Lost Season 2 (DVDs Now Available)

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
I doubt it. The producers have said that what's happening isn't a dream or any kind of hallucination. What "Dave" was saying about the island was simply Hurley's mind trying to rationalize things while in an unstable situation (panic attack, schizophrenia, whatever).
This is what I think too, but I had to ask the question.
I think so, yes. Whether it's his mission, or whether he's simply vindictive at having been found out, I think he wants them to let the clock run down. He made it sound like he doesn't know anything, but he's one of the Others.. he knows a HELL of a lot about what's going on. He knows exactly what the Swan is there for, and he knows exactly what the button is there for. He knows what's going to happen when it hits zero.
So, are the Others DHARMA or not? If they are it would seem that they wouldn't want the numbers to hit zero based on the video. The fact that there are still food drops leads me to believe that DHARMA wants the button pushed. Zeek has quoted Alvar Hanso so I think they are DHARMA or once were.

Is it possible that Henry is going rogue? He feels a need to deal with the Losties and he thinks another incident will be the way to do that, despite any setbacks DHARMA may suffer.
I hope you have at least done upgrades. You may want to try upgrading the OS if you are stil using 95 or 98. XP is somewhat less problematic.

If you plan to buy a new one soon I know a good place online that I have used twice now. They are refurbished PCs but they lasted until the software minimum requirements were better than the hardware.
About the only thing I have done to it is threw in more memory and a second hard drive. I originally came with a 4Gb drive. Now it has a 160Gb (132G readable) drive as a slave. Ninety-eight percent of the time, it works fine. About the only real problem I have with it (other than being slow) is I can't do the "Post Reply" option, I have to use the "Quick Reply". Other than that, it's not bad. We do our taxes, go online a few times a week and balance the checkbook. We'll be looking to get a laptop if my wife decides to go back to school, or if she doesn't, once the kids are in school (in 2 years :nervous:) we'll for sure get one then. Provided it lasts that long.
We'll be looking to get a laptop if my wife decides to go back to school, or if she doesn't, once the kids are in school (in 2 years :nervous:) we'll for sure get one then. Provided it lasts that long.
Hey, you can run Windows on Apples now. Reliability and you don't have to learn a new system.

EDIT: I wonder if they can do that upgrade in the hatch?
So, are the Others DHARMA or not? If they are it would seem that they wouldn't want the numbers to hit zero based on the video. The fact that there are still food drops leads me to believe that DHARMA wants the button pushed. Zeek has quoted Alvar Hanso so I think they are DHARMA or once were.

Is it possible that Henry is going rogue? He feels a need to deal with the Losties and he thinks another incident will be the way to do that, despite any setbacks DHARMA may suffer.

I think the episode where Claire goes to the Staff station definitely implies that the Others are in fact, Dharma, and that the Initiative is still in full swing (further evidenced by the food drop).

They also mentioned in this episode that the drop happened at night, which would explain why no one saw the plane. If it happened in the middle of the night while everyone was sleeping, they wouldn't have heard it, either.

As for Henry, it's hard to tell. I thought of that, too, that maybe he's trying to leave Dharma. There's just too many unanswered questions about him, so it's too early to say.
I think the episode where Claire goes to the Staff station definitely implies that the Others are in fact, Dharma, and that the Initiative is still in full swing (further evidenced by the food drop).

They also mentioned in this episode that the drop happened at night, which would explain why no one saw the plane. If it happened in the middle of the night while everyone was sleeping, they wouldn't have heard it, either.

I still have to disagree with this, the group that went to look for henry's ballon was walking back and would have surely hear any aircraft above them. Also it would seem that jack and kate were awake while the hatch was locking down (bad pun but not intentional) ans they would have heard an aircraft. I live kent on the south downs and i get alot of aircraft fly over and its not to hard to hear them from quite far away.

Nice episode...But do you think that this magnet (What 'Henry' said) may have triggered the drop somehow and made it so accurate? I think it makes sense that the doors were locked so that the computer would actually count to 0 and reset itself automatically whilst also setting off the magnet.
Nice episode...But do you think that this magnet (What 'Henry' said) may have triggered the drop somehow and made it so accurate? I think it makes sense that the doors were locked so that the computer would actually count to 0 and reset itself automatically whilst also setting off the magnet.

