Legalization of Marijuana

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Recreational marijuana use is legal in Michigan as of today. Go figure that the republicans in the state are trying to wreck the bill before losing their seats next month.
The proposed changes dont even make much sense. First off, they want to shift the way the tax revenue is spent, taking 8t away from schools and road repairs, and giving it instead to police and prisons :irked:. Theb they want to change the allowance for home growing saying "it will pull sales away thus reducing the tax revenues" :rolleyes: of course, the real kicker is that they want to drop the taxed percentage from 10% to 3%. :confused: but.... no hone growing because of taxes? FFS this is why republicans lost michigan. Underhanded politics like this. Luckily it needs 3/4 support in the house which it doesnt have.
Thus of course was just of a dozen different lame duck Bill's they are trying to get passed and the gist of them all makes it feel very much like a bunch of spoiled brat sore losers trying to break the toy before anyone else gets a chance to play with it. Bill's and alterations to newly voted initiatives should not be allowed after the November voting cycle until the new year.
It all seems like political grandstanding given the 75% majority vote to get any of the proposed changes approved. Not sure I'd disagree with the lower taxes part though. And growing 10 plants at home will likely kill the retail market for heavy users and attract mainly the low volume casuals and dabblers..pun intended. Ontario just went legal with weed and our limit is 3 plants.
It all seems like political grandstanding given the 75% majority vote to get any of the proposed changes approved. Not sure I'd disagree with the lower taxes part though. And growing 10 plants at home will likely kill the retail market for heavy users and attract mainly the low volume casuals and dabblers..pun intended. Ontario just went legal with weed and our limit is 3 plants.

Washington State doesn't allow home grown at all, but Colorado does, if you look at both states' revenue, it's very similar. I don't think allowing home grown or not allowing it really has much of an impact on the revenue generated and that is because people like convenience. Also most of them lack the skills to grow it themselves anyway, so it's sort of a non-factor. But given a choice, I would certainly rather have the option of home-grown.

As for Michigan, Republicans are on the wrong side of history here and that will show in the long term. They should stop being idiots and heed John Boehner's advice on the subject of legalized Marijuana, probably would win them more votes too, They simply have no idea how many conservatives smoke pot, block heads lol.
It all seems like political grandstanding given the 75% majority vote to get any of the proposed changes approved. Not sure I'd disagree with the lower taxes part though. And growing 10 plants at home will likely kill the retail market for heavy users and attract mainly the low volume casuals and dabblers..pun intended. Ontario just went legal with weed and our limit is 3 plants.
I dont disagree with the first part, but, they were able to restructure several other voter initiatives. So the chance is there.
As for the second topic, I fully disagree. You can brew your own beer. I van grow my own produce, I can grow my own tobacco. There might a be a few people who will grow, myself included, but, clearly being able to make your own thing doesnt mean the masses are going to flock to it. Growing good weed like you buy in a shop is not easy. Not like the old days when you tossed some seeds in a field and came back a fre months later to harvest. There is a lot of work that requires constant vigil, monitoring air temps, humidity, ph balances, mineral contents, etc, etc. Most people dont have the time, resources or knowledge to grow. Not to mention the huge spike in energy costs to run fans, lights and other accessories depending on set up.
Further, I dont agree with the gov hindering this right simply for the reason of increased tax revenue, with the double standard of dropping the taxed amount.
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I dont disagree with the second part, but, they were able to restructure several other voter initiatives. So the chance is there.
As for the second topic, I fully disagree. You can brew your own beer. I van grow my own produce, I can grow my own tobacco. There might a be a few people who will grow, myself included, but, clearly being able to make your own thing doesnt mean the masses are going to flock to it. Growing good weed like you buy in a shop is not easy. Not like the old days when you tossed some seeds in a field and came back a fre months later to harvest. There is a lot of work that requires constant vigil, monitoring air temps, humidity, ph balances, mineral contents, etc, etc. Most people dont have the time, resources or knowledge to grow. Not to mention the huge spike in energy costs to run fans, lights and other accessories depending on set up.
Further, I dont agree with the gov hindering this right simply for the reason of increased tax revenue, with the double standard of dropping the taxed amount.

