MAG - GTP's faction is Valor

  • Thread starter Earth
It's pretty fun. It reminds me of Battlefield 2 a lot, but it's still pretty fun. I really have no idea what to do at this point so I'm staying back and sniping and slowly figuring out the maps.
Its bad in that you need to delete a character to start a new one but good in that it will encourage a bit of "loyalty" to how your faction is doing.....which overall is going to give the player the better experience.
Its bad in that you need to delete a character to start a new one but good in that it will encourage a bit of "loyalty" to how your faction is doing.....which overall is going to give the player the better experience.

Yeah - maybe - although it would be nice to witness all the maps from each point of view...

Like I say - I wonder if it unlocks after you hit the cap...

Amazon haven't told me they've sent mine - which probably means I won't get it til Monday now!

I cant aim the gun for the life of me. My only FPS experience is on the PC using a keyboard and mouse Trying to aim the weapon at a target with the tiny sticks is very frustrating for me. I have been killed or lost many kills because I have so little experience with console pads and FPSs.

Going in I wanted MAG to be battlefield 2 on the PS3. In some ways it is in some big ways its not. I havent unlocked the 256 player maps yet, but the 64 player and 128 player maps aren't anywhere as big or as well designed/interesting as the battlefield 2 maps.

In Battlefield 2 you could climb onto or go into buildings. In MAG your stuck to the ground with little to no elevation changes.

Also, I wish there were more vehicles available. Disappointed you cant control any of the planes or helicopters. That was a big + in Battlefield 2. In MAG helicopters are controlled by AI. They fly to a certain spot and just sit there as a spawn point. I think the maps are too small for them to let the players fly planes and helicopters. In Battlefield 2 you could race the jets up to 2000 clicks an hour . YOu do that on a MAG map and you'll be out ofbounds and dead in 2 seconds.

But of course this isnot Battlefield 3 and I shouldnot treat it as it were a sequel. If I can get use to aiming with the sticks I should enjoy myself more.

Just initial impressions after unlocking maybe 30% of the game and just a few hours of playing.
So what PMC is everyone going to be? My game is shipping to me now so I want to know which one to pick so I can play with you guys.
Valor seems to be the faction of choice on the GTP mag poll, Right next up aiming......yeah going to be a steep learning curve for you Earth, and to add to your woe's theres no auto aim (which is a good thing). As for elervation changes and entering buildings........Are you sure your plying MAG ? there are huge elevation changes and alot of the buildings allow you access (not all though) As for the size of maps? well it's not flashpoint but it dose have the largest maps of this type of game, ie MW2, SOCOM, ect, ect and even bigger than BF on the consoles (PC BF was huge to deal with aircraft) Also talking of aircraft, the helicopters are foreward spawn points but also there are two gun emplacements on them for your shooty enjoyment, as for the planes, you can only parachute in from them.....but you do have control over you decent so landing atop of a structure is possible, especialy good for snipers......Theres alot in the game, most of which takes alot of time to unearth, after a week solid play on the beta I was still discovering things!

Give it some time, especialy considering your going to strugle converting to a pad, best solution is to get online with a few friends or with someone who had the beta who can show you the ropes, key to the game is learning the maps initialy and getting a guided tour helps no end. Enjoy!
Can we not make a 3 pronged affair - and then whoever's whoever can join the team they want - and if any other GTP guy is on at the same time - then they can hook up fine?

Or do we reckon the numbers won't be good enough for that?

Or is it that Clans have to be 1 team only?

So whats the general concensus on this game?? I saw it in the store so its out now, but after watching and reading some reviews it put me off a bit... Are you really FORCED to work together as a squad and you have to take orders from players that are higher up? Or could you walk around alone and still have a good time? Just trying to see how much freedom there is in the game... Another thing holding me off of buying this game is the iminent release of BF:BC2 which looks absolutely beautiful, and what Ive seen of MAG, it looked a bit less in the graphics department. Im curious as to what people here have to say, lets the comment start rolling.. ;)
Well I got it because Amazon was giving away a free $10 credit towards the purchase of another game. And since it was only 55 bucks I it for essentially 15 bucks off.
Well I got it because Amazon was giving away a free $10 credit towards the purchase of another game.


What if you end up not liking it? Then the 10 bucks you earned now will be for nothing... When you do get it though I would love to hear what you think of it... Maybe it will sway me towards buying it as well ;)
So whats the general concensus on this game?? I saw it in the store so its out now, but after watching and reading some reviews it put me off a bit... Are you really FORCED to work together as a squad and you have to take orders from players that are higher up? Or could you walk around alone and still have a good time? Just trying to see how much freedom there is in the game... Another thing holding me off of buying this game is the iminent release of BF:BC2 which looks absolutely beautiful, and what Ive seen of MAG, it looked a bit less in the graphics department. Im curious as to what people here have to say, lets the comment start rolling.. ;)

Having played the Beta - I can confirm that you can be as free as you like...

However - I will say that you will get more from the game by playing as a squad member.