Now that is one theory which i hadnt thought of and a good one i must add. However i can see two things wrong with it.

A) There was no metal from what i could see during the last episode on the food drop. Was the base what charlie took to echo?

B) The people would pressing the button at different times ie 20 seconds to 0 or 45 seconds and this would add up to a very large time window making it almost impossible for the food drops to be planned. Unless of course the third party can see what the status of the clock is? It would also seem that the original people on the island were conducting tests of some sort so would not want to be freaked out by blast doors suddenly coming down and the object they have been told to keep under control (the timer from reaching 0). This would cause alot of stess i would assume so possibly not the best way to get food drops to them. However im not going to rule it out just yet.

Wow what an awesome episode! I'm still struggling to understand what Henry is on about, saying he is 'not a bad person'. Also, i would feel so ripped off if if what Dave told Hurley was true :lol:
CNN Headline News today reported that teh producers are saying the last five episodes of Lost will be much more action packed, leading to another huge cliffhanger that will leave us discussing the situation for months.

They are pure evil, but God that's why I love this show.
CNN Headline News today reported that teh producers are saying the last five episodes of Lost will be much more action packed, leading to another huge cliffhanger that will leave us discussing the situation for months.

They are pure evil, but God that's why I love this show.

That's why everyone loves this show!! Me, I can't get enough.. might as well face it, I'm addicted to Lost.. ;)

I didn't catch onto the show until after the first season. I'd heard a lot about it, but never watched it until my friend rented the DVDs. He called me up and described the show as "the television equivelant of crack."

As we went through the DVDs, there could be no more than a twenty minute delay between discs. That meant ejecting the disc, jumping in the car, squealing the tires down to Blockbuster, renting the next disc, squealing the tires back to the house, running inside and popping it in. And we loved every minute of it. :) Can't wait to get Season 2 on DVD. :)
After watching the latest episode and then racking my brain over what on earth was going on something ticked is this brain of mine. Henry didnt run away for a valid reason other than him thinking his story would check out with the group looking for the balloon..............the computer!
We saw Michael use the computer to speak to who we think was walt. I remember "walt" asking where micheal where he was. I think henry used the computer to tell the other where he is being help captive and this is why he is so reluctant to tell the losties any info as he is expecting Ziek and the gang to come to the rescue. Or possibly the Cerberous system is what they are all afraid of. Remember cerberous facing echo then leaving him alone. This leads me to beleive that echo is "good" and in the same reason of thinking John is bad seeing as cerberous tried to abduct him once. It also seems odd that since the small encounter in the forest with Ziek where he drew the line that all cerbeous activity has stopped.

If im correct then this means that the others may not be the original members of the island. Surely if they knew so much then they would already know where the hatch is?

Somebody PLEASE tell me what is going on!!!!

After watching the latest episode and then racking my brain over what on earth was going on something ticked is this brain of mine. Henry didnt run away for a valid reason other than him thinking his story would check out with the group looking for the balloon..............the computer!
We saw Michael use the computer to speak to who we think was walt. I remember "walt" asking where micheal where he was. I think henry used the computer to tell the other where he is being help captive and this is why he is so reluctant to tell the losties any info as he is expecting Ziek and the gang to come to the rescue. Or possibly the Cerberous system is what they are all afraid of. Remember cerberous facing echo then leaving him alone. This leads me to beleive that echo is "good" and in the same reason of thinking John is bad seeing as cerberous tried to abduct him once. It also seems odd that since the small encounter in the forest with Ziek where he drew the line that all cerbeous activity has stopped.

If im correct then this means that the others may not be the original members of the island. Surely if they knew so much then they would already know where the hatch is?

Somebody PLEASE tell me what is going on!!!!

Short of pulling out my DVDs I think Michael asked Walt where he was so he could go get him. I might be wrong.

