Lots of Games have it Now. Should GT 5 have a Rewind Option?

  • Thread starter Simple SIM

Gameplay Rewind Feature. Opinions.

  • I will only buy GT5 if it makes it into the game.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Yes, it should be in GT5.

    Votes: 19 5.8%
  • I don't care if it is included, nor if it isn't.

    Votes: 71 21.8%
  • No, it shouldn't be in GT5.

    Votes: 210 64.6%
  • I won't buy GT5 if it makes it into the game.

    Votes: 9 2.8%
  • I would never use it if it's in the game.

    Votes: 74 22.8%
  • I would use it only during practice.

    Votes: 30 9.2%
  • I would use it only during races.

    Votes: 4 1.2%
  • I would use it in both modes (racing and practice).

    Votes: 12 3.7%
  • Other (explain).

    Votes: 7 2.2%

  • Total voters
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You can check if a player used rewind if its a trackable stat, like grid2. I can see how many times a player used it.

But you probably can get good using rewind, though its not really a factor in how good a player is. If he used rewind soo many times vs only once or not at all.
I gave two examples of why it is true. Both examples are true, not only to GT/sims but to real life also.
Both examples are opinion. You assume, you do not know. Stop.
You can check if a player used rewind if its a trackable stat, like grid2. I can see how many times a player used it.

But you probably can get good using rewind, though its not really a factor in how good a player is. If he used rewind soo many times vs only once or not at all.
The only way through FM3 is by looking to see if their times are certified or not. Been even then, their time could have been un-certified because they hit a wall, another car, or cut corners.
Both examples are opinion. You assume, you do not know. Stop.

You stop. Both are FACT!

Being able to recover quickly, and rhythm are both important. You saying they arent proves how ignorant you are to the art of racing.
I gave two examples of why it is true. Both examples are true, not only to GT/sims but to real life also.

I will be arrogant now- I guarantee I am better than any one of you, or all of you combined.

*Sniff* I smell the AUP being violated...
You stop. Both are FACT!

Being able to recover quickly, and rhythm are both important. You saying they arent proves how ignorant you are to the art of racing.
Nope, they are not.

You believe rewinding gives people a disadvantage & that they'll never be that good. You then attempt to prove so.

But, you have no direct knowledge of why they're no good, so your proof does you no good.

So, no, they are not fact. Get over it.
You won't know squat. Just like rewind, you have no way to tell what the other person has done in his game.

A completely new player could be beat you by seconds, and you'd never know it.

Well, even though I don't consider GT a serious sim, I do still consider it a great learning tool. Thus, I can easily see how it could be used to get a grasp on how a car works.

I just wouldn't go into it believing it's going to teach me each & every point about car control when driving around a course.

I can agree with this statement. I don't believe that EVERY detail can be learned through GT, but it can teach you a lot.
Terrific job, re-arranging quotes. I see you're running out of things to post as fact.

I posted two facts to your none. (1 more fact in my favor, now 3 to 0)

Nothing was taken out of context.

AND I never said they will never be good, go read again.
I wont know if you use rewind online, but I know you wont be as good as me with the same amount of play time.

More facts in my favor. You guys are getting beat (just like on the track)

"You will have no chance at being good." was directed at Mclaren, not everyone that uses the feature.
More facts in my favor. You guys are getting beat (just like on the track)


This guy clearly doesn't know what a fact is:

Fact according to dictionary.com

Main Entry: fact
Pronunciation: \ˈfakt\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin factum, from neuter of factus, past participle of facere
Date: 15th century
1 : a thing done: as a obsolete : feat b : crime <accessory after the fact> c archaic : action
2 archaic : performance, doing
3 : the quality of being actual : actuality <a question of fact hinges on evidence>
4 a : something that has actual existence <space exploration is now a fact> b : an actual occurrence <prove the fact of damage>
5 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality
— in fact : in truth

Your definition of fact is not here... I wish people could get banned for being idiots... 👎
3 : the quality of being actual

Yulp, rhythm and recovering quickly are just that.

AUP AUP, I never called anyone a malicious name, like you just did.

And you are wrong. That is the definition of the name you called me.
3 : the quality of being actual

Yulp, rhythm and recovering quickly are just that.

AUP AUP, I never called anyone a malicious name, like you just did.

And you are wrong. That is the definition of the name you called me.

Did I direct that comment at you? I don't believe I directed that at anyone? I was just stating something that I wished. YOU assumed it was directed at you, that's your problem, not mine. RedSuinit: 2; IsmokeGT: 0

I gave two examples of why it is true. Both examples are true, not only to GT/sims but to real life also.

I will be arrogant now- I guarantee I am better than any one of you, or all of you combined.

Stating something as fact with no evidence to back it up is a violation of the AUP.

