Lost Season 2 (DVDs Now Available)

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
Ah, finally...

What's the name of this guy again... I can't remember...

Oh, got it. Jack!!

God, it's been a while. Looking forward to watch "the kiss". :P
Just watched it (it's aired 2 hours before yours over here)


I wont spoil anything, but I'll say this... brace yourselves, this episode is one hell of a ride.

Yeah, that was our response watching it, too. I have some theories, but I'll wait until everyone's seen it and Foolkiller posts his usual synopsis. :)
That was some craziness there.

My write-up won't show up until tonight because I want to watch my video on my PC as I do the write-up so as not to miss any details.
I've just picked up a few bits of info from other sites, and i must say this ep was indeed crazy. Looking forward v. much to your write-up FK 👍
Hey! Where's that write-up? *shakes fist*

Nowhere on the internet has a worth-reading write-up and this episode needs explaining for those of us that haven't seen it yet :P Pweease?
Hey! Where's that write-up? *shakes fist*

Nowhere on the internet has a worth-reading write-up and this episode needs explaining for those of us that haven't seen it yet :P Pweease?
Sorry, my wife got sick last night so sitting at my PC typing up a write-up of a TV show, no matter how much I love the show, came second.

I am trying to do it now at work, but I promise it will be done tonight, after my Cinco de Mayo drinking, of course. If things go well it will be done before I leave work, but I may edit it later on after I get home.
Sorry to hear about your wife, hope she gets better soon. Gotta keep your priorities :D
She's fine today. I don't know what was wrong with her but she slept for about 12 hours straight.

Anyway, work got busy so the write-up will be later tonight. I am having to type this during lunch as it is.

It's just one of those weeks. :indiff:
After much ado and a loooong wait. Here it is.


Episode 20: Two For The Road
This is an Ana-Lucia-centric episode

As always my comments will be in blue.

Flashback Running Away

Ana-Lucia arrives at work as a cop when her captain/mother approaches and asks where she was the night before. Remember she shot the guy that had shot her earlier Ana claims that she was at home all night just chilling out. Her mother doesn't believe her and makes her come with her. She takes her to the morgue where the man Ana shot is laying there. Her mother tells her that they found him and the gun in a nearby dumpster with no registration and no prints. Ana plays dumb and asks if they know who did it. Her mom says yes, it was Ana. He confessed to shooting her and she refused to ID him so they had to let him go only to show up dead a week later. Her mom tells her that she will need her help but Ana says no thanks. Her mom tells her she is a police officer and if she doesn't respect her mother she can at least respect that. Ana quits.

Next we see Ana working as airport security. After she finishes working she goes to the airport bar for a drink. At the bar is Christian Shepherd, Jack's dad. He strikes up a conversation. He tells her about how his son caused him to lose his license for drinking on the job. She tells him parents and kids shouldn't work together. He tells her that he is headed for Sydney and invites her along. It is fate that they met because they can help each other. He needs a bodyguard and it would be perfect for an ex-cop. He recommends using fake names. She calls him Tom and he calls her Sarah.

We find her next in a hotel in Sydney unable to sleep. Christian begins banging on her door and tells her it is time to go. She asks if after four days of drinking and doing nothing if this is when it is time to g in the middle of the night. He just tells her to get ready.

She drives him to the suburbs where he tells her to keep the engine running. Christian bangs on the door until a woman answers the door. They immediately begin arguing and we hear him say that it's his daughter and he has a right to see her. What the? He begins getting violent and trying to bust into the door and Ana jumps out and pulls him back to the car.

Later when they are driving away Christian is still drinking mini bar bottles. Ana asks who the woman is and he says it is a long story. He calls her Sarah and she tells him her real name, but he refuses to give his. She calls him pathetic and stops the car. She asks why he is in Sydney and he admits that it is because he can't apologize to his son. He tells her she is there for the same reason he is, she ran away. Then he looks up and sees they are stopped in front of a bar and offers her the chance to go drink and be pathetic together. She refuses. As he opens the door to get out he hits Sawyer on his way into the bar. Ana offers to go back home with Christian but he says he can't and gets out to go into the bar.

Next we see Ana in the airport getting her ticket for her trip home. At the head of the line Jack is arguing with the ticket agent about taking his father's body home. Ana hearing what Jack is saying decides to call her mother. She tells her where she is and says she is tired of running, she wants to come home. Her mother tells her to come home. Ana gives her the flight information and her mother agrees to meet her.

Side Story Hurley gets his grove on.