Anyway, I have to believe that teh Others know about teh hatch from the way Zeek made the comment to Locke, "opening doors you have no right opening." Remember when he said that he stared Locke down hard. I think that they know what is up with teh hatch but as long as the Losties push the button it is no biggie, partially because I think that is the experiment. Everyone knows a rat will hit the feeder bar for food, but will a mor eintelligent creature, humans, hit the button with no reward other than not facing the unknown. How afraid are we as humans of the unknown? Will we push the button forever in order to not know?

Perhaps Henry is just screwing with Locke for fun or to throw a new variable in the mix. Or Henry is rogue as I thought before.
And the write-up: Remember to check me if you appreciate it. :sly:


Episode 19: S.O.S.
This is Bernard and Rose-centric

FLASHBACK: (Careful what you wish for. You just might get it.)

We see a car spinning its wheels in snow. It's stuck. Rose is behind the wheel and Bernard is telling her that she needs to rock it out or she will just dig herself in deeper. Rose tells him that she has been driving in snow all her life. Finally she listens and Bernard pushes while she gently uses the gas and gets it out, causing Bernard to fall face-first into the snow.

Rose gets out to help him and then introduces herself. Bernard introduces himself and then begins to walk off but Rose stops him to see if he would like to get a cup of coffee. Bernard says he would like that a lot.

Next we see Bernard and Rose having dinner at a restaurant overlooking Niagara Falls. Rose is talking about how beautiful it is but Bernard looks distracted and keeps gesturing behind her as if he is trying to get a waitress. Finally Rose asks what he is doing just as men with violins begin playing behind her. Bernard gets down on one knee and says that the last five months told him all he needs to know and then proposes. Rose then informs him that she is dying. Bernard asks the musicians to excuse them and then sits back in his chair as rose tells him that her disease (she never says cancer) was in remission but has come back and her doctor gave her a year to live. Bernard's only response to this is to ask if she will marry him or not. Rose asks if he is sure and he says that he is, so Rose says yes.

Now Bernard and rose are on their honeymoon driving through the Outback. Rose is positive that Bernard is lost and complains that she wanted to spend her honeymoon on a beach somewhere. (Careful what you wish for) Finally they pull in to a small town and Bernard tells Rose that he brought her here for a reason. This town has a faith healer that he hopes can heal her. Rose gets upset and tells him that she didn't ask for this. Bernard just wants to try and save her, to do something.

In the faith healer's office Rose asks him what she should do. He tells her just to sit down. He uses energy from the Earth to heal and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It depends on where on Earth you are. He puts his hands around her head and closes his eyes and the stops. He looks at her for a second, almost scared looking, and then he tells her that he cannot heal her. She can be healed but not in this place. He offers to give back Bernard's donation but Rose tells him no, she wants to tell Bernard that it worked.

Finally Rose and Bernard are waiting in the airport when Bernard gets up for some reason. While he is gone Rose reaches in her purse for her medicine and drops a pill bottle that rolls away. A hand reaches down and picks it up. It is Locke, still in his wheelchair, and he hands her the bottle back. She thanks him and then he rolls on. (She knows!!!)

MAIN STORY: (Getting what you wished for)

Rose and Bernard are stocking makeshift shelves with food from the drop. Bernard isn't doing it right and Rose lets him know. They bicker like a married couple. Finally Bernard goes off about how he can't believe that people are settling in as if they plan to live on the island long-term instead of trying to get home. He thinks that they have all given up.

Later Rose is trying to give Hurley a box of food but Hurley says that he is on a diet of fish and water so he can lose weight. While they are talking Bernard comes running up and tells Hurley to gather all the people together that he can. He seems to be in a very good mood.

After Bernard gets a crowd of people gathered round he tells them all about his idea of trying to get off the island. Everyone gets defensive when he accuses them of giving up. His idea is to build a giant sign in the sand so that the next time a plane makes a food drop or a satellite takes a picture they will be seen. Rose suggests they ask Jack first and Bernard wants to know why. He is just a doctor. Rose says, "And you are dentist." (Pwned) The people gathered around try to hold back their laughs. Bernard takes Rose off to the side to ask why she is being so negative and they argue. Eventually Bernard just excuses himself and goes back to the group.