I had a friend that grew White Widow (strain) back in the day, I used to watch him work thinking, man, you practically need a degree in Botany to grow this stuff the right way. The way he would explain things to me sounded like pure science and he was extremely knowledgeable about his craft, much like a Brewer of Ales would be, you just don't learn that stuff overnight. His stuff was total couch weed too, as in , if you took one puff, your butt was glued to the couch for at least two hours, luckily he was a gamer and there was plenty of Mortal Kombat to go around.
Wish Australia was as advanced as America is with Weed legalisation, the leaders in this country scoff at the idea that Marijuana even has medical purposes, recreational though is probably decades away at this point.

But It is decriminalised so it's not all that bad.
Wish Australia was as advanced as America is with Weed legalisation, the leaders in this country scoff at the idea that Marijuana even has medical purposes, recreational though is probably decades away at this point.

But It is decriminalised so it's not all that bad.

I remember attending Seattle's Hempfest in the mid 90's, signing petitions to legalize it for medical use and thinking some day it's going to be legalized and 3 years later (1998) it was legalized for medical use. I knew back then that recreational use would also be legal someday, though it took another 14 years (2012) for that to finally happen (longer than I anticipated).
I remember attending Seattle's Hempfest in the mid 90's, signing petitions to legalize it for medical use and thinking some day it's going to be legalized and 3 years later (1998) it was legalized for medical use. I knew back then that recreational use would also be legal someday, though it took another 14 years (2012) for that to finally happen (longer than I anticipated).
Today every Seattle neighborhood has a clean, well-stocked and well-managed marijuana storefront. The one closest to me offers early-bird (before 10am) discounts, and senior citizen discounts.
Today every Seattle neighborhood has a clean, well-stocked and well-managed marijuana storefront. The one closest to me offers early-bird (before 10am) discounts, and senior citizen discounts.

I am looking at possibly buying a business (not-marijuana related just a regular business) or starting one of my own, my wife is thinking a coffee shop/ bakery, I have other ideas in mind too, so I always have my eye on business listings. Last week I saw a recreational store located in downtown Seattle, The price for it was several million dollars, I don't know what the owners original cost was but he/she has to be making a large profit for a less than 6 year old business, not bad.
I am looking at possibly buying a business (not-marijuana related just a regular business) or starting one of my own, my wife is thinking a coffee shop/ bakery, I have other ideas in mind too, so I always have my eye on business listings. Last week I saw a recreational store located in downtown Seattle, The price for it was several million dollars, I don't know what the owners original cost was but he/she has to be making a large profit for a less than 6 year old business, not bad.
Seattle is flourishing in many ways. Lots of money sloshing around and business is good. Residential real estate prices have peaked. Climate is comfortable. On the other hand, traffic is terrible and taxes are getting out of hand. The city council has gone bat**** liberal - even communist - taxing and spending for any and every cause imaginable.
Seattle is flourishing in many ways. Lots of money sloshing around and business is good. Residential real estate prices have peaked. Climate is comfortable. On the other hand, traffic is terrible and taxes are getting out of hand. The city council has gone ******* liberal, taxing and spending for any and every cause imaginable.

I agree completely and the issue of homeless imports coming to our city because of the handouts adding to an already large homeless population has gotten way out of hand, same story with Portland too. Taxes are nuts, and the price of Real Estate has now eclipsed LA (median home price in Seattle is now $775,000 while LA is $750,000).

