Major explosion and shooting in Oslo

Could this be the beginning of far-right terrorism?

That theory is actually not as far fetched as one might think. The current Norwegian government have repeatedly been criticized for beeing too naive when it comes to their imigration policy.

Especially if you concider the targets of todays attacks. The Norwegian Labour party is the largest party in the current government coalition, and the shooting happened at their youth partys summer camp.

However the terrorist group Ansar al-islam are said to have taken responsibility for the Oslo bombing.

Alot of speculations from my side here, guess we'll just have to wait and see when the Police will be willing to give out more info.
^ It's looking more and more like a domestic issue now. When I first heard the news, there was a little part of my brain thinking, "Is this Gaddafi's revenge?"
Someone on the Swedish underground forum Flashback has managed to find the guy's facebook with the help of an officialy released pixelated photo. His name is Anders Behring Breivik apparently.
Why on earth would anybody attack Norway? Norway.

Because they want our women.

On a serious note, though, I'm happy to hear none of my friends or my ex were in Oslo. However, they do have a lot of family living there so I hope they're okay.

I'm on holiday in Belgium right now but I'm wondering whether security will be a bigger thing when I'm flying back next week. After all the airport I'm landing at is almost right into Oslo itself.
Managed to be right in the middle off this.
I dont go do Oslo very often but just thought it would be nice to come with a friend a mine to vist a friend of him.
Worst idea ever. Never thought id see anything like this in my country, and some of the things i saw will stay in my head for a long time.
But I cant even imagine how all the victims families, friends and so on, feel.
Its just not real..

and oh, please "like" this. Its the ****er who did it all. Killed at least 16 people.
The information we are getting in the US is sketchy at best, probably because so many people couldn't begin to tell you where Norway even is or it's just not big news over here. From what I've picked up it looks like it was politically motivated, and now hearing that the person who committed these acts was a native Norwegian, I'm sort of surprised how much Islamic terrorist crap is being thrown around here.

It is very said when anything like this happens, especially when kids are involved. I'm not sure on the current political situation in Norway, but I do find it odd the ruling party of a country would have a camp for kids. Can anyone fill me in on the politics over there? Preferably Bram as he has first hand experience with it.
Very disturbing. I had been expecting something of the kind in Denmark, because of the cartoons, but not in Norway.
But the attacks in Oslo are not motivated by faith. Norwegian police have arrested a suspect, named as Anders Behring Breivik, who is an ethnic Norwegian. If anything, this is closest to the 1996 Port Arthur massacre than a terrorist attack. Breivik - or whoever is responsible - just used a bomb to carry out his/thier crimes. According to the Wikipedia page on the shootings (yes, I know it's not the most reliable source in the world), Breivik is anti-Islam.
But the attacks in Oslo are not motivated by faith. Norwegian police have arrested a suspect, named as Anders Behring Breivik, who is an ethnic Norwegian. If anything, this is closest to the 1996 Port Arthur massacre than a terrorist attack. Breivik - or whoever is responsible - just used a bomb to carry out his/thier crimes. According to the Wikipedia page on the shootings (yes, I know it's not the most reliable source in the world), Breivik is anti-Islam.
Just heard on the morning radio news that possibly more than 80 youths were shot on that little island. The only good news is that the killer (probably Breivik) seems to have acted alone.
I haven't delved into the details very much, but the national news (USA) said around 10 dead on that island, and I have seen the 80 dead claim up here more than a couple of times. I sure would like to know, those 70 kids kind of make a difference.

At least 87 dead in Norway shooting, bomb attack

(Reuters) - A gunman dressed in police uniform opened fire at a youth camp of Norway's ruling political party on Friday, killing at least 80 people, hours after a bomb killed seven in the government district in the capital Oslo.

Witnesses said the gunman, identified by police as a 32-year-old Norwegian, moved across the small, wooded Utoeya holiday island firing at random as young people scattered in fear. Norwegian television TV2 said the gunman detained by police was described as tall and blond and had links to right-wing extremism.

"We had all gathered in the main house to talk about what had happened in Oslo. Suddenly we heard shots. First we thought it was nonsense. Then everyone started running," a survivor, 16-year-old called Hana told Norway's Aftenposten.

"I saw a policeman stand there with earplugs. He said 'I'd like to gather everyone'. Then he ran in and started shooting at people. We ran down toward the beach and began to swim." Hana said the gunman fired at people in the water.

Many sought shelter in buildings as shots echoed across the island, ran into the woods or tried to swim to safety. Boats searched for survivors into the night, searchlights sweeping the coast. Rescue helicopters flew overhead.

The bomb, which shook the city center in mid-afternoon, blew out the windows of the prime minister's building and damaged the finance and oil ministry buildings. Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, who was not in the building at the time, will give a press conference at 0600 GMT on Saturday.


There were no immediate reports of other suspects. But acting police chief Sveinung Sponheim said authorities were working on the hypothesis that several people may have been involved.

Police seized the gunman, named by local media as Anders Behring Breivik, and later found undetonated explosives on the island, a pine-clad strip of land about 500 meters long, to the northwest of Oslo.

