Major Earthquake & Tsunami in Japan

  • Thread starter a6m5
Not much for texting lingo, but I had on OMFG moment just now as CNN reported it's #2 with the MOX fuel...

Edit: Apparently the explosion at #2 was not the outside building, but in the "suppression pool" or "suppression chamber". Still don't know what those are.
Just saw a badly translated Japanese TV broadcast. The anchorpersons were mainly looking at their shoes and holding up a cheesy looking diagram of the containment vessel. I could not understand the translator's English, but heard certain attention-getting phrases which I cannot repeat here.

Edit: CNN reports all non-essential workers now being evacuated from the plant, seemingly to do with developments at reactor #2. Something called a suppression pool was mentioned.

"Beware the ides of March"

If the explosion was inside the suppression pool / containment vessel (that houses the pressure vessel containing the reactor core), then this latest explosion is worse than the other two, and it is more likely that the containment is compromised. See this figure.
EDIT: the reports are only stating that the explosion was "near the suppression pool", and that the "suppression pool may have been damaged". This is part of the "third containment level" discussed in the post linked below, or "primary containment vessel" in the diagram linked above.

The containment area was intended to contain the radioactive material should the core experience meltdown. They've been venting steam (and with it the hydrogen generated in the core due to the partial meltdowns) from the containment vessels of these three reactors, and (at least) until now the hydrogen only ignited outside the containment vessel, but inside the containment building (the concrete cubes). The second explosion contained other flammable material, possibly entrained from the reactor itself, visible as an orange flame.

This third explosion may hold far more serious implications, but it wholly depends on the condition of the core at this point.

Also, this article is very useful, thanks Famine.

The scale of the destruction in some of these coastal towns is beyond comprehension. It's distressing that there are more dead than can be dealt with at this stage. Even if Fukushima-Daiichi #2 goes "full meltdown", it cannot compare to the tragedy in the rest of the country.
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CNN meteorology is reporting NE winds over Japan for the next 20-24 hours.
That means the wind comes out of the NE.
That means the wind comes over Fukushima and on towards Tokyo.

Edit: Just read on another site that the real problem may be spent fuel rods, many thousands of them, stored in pools on the (former) roofs of the reactors. These may be catching fire. The confidence factor in this statement is uncertain.
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0052: Details are now emberging about radiation levels after the blast at Fukushima's reactor 2 at 0610 local time (2110 GMT Monday). Tokyo Electric officials say that one hour of exposure at the nuclear plant would be equivalent to eight times at what a person might experience naturally during the year.

0139: martyn_williams tweets: "Japan waiting for (PM) Kan. NHK said it would be "message to nation", rather than news conference".
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After the short conference I'm actually more worried now.
Everyone in a area of 30 km around Fukushima 1 should either be evacuated by now or at least stay indoor and try to protect himself. But not only that, they're also having problems at Fukushima 2, so all the stuff that happend at plant 1 could happen at plant 2 too. The first radioactive particles are likely to reach Tokyo in ~10 hours it seems.

All of this doesn't sound good at all.
Breaking News from CNN: Japan's prime minister: Risk of further release of radioactive material from nuclear power plant remains "very high."
God, I can only pray for the japanese people, I was really touched when I saw people helping each other even in this moment of terrrible peril.

Best wishes for our Japanese brethren. :(
Well I haven't post in a while so I will deliver a huge post,might be impressive and might sound like lies(well everybody lies),this post is intended to everyone who has family in Japan so here goes.

Well the last year I used to made my middle computer science in "xxxxx"university located in Tokyo,as part of my scholarship deal I had to complete some labours in which was included investigation an research,not as a researcher but as an assistant,one of them was the encoding for a cutting edge "earthquake simulator",my task in the "xxxxx" university was to help in the coding of the engine for such "simulator",not as a main engineering programmer,but as a moniker(writing code and really tedious stuff that Phd's doesn't do).