Hurley approaches Sayid and asks about the radio that they made and wants to know if he can borrow it to get it to play some music for Libby. Sayid tells him that he has tried many times since and it has not worked. Hurley says that it doesn't matter because Libby will say that it is the thought that accounts, especially after he holds it over his head. Sayid asks why he would do that and Hurley explains the movie "Say Anything" to Sayid. He recommends checking it out if they ever get off the island. Sayid recommends the beach he took Shannon to before.

Later we see Hurley stuffing food into a bag when Libby walks up. He tries to make an excuse and she thinks he is hiding that he is still eating too much. Hurley finally admits that he was going to pack a picnic for the two of them as a surprise. She agrees to go along with him.

Later Hurley and Libby are walking through the woods trying to find the beach when Libby points out that they are going in circles. Hurley disagrees and says that they are there. As he walks out on the beach Libby points out that Jin is there. It is the same beach their camp is on. Libby says they can just have their picnic there but Hurley didn't pack blankets or drinks. Libby says she will get blankets while Hurley goes and finds Rose and Bernard because she saw them with wine. Hurley jokes that if he gets drunk enough he will remember where he knows her from. Libby pauses and then just says OK before walking off. As Hurley gets ready to walk off he looks over at Jin who gives him a thumbs up. 👍

Main Story Bad PR

Picking up where we left off Jack and Kate have just found Michael in the jungle. They decide to take him back to camp.

Meanwhile, back in the hatch: Ana is cutting up fruit for Henry. She takes it in to him and his previous bowl hasn't been touched. Ana asks how long this is going to go on. She wants him to talk. She talks about how she used to be a cop and most killers love to talk but he is quiet. Henry whispers something and Ana gets in close to tell him that if he is going to talk he needs to…. Henry jumps up and starts choking her. He tells her that she killed two of them, good people that were leaving them alone. I don't think he is watching the same show we are. He tells her that she is the killer. She begins fighting for breath when Locke hits Henry over the head with his crutch.

Later Ana is on the beach trying to patch up her wounds when Libby walks up and asks what happened. Ana tells her about Henry attacking her. Ana says that she is fine but he won't be. Libby tells her not to do anything stupid.

Locke is in the hatch checking out the blast doors and decides to go talk to Henry. Henry says he forgives him for hitting him with the crutch. He is glad that his head didn't break it. Locke asks Henry why he tried to kill Ana but not himself when he was trapped under the blast door. Henry says it is because he is one of the good ones. Locke asks what he means and Henry says that he has nothing to lose because either Jack will kill him or his own people will. He explains that the man in charge is a great man, a brilliant man, but he isn't forgiving and Henry failed his mission. He was on his way to come and take Locke. LIAR!!!!!

At that moment Jack and Kate come in with Michael.

Ana is out in the jungle when she comes across Sawyer using a stick to knock Mangoes from a tree. She decides to help herself. This of course gets Sawyer worked up. She tells him that she needs a gun. Sawyer tells her to go get Jack's, oh yeah he's running around with Kate. Ana calls him out on his jealousy and tells him not to take it out on her. He tells her to scram, almost like she was a dog.

Back at the hatch Jack is trying to revive Michael. Locke thinks Michael is a trade and Jack says that it wasn't. Michael followed his voice. Locke expresses his doubt and Jack asks if he really thinks they are on the honor system.

Sawyer is walking back with his mangoes when he hears Ana-Lucia following him. She confronts him again about guns and asks for the one he is carrying. They get into a physical fight when Sawyer pins Ana to the ground. Ana grabs him and kisses him. Things heat up and they begin undressing. Despite the commercial interruption we are to assume that they get it on.

Afterwards Ana is quickly getting dressed and Sawyer makes a joke about getting his phone number. She threatens to kill him if he tells anyone. He says that he guesses that takes cuddling off the table. :lol:

Jack is in the hatch cleaning his medical tools when Ana walks in. Jack tells her about finding Michael and then notices the cut on her head. Locke covers for her by saying he left some water on the floor and she slipped and hit her head.

Just then Kate comes running in because Michael is waking up. Michael tells them about finding The Others. He says he found one and he was dirty dressed in simple clothes. He followed him back where they live in tents and live worse than they do. He counted 22 but he didn't see the boat or Walt, but he knows they have him. Ana asks if he saw any other people taken but he thinks they are in their own hatch because they were guarding a set of metal doors that go underground. The guards had two guns and that was it. They were all old and half were women. He couldn't get in to save Walt so he came back to tell them that they can take them and get Walt back.

Later Jack goes to Locke and tells him that he was right about Henry and what he and Sayid did was right, even if he didn't like how they did it and he shouldn't have gotten in their way. Locke forgives him and says he just wishes he would include him when he decides to do something, which he thinks will be soon. Jack says Michael says that they can take them and Locke asks about what Zeke said. Jack says that they are liars, why should they believe him. Locke agrees.

