- 1,196
Theres no need to leave forever LOON, maybe you just need a break. 👍
Mx²;2633367Hahaha, I've been here longer you've been registered.
Speaking as the person who banned Doug, I agree entirely with the statement above.For the record, I think M5Power is a funny, cool guy...when he behaves himself. I have no problem with the moderators' current decision, nor will I have a problem if they decide to permaban him, but I do hope that things work out so that he can return.
some people need to learn that you only get respect by giving it
sorry to say but i think some of the more senior members here need more strict guidelines as a lot seem to think that they are superior to the rest of the normal users somehow...
How do you know? This might not be my first account. Even if you have, so what, that doesn't change the fact that for someone who hardly ever posts, you do seem to be talking a lot of interest in M5Power.Mx²;2633367Hahaha, I've been here longer you've been registered.
some people need to learn that you only get respect by giving it
Mx²;2633102If M5Power was not banned it would've been "Doug this", "Doug that" but now that he's banned it's more like "I wish I was awesome an internet troll as M5Power." or even "Oh well, the "Did you see anything good today?" thread will be without its weekly fix of Rolls, Bentleys, Ferraris, and the occasionally rare as hell car."
Just pathetic.
[B][COLOR="Green"] +++REP[/COLOR][/B] [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/reputation.php?p=2631766"][IMG]https://www.gtplanet.net/i/icons/16x16/check.gif[/IMG][/URL] for Post [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2631766&postcount=38"][COLOR="Blue"]# 38[/COLOR][/URL] by a6m5
[B][COLOR="Green"] ++REP[/COLOR][/B] [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/reputation.php?p=2631849"][IMG]https://www.gtplanet.net/i/icons/16x16/check.gif[/IMG][/URL] for Post [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2631849&postcount=50"][COLOR="Blue"]# 50[/COLOR][/URL] by Bram Turismo
[B][COLOR="Green"] +++REP[/COLOR][/B] [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/reputation.php?p=2632055"][IMG]https://www.gtplanet.net/i/icons/16x16/check.gif[/IMG][/URL] for Post [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2632055&postcount=60"][COLOR="Blue"]# 60[/COLOR][/URL] by UnoMOTO
[B][COLOR="Green"] ++REP[/COLOR][/B] [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/reputation.php?p=2632342"][IMG]https://www.gtplanet.net/i/icons/16x16/check.gif[/IMG][/URL] for Post [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2632342&postcount=71"][COLOR="Blue"]# 71[/COLOR][/URL] by Kent
[B][COLOR="Green"] +++REP[/COLOR][/B] [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/reputation.php?p=2633483"][IMG]https://www.gtplanet.net/i/icons/16x16/check.gif[/IMG][/URL] for Post [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2633483&postcount=124"][COLOR="Blue"]#124[/COLOR][/URL] by Duke
[B][COLOR="Green"] +REP[/COLOR][/B] [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/reputation.php?p=2633515"][IMG]https://www.gtplanet.net/i/icons/16x16/check.gif[/IMG][/URL] for Post [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2633515&postcount=125"][COLOR="Blue"]#125[/COLOR][/URL] by V8ETER
[B][COLOR="Green"]+++++REP[/COLOR][/B] [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/reputation.php?p=2633538"][IMG]https://www.gtplanet.net/i/icons/16x16/check.gif[/IMG][/URL] for Post [URL="https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2633538&postcount=127"][COLOR="Blue"]#127[/COLOR][/URL] by Pupik
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to _____ again.
Plus he's not permanently banned yet so he can come back and confront all of us who don't like him if he's allowed back.
Pupik: i did not mean that senior members should have more rules that they can be punished for but a standard if you will, that sets an example for aspiring new members, if we want to be valued members we need good role models...
All: i think people just need to realise whether or not somebody insults you or someone else that there are appropriate ways to deal with it, with the easiest being just to laugh about it, cause it really is just wasting their time...it should have no effect on you whatsoever...
i have had the " i been here longer than you " and the " i made more posts than you " arguement with people before being a part of a site myself in the past, and it is all stoopid...if someone has made more posts they might just have more time, they might not have to go to work or whatever, if they been here longer it could be that they are more senior and follow the rules but they are the ones that should be setting the example...or it could be that they just registered before you did...i came to this site like around 2002 and used it when it was still just a small site(correct me if i'm wrong about the time-frame i can't remember exactly) but i never registered because i never had time to look at forums and post my opinions and information, so i only joined like late last year, that doesn't make me a noob or such, it just means that now i have the time to play since i have done the hard work..
sorry if i sound like a shrink, but if you listen to em too much it starts to rub off...lol...
To others that gave me reps: cheers guys i never actually knew what that was until i saw DN's post with the ticks...
You know, everyone on this forum has had one or two incidents when they were new to the forum where they have gotten blown off in the same matter. I know when I came here, this was the first forum I was ever apart of and in all honesty was not treated nicely at first. I just blew most of it off and continued to post here. The biggest thing that separates a GTP member and someone that is not going to last is not letting some people on the forum get to you with the 'Holy than thou' attitude you sometimes get.
Since I hacve reappeared, I have not seen as much of it then I use to, but I am still getting back into the groove of posting around here. Kinda feeling it out right now. In essence it does not matter if you were an original poster of the MSN group or someone that just registered yesterday. As long as you conduct yourself in a respectful matter, then you will get respect back from the other users. I am not saying every user will give the respect back, but the majority will.![]()
Miata13B: Kinda feeling it out right now.
It doesn't take much to get a ban, as we have all learned…
As someone else said in this thread, if i was a moderator i would ban him for 1 or 2 months if he made other accounts. But i wouldn't perma-ban him unless he posted Pornography, spammed constantly or insulted someone like this: "YOU M*********Ring mod you can't stop me!"
Even GTAforums.com aren't as harsh as this and trust me they are pretty harsh when it comes to stuff like the above mentioned and mod stealing (They banned an awesome modder Seanorris for one little part stolen that he was probably using for testing anyway!)
P.S. How did you mods know he registered multiple accounts? IP?
Nothing against either of them, but why has M5Power's temporary ban resulted in a heated 8 page debate, while Poverty's (relatively) permanent ban never raised so much as a post?
Youre comparing Doug to the President of the USA? Nice.![]()
Honestly, I'd REALLY, REALLY, like to meet some of the big mouthed members here, to see if they'd say the same things they say online. Because, sadly, you are still unable to kick somebody's arse through DSL cables...
That's it, I'm coming to the next UKGTP!Yeah? Well... so's your face!