In any case the consideration from earthquake's intensity set for this program was an arrange of mass movement,with all sort of variables under a certain area set by the researcher,then this data was translated into a topographic 3D map and bla,bla,bla....

The thing is that the engineers consider as a "plausible scenario" as something like 9.4(Richter scale),which turns to be quite reasonable,now you might wonder why they were making such a simulator,you see, during the last decade a lot of earthquakes have take place,the alarms spike due to the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

Now,this might sound a bit exaggerated but the Japanese are terrific planners,as such they contemplated several scenarios in which a huge earthquake take place during the year 2014(a bit inaccurate)in the middle zone of the pacific,somewhere that would probably affect Kobe and the southern are of Hokkaido island and ,sadly by the time they conducted such test I was given the order to head back to my country,on new years eve.

Now,people I known have told me that evacuation on the Sendai and nearby coast areas of Tohoku island was conducted,so therefore the number of possible casualties should be minimum,he also told me that shortages of water are not as strong as the media advertised,and that some Tokyo train routes(metro)have re stablish its services.

Apart from that,he told me that Ibaraki was evacuated,due to the burning chemical plants in the area,and also some high radioactivity levels which brings me to the next point.

From here starts my personal opinion about the nuclear plant trouble,well,as I see this there is no Chernobyl or mayor problem that media is making about this whole issue,the explosions in both reactors were caused by high steam pressure,but this did not damage the reactor,it might damaged the building but not the reactor,and I also consider that the 2 reactor might blow up,due to the lack of cooling methods to attend this situation,apart from this,I don't see a mayor radioactivity leak in the area.

So don't worry about the radiation,thus far the explosions an subsequent steam clouds do not spread high radioactivity material,the media is making a show of this(specially TBS showing images of some incident in Pennsylvania that occur like 40 years ago)due to methods to capture the attention,as far as I known there isn't also a mayor shortage of food,the shortages are present in small towns and areas,but not in mayor urban areas.

It seems that I might come back to re stablish the cluster over again.
So don't worry about the radiation,thus far the explosions an subsequent steam clouds do not spread high radioactivity material,the media is making a show of this(specially TBS showing images of some incident in Pennsylvania that occur like 40 years ago)due to methods to capture the attention,as far as I known there isn't also a mayor shortage of food,the shortages are present in small towns and areas,but not in mayor urban areas.
The Prime Minister himself stated that radioactivity has reached a level where it's harmful for the human body and people 30km around Fukushima 1 should stay inside.

So no, thanks for trying to calm everyone down, but this is serious now.

EDIT:ガイガーカウンタ A Geiger Counter in Tokyo.
Good news, everyone! My friend's parents live in Tokyo-- they run a dorm or something. So one of the students left to go to his hometown that had been hit by the tsunami. He hadn't heard from his family so he decided to make the trip up there to see if they had survived. She just heard back from the guy that his family did indeed survive and that everybody was fine. Not sure about any property they might have had, but the good news is that they are all OK.
Good news, everyone! My friend's parents live in Tokyo-- they run a dorm or something. So one of the students left to go to his hometown that had been hit by the tsunami. He hadn't heard from his family so he decided to make the trip up there to see if they had survived. She just heard back from the guy that his family did indeed survive and that everybody was fine. Not sure about any property they might have had, but the good news is that they are all OK.

That's the best news I have heard from Japan!!! Congratulations from the deepest cockles of my heart to the family!!!
Good news, everyone! My friend's parents live in Tokyo-- they run a dorm or something. So one of the students left to go to his hometown that had been hit by the tsunami. He hadn't heard from his family so he decided to make the trip up there to see if they had survived. She just heard back from the guy that his family did indeed survive and that everybody was fine. Not sure about any property they might have had, but the good news is that they are all OK.

Nice. We've been lucky as well. Thus far.
The Prime Minister himself stated that radioactivity has reached a level where it's harmful for the human body and people 30km around Fukushima 1 should stay inside.

