- 1,268
- Porto Alegre
- LazyLiquid
Jean Charles must be LOLing in heaven rite now.
When it comes down to saving lives and keeping order, shoot at will.
The signs were there alright, they started when we prevented schools from disciplining pupils and therefore eroded respect that children have for any authority when they were just infants, it was perpetuated when we prevented parents from disciplining their children and reinforced the belief that children can coast through life with few consequences to their actions. It continued when we eroded the value of family and created social support networks that enable people to live comfortable lives without ever having to work, entirely supported on the state with no obligation to take any responsibility for their actions or their life. It gets worse every year as this underclass of undereducated, under disciplined irresponsible individuals continues to have more an more children born into a ghetto culture where underachievement is celebrated, criminality is glorified and parental responsibilities are ignored and abdicated to the state.
Even now some people are queuing up to blame those from outside of these communities for the crimes that are being committed within them, further absolving them of responsibility and giving credence to their vacant and tired claims of victimisation. These are feral children who've been let down by their parents and overindulged by cloying liberalism that confers endless rights with no sense of responsibility. The left seems to be tripping over itself in its desire to flagellate the law abiding citizen over this, its easy to blame the law abiding as then you don't have to deal with culprits, or admit that perhaps you've been wrong for decades on how to deal with these sort of social problems. If you blame everyone else then its easy to conclude that this is a problem that's too big to fix, instead of taking the pragmatic view of dealing swiftly and harshly with those that are guilty of committing these crimes and protecting the innocent law abiding tax payer from their vile, self destructive behaviour.
tall and blonde to Scandinavia,
In all on-topicness though, I'm glad to see people finally coming out and defending their neighborhoods now. Remember, gas powered air-soft guns with metal BB's will do some serious damage. I know that's what I would be using to defend my house if this ever happened here.
This has gone past just rioting, or looting, now it's all out war. Especially since these people are armed extremely well. Call in the military, and start taking these people out. If they start targeting and injuring innocent people, it's time to use deadly force, no matter how morally wrong it is, there is just one part of me that wants these people done with hard justice. I think it's the South in me.
Just read this from an anonymous contributor on Yahoo:
1,390 thumbs up and only 30 down is the most I've ever seen on there...
^ That's brilliant. One more 👍 from me.
It's not a political issue, it's a sociological one.
Yahoo quote:
The signs were there alright, they started when we prevented schools from disciplining pupils and therefore eroded respect that children have for any authority when they were just infants, it was perpetuated when we prevented parents from disciplining their children and reinforced the belief that children can coast through life with few consequences to their actions. It continued when we eroded the value of family and created social support networks that enable people to live comfortable lives without ever having to work, entirely supported on the state with no obligation to take any responsibility for their actions or their life. It gets worse every year as this underclass of undereducated, under disciplined irresponsible individuals continues to have more an more children born into a ghetto culture where underachievement is celebrated, criminality is glorified and parental responsibilities are ignored and abdicated to the state.
Even now some people are queuing up to blame those from outside of these communities for the crimes that are being committed within them, further absolving them of responsibility and giving credence to their vacant and tired claims of victimisation. These are feral children who've been let down by their parents and overindulged by cloying liberalism that confers endless rights with no sense of responsibility. The left seems to be tripping over itself in its desire to flagellate the law abiding citizen over this, its easy to blame the law abiding as then you don't have to deal with culprits, or admit that perhaps you've been wrong for decades on how to deal with these sort of social problems. If you blame everyone else then its easy to conclude that this is a problem that's too big to fix, instead of taking the pragmatic view of dealing swiftly and harshly with those that are guilty of committing these crimes and protecting the innocent law abiding tax payer from their vile, self destructive behaviour.
it is the initiative of the individuals that makes a country great, not the few that govern.ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country (J.F.Kennedy)
Now all we need is a Chuck Norris.
I'm not getting this, are politicians not shaping society?
People are happy going out and getting mortal every night resulting in arrest, but they're damned if they're going to let people burn out their drinking holes.
Have you got a link to that Yahoo quote Mog? I'd like to link someone to it rather than copy and pasting all the text from here (facebook discussions can get quite large if I do that...).
Just to clarify a couple of things for people in the thread here.....
1) We couldn't call in the army, send in the troops, or rally round the national guard or whatever, as they are ALL in Afghanistan. ALL OF, THEM. Including reserve forces.
2) It's been dry here since Saturday when the rioting started, but it's going to rain again as usual starting today, in fact it already is.
Rain = No rioting, Hoodies will get wet.
Rain = No rioting, Hoodies will get wet.
Just to clarify a couple of things for people in the thread here.....
1) We couldn't call in the army, send in the troops, or rally round the national guard or whatever, as they are ALL in Afghanistan. ALL OF THEM. Including reserve forces.
example of a riot in UK
That's half a mile from my house!
example of a riot in UK
Forgive me if I sound disrespectful, but the amount of people there looks to be tiny. How can't the police deal with that?
Really, there are riots and disturbances in the UK. Why haven't we got a thread about it.....
Nealwhile the fire service were extinguishing burning cars they were attacked injuring two fire men and damaging six fire engines. Attacking the emergency services who are trying to deal with the mess created by these yobs is so despicable it's hard to believe. Part of the reason there was much less trouble in Liverpool last night is because groups from the community were out on the streets talking to young people and telling them to go home..
The irony. Isn't that what hoods are for?
TeslaForgive me if I sound disrespectful, but the amount of people there looks to be tiny. How can't the police deal with that?