@DDastardly00, in regards to what you guys are saying about the difficulty of growing plants, I disagree. It’s called weed for a reason, because it grows like a weed. Perhaps it’s very dependant on where you live though...I grew up in the Kootenays in BC, so was fully emmersed in weed growing culture. Friend’s parents did it for a living, town councelers got “busted” doing it, saw my first show when I was 14. I have friends who have worked in large shows, both legal and illegal, for years, and yes, some of them can talk your ear off with technical jargon, and yes growing large shows (especially indoor hydroponic ones) requires quite a lot of special knowledge, most of which has to do with disease and pest control....but to grow three plants in your back yard, or a couple plants in a closet, it’s really really simple. I mean, we figured out how to do it as teenagers, it’s not that tough. Also because it was an illegal industry during the Information Age, there is a wealth of knowledge on how to grow marijuana, and it’s not difficult to find. Even when it was illegal, a few quick google searches would give you everything you need.
The end user makes a big difference too. Not everyone is into the super high potency, wierdo flavour of the month stuff that is in the stores. I know a lot of older people who simply won’t smoke the crazy new stuff, because it’s too much for them. I know others who just don’t really care for fancy stuff, they just like their Budweiser and cheap weed. Myself, I won’t smoke anything that has a funky flavour associated with it, as I know that’s just sugar drops.
Again maybe it’s different in different places, but having lived in various parts of the Okanagan and Vancouver, I’ve always known someone who could get me clones if I wanted, and clones from whatever crazy mixed or pure strains you can think of. So I don’t even have to do the difficult bit of growing from a seed. Then there’s grow stores and farmers supply stores all over the place, and they all sell fertilizer kits - everything is pre mixed, all you do is use the provided chart to measure out how much to add at each feeding, when to switch from grow formula to bloom formula, etc.
You can take anything to a very high level, make it very complex and in-depth. For the average user though, you can grow your own plants with no more knowledge than it takes to grow a tomato plant (side note, I grew up in a household with a garden, so maybe growing plants in general comes more natural to me than to someone who’s never grown anything). 3 outdoor plants grown to 5-6 feet is more than enough for a years supply for all but the most chronic of smokers, or a couple plants indoors forced into a faster cycle, again, more than enough supply.