Well, at least we are getting a NHL team, I'm excited for that.
Today every Seattle neighborhood has a clean, well-stocked and well-managed marijuana storefront. The one closest to me offers early-bird (before 10am) discounts, and senior citizen discounts.
When I visited my friend in Bellevue, I was tripping out on the differences between the shops here and the ones there. It’s a totally different vibe, and a bit weird at first. Main difference being I’m used to being able to smell and see upclose what I’m looking at here. A trade off that I could live without to be honest.
@Rallywagon, @DDastardly00, in regards to what you guys are saying about the difficulty of growing plants, I disagree. It’s called weed for a reason, because it grows like a weed. Perhaps it’s very dependant on where you live though...I grew up in the Kootenays in BC, so was fully emmersed in weed growing culture. Friend’s parents did it for a living, town councelers got “busted” doing it, saw my first show when I was 14. I have friends who have worked in large shows, both legal and illegal, for years, and yes, some of them can talk your ear off with technical jargon, and yes growing large shows (especially indoor hydroponic ones) requires quite a lot of special knowledge, most of which has to do with disease and pest control....but to grow three plants in your back yard, or a couple plants in a closet, it’s really really simple. I mean, we figured out how to do it as teenagers, it’s not that tough. Also because it was an illegal industry during the Information Age, there is a wealth of knowledge on how to grow marijuana, and it’s not difficult to find. Even when it was illegal, a few quick google searches would give you everything you need.

The end user makes a big difference too. Not everyone is into the super high potency, wierdo flavour of the month stuff that is in the stores. I know a lot of older people who simply won’t smoke the crazy new stuff, because it’s too much for them. I know others who just don’t really care for fancy stuff, they just like their Budweiser and cheap weed. Myself, I won’t smoke anything that has a funky flavour associated with it, as I know that’s just sugar drops.

Again maybe it’s different in different places, but having lived in various parts of the Okanagan and Vancouver, I’ve always known someone who could get me clones if I wanted, and clones from whatever crazy mixed or pure strains you can think of. So I don’t even have to do the difficult bit of growing from a seed. Then there’s grow stores and farmers supply stores all over the place, and they all sell fertilizer kits - everything is pre mixed, all you do is use the provided chart to measure out how much to add at each feeding, when to switch from grow formula to bloom formula, etc.

You can take anything to a very high level, make it very complex and in-depth. For the average user though, you can grow your own plants with no more knowledge than it takes to grow a tomato plant (side note, I grew up in a household with a garden, so maybe growing plants in general comes more natural to me than to someone who’s never grown anything). 3 outdoor plants grown to 5-6 feet is more than enough for a years supply for all but the most chronic of smokers, or a couple plants indoors forced into a faster cycle, again, more than enough supply.
If the mayor of my hometown of Windsor has anything to say about it, you won't be able to buy any weed here in a retail store. This is his reasoning:

Dilkens said a summer 2016 trip to check out the situation in Denver, Colorado, where marijuana has been legalized for several years, gave him cause for concern. He said he visited a couple marijuana stores and didn’t like what he saw around them.
“I have concerns about what I’ve seen in Denver around these retail shops and the type of activity that goes on, and how it diminishes the area where they’re located,” said Dilkens.
“It attracts certain types of behaviour that I think would cause the average citizen concern to walk through those areas. From what I’ve seen, I wouldn’t doubt that there’s an increase in petty crimes or nuisance type crimes. That wouldn’t surprise me.”

I haven't kept track of it too closely but I believe that all the communities within 50 km of here have opted out for now. Online is the only way to purchase, in addition to the old fashioned way of course. The downtown and surrounding area has turned into a real craphole the last year or two. Murders are through the roof (for Windsor), opiod deaths are skyrocketing and there are way more homeless and street people than ever.
If the mayor of my hometown of Windsor has anything to say about it, you won't be able to buy any weed here in a retail store. This is his reasoning:

Dilkens said a summer 2016 trip to check out the situation in Denver, Colorado, where marijuana has been legalized for several years, gave him cause for concern. He said he visited a couple marijuana stores and didn’t like what he saw around them.
“I have concerns about what I’ve seen in Denver around these retail shops and the type of activity that goes on, and how it diminishes the area where they’re located,” said Dilkens.
“It attracts certain types of behaviour that I think would cause the average citizen concern to walk through those areas. From what I’ve seen, I wouldn’t doubt that there’s an increase in petty crimes or nuisance type crimes. That wouldn’t surprise me.”

I haven't kept track of it too closely but I believe that all the communities within 50 km of here have opted out for now. Online is the only way to purchase, in addition to the old fashioned way of course. The downtown and surrounding area has turned into a real craphole the last year or two. Murders are through the roof (for Windsor), opiod deaths are skyrocketing and there are way more homeless and street people than ever.
California is a lot more strict, but even here it really hasn’t seemed to attract situations like that in the majority I’ve been too. People don’t tend to linger around the area.