Yeah you can prety much do as you want.....but there are squad objectives which you need to complete to "win" the game and XP (which unlocks weapos and skills ect) Loners however can go in as snipers and prety much do there own thing.

The game system is tus, you have 3 factions, Raven, Valor and Sever.....each one has specific kit and weapons particular to them as well as maps. when you join a faction your aim is to make that faction the most powerfull of the 3, to this end all battles are ongoing in the game world. OK so as you play as a member of your chosen faction you gain XP this is traded for new weapons, kit and skills. So the more you play the more your character improves. You can't however change factions until either you delete your old character and start again from 0 XP or, you reach your character XP cap at which point you can start a new character in a new faction..........

OK so playing online with friends, you can only be on the same side as your friends if they are in the SAME FACTION AS YOU! this goes for making a friends lobby and going from game to game or as a must be the same faction! See MAG poll thread for info on this and which faction people on this forum are going as.

Right the game itself won't burn your reternas out graphicly, it's very good but not BF2 or MW2 good.....thats due to the online numbers in battles though rather than a mistake by zipper. The key to this game is tactics and Zipper are one of the best developers of this type of game being the originators of the SOCOM series, in fact you could say this is a 256 player FPS version of SOCOM, not quite as deep weapons wise but certainly tacticaly it's there. One main thing though is the squad leader system. When you hit a certain XP your allowed to comand your squad, this then puts you in the position of selecting objectives and giving out the orders, as you progress further you unlock the ability of comandig the full 32 man unit and then all 128 players on the big maps, at these levels calling in artilery strikes and air strikes comes into play along with alot more stuff to boot.

Thats the whole point of this game though, working as a team, be it a bunch of randoms or you an a friend, maybe 8 players in a clan or ultimatly 128 of you! The team which comunicates and works as a team invairiabley wins the team that dosen't......dosen't. There is room also for all styles of play from the run and gunners getting sent into building and factory complexes to clear them, then the lone wolves taking up the sniper mantle and making there teams life a little easier from afar. thats not to mention group play working as a team or vehicle usage or even some of the bases with fixed gun positions! The games huge and is not fully evident as to whats possible in it till you put the time in.

As an example of the weirdest online moment I've ever had it was in an ambush match in the MAG Beta, I was comander attacking a Raven strongpoint when a mesage comes over the headset "The enemy comander wants a chat"........So off I tuttles with bodygurad in tow just in case and I meet the enemy comander in the river bed center map. Using the proximity chat I bemusedly listend to this guy tell me that Raven surrenders and he'll escort me to the objective..........and he did! I called the cease fire out to our team as did the raven comander and as we set off to the objective I saw all the players congregating in the riverbed for a was like a certain footy match on christmas eve durring WW1.......very sureal and realy dose show how open MAG can be in regards tactics.
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What if you end up not liking it? Then the 10 bucks you earned now will be for nothing... When you do get it though I would love to hear what you think of it... Maybe it will sway me towards buying it as well ;)

Uh, no. GT5 will only be $45 for me now.
Thanks for the info Hereward.... Sheds some light on the subject... after seeing some reviews I was asking myself how you would get team work if you have a bunch of randoms clumped together... Sounds quite interesting though.
Am I the only one finding that Valor is getting totally hammered 90% of the time by either SVER or Raven, It appears that SVER is by far the best faction in the game. I still wish we could create more than 1 character as I would like to play the other factions but I've already put a couple of hours play into Valor now.
No, I've lost a lot of games with Valor. I gave up on the frontline shooting because I couldn't get a kill for the life of me, so now I just sit back and snipe, which is starting to work out nicely now.
Right heres the problem.....Now I could be completly wrong about this but from what I've seen the Americans got this game before Europe by about 4 days, this dosn't sound alot, but it's enough time to get stated into ranking up and with that comes alot of benerfits, more acurate and powerful weapons for a start! rank 5 guy going head to head against a rank 20+ guy will get deap quickly every time! Unfortunatly you can't chose who you'll play against so you need to play tactical, don't go rushing headlong at the enemy, you'll just get churned up and spat out! Spend your first 4 skill points on medic skills and keep yourself in the pack rather than up front, with 10xp available for every medic revive (equal to 2 kills) you can quickly build your rank up, 5 hours play should see you at level 15, which opens up comand roles and you should have at least one half decent weapon by this point!
You can of course go the sniper roll to amas XP via kills but a good knowledge of the map and patience is needed. Going the medic roll will make yo a favourite with your team! Once you get to about level 15 you should have opened up the "xp reset" option which allows you to reclaim all your skill points and redistribute them to where you want. So at this point you can give yourself a prety much top class weapon in whatever roll you want!. Beware though at this point things get interesting in the aurmory select screen. You only have so many credits to spend on your character, so you want that huge gun with all the attachments then you'll find you'll have to sacrifice armour and grenades just to carry it! this keeps things balanced in the battle.....unfortunatly and going back to the original point, until you get to this level things are not balanced on the battle just have to fight your way to the point of equalness LOL

