to then try and claim the moral high ground.

If these deaths had been related to the use of marijuana then the article would have relevance in a discussion on the legislation of marijuana. However as the article doesn't even confirm the cause of death it (while tragic) has no relevance at all to the discussion at hand.
That's two people by my count!

One person that voluntarely took some risk. The second person (the baby) did clearly not enjoy the drugs. The baby will never be able to tell if drugs are enjoyable at all.

That's why it's not just two people.
One person that voluntarely took some risk. The second person (the baby) did clearly not enjoy the drugs. The baby will never be able to tell if drugs are enjoyable at all.

That's why it's not just two people.

How is that not two people involved?

Can you also please provide a link to support your factual claim that these deaths were caused by drugs and that the drugs in question was weed?

Until you have managed that you are using this point without merit.
How did extreme sports get mixed into this? Tobacco? Smoking a sigar or drinking a beer every now and then is dangerous?
Err, the same way that whatever drugs possibly killed the woman did. This is a thread about marijuana usage, after all, and the incident you brought up appears to have nothing whatsoever to do with pot. (You could be pedantic and point out that the thread is about marijuana legalization not usage, but your incident has even less to do with that.)

Furthermore, yes, even an occasional "sigar" can be harmful (assuming you meant "cigar" there).

One person that voluntarely took some risk. The second person (the baby) did clearly not enjoy the drugs. The baby will never be able to tell if drugs are enjoyable at all.

That's why it's not just two people.

Umm, what? One person... the second person... and that's not two people? What kind of logic is that? Or is it an elementary (hah) arithmetic failure?

I am not going to bother to explain the 2 person thing. It seems too difficult for me to explain and it seems too difficult for you to understand.

I can certainly see why it would be too difficult to explain, given that it makes no sense whatsoever.
In my original post I already did say that the death was not due to weed.
Then what relevance does it have to this topic?

I know I pointed that out in one of my previous posts (with a translated quote from the article), that still doesn't make it relevant to this thread.

I am not going to bother to explain the 2 person thing. It seems too difficult for me to explain and it seems too difficult for you to understand.
1 adult + 1 baby = 2 people.

I fail to see how that's either difficult to understand or how it can be interpreted in any other way. Two people are dead due to unknown circumstances that almost certainly have nothing to do with this topic at all.

Please either explain why its relevant to the topic or stop raising it.
And so the internetheroes claim a win again. oh well.


All you are being asked to do is explain how that article relates to this topic of discussion, I don't see how that is unreasonable or creates the need for sarcastic nonsense.

Your original post on the Berlin deaths has nothing to do with this topic and as such could have been deleted as off-topic spam, rather than doing that you were given a chance to explain what relevance it had.

All we got back was avoidance and strange comments about 1 person + 1 person doesn't equal 2 people.

No one has claimed a 'win', you have just been asked to explain how this article is relevant to the discussion or move past it. A more than reasonable response I believe and one that as you seem to not be able to show any relevance you have resorted to a rather aggressive attitude instead.

As such patience is wearing a little thin in regard to humoring your often off-topic ramblings, from now on keep it on-topic or risk violating the AUP.
I know it's off topic..

But i think what MarcoM was trying to explain with regards to the 1+1= more than 2 was:
That he feels somehow, a baby's life is worth more than an adults... i don't agree with this, or his views on marijuana, but i imagine some (baby on board) folk may tend to agree with how he feels a baby's life is worth more.
A baby is still a human and therefore is "worth" the same as any other human.

Looking at it from a completely objective standpoint, a baby is quite a risky investment because you have to support it and hope it doesn't die for a whole 14 or so years until it's capable of producing anything. A baby is actually worth quite a bit less than a young adult from that perspective, though its value appreciates over time as it becomes more useful.
At 1ness, I did not mean it's worth more. What I meant is that a baby has no chance at all to get involved in this. It reminded me of Trainspotting and Christiane F. But thank you for showing some understanding.

As for Keef's completely objective standpoint LOL, who is going to change your diapers when you get old? I find it pretty amazing that you talk in terms of more and less value. Seems more goverment like.

On topic: I actually agree with global legalization of weed. It would cause less trouble. Did I already mention that I am happy with the introduction of the weedpass here in the Netherlands. At least the streets in the border areas are freed from drugs tourists.
Sorry MarcoM, i see iv'e misunderstood your meaning, and yes, baby's in general have no say (or choice) in what kind of environment they're born/brought into, and it is a tragic story that the baby and child died (regardless of cause).

Regarding the global legalization of weed: I fully agree, it should be done.
TBH, i haven't read the whole thread (as usual), so maybe i'll think twice (or read properly) before commenting on other's views.
Sorry Scaff.

I suppose legalizing marijuana may ease the argument of it being labelled a "gateway drug" (not that i believe it is anyway, i have many friends who burn, but are not tempted by other drugs), as in: if you're buying it illegally, the chances are your supplier will be in possession of stronger stuff (that's presuming you don't grow your own), and maybe some weaker individuals, could be tempted by the ease of availability of these other drugs from the same source.

Of-course, there's no evidence to back this up at all, just speculation.
And here is why off-topic posts are a PITA.

Back on topic now please.

Nothing wrong with a good pita every now and then.


I know, I know not completly on topic, but I couldn't resist and I don't see any harm done.
Probably not. I actually would vote for a global legalization. But how big are the chances for that to happen?

