LeMONS to LeMANS Wednesday Series

  • Thread starter chuyler1
Maybe you did...but I lost the spreadsheet so I had to fill it out again. I had PMs from everyone else...I didn't go through my email.
Standings are updated...

WiiFreak was faster than me in practice tonight for next week. I might be able to squeeze some time out of the suspension but it'll be close again. Diabolic is going to be crazy fast again. Even with the cash I have to spend I probably won't catch him. That means there is a very good chance the MG's could finish 1 and 2 in the series.

However, grenade shark has plenty to spend on his car and if he shows up the next two races, he has the potential to steal that first place spot and offset things quite a bit. I hate to say this, but I hope grenade shows up next week and wins.

At Le Mans, things will be wide open. Driver skill will be less important and some of the drivers who have fallen behind in points could take some of the top spots....if they can race clean and make the most of their speed.

Even with just two races left, any one of the top 4, or possibly top 6 could win this.
Should be an exceeding last couple rounds to say the least. I think Monaco will come down to whoever keeps it clean the entire race. The other tracks we've run at are pretty forgiving, but that's not the case when a tiny lapse in judgements means you're in a wall. Those MGs are fast as hell though.

I'm expecting a poor finish at Monaco. My cars gearing is horrible for this kind of track. If I shift down to first for Hotel, Portier, and Rascasse I end up basically 500rpm away from the red line. If I stay in second I drop out of boost and have no chance at staying with anyone on exit. I can put down a good overall lap time, but the gearing will hurt me a lot when it comes down to actual racing.
My gearing is just as bad. I chose a car that had a 180mph top speed in the stock tranny to save the cash for mods. I can dip to 1st gear for turn 6 but I'm not sure if its faster. Turn 1, turn 4, and turn 12 I am between 2nd and 3rd. If I stay in 3rd it feels like I've got no power, but if i downshift to 2nd I'm screaming near redline.

I Think Diabolic ran a calm 1:46. I can push hard for a 1:49. i've got a little money to spend, but not enough to shave 3 seconds off my time. With the amount of speed he has, he'll likely pull ahead and then drive very carefully. Drafting is tough on this track because exit speed is so important. If you push hard to get into someone's draft you almost always run wide as you go into one of the straights.
Quick review of last night's race:

First lap the track was still damp. Bowtie pulled a 5 second lead on me as my car is very loose in the rain and i was just focusing on keeping it on track. I had medium tires on. Not sure if bowtie had the same. Once the track dried out i caught back up and we raced together until lap 9. I wanted to pit at lap 8 but bowtie was pushing for lap 10. I figured i would use up the meat of my tires.

We went into the pits nose to tail but I came out about 5 10ths ahead. Diabolic, who had made his pit stop earlier was about 12 seconds ahead at this point. I chased as hard as i could but our gap was increasing more than it was decreasing. I was quicker on some parts of the track but diabolic was super fast down the straight. I had no trouble pulling away from bowtie and sl3ight on the racing hard tires so i was alone aside from encountering some lap traffic.

The drizzling rain started around lap 20 and it picked up around lap 22. It wasn't raining heavily so i waited to pit to see if I could run racing hard tires again. Diabolic went in around lap 22 and by lap 25 he had caught up to me. My tires were pretty worn so there was no chance of me drafting him around the track. i pitted on lap 25 and put racing hard tires on.

Despite the continued rain and increasing mist, I was still able to put down dry-like lap times. I hit my best time 2:23.00x around lap 28 and just pushed moderately the remainder of the race hoping diabolic would make a 30 second mistake...unlikely but you never know.
Well I think we'll probably run 50 laps...so i need him to make about FIVE 30 second mistakes.
Sli3ghts comment aside, I did have a 10 sec mistake turn 1 around lap 27 or 28. I was attempting to pass Dabneyd and went wide, touched the green section and went around.

I Think Diabolic ran a calm 1:46. I can push hard for a 1:49. i've got a little money to spend, but not enough to shave 3 seconds off my time. With the amount of speed he has, he'll likely pull ahead and then drive very carefully.

This is the plan. I will press for 5-6 laps, but once I'm in the 70-80% remaining grip...I see no reason to push it. I assume I'll be in the top three, but you never know. Sharks car could (edit: should) be very quick. I'd rather run 15 laps at 1:48-49 than any alternative, but starting up front will be key.

One last edit. The MGF wing costs 2,000 otherwise I'd have 6,050 remaining.

However, grenade shark has plenty to spend on his car and if he shows up the next two races, he has the potential to steal that first place spot and offset things quite a bit. I hate to say this, but I hope grenade shows up next week and wins.

Are you saying this because it will make the chase more interesting for you? I think my car has the legs for Lemans, with or w/o a draft buddy, but I dont see how Shark won't podium. With the free money given for not showing up, he should run the next two races with 480+ PP.
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I put the wing down as 1,500 because I wasn't sure. If I put 2,000 that gives you 5,050 left to spend. Unless something else is wrong on the spreadsheet.

I did notice that mistake btw...but on that lap i had made a 3 second mistake running wider than intended on turn 1.

I think you'll have plenty of company at the front. If gshark can't run a 1:46 alone, he will be close enough to draft you. WiiFreak will be able to run a clean 1:47-1:48 I imagine. I'm not sure about sl3ight. He doesn't have any mods to install that will make him much quicker than at suzuka but if he can coax speed out of the corners he'll be right up there at the front. Bowtie might be quick after some tuning and proper investment of his winnings.