Next Bernard goes o try and enlist Charlie and Eko to help. Charlie says that they are busy building a church. (It's about time!) Bernard says that he is trying to save them and Eko tells him that people are saved in different ways. Bernard wants to use some of their logs but Eko doesn't let him. Bernard tells him that he liked him better when he was hitting people with his stick. Charlie tells Eko that he likes him the way he is.

Bernard now has the people that are willing to help and he is laying out how he wants to build his sign. The letters need to be about 40 feet and then they will make it out of black volcanic rock that they can carry in from about a half mile away. (Is this the crater on the map?) Some people don't seem thrilled but others get to work. Jin and Hurley say they don't seem thrilled about carrying all those rocks.

Next Bernard tries to enlist Sawyer's help and Sawyer just doesn't seem interested because he is trying to rebuild his shelter. Bernard gives up and goes to get some water at the trough, which is where Rose is. Rose asks if he is losing workers and Bernard blames her. Rose suggests it is the management. Then she asks him why he always has to do something and he reminds her that she wouldn't be here if he hadn't done something.

Bernard is still working on his sign but only Jin is left to help. Bernard starts to try and tell Jin he is doing it wrong and Jin just motions that he quits. Bernard tries to stop him and explain that he is trying to save Rose and get her home. Jin doesn't appear to understand the words but he gets the message and says one word, "Sorry," before walking away.

Next Rose finds Locke sitting on the beach in staring out at the ocean from where she normally does. She jokingly tells him that he has her spot. Then she asks why he is outside because he hasn't left the hatch in a while. Locke says that he is done with the hatch, but Rose tells him he will be out of his splint and running around the island again in no time. Locke tells her Jack said it would be about four weeks. Rose looks at him and says that they both know it will be a lot shorter than that and just gives him a look. Locke smiles. (Wounds seem to heal very fast and leave little or no scars. I just thought it was bad continuity)

Rose goes to Bernard, who is still trying to make his sign by himself. Rose decides it is time to tell him the truth, that the faith healer didn't do anything for her. She was still sick when they left Australia. She then tells him how you can feel when something that shouldn't be in your body is there and when they landed on the island it was gone. Something on the island cured her. Bernard tries to argue with her about the point but she tells him that she is positive. Bernard realizes that she doesn't want to leave because then it will come back. He tells her that if she can't leave then he can't leave.

Rose asks him about his sign and he says it's OK. He didn't get very far anyway. He hadn't even finished half of the first letter.

SIDE STORY: (Why can't this be the whole episode?)

Locke is sitting at the computer desk trying to redraw the map from the door. The alarm from the timer is going off and he can't concentrate. Jack walks by and asks if he is going to push the button. He does.

Jack goes to Ana-Lucia who is standing guard over Henry and asks if he has talked yet. She says no. He is apparently on a hunger strike because he has had no food or water and hasn't talked in days. Jack goes in to see him and Ana follows behind with the gun. Jack tells Henry that he is going to change his bandage and if he tries anything she will shoot him.

Jack rips the old bandage off very roughly making Henry flinch. He also applies a disinfectant that stings and Henry cringes. During this Jack talks about how Henry said that if he were one of them he would arrange an exchange. Jack thinks that is a good idea and he is going to go out to the line they aren't supposed to cross and exchange him for Walt. As Jack is walking out Henry kind of snickers and Jack stops and asks if he has something to say. Henry tells him that he will never give him Walt.

While Jack begins packing a bag Ana says that she wants to go too, but Jack tells her that he needs her to watch over Henry. Ana gives Jack the gun and asks him to not go alone. Jack tells her he won't.

We see Kate trying to get mussels(?) and Sawyer harassing her. Kate challenges him to try it but he refuses. At this point Jack walks up and explains that he is going to try and arrange a trade with the Others. Sawyer makes a joke but says he would be glad to tag along only to have Jack tell him that he wasn't asking him, he was asking Kate. She agrees and walks off with him.