As for the violence, I have suffered from it it 10 years ago. In that period the areas around coffee shops were NoGo areas for a lot of people.

But as I said I am glad the introduction of the weed pass in the Netherlands has cut down the drugs tourism to the minimum.

For those who not speak Dutch :

Since the introduction of the weedpass (May 1st) there have been 130 arrests made in Roermond for suspicion of drug dealing.

Also, 22 people have been banned from certain areas since July.

In the same period in 2011 10 people were arrested for dealing.

The number of complaints about drug or alcohol related disturbance in Roermond alone has risen from 105 in 2011 to 262 in 2012, so far.

Yes. The weedpass is working well to get rid of those annoying tourists and streetdealers. :dopey:

For those who not speak Dutch :

Since the introduction of the weedpass (May 1st) there have been 130 arrests made in Roermond for suspicion of drug dealing.

Also, 22 people have been banned from certain areas since July.

In the same period in 2011 10 people were arrested for dealing.

The number of complaints about drug or alcohol related disturbance in Roermond alone has risen from 105 in 2011 to 262 in 2012, so far.

Yes. The weedpass is working well to get rid of those annoying tourists and streetdealers. :dopey:
What I gather is that before the weedpass nobody really cared that people were dealing and using, whereas after the the weedpass was introduced suddenly more than twice as many people were bothered by dealing and using, resulting in more complaints and more arrests.

I don't understand what this data is showing. Is it telling me that police complaints result in police action? Uh...what else should it result in? That's why you call the cops in the first place, duh.

If people didn't like weed they still could have complained before the weedpass but apparently they didn't. That shows me that weed was a non-issue before the government decided to make it an issue. Nobody cared until it was in the spotlight and the almighty leaders professed its dangers, and then suddenly everybody is calling the cops over something that didn't even care about last year.

We have a word for that type of behaviour change. It's called propaganda. The population has effectively been brainwashed by government propaganda into thinking that weed is bad and should be controlled, thus resulting in more complaints within a time period after the advertising campaign and policy changes took place. Prove me wrong.
The data is showing what people feared that would happen. Instead of letting foreigners into the coffeeshops for weed, they now get it from the streetdealers. The weedpass was introduced to get rid of drug tourists. But that isn't happening.

That shows me that weed was a non-issue before the government decided to make it an issue.

Indeed it was. Except for some localized incidents, mostly caused by streetdealers, trying to force tourists to buy it from them instead in a shop.

And now, most of the tourists money goes to some young punk, instead of a shop owner who needs to pay tax over it. Cue influx of young dealers in fast cars. Give it a couple of months, new reports about that will pop up.
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Or that. Yeah, black markets. They're a bitch.

Fact: People go to Amsterdam for weed. That's what every single American thinks the entire point of going to Amsterdam is. That's it. We make movies about it. There's 300,000,000 of us so I hope ya'll are building some new jails. Might want to hire some secretaries for the paperwork.
Or that. Yeah, black markets. They're a bitch.

Fact: People go to Amsterdam for weed. That's what every single American thinks the entire point of going to Amsterdam is. That's it. We make movies about it. There's 300,000,000 of us so I hope ya'll are building some new jails. Might want to hire some secretaries for the paperwork.

This. 1000000000000000000000000%

When I speak to a Non Dutchie, the first thing that comes out of there mouth is : Holland? Legalized weed! Hookers!

Nothing else.

If the weedpass gets through, into the big cities, they can kiss tourism goodbye.

And prison? For drugs? Nah, you'll get a fine. If you get caught on Schiphol Airport with less than 1,2kg, they will take your fingerprints, a picture and some additional info, and they sent you back the way you came.
get caught on Schiphol Airport with less than 1,2kg

How do you smuggle that much?
That surely hurts :lol: , .... you know :lol:

Cali is now reknown too for Europeans. If you get a Visa go to Cali. Though I rather be arrested for weed in Europe than in the States.

Should have mentioned that that's about hard drugs. Balloons up your butt!

If I get a Visa, I'm not going to smoke in the USA. I'll end up being Bubba's bitch.
If people didn't like weed they still could have complained before the weedpass but apparently they didn't. That shows me that weed was a non-issue before the government decided to make it an issue. Nobody cared until it was in the spotlight and the almighty leaders professed its dangers, and then suddenly everybody is calling the cops over something that didn't even care about last year.

Indeed it was. Except for some localized incidents, mostly caused by streetdealers, trying to force tourists to buy it from them instead in a shop.

And now, most of the tourists money goes to some young punk, instead of a shop owner who needs to pay tax over it. Cue influx of young dealers in fast cars. Give it a couple of months, new reports about that will pop up.

Actually both are right, there are a lot more people against weed than there were before. And there are also are a lot more street punks dealing low quality weed. The whole idea I like behind a coffeeshop is, you can choose if you want quality or not. You can choose flavors and what not, while the streetpunk only cares about his money and to get rid of his stash before yesterday. You never know what you'll buy and tourists think they are safe.

And about the hookers, there was a tv show Monday I was watching and they were following a group of Australian guys having their holiday in Amsterdam. You can see it here; They are not only following a group of tourists, also a guy that works in a peep show and a prostitute who says she is not under control anymore and doing this to earn a living. Although the most of you can't understand our language, the parts with the Australian guys is in English so you can skip to that part if you're interested. I was a bit shocked how easy they thought about the girls, truly thinking they were doing this for fun. And of course doing some weed..