@Johnnypenso To touch up on what you said, I really feel that after the initial legalization, that that risk would likely die down, although I really don't think it'll be too significant of an increase in the first place, in my opinion. I'm sure theres a good bit of people who have their interest piqued now, but for the most part, it's not changing much for the vast majority of the people who were already dabbling with it, in the state. It's still very much illegal to use in any other place than your home.
I also feel the same about using it at the work place. You can still very much get fired for it, even if it is legal, just like Alcohol. Very similar repercussions are still in place, so anyone with a brain would likely change very little about their day to day life.
He spoke to a doctor and was able to get a prescription for pure cannibinoids in a drop form. It works! Basically scientists have taken the active ingredient in cannabis that does the medical stuff and isolated it. At this point it's like any other naturally growing plant that was taken and used for medicine. In this form it's no different to any other medicine and should help legitimize it.
CBD is what it's called, and I know a few people that use it for pain relief. Since it has no THC it gives you no high, which is great for those who want to use marijuana for medicinal reasons, but don't like psychological effects of it. Bill Nye has a great episode on that, and Marijuana on his recent Netflix series. the US doesn't allow the study of it unless there's medicinal value to it, but because they cant study it, they wont be able to show that, which is kind of a way weird to go around it. I believe the Doctor that figured out how to extract THC and CBD from Marijuana is in Isreal.
It's not just the smell I object to - it's the fact that if you can smell it, you are also passively ingesting THC (although admittedly one is unlikely to inhale/absorb enough THC to become impaired). However, marijuana smoke is just as harmful as tobacco smoke and it also has its own (obvious) hazards that tobacco smoke does not have, and yet smokers tend to approach this issue as if it is your problem if you don't like it. Granted, you can always leave the affected area if you don't like it, but it is still annoying to have to do so just to avoid inhaling a mind-altering drug when you don't wish to, like the time when a group of stoners sat at the table next to me when I was halfway through dinner and started smoking massive joints... (OK, it was the Rainbow Bar & Grill on the Sunset Strip and I probably should have known better before going there for dinner

), but the point was that I either had to accept it or move - and given that there was a half-hour wait for a table, it wasn't really an option for me and my friends to move, so we ended up finishing our dinner in a cloud of pot smoke - we left feeling hungrier than when we arrived

. I would agree with the view that it probably hasn't got much worse at the Rainbow since legalisation in L.A. (since this was barely physically possible!) but I can imagine that the problem of trying to find a decent bar that doesn't allow marijuana smoking outside is now a fair bit harder than it was. I'm glad for the fact that it is not legal (at least in public) here, since the attitude of smokers here is the same i.e. 'if you don't like it, you can go somewhere else' - funny how they never consider the alternative, which is for them to piss off and smoke somewhere else.
I really don't know if contact high is a thing or not, but I really don't think you'll be able to get any mind-altering affects, or even a high, unless there was a tube connected from their mouth to yours. However, all the same, I get the sentiment, because I'm the same way with cigarettes, even though I used to be a heavy smoker. I try not to do it in dense area's, or even near most places in general, unfortunately you ran into a bunch of dicks.
As for finding a bar that doesn't allow Marijuana smoking out front, Legally, there is not one place that allows that. That is public space and that is against the law, and to allow use
inside would require specific permits I'm thinking, that most wouldn't even care to pay for. It's up to the establishment to shoo those away, really. However, just like Cigarette smoke, I also get annoyed by people doing it in very public area's, as it makes it feel like they're just doing it as a way to show off, in a sense. I would love for the day that the stigma around smoking would lessen, to be honest, as I'd very much enjoy going out for a smoke around the corner while I'm out at my favorite brewery without having to worry about getting pulled over, but I don't really see that being a thing in some time because of the negative view of it in general leading people to think of too much potential negative instances that might surround that idea. Which kinda sucks because it's something that's really not too different than a cigarette.
I think if weed smokers where given public area's to do it, then it would do well to help out the concerns of the people that would have to deal with it in public.