Jack and Locke get ready to leave to get the guns from Sawyer and Kate wants to come along. Ana says that she will stay and watch Henry. She tells them to give Sawyer her best.

Jack, Kate, and Locke find Sawyer sitting on the beach reading a manuscript found in the wreckage. The book can be bought here. Jack tells him to put it down so they can talk to him but Sawyer says he only has like ten pages left. Jack grabs the book and throws it in the fire. Sawyer pulls it out and starts yelling when Jack asks for the guns. Sawyer starts to protest Jack's actions when Locke tells him to just give up the guns. Sawyer starts to harass Locke but then Kate jumps in. As Sawyer starts to argue more Jack pulls out his gun and points it at Sawyer. Sawyer reaches for his own but finds it missing. When he says that Ana stole his gun Locke tells Jack that he has something to tell him.

We see Ana in the hatch pull the gun out of her boot and **** it. She then opens the armory door and throws Henry a knife telling him to cut himself loose. As he does so he tells Ana how Goodwin tried to tell them that she was good because he could change her, but he was wrong and it cost him his life. Ana says that he was going to kill her and Henry asks if he really was. She asks if he is done and then points the gun at him. Henry asks if this is it and she says yes------commercial.

Michael walks in and finds Ana playing with the gun. He asks where everyone is and she says they went to get the guns from Sawyer. He asks about Sawyer having all the guns and she says it is a long story. Michael points out that he at least didn't get that one. Ana says yeah, but she can't use it. When he asks what she is talking about she tells him about Henry and how he tried to kill her. She tells him about how she wanted to kill Henry but couldn't do it.

Michael says he will do it. They are animals and they took his son and he will do it, he will kill Henry because that is what they do. Ana hands Michael the gun and gives him the combination. Michael apologizes and Ana asks what for. Michael turns and shoots her in the chest. Her head falls over to the side and her eyes close. He is standing there holding the gun when Libby walks in looking for a blanket. She says Michael's name and he spins and shoots her twice. Libby falls to the floor. Then Michael opens the armory, walks in, looks at Henry and then shoots himself in the arm.

Roll credits

Take a second and say "OMFG!!!!!! What was that?"

Well, I guess we know how you get fired in Hollywood for creating bad PR by getting a DUI. Despite the producers and writers claiming that they were planned to die this soon it seems highly coincidental that the two actresses to get DUIs were killed within seconds of each other.

Now, a couple of quick questions.

-Did Henry really come for Locke or is he lying? I say he is lying.

-What is up with Michael? Is he an Other now sent to help Henry or is he trying to frame Henry and get everyone wanting to go and attack the Others? There is a lot of faked Others attacks in this show.

-Will Hurley go 100% truly psychopathic insane with Libby presumed dead?

Now on to another thought I have had. What is the deal with people being good or bad? Are we talking about people being a good person, as in kind and caring and whatnot? Or are we talking about good for the experiment? Someone open to seeing a bigger picture that the Others want them to see?

I have begun thinking about this because Jack is a good person in the traditional sense. He has devoted his life to saving lives and hasn't done anything seriously wrong in his life. From what we have seen his biggest sin is kissing another woman while married.

But would Jack be good for the experiment? Is he susceptible to brainwashing or indoctrination the way Locke would be or children are? Would Jack ever see acceptable deaths for the greater good or does he only see things one life at a time? Locke sees necessary sacrifices. Look at Boone.

What do you guys think?
Man, legend 👍

I don't trust a word that Henry says. We know how he lied so strongly about being Gale, and while he could be just past lying now, i doubt it. He's there to mess with the survivors. He was caught on purpose.

I don't think Michael has turned (if one can just become an other). Michael is trying to get the group to saddle up and kick some arse. He knows that everyone hates the others and he really wants Walt back. What a better way to get support than to "prove" the others other evil. I still forsee Ana's Army idea being taken into force; the guys will get the guns off of Sawyer and attack this tent town.

Q:Is it really a tent town though? That sounds rediculous. We know that the others are "one" with the jungle, but there are bunkers all over the island, they don't need to live in tents.

I doubt Libby is dead. I assume Ana is dead though. However if Libby isn't dead, then she's going to know about Michael. So perhaps she is, and then maybe yes Hurley ain't going to be happy.