With Jack gone it is just Locke and Ana in the hatch. Ana is working on something. (It looks like the pulleys for the weight set) Locke asks her if he can talk to Henry. Ana tells him that with the gun gone the door stays shut so Locke yells through the door. Locke is trying to get Henry to tell him if he actually entered the numbers or not. Henry never answers but we see him get a very disturbing looking smile.

Meanwhile Jack and Kate are wandering through the jungle and Kate is talking about how she is glad that Jack asked her to come along. While they are walking Kate notices a doll lying on the ground and goes to pick it up. Jack sees and tries to stop her but gets to her a second late and they both get caught in a net hanging from a tree.

They figure that it is one of Danielle's because, as Kate says, the Others are more sophisticated. Being Danielle's she might not show up for a week. They decide to use the gun to try and shoot the rope. Kate goes first thinking that she is the better shot but misses. Jack takes the gun and Kate worries about bullets. Jack tells her they will still have 13 bullets left to shoot each other with. Jack's shot is spot on.

Jack and Kate are walking along through the rain and Jack decides to ask Kate what she meant about the Others being sophisticated. Kate tells him about the medical hatch and everything they found, including the costumes and fake beard. When Jack asks why she hasn't told him about it yet she says that she was waiting to be back in the club. At this point they come into a clearing and Jack recognizes it as the point they weren't supposed to cross. Kate isn't sure but Jack points out a few areas where things happened before. Then Jack begins yelling for them to come out because he has their man.

Meanwhile, back at the hatch; Locke comes in from a stroll on the beach and Ana tells him that she pushed his button. She asked where he was and he said that he just needed to stretch his legs for a bit. Then Locke goes back to the desk and begins to draw the map, but he remembers this time.

Jack and Kate are still at the clearing sitting around a fire in the dark and Kate wants to know how long Jack will wait. He says until his voice comes back and then he will yell some more. Then Kate tells Jack that she is sorry she kissed him. Jack says he isn't.

Before this conversation goes further they hear a rustle in the woods. They both stand up and Jack draws his gun. As the noise gets closer they both head towards it. Then a figure stumbles out of the jungle and falls down. Jack rolls him over and it is Michael.

Some questions:

1) Between Rose, Locke, Kate, and Sawyer all being better off on the island are they holding everyone back from rescue, even if subconsciously?
2) Did Henry push the button?
3) Will the Others make a trade, or is that what Michael is?
4) Are Kate and Jack ever going to hook up?
5) Why didn't Rose ever mention Locke to anyone or even just tell Locke she knew and reveal her secret to him?
6) Why don't they just tell Jack, since he is a doctor?
7) What makes people heal on the island?
8) Is the island volcanic? They have volcanic rocks. The incident maybe?
9) Where has Michael been?
10) WTF is going on!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

My friend has a theory. In the preview for the next episode (5/3) Michael is telling them that they aren't very well armed and they can be taken. He thinks that he might be setting them up to lead them to a trap so he can get Walt back.

Also here on the LosPedia they discuss the first mention of Neil Frogurt and the role he is rumored to play in the future. It is also a Simpsons reference since he makes frozen yogurt and Frogurt was the name of the cursed frozen yogurt Homer had in a Halloween episode.

I also think that Bernard may be the next main character to die. His back-story has been spent as a supporting character to Rose's story. Usually when the back-story dies they die not long after. Besides, he is very Arzt-like. "You've got some Arzt on you."

Rose won't die because she is a key to the island mystery, but unless Bernard has some pre-Rose flashbacks that are important I don't see much more to him. Everything to do with Rose has been spent.

What do you guys think?
It was good to hear that they were building a church (I kinda figured, though).

1. I don't think they are holding anyone back. They just aren't helping. :) If/when they are rescued, I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them stay. Perhaps that's what happened to the Others?

2. The jury is still out on whether or not Henry pushed the button.

3. I don't think that Michael is a trade, otherwise the others would have brough him out. Pretty unlikely that it is a good faith offering (We gave you Michael, now give us back Henry).

