MAG - GTP's faction is Valor

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I got the SCAR HW and found that the increased fire power wasn't worth the 5 points and that it was inferior to the M4 in terms of accuracy.
Hmm, the HW is the 7.62 version isn't it? that thing needs alot in regards stability and acuracy skills, oh and short bursts. I have noticed today alot of sever running amock with suport guns, so much so I've had to go back to medium armor and dump my grenades LOL It's not safe out there I tell you! Anyway the normal scar with the X4 scope is quite a nice mid ranged sniper rig, bell tower to train tracks is a 3 shot afair, I'm happy with it though it dose come down to personal preferance and your playing style.
FYI - you can't level past 60... I know someone who is at 60...

You still get points to build Re-Spec - but no more skill points.

FYI - you can't level past 60... I know someone who is at 60...

You still get points to build Re-Spec - but no more skill points.


Cheers for the dose the actual system of changing factions work once you hit 60?

It dose put even more preasure on how you loadout knowing theres a 60 Skill cap.
Cheers for the dose the actual system of changing factions work once you hit 60?

It dose put even more preasure on how you loadout knowing theres a 60 Skill cap.

You enter "Veteran" mode...

He's not done it yet - so I don't know if you can reuse your previous character or not...

Respeccing takes that pressure away though... although the respeccing level goes up each time - so the trick is to not respec too often as you progress through...

After a weekend of playing - I am at Rank 26!!! My best kill streak was 47 - got over 800 points that game and levelled up 3 times!!

No, I've lost a lot of games with Valor. I gave up on the frontline shooting because I couldn't get a kill for the life of me, so now I just sit back and snipe, which is starting to work out nicely now.

There's the problem, though. I always run in but it's no use as 95% of people sit back selfishly trying to get kills. It shouldn't matter how many kills you get, it should be about the team winning the game. Usually you'll do better in a game when the team is doing better, which requires working together.
I do, I move with my team and try to find places to snipe. Sometimes I'm farther back then anyone else on my team. Or if were defending I watch the gates and drop the people that walk through.

Got the game last Saturday and I'll still 'learning it'. Only Level 8.

Question: is it possible to select the team you'd want to play with (squad), so you have a fix team mates, thus improving common knowledge, applying predetermined stratagies and thus raising the odds to win?
You can have groups of Friends... and then you will always join the same squad (if it's a fresh game - joining a game in progress can mix you up a bit)

Goto your friends list - highlight your friend - and select "Group Invite"...

Once you have a group together - GOto Deploy and join some games!

Hmmm - it sounds like you can only have 1 character slot then...

I guess the other way to have more than 1 character is to create a new profile...

Thanks for replying!

Another thing which happened yesterday: you are able to hear the opponents team communications?!

I'm usually a sniper and yesterday while playing for the Domination of S.V.E.R.'s refinery I was able to ambush a couple of enemies. Afterwards I swear I heard someone giving my exact location to others and over the sudden my hole was packed with S.V.E.R.'s!
I believe any of your own squad chatter comes in through your headset, while any other squad chatter, be it other allied squads or enemy squads, come through your tv speakers/sound system if your within range. Its a fairly close range, from memory from the beta its about 20 meters, maybe less....I don't know about the retail game though, game hasn't released in NZ yet :( ....9 more days!
Anyone who wants to add me, GTP_Sigma, I bought it last night and had a few games. I am Valor, of course. I would love to participate with GTP players.
I played this alot more and boy was I wrong.

This game blows Battlefield 2 away in terms of action. Some firefights are so intense its almost overwhelming.

The maps are well laid out and for the most part more interesting then Battlefield 2

I do wish there were more vehicles though. So far the only controllable vehicles are a hummer and some sort of troop transport vehicle. I wish there were alot of transport jeeps scattered around, some tanks and perhaps a heli or two (transport or attack) to control. But maybe in future patch.

I'm really enjoying this game.

My PSN ID is Royalton_, I'll add the GTP tag in front of it.
I played this alot more and boy was I wrong.

This game blows Battlefield 2 away in terms of action. Some firefights are so intense its almost overwhelming.

The maps are well laid out and for the most part more interesting then Battlefield 2

I'm really enjoying this game.

Yeah - I know what you mean it took me a while to warm to the Beta... especially as in the Beta you had to play Sabotage a lot - before you could get some variety... but once you're hooked - it keeps showing you more and more facets of it's play.

