Major Earthquake & Tsunami in Japan

  • Thread starter a6m5
As kayaker, I have encountered numerous very small whirlpools. These are generated by tides flowing around and through oddly shaped islets.

I have no acceptable idea why an earthquake would cause such a vortex as that seen off Japan, but there must be reason.

The tsunami water ebbing back out to sea, meeting the natural tidal push inland...
I don't like how we don't get much info about the current state of the nuclear leaks and emergency levels at the affected plants. Let's hope they have it all under control but it's not like they spread comforting news.
Currently, American Red Cross is collecting relief donations($10 min.). If it's ok with the admin's, I would like to post a link in this thread.

I have also read online that Lady Gaga is selling "We Pray for Japan" wristbands for five bucks(+ whatever donation), with proceeds going to relief effort. I recently bought a T-Shirt for Australian flood relief, myself. Effort lead by our local NBA basketball player Patty Mills, an Australian native. It's for good cause, and you get cool little gear in return. I think it's a cool deal. 👍

I don't like how we don't get much info about the current state of the nuclear leaks and emergency levels at the affected plants. Let's hope they have it all under control but it's not like they spread comforting news.
Right before I left work(1~2 hours ago), I read on Yahoo Japan that at the front gate of the plant, the radiation level was 8 times the normal level. Inside the control level, they reported 1,000 times the norm. That was the claim by the media. Report also claimed that 1,000 times equaled around 1/4 of x-ray or some kind of scan, I forget(sorry).
I actually find that the information about the radiation levels are frustratingly insufficient. 1000x normal radiation levels there is really 1000 times what? I guess I should get to researching...

I also feel bad about not saying this in any of my posts earlier, but my thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Japan.
I'm going to guess that they will in fact get the nuclear reactors under full control, and the next big health issues will become contamination from oil refineries and sewage treatment plants.

Another troubling thing is that daylight reveals much of the flooding is still there, raising the question of subsidence of the land.
Just added this link to the original post:

American Red Cross Responds to Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami

Your gift to the American Red Cross will support our disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific.

On those rare occasions when donations exceed American Red Cross expenses for a specific disaster, contributions are used to prepare for and serve victims of other disasters. Minimum donation amount is $10.

American Red Cross Donation Page
All I have to say is I hope everyones loved ones are safe! I feel powerless so far away.
My heart goes out to everyone affected by this tragedy. My thoughts and prayers with you all!
saw some footage on TV, watching that water just swallow up everything in its path is terrifying. Houses levelled in seconds from just water at speed, it's humbling to watch.
Countdown to the earthquake:

That's some scary stuff right there :nervous::nervous:

I'm amazed that the guy was so calm while filming the whole thing...
My wife's uncle lives in Tokyo.. He is a school teacher there. When he posted on FB today he stated "Tokyo wasn't that bad.. We didn't realize how bad it was up north until we got home and turned on the tv" Pretty crazy.

Thank god him and his newly Visa'd wife are ok. Her visa just got approved a few weeks ago so they have been making plans to move back to the states. Seems like the right thing to do to me.

I could not even imagine having to go through an experience like that. I was in Hawaii during Hurricane Iniki, but that really wasn't that bad compared to this earthquake and tsunami. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families that have experienced losses!
Crazy stuff....
When you see Japanese people scared about an earthquake that's when you know it's big.

True...After i woke up this morning, a friend tells me about the earthquake, and i was like "oh it's ok i'm sure, they are prepared for this kind of emergency there"
Then, i saw on tv the devastation... it's really terrible.
Now this nuclear stuff...
Unfortunately some Red Cross Directors have yearly salaries in excess of $300,000 per year (reported during Hurricane Katrina). Volunteers work their butts off in the trenches to help the people in need. While the big wigs in their ivory towers collect ridiculous salaries. Take Farm Aid, the vast majority of funds raised pay the musicians.

It's heartbreaking to know that millions are raised to help those in need, Only a small portion will be put to use how it was intended by the donators.
Unfortunately some Red Cross Directors have yearly salaries in excess of $300,000 per year (reported during Hurricane Katrina). Volunteers work their butts off in the trenches to help the people in need. While the big wigs in their ivory towers collect ridiculous salaries. Take Farm Aid, the vast majority of funds raised pay the musicians.

It's heartbreaking to know that millions are raised to help those in need, Only a small portion will be put to use how it was intended by the donators.
I do see where you are coming from. I really do. But considering the size of Red Cross operation, I don't believe organization of this size can be ran by volunteers.

