M5Power Banned?

  • Thread starter OZZYGT
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From what I have read it looks like this ban was the result of an over reaction and IMO it was over something pity. I think that he shouldn't have been permbanned. If something like this happens in the future and a mod wants to ban someone wants to ban someone over a disagreement/argument that first the mod would have to get two other mods to that the person in question needs to be banned. Then the three mods would have to agree on a proper punishment to fit what was said or done.
Two things.

1) Doug’s status (tempban/permaban) is mostly sealed as far as the moderator staff is concerned; however, we are still in active discussion about it, so I won’t say anything official until we come to a solid consensus.

2) For those of you speculating on why he was banned, keep in mind that a ban is never (except in extremely rare cases) for one thing. A ban is the result of cumulative offenses.

If something like this happens in the future and a mod wants to ban someone wants to ban someone over a disagreement/argument that first the mod would have to get two other mods to that the person in question needs to be banned. Then the three mods would have to agree on a proper punishment to fit what was said or done.
Uh, you’re making an enormous assumption – you’re assuming that we don’t already do that. Bans are taken very seriously here, and because we were well aware of the kind of fallout that would occur with this, we were especially careful with this ban. For the record, not only did two other mods consent, but at least eight did.
Moral of the story? Don’t piss people off for the sake of it. Especially mods.
I like Doug, and I do hope the Moderating team would give him another chance. And if Doug can get this message somehow, if you are back in, don't be like other members who do OK for a little while, then are banned again. We all make same mistake twice sometimes, but you don't want to repeat it in front of bunch of people.

And having said that, I don't understand this distrust for the Moderators. I've been here at gtplanet for some time, and I've never seen a single Moderator(or Admins) go on some powertrip, going after somebody in attempt to get them banned. It's ALWAYS the member ignoring multiple warnings they've received, pushing the envelope until they are finally banned. ALWAYS.

No matter if you are dealing with a Moderator, or just another member, you should try to listen to what they have to say. Reason with them. Rules here are so simple, if you can't abide by them, the issue is probably not with the people enforcing the rules. That's my take on this!
Uh, you’re making an enormous assumption – you’re assuming that we don’t already do that. Bans are taken very seriously here, and because we were well aware of the kind of fallout that would occur with this, we were especially careful with this ban. For the record, not only did two other mods consent, but at least eight did.

I sincerely apologize for my assumption.

But seeing as I am not a mod I don't know what happens between you guys and I don't know how these things work. I am happy to hear that you guys put much thought in to what is done around here!

And again I apologize for my assumption and for being a little arrogant. :)
I've said in the past that it is my opinion M5Power "doesn't belong in a forum at all", right after a hefty discussion that had been going on. However, that is some time ago, and everything I saw from him afterwards was alright. Therefor, I wouldn't say that again today.

And I can not reconstruct this case entirely yet, but this statement already does it for me:
We specifically told M5Power that if he re-registered during his one week hiatus, he would be banned permanently. He re-registered not once, but twice. It's not about breaching the TOS or AUP... it's showing a lack of respect towards the authority.
You are temporarily banned. A mod tells you that if you register a new account during that period, you'll be banned permamently. You re-register two accounts. What do you think is going to happen?

I'll try to get inside whatever has happened here, but at this very moment, a permanent ban seems to be the proper end of a long chain of events.

the Interceptor
Doug shot himself in the foot really. He should have excepted the temp ban (justified or not), and come back in a week. By re-registering twice he was breaking the rules and pretending that they didn't apply to him.

It's his own fault.
Now, I do realize that he was pushing Scaff's buttons, but it sounded more like a personal conflict between the two than anything.

Scaff had no involvement in the action of banning M5Power.
In the words of Justin Timberlake, cry me a river.

build a bridge and get over it. . .

I have had my ins and outs with M5 in the past and personally speaking, I could care less if he is banned a week or perma-banned. This is a forum and on a forum people wave their internet cocks around like it is nobody's business. M5 was funny at points and a **** monkey at others. Who cares, it is the fact that everyone is sitting here flinging poo at this issue that makes M5 feel more empowered over this whole issue. Look at it this way, apparently he has made a huge impact on everyone here over the fact that there is a specific thread that is orientated to the fact he got banned. . .

