London and England riots

  • Thread starter Alex.
how would you feel if your shop that youve put everything you ever worked for into it only to have everthing stolen, and then set on fire leaving you with nothing? not saying them shoot them with live rounds but rubber bullets or bean bags....

I would feel understandably angry but I would not want anyone killed. Luckily I live in a place where the people that run it agree.

So I ask the question again, do you feel that people who steal or cause arson should be killed?

Now all we need is a Chuck Norris.


You called?

yerh im just watching the news now and they said there around 16000 officers in london! with 500 detectives which is 100 more than the 7/7 bombings...

Yeah, and 50 to 70 young people are on the streets of Enfield trying to ward off possible rioters, plus hundreds of Sikh men are guarding a temple in Southall.

And some fool on Sky News saying that he's not a law abiding citizen, as well as swearing profusely on camera :rolleyes:
Just heard there are large groups of people gathered in Leicester city centre and some damage has been reported. Thankfully nothing big has kicked off though. I've got lots of family who live near there. :nervous:
Yes. SO19 were told, in the aftermath of 7/7 and the previous day's failed bombing, that the suspect running for a Tube train was a suspected bomber and had received directives to shoot suspects in the head to avoid triggering explosives worn on the body.

It is unlikely that any firearms officer who discharged his weapon that day has ever worked as a firearms officer again - or indeed as a police officer.
I would feel understandably angry but I would not want anyone killed. Luckily I live in a place where the people that run it agree.

So I ask the question again, do you feel that people who steal or cause arson should be killed?


hence the reason of bean bags and rubber bullets...they are specially made NOT to kill people, OR shoot them with paintball guns so they can keep track of them and so that the police and catch them after.
hence the reason of bean bags and rubber bullets...they are specially made NOT to kill people, OR shoot them with paintball guns so they can keep track of them and so that the police and catch them after.

Sorry, misunderstood your post. It doesn't read like that.
Just heard that Liam Gallagher's store has been attacked. Oh, such mixed feelings about that one! ;)
So I ask the question again, do you feel that people who steal or cause arson should be killed?


How about the ones in North London who set fire to a block of flats while the occupants (many with children) begged them not to from a third floor window?
How about the ones in North London who set fire to a block of flats while the occupants (many with children) begged them not to from a third floor window?

I'll take that as a 'yes'.
I think the important thing is to show that it will not be tolerated, we're too soft as a nation.

People seem to think they can do this and get away with it.

Effective ways to demonstrate this is not the case?

In our current PC state.. I can't think of any effective means that would ever be allowed... and thats just wrong.

These people really are scum, if it were my town I would be having a real problem right now not going out and "messing a few of them up".

Rant edit 1: What our police are saying is that if enough people all go out and commit crime all at the same time, then they'll get away with it.... sorry, but this is epically wrong... swift, and brutally firm justice is what's in order.. if the police can't do it now.. the Queen should order it...
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Hopefully the police and the government will stick to their word and sentence every scrote they can convict with the maximum 10 year term or whatever borstal they can dish out to minors. I know this would cost the country a lot of money but I'd be willing to pay it (not all of it) to show the consequences of this thuggery are going to be hard even if it appears they've initially got away with it.

Also I've heard reports that Everton's trophy room has been looted tonight and people have been seen leaving with carpet. /inappropriate joke
Hopefully the police and the government will stick to their word and sentence every scrote they can convict with the maximum 10 year term or whatever borstal they can dish out to minors. I know this would cost the country a lot of money but I'd be willing to pay it (not all of it) to show the consequences of this thuggery are going to be hard even if it appears they've initially got away with it.

I'd rather my hard earned taxes went to locking them up than paying them "benefits" every week.
What's the difference?


Because imprisonment is a bad thing, and it's easier for me to justify than paying "benefits".. as if there should be any benefit to being being workshy stupid irresponsible scum.
I was in Bath this evening and their were some obviously drunk yobbos shouting in the City Centre that were gonna try and start a riot. Doesn't appear to have worked. Police have been on patrol everywhere in Bath, Corsham and Chippenham today.
I've heard several reports of vigilantes taking to the streets, no reported violence, all peaceful and it's amazing to see that several notorious football firms are out on the streets protecting there towns. 👍

Just shows, strength in numbers. If you abandon the streets you only make it easier for the looters. Just make sure you stay safe and don't get in the way of the authorities.
Most of the people involved in this rioting seem to correlate closely with those I marked as 🤬 when I was at school before I left for college.

They seem to be around the same age too. In which case I'd have no complaints about them being removed from society for a good few years and they deserve it for the carnage they've caused over the past few days.
Got back from work ok, I'm not sure I can say the same yet for my colleagues, so I hope they get back safe. Liverpool isn't quite as bad as Manchester yet but there are rumours and reports, as well as the Police preventing a lot of travel in the city centre.
Wavertree was quiet as usual though there were a few police patrolling the area and the smell of burning was in the air.
Home for me is a few miles from Manchester city centre, so I'm not worried about much here. Though I am slightly worried about my local shops, especially with the police stretched dealing with all this - you can't but help wonder even if your local cornershops and newsagents are really safe!

I'm totally gutted to see and hear the devastation in Manchester and Salford, I'm very tempted to go tomorrow and see if I can help out even if its only for an hour or two. I'll have to see if the tram services are back up or not.

The Police need water cannons filled with permanent paint. Then anyone who has this paint on them or their clothes loses any benefits and of course is arrested. Problem is, it seems the Police are woefully ill-equipped for this particular crisis because no one ever thought it possible!

I hope tomorrow is better, I'm worried any further restrictions will either stop me from getting to work, or trap me at work. Any possible curfew is really going to inconvenience me as I work late shifts.
Problem is, it seems the Police are woefully ill-equipped for this particular crisis because no one ever thought it possible!
I don't think it's a case of nobody thinking it was possible, but more that they never thought it was probable. When the riot squad gets called in, they're usually dealing with a large mass of protestors who are all in one spot and the riot squad simply have to form a barricade - like the G8 Summits that always attract trouble. But in England, the police have to deal with a mob that is anything but static. The rioters in England are unorganised. They are constantly moving, and can disperse and reassemble at will. They're probably using social media to co-ordinate their movements (BlackBerry has been threatened against helping the police identify rioters by a group of hackers), and they are not motivated by a common goal (unlike Arab Spring or the Cronulla race riots). The police have been caught off-guard because there has never really been a riot like this before.
Apparently, Mark Duggan did not shoot a policeman. He had a gun but did not fire it. Both bullets fired came from a police firearm.

This is being reported by CNN/NY Times.