Last thing on the subject of the other factions.....I'm currently have a higher battle win to loss about 3.....(so yeah only just) There are certain maps which are harder to take than others where the advantages are certainly loaded in the enemys favour. But that cuts both ways, some areas are in Valours makes the game hard, not easy and in no way is it a bad thing. Remember your fighting humans....lots of them and ultimatly tactics and team play win the game not how the map is layed out. I would say Sever have the most advantages in there defencive maps, but there more of a challenge than a frustration. This also stems from the simple fact that this isn't a single player game where the aim is to win the level to move to the next.....certain levels are harder to attack or deffend, if they were all equal then there would be no challenge to get better. People are used to the equalatral battlefield, the maps that don't fauvor one team or the other at the start. MAG is different in that not only have you the challange of human oponents, team stratergy, weapons and skill choice but also your challenged by certain maps and dose work very well and it dose mean Raven hates Valor and Valor hates Sever.....who dose Sever hate? who knows? Who cares, there all a bunch or ........... LOL

One final point, Kicking players! you've all seen them (there isn't that many though) the team killers......well due to a bug (or maybe it isn't a bug) when you vote to kick a player you can actualy multiple vote thus you can kick a player from the match without any votes needed from anyone's open to abuse but I haven't seen anyone abuse it yet, I have kicked 1 player myself who shot me simply to take my sniper position for himself........enough said about that......It dose mean people behave as kicking idiots is very easy mid battle. 99% of the time though people are well behaved on MAG and theres a growing trend of people using there heasets and playing as a team. This of course is helped by the XP system rewarding people more heavily for taking and holding objectives set by the team leader rather than heading of as a lone wolf and going for the large headcount.


Rather than putting a new post up I thought I'd add to this lenghy tomb, Weapos upgrades and XP 60 XP was the cap in the open beta and in the full game you can swap or add a new faction at 60 XP, but as far as there being a cap on your XP at 60 I'm not so sure about. Some of the camo and I think eyewear states "UNLOCKED AT LEVEL 60+" indicatng you can take your charactor beyond level 60? this raises another question though if you for instance tot up the skill points (1 awarder at each level up) you can only really upgrade say the assault rifle to it's max with a few points left over to minimuly spruce up the other weapons and basic skills! Thus you'd be "stuck" in a role with which you have a decent weapon, the sniper and suport rolls don't take as many skill points to upgrade to max but you'd still strugle with skills and an assault rifle if you maxed out support gun and sniper rifle! Add to this theres the credits system in the armoury....with a maxed out gun and all the atachments you'd end up running around in your boxers to be able to afford it LOL As people get up to the level 60 mark I think theres going to be a concious effort by everyone as to the roll they will play, and thats going to be dictated by the map quite a bit, with just 5 loadout slots available there's gong to be alot of head scratching, but we'll start to see very specialist characters on the field at this point and very specialised tactics to go with them. Quick note on heavy armour.....when you start out it's comon fasion statement, but come lowly level 15 it's the first thing sacrificed in favour of kit......come level 40-60 we'll be deciding wether we should take a first aid spray with us and grenades are certainly out the window at around level 30!
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Am I the only one finding that Valor is getting totally hammered 90% of the time by either SVER or Raven, It appears that SVER is by far the best faction in the game. I still wish we could create more than 1 character as I would like to play the other factions but I've already put a couple of hours play into Valor now.

Maybe create a second PSN account?
If you don't feel like playing against lvl 20+ at the start of the game then play a bit of the suppression mode (generally < lvl 10 players) beware though you don't earn much xp in this game mode but it will mean you are on a close to level playing field.

I would also advise anyone who wants to go as a rifleman on valor to not buy any of the other assault rifles and just stick with the M4, it is a much better gun than the other two and means you will save a lot of points for other items that will be of more use.
I would also advise anyone who wants to go as a rifleman on valor to not buy any of the other assault rifles and just stick with the M4, it is a much better gun than the other two and means you will save a lot of points for other items that will be of more use.

Whoa there, just upgraded to the SCAR Light and with reduced recoil and the red dot scope it's far supirior to the M4, higher fire rate, more acurate and harder hitting! In the beta I went with Valor's tuned L96 custom, big scope and the bipod, again huge improvement over the M14 ebr. I'm currently one skill point and about 150XP away from the X4 mag AGOG scope for the scar which I think barring the poserbility of a grenade launcher and all the skill sets is as far as I'll take it, the Scar Heavy would be nice but sacrificing a good sniper rig and suport gun rig (try the red dot and bipod on one!) is a little too far to take it.

Remeber you do get periodic points where you can redistribute your skill points so if you do get something which dosn't work out your not stuck with it forever, and because of this I'd say everyone should go for the SCAR over the M4.........oh yeah I'm in no way biased, pic below is my we-tec SCAR custom LOL



Don't panic, it's my airsoft CO2 rifle :)