Why? ? ?

Why is this topic still opened?

Was not aware of moderators still consenting
In regards to that, - i would say. . .
Charming moderator. I wish I had a daughter so I could forbid her to marry one...


Where is the world going?

It is 42. . . the problem is the question should state what is 6 times 9. . .
I'm not surprised he's banned. How'd you react as a moderator when someone says things like "How did you get a moderator?" and "Go away if you're going to post like that".

I'm pretty sure every moderator here would've done the same thing as the moderator who banned him temporary/permanent (log says "temporary untill 18th April).

He just shot himself in that last post, end of the line. Not to mention the amount of AUP rules he breached in that thread...
I've read the thread that, in the end, led to M5Powers ban, and I must say it doesn't look that bad on the surface. However, M5Power does the thing that made me fight with him in the past: he keeps kicking when the fight is already over. He made a point, being a joke or not, that made Scaff reply. A fairly "normal" discussion came up, which is alright, but aside the arguments M5Power brings, he interspers little provoking insults here and there that are supposed to make you feel like you're the idiot in this discussion. I don't know anybody else on this board that does it to a degree of perfection as he does, and this is exactly what led me to my conclusion about him in the past.

And I must say, although that does look like a normal discussion like many else, after a while, you've had enough of this guy. M5Power should have accepted his ban and come back after a week. I think he didn't understand what he'd done wrong or simply didn't want to though, which made him take actions that led to the permanent ban. And I don't see a problem there, I mean after all, he had been warned.

the Interceptor
I like Doug, but he seemed to be pushing the borders of the AUP more than necessary.

It would be nice to see him back eventually, but I think a temporary ban would do him a world of good. But then it's not like an individuals thoughts will make a blind bit of difference.
Whats the point of banning him?

Will that make GTP better?

will GTP be a better or worse place without him?
Also, I don't see how creating an account for posting when you're temporarily banned is any different to creating another account after you've actually been banned.
There is a difference there. A temporary ban is given so that the member goes away and thinks about what they have done for the time of the ban, then hopefully they come back and start making better posts. If they are allowed to use another username in that time, that negates the point of the temporary ban.

I trust the mods, but without the 'Darth Vader' of GTP, things won't be the same...
He's not my father....

You re-register two accounts. What do you think is going to happen?
He used 3 different accounts. 2 older ones that he had already, and a new one he created specifically to get round the ban.
Whats the point of banning him?

Will that make GTP better?

will GTP be a better or worse place without him?

- What's the point of not banning him? What's the point of having rules? GTP is not for nothing such a great forum to be around. Jordan does not pick his moderators out by that, they have all been chosen carefully. And when these moderators are correct, they are.

- Yes, it makes GTP better. 1 member may not sound much but we do not want to have discussions which turn out in something The Interceptor pointed out.

- Some may think it will , some may not. Breaking the rules of the AUP gives me the reason to think it was good banning him.

All he had to do was get off GTP and blow off some steam. He was asked not to return with a new/old account in that week, he knew the consequences of it, he did it anyway, so it's simply his own fault.
I know Doug's reading this, so all I can say is that if you step on too many toes, you're going to annoy people. Keep stepping on wounded toes, and you're bound to get a reaction. I also get the feeling GTP's rules aren't for him based on seniority.

Anyhow, see you at GG's place, Doug. Don't get so worked-up about cars, m'kay?
I agree completely. M5Power was a funny guy, he did make some good contributions to the site. However, he also had a major attitude and authority problem and it showed in many of his posts. His opinions were regularly facts, a point many people (myself included) regulalrly jumped on Poverty for. He always argued, and he has a history of lies. I'm sorry, but I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone can question the reasoning behind his ban. Was he a funny guy, sure, did some members like him, sure. Is that any reason to give him preferrential treatment when he's doing things many other members have been banned for in the past. Not at all.