While I was in Washington, where the shops practically look like a 711 sometimes, it seemed even better concerning that. Although I think that might have just been a nicer area. However, to expand on that, if you open in an already sketchy area(like a lot seem to do in Downtown L.A specifically for some reason) then you’re likely to attract what is already lingering in that area in the first place.
@Rallywagon, @DDastardly00, in regards to what you guys are saying about the difficulty of growing plants, I disagree. It’s called weed for a reason, because it grows like a weed. Perhaps it’s very dependant on where you live though...I grew up in the Kootenays in BC, so was fully emmersed in weed growing culture. Friend’s parents did it for a living, town councelers got “busted” doing it, saw my first show when I was 14. I have friends who have worked in large shows, both legal and illegal, for years, and yes, some of them can talk your ear off with technical jargon, and yes growing large shows (especially indoor hydroponic ones) requires quite a lot of special knowledge, most of which has to do with disease and pest control....but to grow three plants in your back yard, or a couple plants in a closet, it’s really really simple. I mean, we figured out how to do it as teenagers, it’s not that tough. Also because it was an illegal industry during the Information Age, there is a wealth of knowledge on how to grow marijuana, and it’s not difficult to find. Even when it was illegal, a few quick google searches would give you everything you need.

The end user makes a big difference too. Not everyone is into the super high potency, wierdo flavour of the month stuff that is in the stores. I know a lot of older people who simply won’t smoke the crazy new stuff, because it’s too much for them. I know others who just don’t really care for fancy stuff, they just like their Budweiser and cheap weed. Myself, I won’t smoke anything that has a funky flavour associated with it, as I know that’s just sugar drops.

Again maybe it’s different in different places, but having lived in various parts of the Okanagan and Vancouver, I’ve always known someone who could get me clones if I wanted, and clones from whatever crazy mixed or pure strains you can think of. So I don’t even have to do the difficult bit of growing from a seed. Then there’s grow stores and farmers supply stores all over the place, and they all sell fertilizer kits - everything is pre mixed, all you do is use the provided chart to measure out how much to add at each feeding, when to switch from grow formula to bloom formula, etc.

You can take anything to a very high level, make it very complex and in-depth. For the average user though, you can grow your own plants with no more knowledge than it takes to grow a tomato plant (side note, I grew up in a household with a garden, so maybe growing plants in general comes more natural to me than to someone who’s never grown anything). 3 outdoor plants grown to 5-6 feet is more than enough for a years supply for all but the most chronic of smokers, or a couple plants indoors forced into a faster cycle, again, more than enough supply.
Well, I mean, I did sorta say exactly that. You can toss some seeds in the back yard and grow some weed. You can also grab a rattle can and let your 10 year old paint your car. You might get lucky and get a 10k paint job., but chances are your growing some stress of questionable quality. Even old times prefer something that tastes like cannabis rather than dirt. Which really wasnt the point of the post anyway. That being just because people can grow something doesnt mean people will grow over buying. I mean, I dont think the tomato and cucumber industry is hurting because people can make their own garden.
Well, I mean, I did sorta say exactly that. You can toss some seeds in the back yard and grow some weed. You can also grab a rattle can and let your 10 year old paint your car. You might get lucky and get a 10k paint job., but chances are your growing some stress of questionable quality. Even old times prefer something that tastes like cannabis rather than dirt. Which really wasnt the point of the post anyway. That being just because people can grow something doesnt mean people will grow over buying. I mean, I dont think the tomato and cucumber industry is hurting because people can make their own garden.
That’s kind of opposite of what I’m saying. Where I live, it is very easy to buy fully developed seedlings (clones), along with pre made fertilizer kits, along with full instructions from the farmer supply and google, no more difficult than growing a tomato plant, you can grow weed that tastes nothing like dirt :lol: Just like I can go to Home Depot and buy a tomato growing kit, I can basically do the same with weed. And most people who grow their own tomatoes will tell you their home grown is better than the stuff grown in China they buy in a store.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think home grows will dominate the new pot market, but I think they’re going to account for a larger part of the sector than people give it credit for.