I think this is going to be the most interesting race of the season. Lap times can vary by as much as 2 seconds between running a "safe" line and running an "aggressive" line. The final turn is an example of where you can play it safe or you can push hard and risk hitting either the inside wall on entry or the outside wall on exit. Not a big margin for error. Tire wear will be important. Pit strategy will be important. And lap traffic will play a much larger role since there really aren't many places to pass safely.
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I'll have to check my math I guess. I only need 5K in case I feel the need to reduce weight for Lemans. I'm not doing that this week anyway.
My camera is screwed up. It is 7 years old (I've owned it for 4) but I was hoping to get more out of it.
We need LRP in GT5. I've done so many damn laps around that place in rFactor and iRacing...

Chuyler, I just saw your edit with the ice racing video. I would love to do that in my Subie.
We've got a lot of parts of Limerock in the game...but not all in one track.

Big Bend: GVE Forward turn 1
The Esses: Suzuka
No Name Straight: A few similar ones on Nurburgring
The Uphill: Trial Mountain Reverse turn 1
West Bend: ???
Downhill: Deep Forest Reverse final turn
This is why we need a track creator that actually lets us create tracks. Not a random number generator with values hooked up to clips of track :lol:
I tried to create Limerock when i first got the game. No luck. Eiger simply sucks. Every track ends up with a tight blind turn at the top of a hill. no track designer would ever put a jump right at the crest of a turn.

I suppose the creator is sufficient for mixing things up in a console game...but it seems like they could have easily configured it so the user could select the track length and the number of turns, not the number of sectors. Let me piece it together like a slot car set.

1) How long of a straight section do you want? .5 miles
2) Now what? Turn left medium
3) Now what? Turn right medium
4) Now what? finish
**whoops, guess I'll have to draw a line to connect your start and finish since they don't quite line up.
5) Yay, I've made a track in 10 seconds!

Instead of...
1) Do you like this course? No.
2) How about this course? Hmm, let me drive it...Nope.
3) How about this one? Nada
4) And this one? Yeah, right...umm. no.
5) And this one? WTF I give up.
6) Do you want to save this? No it sucks monkey balls!
I'm not sure why you all think grenade will be fast at Monaco. There are about 8 spots he can put his power too use. By about lap 7 of fast driving he'll hit the wall before you enter the tunnel. If he conserves he'll make it too about 12/15.

Also, just because I can't get first this season doesn't mean I'm going too lay down and die. There are four of us that can get 3rd, and I'm giving it all I've got.
^^ That's right^^ WP.

I envision the race ended early for someone. Someone will jump in the draft, brake too late and push another car through one of the early tight corners on lap 4 or 5...something stupidly early. (I was honing my inner grenade with 'stupidly' there)
Nice job grasshopper, you're getting closer too mastering the art of "grenade".

Bowtie's gonna pull something out of his bucket of chicken on this one.

I expect everyone to be giving it 100%. Just remember that its a long race and if you're not intending to make a pass going into the chicane, leave room or line your car up to avoid a punt into the wall.
hi everyone,


i'm going to barbados for 10 days this coming tuesday

so i will potentially miss the final 2 events in this series

my friend whom i'm visiting does own a ps3, so there is a chance i could still show up for the races

but that means i need to figure out how to transfer my data

does anyone know much about this? is it possible? based on what i've read it seems that people have done this before

anyway, if i do miss out, i will only be that much more anxious for the next series to get underway

good luck everyone!
I'm pretty sure there is a thing on the PS3 where you can stick your USB in, and transfer game save data too it.
I imagine there is a way to transfer data...but all you really need is the game and the car. If your friend already has the game, you can send him your car...or have him purchase it in the game so you can install the correct mods.
I imagine there is a way to transfer data...but all you really need is the game and the car. If your friend already has the game, you can send him your car...or have him purchase it in the game so you can install the correct mods.

+1 👍
Or if your friend doesn't have the game send one of us the car and we will send it to your friend we you get down there and have the game installed.
do you have newer PS3? Easiest way is to use USB drive. The transfer data utilty works sporatically. My new 360GB has a broken ethernet port right outta the box and in the transfer I lost 30+ premium cars and about 200 paints. No idea where they went. USB is easier and more secure just make sure a sub account is on the system for yah and that you're signed into PSN before you load

EDIT: I agree with sending friend car. Just use his/her account if thats cool with them and identify yourself to the host and other drivers beforehand
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+1 👍
Or if your friend doesn't have the game send one of us the car and we will send it to your friend we you get down there and have the game installed.

excellent suggestion

i think this will be the solution

he doesn't have the game, but i will bring it with me

unfortunately right now he doesn't have an hdmi port in his tv, and doesn't have his a/v cable for the ps3

so i might have to figure out the button sequence in order to change from hd output to a/v output and change that when i'm there

anyhow, this is a positive development

i hope this works out

thanks for the ideas so far
excellent suggestion

i think this will be the solution

he doesn't have the game, but i will bring it with me

unfortunately right now he doesn't have an hdmi port in his tv, and doesn't have his a/v cable for the ps3

so i might have to figure out the button sequence in order to change from hd output to a/v output and change that when i'm there

anyhow, this is a positive development

i hope this works out

thanks for the ideas so far

The button sequence is: (easyer to do with sounds alredy from a/v)

after PS3 is turned on ,
X (to select the profile)
press left as many times (as it takes that no sound is heard / 8 x left)
once to right and then all the way down (till no sound again / 14x )
4x up
all the way down (3x)
The rest you can see your self :D

If you continue holding the power button after the systems starts I believe the PS3 will automatically select whichever output is hooked up.
Wednesday night will be my last race I just got promoted to night manager so I'll have to miss the final race.
I was looking forward to Sarthe
Awesome shot! Wish i could've gone. Still thinking of heading out for Labor Day Vintage weekend...but low on cash at the moment with buying the house in December. If we can make a day trip out of it I might go...but don't think I can do an overnighter.