So no, thanks for trying to calm everyone down, but this is serious now.

EDIT:ガイガーカウンタ A Geiger Counter in Tokyo.

Everything I looked at with regards to counts per minutes and background radiation, suggest 22 CPM is well within normal background radiation levels.
In that tsunami destruction video at Page 31, I could have sworn I saw a few people drowning. That gives a rough estimate at how horrible this tragedy is.
Oh my god, the insane religious fanatic girl is unbelievable. :eek: Someone should call the nuthouse guys for her.

She is the absolute worst of the ignorant people. When watching that video, I wanted to slap her in the face because she offended the millions of suffering people and also tolerant Christians. It doesn't help that she is seriously uninformed about the majority religion, which is Buddhism, not Atheism. The UCLA video runs a close second in terms of insults toward Japanese people. Either way, it's pretty sad this is to be expected and that the Internet fails to show love and respect toward other people in time of needs.

@Mod: Do we need to move this type of discussion to another thread?
I don't get how anyone can say this is "payback" for Pearl Harbour.
I do - it's because they're ignorant and prejudiced and under the misguided assumption that the universe is in the business of settling scores seventy years after the fact as if they can command the very forces of nature to do their bidding. Seriously, if you were a universe and looking to hand out karmic dispensations, wouldn't you want to do it straight away so that people knew why they were being kicked about?
Hi everyone,

Geez, it seems like forever since I posted something here. For those who were wondering, I'm okay (for now, that is.) I won't retype what I went through but will just link to my site where I already gave my account.

Since I wrote that things haven't gotten better. Still no gas at gas stations, no bottled water at stores, no flashlights or batteries anywhere and the rolling blackouts are supposed to continue until the end of April. I managed to convince my wife to take my daughter (and cat) and get the f%*& out of here, i mean, go stay with her relatives who live far away.

Myself, I had just enough gas to get back into work so I am staying in this area (Tochigi prefecture) until the highways open up and the gasoline supply returns. Or until I die from nuclear radiation. Whichever comes first.
She is the absolute worst of the ignorant people. When watching that video, I wanted to slap her in the face because she offended the millions of suffering people and also tolerant Christians. It doesn't help that she is seriously uninformed about the majority religion, which is Buddhism, not Atheism.

That, and Sendai, the largest of the cities directly hit by the Tsunami has always been one of the traditional centers of Japanese Catholicism, dating back to 1631. That city has been historically very Christian.
Hi everyone,

Geez, it seems like forever since I posted something here. For those who were wondering, I'm okay (for now, that is.) I won't retype what I went through but will just link to my site where I already gave my account.

Since I wrote that things haven't gotten better. Still no gas at gas stations, no bottled water at stores, no flashlights or batteries anywhere and the rolling blackouts are supposed to continue until the end of April. I managed to convince my wife to take my daughter (and cat) and get the f%*& out of here, i mean, go stay with her relatives who live far away.

Myself, I had just enough gas to get back into work so I am staying in this area (Tochigi prefecture) until the highways open up and the gasoline supply returns. Or until I die from nuclear radiation. Whichever comes first.
That is good to hear Speedy 👍.
Hi everyone,

Geez, it seems like forever since I posted something here. For those who were wondering, I'm okay (for now, that is.) I won't retype what I went through but will just link to my site where I already gave my account.

Since I wrote that things haven't gotten better. Still no gas at gas stations, no bottled water at stores, no flashlights or batteries anywhere and the rolling blackouts are supposed to continue until the end of April. I managed to convince my wife to take my daughter (and cat) and get the f%*& out of here, i mean, go stay with her relatives who live far away.

Myself, I had just enough gas to get back into work so I am staying in this area (Tochigi prefecture) until the highways open up and the gasoline supply returns. Or until I die from nuclear radiation. Whichever comes first.

Haven't seen you for the longest time. Glad you and yours are okay.

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