Don't get me wrong, if any of you want to contribute to any relief aid, Red Cross or anybody, it would mean the same to me. American Red Cross happens to be the only legit organization I happened to come across, that's all. Even if you weren't able to help out at this time, I'm pretty sure all these millions of well wishes online means a lot to people over there right now. 👍

Have the trains & the boat carrying 89 people been reported of yet, or still MIA?
They thought they found the train, last I read. No mention of bodies or survivors though. Just trains....... Not sure what that means.
Unfortunately some Red Cross Directors have yearly salaries in excess of $300,000 per year (reported during Hurricane Katrina). Volunteers work their butts off in the trenches to help the people in need. While the big wigs in their ivory towers collect ridiculous salaries. Take Farm Aid, the vast majority of funds raised pay the musicians.

It's heartbreaking to know that millions are raised to help those in need, Only a small portion will be put to use how it was intended by the donators.

Don't even start with that communist BS. Running a non-profit is hard work and those guys deserve every bit of compensation they get.
Don't even start with that communist BS. Running a non-profit is hard work and those guys deserve every bit of compensation they get.

Yeah, the directors really need and deserve salaries like that. They labor sooooo hard. Communism? Huh? Quit making excuses for anyone involved with an charitable organization such as The Red Cross having an exorbitant salary.

From what I understand, The Red Cross is about 80 cents to the dollar for the cause. While Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition has about 9 cents out of the dollar going to the cause. Rainbow Coalition isn't communistic, it's just a "den of thieves".

I have worked for The Salvation Army.
You're seriously going to demonize the Red Cross because its directors make $300k per year, and then you're going to say that 80 cents on the dollar goes to the cause to back that up? 80 cents on the dollar is great, and it's why the directors get paid the way they do. You realize that their expertise could be compensated in the for-profit sector for much, much larger sums of money, right?

Jesse Jackson is a fruitcake who only ever took advantage of racism. His non-profit has nothing to do with this. I don't know why you brought any of this up at all except to spew political, class-warfare kind of BS that I asked you to take elsewhere. That communist-talk (that's a colloquialism, for all you fussbudgets) is not welcome in this thread.
If you want to compare the overheads of the various charities seeking to help Japan in this time of need, by all means do so.
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Yeah, the directors really need and deserve salaries like that. They labor sooooo hard. Communism? Huh? Quit making excuses for anyone involved with an charitable organization such as The Red Cross having an exorbitant salary.

From what I understand, The Red Cross is about 80 cents to the dollar for the cause. While Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition has about 9 cents out of the dollar going to the cause. Rainbow Coalition isn't communistic, it's just a "den of thieves".

I have worked for The Salvation Army.
You can stop right there. As Omnis nicely said, the man is a fruitcake & should never be compared to an actual charity such as The Red Cross or Salvation Army.

His charity money goes into his pocket so that he can continue to spread racist view points across America. He does nothing worthy of being called "charity".
Unfortunately some Red Cross Directors have yearly salaries in excess of $300,000 per year (reported during Hurricane Katrina). Volunteers work their butts off in the trenches to help the people in need. While the big wigs in their ivory towers collect ridiculous salaries. Take Farm Aid, the vast majority of funds raised pay the musicians.

Yeah, the directors really need and deserve salaries like that. They labor sooooo hard. Communism? Huh? Quit making excuses for anyone involved with an charitable organization such as The Red Cross having an exorbitant salary.

Thing is, those directors could just as well go work for the private sector as executive officers making that or more a year. The fact that they decide to stay at $300,000 a year versus jumping ship to make $500k to a million (or more) a year shows that they care about what they do. Sometimes that's the price you have to pay for your higher ranking people.

Same as in the military: the government throws a lot of bonuses at a lot of jobs (SF, doctors, lawyers, etc) because their skill is needed and they might as well jump ship and go work on the civilian side making double what the government pays.

Expected death toll - In the thousands. :(

As much as even one life lost is sad, some thousands dead is not too bad, shows the level of preparation that Japan has for events like this. The area where the Tsunami hit is very densely populated, if this had been a third world country, or even the USA, the death toll would have been much higher. I hope the death toll stays small.

Another one, interesting guidebook for Earthquake Preparadness from Japan, in English:
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Well, oh my God... and... wow. :(:ouch::grumpy: I pray for everyone in Japan with everything that has happened and is going to happen. :( --- Randy