I took the liberty of downloading your #59 Porsche from your Flickr album, at its full size. Here are a couple of sections of that image. You can see that at this size, none of the color areas are uniform in color, but have "static" in them, almost like video noise. (Make sure to click the "click to enlarge" button to get to actual size of the image resolution.)
Well, that's basically exactly what it is, and it's an artifact from the sharpening process. Sharpening looks for edges and amplifies them, making the edges harsher, for lack of a better word. At a small scale it appears to enhance the image, making it look . . . well, sharper! I've traded in my D50 for a D5000 (actually found a good deal on one on eBay, the D5000 had less than 3000 shutter trips on it, most of the accessories were still in their packaging, and then I sold my D50 on eBay, ended up trading up for about 200 bucks!) Well, back from digressing, my point is that I know the D5000's sensor is better than what your image shows.
At sizes small enough for display on a monitor the sharpening noise is not noticable, but if you were to try to print one of these at a reasonable "framing" size, the noise would become very noticable and probably result in a disappointing image. You also get "ghosts" in the image, as seen on the windshield wiper, the black radio antenna on the roof, and the bottom edge of the door. Another edge enhancement artifact is visible at the front edge of the rear wing.
While you're using the sharpen task, switch to actual size once in a while to keep track of how much noise the process is adding.
In a positive vein, I certainly can't fault your panning motion at all! Do you find yourself getting one good shot out of several, and these are the ones that worked? For myself, on a bad day I might have only 10% usable pan shots, and on a good day it'll be up to one in four or one on three. The others will have too much motion blur in the subject.
Looking forward to seeing more stuff, and don't take this stuff to mean I don't like your pics. I'm just trying to answer your "care to explain" question to
Azureman and maybe show you some stuff going on that you might not even have realized.