4. Not for a while.

5. If Locke isn't telling anyone, I wouldn't be the one to start talking. He is the bald dude with the box of knives, BTW. :lol:

6. Jack would say that it is impossible, anyway.

I'll finish later. I have to bring the boss up to the airport. I hope he doesn't crash on an island :) Edit: I'm back, and they made it there fine.

7. The Magnetic Field???

8. Being in the South Pacific, they would be in the Ring of Fire. See image.

9. Running around in the jungle, duh! Sorry. Apparently he was spying on the others, if he thinks they are not well armed. Of course, that is more than likely a ploy.

10. We may never know the answer to that one, even after the last episode airs.

Point of interest: I don't watch Alias, but I noticed that my TiVo wasn't recording an episode of Lost next week. After a minute of digging, I discovered it was because Alias is on from 7:00-9:01. Nothing big there, I thought, until I saw the title of the Alias episode - S.O.S.; Maternal Instinct (the last episode of Lost was S.O.S., btw). Probably pure coincidence, but I figured I let you guys know and decide if you want to check it out yourselves. I think I'll be recording it just in case.

And FoolKiller, I RepChecked you. That sounds dirty, don't it? :scared:
Point of interest: I don't watch Alias, but I noticed that my TiVo wasn't recording an episode of Lost next week. After a minute of digging, I discovered it was because Alias is on from 7:00-9:01. Nothing big there, I thought, until I saw the title of the Alias episode - S.O.S.; Maternal Instinct (the last episode of Lost was S.O.S., btw). Probably pure coincidence, but I figured I let you guys know and decide if you want to check it out yourselves. I think I'll be recording it just in case.
Next Lost airs on May 3. Then we finish the season in a straight shot without reruns or anything.

My company is looking at being bought (privately owned) and so we are busy lately, so if things don't calm down by then the write-ups may take a day or two. The time I got it out the same night I missed South Park. That just can't happen again.
Are you sure? I thought next week's episode was a new one?

Says on the official site.. "April 26th - 'Reckoning' - Check back soon for more info on this all-new episode"
Argh! They keep changing it around!!!!

Last week when they said "Coming up on Lost" instead of "Next week on Lost" I went to the Web site and it said May 3. Now it says April 26.

Oh well, I automatically record that timeframe every week just in case, so I wouldn't miss it but this is really annoying.

You know I defended ABc and their rerun schedulke for a long time because they were trying to work around sporting events and seeing as how they also own ESPN I could accept the business mindset they were using to not split their audience. Now it is getting annoying and I can't find any reasoning for all this jumping around.
So my initial new episode on May 3 was right then. They are tricky with this. I actually decided to go to bed half way through last night.
Well i shouldnt really complain seeing as series 2 airs over here in england next week.....but DAMN they need to make there minds up as to when the show will be on.

Im going out of my mind here.....I NEED MY FIX :lol:

Seriously though i cant wait for the next episode, its getting real interesting at the moment so here are somee some things that i have been thinking about.

i have come to the conclusion that the food rashions were not dropped by aircraft. The plane crashed on the island due to a strange malfunction agreed but it was not an accident. Remember the mobile (spining thing above the babys cot in the hatch) had the same planes on it as they had crashed on the island in. Coincidence, i think now. Now this would surely make it unsafe for plane type aircraft to enter the airspace surrounding the island.

Taking the idea further though and possibly destroying my above idea but what if cerberous carried the plane to the island? we dont know the strengh or ability of this entity yet.

Micheal has found out they are not on an island. After looking at the hatch diagrams and looking at how much emphasis is put on making the audience think the island is an island i beleive that it is only a penninsular and michael has discovered this. How maybe they are on the peninsular of a much larger island? Also i suspect that the others knew about micheal all the time and the only reason that he is alive still is becuase he is good. But the will for him to get walt back is preventing them from entering him into the others colony?


Micheal knows about cerberous. there is talk of a disaster on the blast door and one of the hatches had been scrubbed off. Maybe micheal found this and has learnt about the island a little more?

there are endless possibilities

I think the food was definitely dropped by aircraft. It's not that island is unsafe for aircraft, I think it's perfectly fine. Oceanic 815 was intentionally crashed there, for reasons we don't yet know.

