Okay, one OT question. But I have never played with a Racing Wheel in my life (cept on a few arcade machines
). I usually prefer the 3rd Person View That too as far away as possible. I play GTR also that way using my Logitec WingMan controller even GT4 I played with this view and DS2 and got all golds in all the license tests and stuff, so I cannot complain. But whenever I am playing GTR / GTL or even GTR2 Demo, I keep feeling I could do MUCH better and I would feel much more connected to the game If I were playing with the cockpit view with a good Racing Wheel.
I also thought of buying a DFP first, but since the news of the G25, I've decided if I buy a Racing Wheel, it'd be only this or none atall. As I know it'd be a much better Technology than the DFP (and specially much better quality too, coz thats my peev, I like things that are good in quality and not just cheap plastic).
Now what I want to ask is, will the Transition from a GamePad to a Racing Wheel be easy enough? I mean obviously I know I cant get used to it in a couple days but still what I want to know is, is spending $300 worth, specially if I've never used a Racing Wheel b4, on this, or not?). I live in India so basically I can only order it online and once it is here, and if I dont like it, I have to just live with it, thus all these questions.
Let me try and break em up for you!
1) Will the Transition from GamePad to G25 be easy and Worth it (as in will I feel more connected to the game and is it worth spending $300 for?)
2) Has anyone seen / used the G25 to guarantee that the quality wont be some cheap plastic, rather it'd be pretty good leather and Aluminium or Metal (which will feel good and give good FF response with its 2 motors)?
3) Err.... All other NOOBish questions which other n00bs like me ask?
(cant think of many but if you have any in your head, I am sure they're there somwhere in mine too, they're just not coming out at this moment
4) Should I just get it from Amazon? or ask my cousin in the US to get it of from some store, to get a good deal?