RedSuinit: 3; IsmokeGT: still 0
No, it is a fact. You obviously are not a good racer. Want me to prove it? TT or Race?

edit- :lol: 10 minutes and no takers. Thats all it took to shut you two up. Show and prove boys.
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No, it is a fact. You obviously are not a good racer. Want me to prove it? TT or Race?

edit- :lol: 10 minutes and no takers. Thats all it took to shut you two up. Show and prove boys.

When and where... and on what game? I have only played Forza 3 for 20 minutes or so, so yeah you'll probably beat me, you wanna go at GT5:P I'm down right now.

EDIT: Sorry it took so long, I was busy posting in other threads.
Ok, F2007 in a few. Ill send you a message. Good luck 👍

Woah, woah woah... wait a minute... Sorry, my wife stole the computer so, before you start throwing out names we are not just going to do whatever you want, we have to agree...
been on PS3 for 20min now... HURRY UP! way past my bedtime. Im down to 6hrs of sleep for tomorrow. 5.5 after the race.
And what will this race achieve ISmoke? It won't change anyone's opinion of the discussion. The fact that RedSuinit can make a logical rebuttal and provide evidence for his opinions makes me more inclined to side with him than your "I am teh best racr lollz!" comments and lame attempt to quote McLaren out of context.
aspect8 "Thank you for bringing some sensible opinions and discussion to this thread seraphaze and iLex. And I agree with you, the option to link rewind to difficulty or rewards would be a good thing in my opinion. "

Sweet as :) im all for sharing perspectives and ideas with you guyz with the idea that they'll spin off other [un-thought of] ideas and feedback that generates fuel for PD to consider. That's one of the purposes of having a community like this one, to bounce ideas around .. and eventually theyll bounce into Kaz's head after a few hops and he'll rebound them back at his team and eventually we'll have a much more refined interface with a lot more options for those who want to use them :) Sweeeeeet 👍
phil-t "Good post.

I'd like to see more telemetry as well so you can really see exactly where you are losing time.. "

Exactly. Besides the whole rewind debate, with better telemetry stats and the ability to define sectors you'll be able to examine your driving patterns a lot deeper and refine your technique to superhuman levels. lol

Some examples of stuff you can do with better telemetry and sector mapping:

-View/compare your individual driving stats for specific cars/setups/tracks/sectors over any length of time (e.g. a day, week, a month, a year)
-View your total number of driving hours (for individual tracks/cars as well)
-Determine the best gear to be in when taking a specific corner in a specific car with specific settings
-Know exactly what your braking patterns are like on a given track/corner in a specific car with specific tyre/settings (if you wanna be that pedantic)
-If you sell a car you own, your driving stats for that car are retained
-Switch 'Telemetry Guide' ON if youre new to telemetry and want to understand how you can apply it to improve your game.

Obviously these kinds of options are unlikely to be in GT5, but id be pretty happy to see them (or something like them) in GT6.
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ISmoke is a good racer, I can say that. He had a very good sense of the F430 and Fuji, he had fantastic lines and hit them nearly pefectly every lap. I feel like I was setup! Lol. Good race Ismoke. Oh, and he won.
Well, as much as you all disagree, being able to recover from mistakes and rhythm play an intrigal part of racing. Ask Suinit.

Almighty factual information reigns from my finger tips. Anyways, rewind feature will not teach either of these 2 important aspects of racing. (More facts)

@ aspect8- whatev :lol:

edit- I respect Suinit a lot more now, the rest of you are just wrong.(still)
C you guys later, it is sleepy time on the east coast.
Well, as much as you all disagree, being able to recover from mistakes and rhythm play an intrigal part of racing. Ask Suinit.

Almighty factual information reigns from my finger tips. Anyways, rewind feature will not teach either of these 2 important aspects of racing. (More facts)

@ aspect8- whatev :lol:

edit- I respect Suinit a lot more now, the rest of you are just wrong.(still)

I agree that they do, but to just blindly say that if someone uses rewind then you will be better than them is still a poorly chosen comment. That was my point.
re/ rewind

-i say keep it in practice mode and arcade mode only. that way ppl hav to work at improving their skills using rewind/sector mapping/telemetry stats i.e. no short cuts for learners; if learners want to drive better cars then theyre gonna have to be diligent and spend some time applying the tools given to them to assist them in improving their game so tehy can build up enough skill to succeed at events and win enough prize money to purchase the cars they want.... And when it's hard earned like that theyll appreciate it more (i.e. double the realism) lol.

Also, for triple the realism..

-Make it so that the cars you own are permanently damageable in GT mode, but not in arcade mode or practice mode. So what that means is if you hit a wall at 100mph in your million dollar Enzo, then you'll have to buy another one..lol but if the damage is just light/cosmetic, it's still gonna cost you something if you want to get it repaired.. :)
I think we just had the equivalent of a school yard fight and the braun won out over brains...

Lol, this wasn't a schoolyard fight, I honestly wanted to see him drive, and he was quite good. I don't care that I lost, it was still fun, good, clean racing. 👍 I am always up for that.
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