And I think it's definitely an island. How could Michael discover in just a couple weeks what Danielle couldn't discover in sixteen years? She was very clear that it's an island, she even has rough maps drawn of it.. she's walked the entire perimeter.
Im going out of my mind here.....I NEED MY FIX :lol:
You might as well face it, you're addicted to Lost.

i have come to the conclusion that the food rashions were not dropped by aircraft.
I am still out on this one. Not enough evidence in either direction, just pure speculation.

The plane crashed on the island due to a strange malfunction agreed but it was not an accident.
At this point I agree, but my mind could be changed at any second.

Remember the mobile (spining thing above the babys cot in the hatch) had the same planes on it as they had crashed on the island in. Coincidence, i think now.
They also had a mobile like it when Claire was in Australia, and Kate's toy plane is an Oceanic plane.

Now this would surely make it unsafe for plane type aircraft to enter the airspace surrounding the island.
You just Lost me here.

Taking the idea further though and possibly destroying my above idea but what if cerberous carried the plane to the island? we dont know the strengh or ability of this entity yet.
I have yet to determine if the black thing flying around the plane in the crash scene is just debris or not. It hits the engine right as it explodes and stays in the air way longer than debris that size (3X3 or larger) should. So if Cerberus is the Monster then this is a definite possibility.

Micheal has found out they are not on an island. After looking at the hatch diagrams and looking at how much emphasis is put on making the audience think the island is an island i beleive that it is only a penninsular and michael has discovered this. How maybe they are on the peninsular of a much larger island? Also i suspect that the others knew about micheal all the time and the only reason that he is alive still is becuase he is good. But the will for him to get walt back is preventing them from entering him into the others colony?


Micheal knows about cerberous. there is talk of a disaster on the blast door and one of the hatches had been scrubbed off. Maybe micheal found this and has learnt about the island a little more?
Or Michael is pulling a Danielle and trying to lead them to the Others in hopes of getting Walt back.

Anyway, one thing I have decidede to accept is that they are in the South Pacific somewhere. Anyone who watched the first five minutes of this recap episode would have heard the narrator say, "A plane crashes somewhere in the South Pacific." So unless the creators have decided to blatantly lie to us all I think we can accept that they are in the South Pacific.
And I think it's definitely an island. How could Michael discover in just a couple weeks what Danielle couldn't discover in sixteen years? She was very clear that it's an island, she even has rough maps drawn of it.. she's walked the entire perimeter.

Hmm good point! ok im with the island thing now. But it would seem that there are vehicles on the island or there would surely be no need for "access roads"

I was talking about this with my mum yesterday too and she came out with a cracking idea. They should try and fix the ballon, If not to escape but to see the whole island from above and gain perspective.

What are the bets on the clifhanger at the end of this series being the computer counting down to 0 and some doors opening or somehting, leaving them peering down a dark tunnel..........hang on that sounds familiar!

I was talking about this with my mum yesterday too and she came out with a cracking idea. They should try and fix the ballon, If not to escape but to see the whole island from above and gain perspective.
Good idea, but one problem. No fuel to power the burner on the balloon. You would have no way to heat the air inside.
For the UK peepz that havent been following the updates here (taking nothing away from FK's writeups) season 2 starts tonight with 2 episodes. Oh yeah I'm watching!
For the UK peepz that havent been following the updates here (taking nothing away from FK's writeups) season 2 starts tonight with 2 episodes. Oh yeah I'm watching!
Man, I really think it would be more beneficial to keep shows up to date world wide. But then again, I don't know exactly how British TV works. I just know one series of Red Dwarf on DVD has six episodes and costs me the same as a 24 episode American season.

If you decide you want to catch up or keep up next season there are free download sites.
So, Sting, what did you think of episodes 1 and 1 v2.0? :sly:

Just a reminder to everyone: New Lost on tonight in the states at 9:00 ET.

Yes, this is really a NEW episode.