The worst part of all is trimming the buds. I hate it.
Meh, a few hours with some helps knowing someone who has a tumbler :P

I can’t imagine the money people must spend on buying weed. $20 dollars per clone, $80 dollars worth of fertilizer, 5 minutes of time every day or two...then I let my buddy with the tumbler keep all the shake. So for less than $200, I’m set for the year.
Well, I mean, I did sorta say exactly that. You can toss some seeds in the back yard and grow some weed. You can also grab a rattle can and let your 10 year old paint your car. You might get lucky and get a 10k paint job., but chances are your growing some stress of questionable quality. Even old times prefer something that tastes like cannabis rather than dirt. Which really wasnt the point of the post anyway. That being just because people can grow something doesnt mean people will grow over buying. I mean, I dont think the tomato and cucumber industry is hurting because people can make their own garden.
I have a small garden I keep for fun and for the much fresher and better tasting produce. Bet you can bet your bottom dollar that if tomatoes and cucumbers were $3,300/lb my garden would be a lot bigger.
Glad we got the anecdotal in....
I think you’re missing the point. You claim it’s difficult for the average person to grow their own weed that doesn’t taste like dirt, which is not true at all. If you’re already at the point where you think the only place you can get good quality weed is from a guy in a white lab coat at a store, then the market already has you exactly where they want you.

It’s like with cars. Do a majority of people work on their own cars? No. Do a lot work on their own cars? Yes. People working on their own cars is a big enough industry that stores like Autozone exist, despite manufacturers doing everything possible to make the average person think it’s impossible to work on their own vehicle.
I think you’re missing the point. You claim it’s difficult for the average person to grow their own weed that doesn’t taste like dirt, which is not true at all. If you’re already at the point where you think the only place you can get good quality weed is from a guy in a white lab coat at a store, then the market already has you exactly where they want you.

It’s like with cars. Do a majority of people work on their own cars? No. Do a lot work on their own cars? Yes. People working on their own cars is a big enough industry that stores like Autozone exist, despite manufacturers doing everything possible to make the average person think it’s impossible to work on their own vehicle.
Stores like autozone exists to sell brake pads and LED lighting kits. Im not sure the car analogy works here anyway since auto work of the type you might shop at autozone for is at most a weekend job, not a 3-4 month endeavor. And for that matter, I never claimed no one would grow, just that most people arent going to go through the trouble of growing. High quality weed that you can quickly buy at the store is far more appealing to most than the effort and cost of growing that same high quality weed. The fact that CO pulls in 1.5 billion annually from MJ sales speaks to this.

And no. I didnt claim growing weed was difficult, I said growing high quality weed is difficult.
I said growing high quality weed is difficult.

But it isn't. If you want to grow it for a massive profit every 6-8 weeks, it becomes a real job. If you have your proper strain growing in the backyard as nature intended, you can have your high quality weed too, you just have to wait 5-6 months for them to mature.
I have been growing profitable weed for many years now, apart from having a couple of terrible summers, I always have a decent amount to pick in September.
Neat! Not really familiar with the drug situation in Atlanta/Georiga as a whole, but hopefully this paves the way for more employment and extra funds into the city.
In GA it's still frowned upon, besides the main Metro Atlanta areas you can still go to jail.
Atlanta, Decatur, Clarkston and a number of other "cities" have made possession(under an ounce) a citation offence(ticket).
We do have legalized medical CBD oils, but they just recently started allowing them to grow and test. At UGA funny enough.
In GA it's still frowned upon, besides the main Metro Atlanta areas you can still go to jail.
Atlanta, Decatur, Clarkston and a number of other "cities" have made possession(under an ounce) a citation offence(ticket).
We do have legalized medical CBD oils, but they just recently started allowing them to grow and test. At UGA funny enough.

Ah, I see. Sounds like a slow progress, but progress none-the-less. It's also neat that they're doing Grow & Test at UGA, as I imagine (at the risk of stereotyping college students) such studies are probably more....relevant to those students. :lol:

I'll be watching this closely to see how it develops, hopefully the bill passes.