OK now some negatives

S.V.E.R. has won 48/50 matches I have been in. I dont know if the guys on Valor are playing wrong or S.V.E.R. is just too powerful.

Also, I dont know why but it seems I die when I'm hit by just 2 or 3 bullets even though I have the second heaviest of armor on. Some guys I have unloaded 10, 15 bullets in but they dont die. I even stabbed some guys and they dont die.

Very different from Battlefield 2 (PC) where two bursts of 3 bullets would be more then enough. I've seen some guys just take out 3, 4 guys in my squad just like that but it takes me half a clip to take out one guy? Is this just more S.V.E.R. weapon dominance? I wish they didn't give varying levels of armor.

Its very frustrating that guys can kill me in .2 of a second 100 meters away but I haven't yet managed to kill anyone at any type of distance even when they've stood still and I have the scope right on their head. I just dont get it. Firing without the scope is rediculously inaccurate at distances over 15 meters. I dont know if this real or not but its not fun I know that.

Yet I see guys with those big o assault rifles running around and firing with pinpoint accuracy. In battlefield 2 you had to lay down to get any accuracy out of those guns it should be the same way here. Those are support guns

Also I'm not too happy about not being able to pick the map you want to play, but I can live with it.
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Yeah we worked that out tonight Tiddy, You missed UKOG Dyer in comand setting the whole clan onto a poor enemy jeep LOL The guy in the jeep didn't know what hit him LOL There's a GTP MOA clan up and running, few GTP members in it some MOA guys and a UKOG member as well, we try not to discriminate LOL, I will say though a mic and the ability to talk is esential to play as part of a clan.
So, should I get this or BFBC2? I liked the open beta, but I also like the BFBC2 demo. Or perhaps both? :P
Weakly-spined as I am, I got a copy today. I'll be joining Valor later on. :) I think I'll be getting BFBC2 as well. :P
Im in two minds over this, I played the BF2 Demo, and it was good, but MAG seems better to me........saying that I'll probubley get BF2 as it's not what I'd call anything leass than a triple A title. Sorry to Dutch Customs, I had visitors from that there London and they just wanted to play Shift so I didn't get on.....I will bo on tonight and seeing as the clan has 6 members in it now I'm sure we'll get some good team matches in, anyone after an invite shout up PSN is Hereward.
No problem, I had some fun rounds with Tiddy and Duffers, even though we weren't always in the same squad. I really like this game! I've cocked up a few of my upgrades, but respec is very close at 3000, so I'm going to reallocate some of the stuff I have.

I prefer playing as medic. The only difference between me and the other gazillion people playing medic is that I actually play as medic. How many times have I seen no less than three medics stand versus two or three enemies, with another three friendlies down, and NONE of the medics did any reviving. The people down were also medics BTW, so that should have resulted in massive WIN for the friendlies. Needless to say, they got themselves killed. If you're not going to use the medic skill and want to gun: get the heaviest armor, an LMG and some grenades, NOT the medic tool!

Anyway, I will be on for some rounds later tonight. :)

EDIT: Respecced my character, revive skill (2 points) is usuless if you have advanced revive, so I was able to spend the other points on something nice. I am now able to revive faster and until 100 health. :)
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I prefer playing as medic. The only difference between me and the other gazillion people playing medic is that I actually play as medic. How many times have I seen no less than three medics stand versus two or three enemies, with another three friendlies down, and NONE of the medics did any reviving.

Im not sure on this one, but I think provided you have the base medic kit, you have the '+' sign next to your name, indicating your a medic. Maybe it indicates that player has the ability to heal, not necessarily revive fellow team mates. I have seen this a lot, and it doesn't make sense for a player not to revive another as its an easy 10exp pts (20 with FRAGO). So that would be the most logical explanation, as confusing as it is.

4 more days and MAG releases in NZ :D
That's a good explanation. 👍 In that case I feel they should have a different icon (or different colored icon), because this is indeed very confusing. (Although in my example, the persons in question didn't do ANY healing either, except themselves).

Personally, I wouldn't waste 2 skill points and 1000 loadout points on a skill/item when there are people in your squad who are dedicated medics. My loadouts are dedicated to a single purpose, makes them so much more effective. :)