Just beacuse he was a funny guy, that doesn't mean the rules go out the window for him. Get rid of these rules and you get rid of the reason why imo this is possibly the best forum on the net.
And if he comes back, he should get his premium back, just like that little insect (DoucheOne) did.

Wow I must be out of the loop. They let machone come back? That kid was more irritating than 10 Dougs.

Can somebody pm me the thread in question? I must have missed it.
Wow I must be out of the loop. They let machone come back? That kid was more irritating than 10 Dougs.

That was after the first ban. MachOne is still permabanned.
Now I don't know what he was originally banned for, but I do know that M5power was aware on what would happen to him if he was caught posting with a new account within the ban period. Thats why it is not unfair that he has a permanent ban.

Now some people may have liked the guy, but changing the rules to suit a some people isn't going to happen. Look at this from a moderators perspective, if they cancel the permanent ban for this guy, what sort of message is that going to send out: 'your alright breaking the rules if you have enough friends to keep you from being banned' if so you will soon find that only takes a few people to undermine a moderators decision and there you have a bigger problem than just letting one guy being let off because hes funny.

I have to say I thought M5Power was alright but he broke the rules quite intentionally and now hes paying for it.
Now I don't know what he was originally banned for, but I do know that M5power was aware on what would happen to him if he was caught posting with a new account within the ban period. Thats why it is not unfair that he has a permanent ban.

Now some people may have liked the guy, but changing the rules to suit a some people isn't going to happen. Look at this from a moderators perspective, if they cancel the permanent ban for this guy, what sort of message is that going to send out: 'your alright breaking the rules if you have enough friends to keep you from being banned' if so you will soon find that only takes a few people to undermine a moderators decision and there you have a bigger problem than just letting one guy being let off because hes funny.

I have to say I thought M5Power was alright but he broke the rules quite intentionally and now hes paying for it.

Good post there 👍
I think exactly the same as him^^ :)
build a bridge and get over it. . .

I have had my ins and outs with M5 in the past and personally speaking, I could care less if he is banned a week or perma-banned. This is a forum and on a forum people wave their internet cocks around like it is nobody's business. M5 was funny at points and a **** monkey at others. Who cares, it is the fact that everyone is sitting here flinging poo at this issue that makes M5 feel more empowered over this whole issue. Look at it this way, apparently he has made a huge impact on everyone here over the fact that there is a specific thread that is orientated to the fact he got banned. . .

Why? ? ?

If anyone is active around here for long enough they will build up a little fan club of sorts no matter how well they are liked.

I can't see what he has contributed to the site in the past year or thereabouts so if he's gone I betcha it will all be forgotten (even by his little fan club) within the month... While at one time he was actually funny/thought provoking lately he has just been making the same unfunnny claims again and again or posting pictures of boring Bentleys.
Scaff had no involvement in the action of banning M5Power.

Okay then. I was making false assumptions, and I would suppose that apologies are in order. To be honest, that clears up a lot of stuff, as some of us weren't sure what was going on. Of course, we would love to know all of the details, but as Sage noted, that probably won't happen...

Either way, its up to the mods. Granted, as much as we all may love Doug, he did break the rules. Trying to get into his mindset, I'm sure he was justifying it out of some reason of his personal 'rights' (or whatever) being violated, and thereby must have thought that creating other accounts was necessary. Or, he finally snapped, and decided to not only push every button he came across, but throw them over the clearly drawn lines as well.

Too bad really. I think a lot of us will miss him, no matter how much we may not have liked him at times.
When one door closes…another opens. Rise up fellow GTPers and fill the gap. All it means that some of us will need to step up and contribute in a positive way. Things like his pictures probably made us lazy anyway. It was more like what did Doug see lately. We really don’t need all the Drama that he brings for the pictures he provides us with. Per the repeated tantrums he has been a part of you can guarantee that he WILL do it again if given the chance. Good luck Doug and maybe you can find a new home on some other forum.

As for the mods out to get someone, have a look in the opinions threads. When presented in the right manner you can really challenge a mod and they will not take it personally. There is a right way and a wrong way to tell a mod his head is currently located near the posterior end of his body. Done the right way you can be yourself and have your opinion yet still all live together in harmony.
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