Good and bad isn't about how nice you are or whatever, it's about suitability for the experiments. The experiments are kind of social interaction and human behavioural related. The kids are easily tought, but you have to be of the right mindset as an adult i presume. Locke has been touted as a "man of faith" many times during the series, maybe having "faith" is what they're after.
I don't think Michael has turned (if one can just become an other). Michael is trying to get the group to saddle up and kick some arse. He knows that everyone hates the others and he really wants Walt back. What a better way to get support than to "prove" the others other evil. I still forsee Ana's Army idea being taken into force; the guys will get the guns off of Sawyer and attack this tent town.
I just wonder what Michale is playing at. Suddenly he will kill someone in cold blood? He appears to have trouble with it (kind of shaken up) but it is a very Ethan/Goodwin-like act. The deception is very reminiscent of the Others as well.

Q:Is it really a tent town though? That sounds rediculous. We know that the others are "one" with the jungle, but there are bunkers all over the island, they don't need to live in tents.
Well, how much do you trust Michael. If he is not one of the Others then he did not know about Henry before Ana told him and so his killing her was a last minute thing as he formed a plan in his head to work up the survivors. Up until then he had no reason to lie. If this is the case then a tent town would be the best way to describe it. If they are DHARMA they are very hippie like with their improving other and life for mankind message.

Now, if Michael is now one of the Others then he lied about the tent town to set up a trap and he intended to find a way to get Henry out. This means, of course, that he killed Ana with pure cold-blooded malice.

I doubt Libby is dead. I assume Ana is dead though. However if Libby isn't dead, then she's going to know about Michael. So perhaps she is, and then maybe yes Hurley ain't going to be happy.
Rumors are that Libby will stay alive long enough to resolve her past of being in the hospital with Hurley, but will die by the end of the season.

Good and bad isn't about how nice you are or whatever, it's about suitability for the experiments. The experiments are kind of social interaction and human behavioural related. The kids are easily tought, but you have to be of the right mindset as an adult i presume. Locke has been touted as a "man of faith" many times during the series, maybe having "faith" is what they're after.
This is exactly what I think. I keep hearing people referring to it as being a good person but I think it is suitability related. Everyone else is below the Others and expendable, which is why they appear to have this delusion that they are not killers. It's as if they see them as nothing more than a mouse that has to be killed in order to protect the fruits of their labor.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that there was a commercial for the Hanso Foundation that gave a phone number, 1-877-hansorg, and the Web site for the Hanso Foundation. I didn't call the number but people who did said that it gives you a password for the site, "Breaking Strain."
Ok after a day or two of pondering i think i have come up with the reason micheal did what he did. I re-watched the last 15 mins of the episode and it confirmed what i believed.

If i recal correctly in earlyer episodes micheal said before he left the group that he will do whatever it takes to get walt back. I beleive that he was captured by the others and they made a bargin so that micheal will release Henry and in doing so will get walt back, the scene where micheal found out that they had an other seemed to delight for micheal rather than the anger that he usually shows towards the others.. This could explain why henry mentioned about the others never giving walt back as it sows the seeds for micheal being double crossed by the others. I also doubt Libby is dead however she may be unconsious for a few eps (probably will awake in the last episode of this series) to tell the losties that micheal shot everybody.

Micheals story may be true to him but is not the real truth about them being lightly armed as he may have been drugged just like claire was. The others could then set up a fake camp away from their real hatch making micheal beleive what he saw was correct. Remember Kate found theatrical glue and ragged clothes in the medical hatch.

I also see it higly unlikely that micheal managed to sneak up on the others as when Jack and the gang set off that time to find them they were confronted by a large group of others telling them to stay away. This to me would indicate that the losties are most probably being watched by the others.

Our answers are just asking new questions. Why cant lost be on every day!!! :)

I beleive that he was captured by the others and they made a bargin so that micheal will release Henry and in doing so will get walt back.
That's my guess as well.

An "army" will definitely be made now by Jack and company.

And I also think that one of the girls isn't dead, probably Libby.

Great work you are doing here, Foolkiller. 👍
El Gigante
Ana-lucia is definitley dead, someone says 'shes dead' in the promo.
And she was on Good Morning America last week talking about her character dying. Libby is the one we don't know about.
Oh man, last night's Lost left us hanging! I didn't find it to be as intense as previous episodes but Im sure next week will reveal a good amount of information as did this weeks episode.
Agreed 95GT. Last nights was very informative, but not nearly as "gripping" as last weeks. Looks like a set up for something big, though.
Sorry! :guilty:

Well, my experience with 24 has been thoroughly spoiled that way, two times. I'm waiting for this season to come out on DVD, but I already know who dies, thanks to an idiot who posted it without a spoiler warning in the first post of a thread about Kiefer Sutherland on Fark.

The other time was when I ordered my 2nd season DVD on zip.ca (Canadian netflix), while there was 1 DVD to go in the first season. The description (which even appears in the search results page) starts like this: "It's been over a year since his wife's death,..."

Dude, why would you do that???

Now you ruined the ending for them. :shakeshead: