Logitech G25 Racing Wheel

october. search button is your friend :) you see you can even search this thread specificly :) i've heard reports of as early as mid september
I'm pretty sure this has been mentioned/asked before and trust me I'm not a huge fan of redundancy but.. You think the G25 system would enable the player to execute "Heel and Toe"?
I found lfs but it seems you have to pay for gtr to play it. Is there a free download. Sorry if I sound like a noob to these two games:dunce: but I really dont have experience with them. I dont do much computer gaming but these might be an exception.💡
there is a gtr2 demo out. you could download it from gamershell.com. there are also many tracks released for the demo :D

i've uninstalled the demo tho and moved back to dedicating what little gaming time i have to getting faster at LFS. the LFS demo only offers 3 normal roadcars. the full game has 3 GT500 type cars. www.liveforspeed.net

http://www.liveforspeed.net/?page=contents full car list here

3 of the cars exist irl. and the others are very close to the specs of actual cars. fz50 is close to porsche 9** (i cant remember which one) the F08 is almost the exact same specs of older formula nippon. the gtr cars are sorta JGTC gt500 based.

no more of this OT post i apologize :P
OMG Sunday Sim Driver...... I suppose you only play on ps2 right ?

If this post was actually posted to me directly, then the answer is:

For the time being yes...until I get the funds to buy a new PC, which I would then devote to just gaming/GTR...:D ...as my current PC isn't fast enough to run any racing games at full capacity...
err... CDW claims they will have it in stock on the 28th of this month. SOmeone called cdw and the representative told him that if he orders the wheel monday... then he will probably get the wheel by september 8th.

same was told to me.

Can't wait to work for 35 hours, and spend it on this wheel lol.
haha, here in brazil an average teen would have to work almost 2 months (around280-300hours!) to get that wheel. u guys are lucky! JK... i can't complain, life is great here :)
If this post was actually posted to me directly, then the answer is:

For the time being yes...until I get the funds to buy a new PC, which I would then devote to just gaming/GTR...:D ...as my current PC isn't fast enough to run any racing games at full capacity...

It was to one poster above me, as i remember jedi who didn't know whats GTR, but thats ok i understand he only plays on console, but i heard GTR was coming to xbox or xbox360 so he would know it later, bad side of this is that nor xbox or xbo360 have good wheels, i mean no DFP or G25, MS is just killing their own bussines, but i guess the same is with keyboard and mouse support on xbox360, people can't use them to play vast amount of fpps.

I'm realy counting on PS3 and GT5 support for G25, yeah look you replace T with 2 and you got the same name ;) j/k of course but i hope there will be full support with clutch, stalling, 6 gears and so on. Make it real killer PD, and please no more BS about not enough power for AI, damage and physics.

PS. Oh yeah i forgot about good cocpit view, no more bumper, hood views.
haha, here in brazil an average teen would have to work almost 2 months (around280-300hours!) to get that wheel. u guys are lucky! JK... i can't complain, life is great here :)

wish argentina was as lucky lol. you know what?, **** it I'm not gonna buy it. My birthday is in October so I'm going to as my parents to get it for me, I need to save every dime I cant for a daily driver lol.
hey guys,
have been away a long time.:)

i just read the last few posts about that wheel, and i saw something about getting into stores at 8th of september!!??
I've been checking up with EB every time I go and they haven't even heard of it. I'm on Logitech's mailing list for it though, so hopefully I'll be able to get one as soon as its out.
I have a serious dilemma here... I have been dreaming of a wheel like this for years (I almost made my own wheel as a freshman engineering design project before I realized how complicated USB is). I nearly hit the ceiling when I first saw this wheel, but then I found out it is only for ps2 and pc. I haven't heard anyone officially say "the g25 is not compatable with the xbox 360", but it's pretty obvious that it's the case. I own a 360, no ps2, and my pc is very dated. I'd be 100% willing to shell out the 300 bucks for this wheel, but I just can't see it being a good investment, unless I also wanted to spend 200-400 more to make my pc worthy of racing games like Live for Speed or the GTR series.

So, the only (smart) options would be to give in and buy microsoft's ff wheel and deal with their crappy shifting system, or just wait it out. I'm NOT buying MS's ****ty wheel, not when there are gems like the g25 around.
So then my only smart option is to wait it out. I'm hoping that this wheel is a big enough hit that similar h-pattern shifter wheels will pop up, with one eventually being compatable with the 360...

In my position, this would be the smart thing to do,... but I know myself better than that, and I'm almost positive that come october I'll be one of the first to take home a g25, grinning like an idiot the entire way. After all, they're limited edition and if I don't grab one when I have the chance, I may never get one, except for an inflated price on ebay. At least that way I'd have one for when I do upgrade my computer (or get a new one) eventually, and I guess I can always hope that MS offers downloadable compatability in the future, right?
Okay, one OT question. But I have never played with a Racing Wheel in my life (cept on a few arcade machines :P ). I usually prefer the 3rd Person View That too as far away as possible. I play GTR also that way using my Logitec WingMan controller even GT4 I played with this view and DS2 and got all golds in all the license tests and stuff, so I cannot complain. But whenever I am playing GTR / GTL or even GTR2 Demo, I keep feeling I could do MUCH better and I would feel much more connected to the game If I were playing with the cockpit view with a good Racing Wheel.

I also thought of buying a DFP first, but since the news of the G25, I've decided if I buy a Racing Wheel, it'd be only this or none atall. As I know it'd be a much better Technology than the DFP (and specially much better quality too, coz thats my peev, I like things that are good in quality and not just cheap plastic).

Now what I want to ask is, will the Transition from a GamePad to a Racing Wheel be easy enough? I mean obviously I know I cant get used to it in a couple days but still what I want to know is, is spending $300 worth, specially if I've never used a Racing Wheel b4, on this, or not?). I live in India so basically I can only order it online and once it is here, and if I dont like it, I have to just live with it, thus all these questions.
Let me try and break em up for you!

1) Will the Transition from GamePad to G25 be easy and Worth it (as in will I feel more connected to the game and is it worth spending $300 for?)
2) Has anyone seen / used the G25 to guarantee that the quality wont be some cheap plastic, rather it'd be pretty good leather and Aluminium or Metal (which will feel good and give good FF response with its 2 motors)?
3) Err.... All other NOOBish questions which other n00bs like me ask? :P (cant think of many but if you have any in your head, I am sure they're there somwhere in mine too, they're just not coming out at this moment :D ).
4) Should I just get it from Amazon? or ask my cousin in the US to get it of from some store, to get a good deal?
1) Will the Transition from GamePad to G25 be easy and Worth it (as in will I feel more connected to the game and is it worth spending $300 for?)
2) Has anyone seen / used the G25 to guarantee that the quality wont be some cheap plastic, rather it'd be pretty good leather and Aluminium or Metal (which will feel good and give good FF response with its 2 motors)?
3) Err.... All other NOOBish questions which other n00bs like me ask? :P (cant think of many but if you have any in your head, I am sure they're there somwhere in mine too, they're just not coming out at this moment :D ).
4) Should I just get it from Amazon? or ask my cousin in the US to get it of from some store, to get a good deal?

1) It is definatly worth it, might take a bit of getting used to but it is oh so worth it (give it a week before you start beating your gamepad times).
2) Havnt seen it or used it (besides pictures) but if the quliaty is anywhere near as good as the DFP it will be brilliant, as long as it isnt released with the DFP pedal problem, but logitech replaced all busted pedals so its all good.
3) ...
4) dont know.
so today we date the 13th of september.... 5 days past already and nobody has heard about it yet? i checked virgin megastores today and they still dont have it either....whats going on there?? maybe a delay?
i fing the wheel to be much much easier than controller. everything is much more natural to me in gt4. and in simulators like LFS, gtr2, rbr... a wheel is a must :)
My G25 will hopefully arrive in next month.
I actually made cockpit for it.I will post pics to cockpit thread as soon ass i get my wheel.
Lot off money have been and will be spent to my ps3 project.Currently i dont even have a lcd/wide screen tv so that will eat at least 1600 euros(im going for full hd).
But what a hell ,fun is priceless :)

ps: price for g25 was 299€(if i had ordered it earlier price would have been 240€)

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