Legalization of Marijuana

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Aggressively hungry.

In all seriousness, no. Like most said, I've seen paranoid people though. I myself used to get panic attacks years ago and had to stop smoking for a good while because the feeling of being high while one of those kicks in was not a pleasant feeling at all. That doesn't happen anymore, and if it does its once in a blue moon and I've learned how to deal with it, so I've since picked it back up. During those times, it may feel like your dying and its the end, but really, the hospital visits are more often than not just overthinking in my opinion as I've almost done the exact same thing :lol: That's not to say they all are, but I just feel like a lot may just be part of that paranoia.

But did that paranoia ever end up in violence or aggression?
I tried cannabis for the first time this year, at the venerable age of 27. It was alright, actually, but unfortunately it was mixed with tobacco so my 27 year tobacco abstinence streak is over.

But the 'buzz' you get off a spliff is a lot better than the one you get off a pint (or spirits, in my case). I'd always suspected that to be true and now I know for myself.
I guess Kanye's visit was worthwhile after all :lol:

This seems like it's been in the making for quite some time, but it isn't an issue that's popular with conservatives so I can understand waiting until after the midterms are over. If this actually gets done, I can't wait to see the face of Jeff Sessions afterwards. Trump certainly isn't a fan of Sessions either so there will be little love lost between the two of them over this issue. Sessions can go, he sucks as AG anyway.

But will we reverse back from full retard on this issue?

SCHEDULE 1 (CLASS I) DRUGS are illegal because they have high abuse potential, no medical use, and severe safety concerns; for example, narcotics such as Heroin, LSD, and cocaine. Marijuana is also included as a Class 1 drug despite it being legal in some states and it being used as a medicinal drug in some states.

Will we finally end 'the stupid'?

I hope so. Something has got to give.
Honestly, The idea of the gov criminalizing drugs at all is asinine. These are things that hurt no one but the user, if at all and criminalizing it only makes it more profitable for the criminal element, as well as more enticing for the rebellious youth. more than a couple of countries have done away with the war on drugs and have only seen positive improvements for it.
Honestly, The idea of the gov criminalizing drugs at all is asinine. These are things that hurt no one but the user, if at all and criminalizing it only makes it more profitable for the criminal element, as well as more enticing for the rebellious youth. more than a couple of countries have done away with the war on drugs and have only seen positive improvements for it.
It's so they can make money off fines and incarceration.
Like Kanye was talking about in his meeting with Trump. On a side note, CNN has hit an all time low calling Kanye a negro twice. I don't how anyone could look at those hypocrites and true racists. They call us what THEY are...
It's so they can make money off fines and incarceration.
Like Kanye was talking about in his meeting with Trump. On a side note, CNN has hit an all time low calling Kanye a negro twice. I don't how anyone could look at those hypocrites and true racists. They call us what THEY are...

CNN is gutter trash, I haven't given them a click in over two years and doubt I ever will again.
It's so they can make money off fines and incarceration.
Like Kanye was talking about in his meeting with Trump. On a side note, CNN has hit an all time low calling Kanye a negro twice. I don't how anyone could look at those hypocrites and true racists. They call us what THEY are...
I think they also referred to him as a token as well. I can't think of a worse racial insult for a black person short of just outright calling them the "N" word.

It's ok though, because CNN. /s
I think they also referred to him as a token as well. I can't think of a worse racial insult for a black person short of just outright calling them the "N" word.
I can think of way worse insults, most of which involve denying us our humanity as Harry Anslinger reportedly did in his corrupt reasoning for outlawing cannabis use on behalf of his cabal's vested interests. I'd rather be accused of tokenism than of being subhuman.

It's ok though, because CNN. /s
It's clearly not okay judging by the backlash from conservative African-Americans. If CNN thought they'd gain more viewers by sacking those involved then their shareholders and directors would probably be forced to take action. But I doubt they will. Kanye is of course free to sue the channel for defamation. That'd be funny to watch.
I can think of way worse insults, most of which involve denying us our humanity as Harry Anslinger reportedly did in his corrupt reasoning for outlawing cannabis use on behalf of his cabal's vested interests. I'd rather be accused of tokenism than of being subhuman.

It's clearly not okay judging by the backlash from conservative African-Americans. If CNN thought they'd gain more viewers by sacking those involved then their shareholders and directors would probably be forced to take action. But I doubt they will. Kanye is of course free to sue the channel for defamation. That'd be funny to watch.
Harry Anslinger has been dead for 40 years. Do you have any current examples?

Backlash =/= consequences. They are happy to have a few conservatives jumping up and down because they are readily dismissed as "unhinged" or racist/homphobic/mysoginist/xenophobic etc. One does not gain viewers by sacking people, they avoid losing them. If indeed there are no consequences for outright racism on CNN then that does = It's ok because it's CNN.
Harry Anslinger has been dead for 40 years. Do you have any current examples?
He is however fully on-topic for a thread about marijuana unlike Kanye, and I wasn't aware that there was a statute of limitations on racism.

Backlash =/= consequences. They are happy to have a few conservatives jumping up and down because they are readily dismissed as "unhinged" or racist/homphobic/mysoginist/xenophobic etc. One does not gain viewers by sacking people, they avoid losing them. If indeed there are no consequences for outright racism on CNN then that does = It's ok because it's CNN.
Unlike the US hurricane insurance scenario over on the America thread this must be one of those cases where leaving things to market forces isn't enough for you. While I wasn't aware that black people could by definition be racist rather than bigoted towards other black people what evidence do you have that not sacking the bigoted guests and colluding host on the CNN programme would lose them viewers amongst their target audience?

At any rate my point is that it's demonstrably not okay with everyone judging by the outrage expressed on this thread and in the media, whether it's because it's CNN or otherwise. Time for a grassroots Twitter campaign perhaps.

Perhaps the Tories are angling for that sweet, sweet, weed tourist buck to revive the economy after Brexit. :dopey:
If dope tourism is the way forward then at least there's no shortage of dopes in office.
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Honestly, The idea of the gov criminalizing drugs at all is asinine. These are things that hurt no one but the user, if at all and criminalizing it only makes it more profitable for the criminal element, as well as more enticing for the rebellious youth. more than a couple of countries have done away with the war on drugs and have only seen positive improvements for it.

Criminalization of druguse didnt work well for the US. They could have used these resources spent on battling druguse on distribution.
Unlike the US hurricane insurance scenario over on the America thread this must be one of those cases where leaving things to market forces isn't enough for you. While I wasn't aware that black people could by definition be racist rather than bigoted towards other black people what evidence do you have that not sacking the bigoted guests and colluding host on the CNN programme would lose them viewers amongst their target audience?

At any rate my point is that it's demonstrably not okay with everyone judging by the outrage expressed on this thread and in the media, whether it's because it's CNN or otherwise. Time for a grassroots Twitter campaign perhaps.

If dope tourism is the way forward then at least there's no shortage of dopes in office.
We live in an outrage culture. Someone, somewhere is outraged about something all the time. So as I said, outrage is irrelevant, only consequences make any difference.
People are outraged at NFL players taking a knee, completely ignoring why with the “what about our troops” BS

They even go as far as shooting up schools/churches/concerts & themselves
Just read an news article that pot is now fully legal in Canada (as far as I can tell).

Guess I need to dust off the old passport and make a trip up north then.
Tomorrow. If you come to Ontario you can get weed at a variety of stores. The Conservatives under Doug Ford scrapped the Liberal plan to only sell pot in government run stores. You can also buy it online with a $5 delivery fee. You even get the chemical analysis including percentage of THC and CBD, as well as the plant type and terpenes. I believe the limit is about an ounce at a time but there's no limit on how many times you can buy an ounce. Supposedly prices are going to be competitive with the existing black market.
Your mother ****ing right it is.
I live a couple hours away from the border, 3 hours to Montreal, which is an awesome city, I'm always looking for reasons to visit.
Fair enough, as a public school lad myself weed was pretty much available when ever, so it’s always a bit of a surprise to me people covet it so much
Fair enough, as a public school lad myself weed was pretty much available when ever, so it’s always a bit of a surprise to me people covet it so much
Wanting weed is not coveting weed. People make trips across the ocean to sit in cafes in Amsterdam. They're called tourists. I assume we'll have a few more tourists poking around as a result of this new legislation.
I may have said this before, but I wonder how people in America who have either spent time in jail for marijuana possession or have a criminal conviction for marijuana use/possession feel about the fact that it is now legal in many US states, and now even entire countries such as that well-known hive of iniquity, Canada. It must be pretty galling to have been severely punished (and perhaps even ruined your entire adult life) for something that is no longer criminal in many places.