Breivik's Facebook page appeared to have been blocked by late evening. Earlier it had listed interests including bodybuilding, conservative politics and freemasonry.

Norwegian media said he had set up a Twitter account a few days ago and posted a single message on July 17 saying: "One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests."

About 10 police officers were outside the address registered to his name in a four-story red brick building in west Oslo.

The Norwegian daily Verdens Gang quoted a friend as saying

he became a right-wing extremist in his late 20s. It said he expressed strong nationalistic views in online debates and had been a strong opponent of the idea that people of different cultural backgrounds can live alongside each other.

With police advising people to evacuate central Oslo, and some soldiers taking up positions on the streets, the usually sleepy capital was gripped by fear of fresh attacks. Streets were strewn with shattered masonry, glass and twisted steel.

Norwegians reacted with horror to television images of the bodies of young men and women strewn around the island.

"I just saw people jumping into the water, about 50 people swimming toward the shore. People were crying, shaking, they were terrified," said Anita Lien, 42, who lives by Tyrifjord lake, a few hundred meters (yards) from Utoeya island, northwest of Oslo.

"They were so young, between 14 and 19 years old."

A young girl, her hair still wet after escaping told TV2:

"He walked slowly but surely around it (the island) and shot everyone. Eventually he came to where I sat and then he slowly went over and shot ten people." She escaped by jumping into the water."

"He was so calm, that is what was so strange."

It is the most violent event to strike Norway since World War Two," said Geir Bekkevold, an opposition parliamentarian for the Christian Peoples Party.

The prime minister declined to speculate on who had been involved. But he told a televised news conference. "No one will bomb us to silence, no one will shoot us to silence."


NUPI Senior Research Fellow Jakub Godzimirski said he suspected a right-winger, rather than any Islamist group. Right wing groups have grown up in Norway and elsewhere in northern Europe around the issue of immigration.

"It would be very odd for Islamists to have a local political angle. The attack on the Labour youth meeting suggests it's something else. If Islamists wanted to attack, they could have set off a bomb in a nearby shopping mall rather than a remote island."

Right-wing militancy has generated sporadic attacks in other countries, including the United States. In 1995, 168 people were killed when Timothy McVeigh detonated a truck bomb at a federal building in Oklahoma City.

NATO member Norway has been the target of threats before over its involvement in conflicts in Afghanistan and Libya.

Violence or the threat of it has already come to the other Nordic states: a botched bomb attack took place in the Swedish capital Stockholm last December and the bomber was killed.

Denmark has received repeated threats after a newspaper published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in late 2005, angering Muslims worldwide.

In Oslo, the building of a publisher which recently put out a translation of a Danish book on the cartoon controversy was also affected, but was apparently not the target.

The Oslo district attacked is the very heart of power in Norway. Nevertheless, security is not tight in a country unused to such violence and better known for awarding the Nobel Peace Prize and mediating in conflicts, including the Middle East and Sri Lanka.
Well being 16 myself, it hits a little closer to home than these kinds of things usually do. This man is just a sick human being.

I'm 15 so I feel you too. This stuff scares the bejesus out of me, sometimes I wish I lived in about 1950. No terrorists, no plane crashes to worry about, no AIDS/STDs, there's so much needless crap people do that we have to be mindful of. And imagine what it'll be like when we actually have to deal with it as adults.
I'm glad the Cold War sits so well with you!

I hope this vile creature gets a full tour of hell. He deserves execution without doubt.

I think it'd be much more fitting for him to rot in jail for the rest of his life. Execution is much less painful and much quicker.
I think it'd be much more fitting for him to rot in jail for the rest of his life. Execution is much less painful and much quicker.

Executions are much better at providing an example of what not to do.

If you let him rot in jail, he'll live a long life with free food, room, and will be able to pass his messages, and ideas to others, who may carry on with his violence. I'd prefer he be executed for his mass murder.
ATM they say a total of 91 dead.

Executions are much better at providing an example of what not to do.

If you let him rot in jail, he'll live a long life with free food, room, and will be able to pass his messages, and ideas to others, who may carry on with his violence. I'd prefer he be executed for his mass murder.

Norway don't use the death penalty, so that won't happen. The maximum sentence is 21 years. However, I believe there are loopholes in the justice system that allows for people to be kept in prison alot longer.
What a terrible tragedy.

My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the people injured and killed.
ATM they say a total of 91 dead.

Norway don't use the death penalty, so that won't happen. The maximum sentence is 21 years. However, I believe there are loopholes in the justice system that allows for people to be kept in prison alot longer.

If it is like in Portugal (25 years maximum) if he is declared mentally insane and/or a danger to be released into society, then he can effectively remain detained for the rest of his life.
The terror has reached Scandinavia. First the bombings in Stockholm, now this horrible massacre in Oslo, I don't know what's going on in the world anymore! Is Helsinki next?
The terror has reached Scandinavia. First the bombings in Stockholm, now this horrible massacre in Oslo, I don't know what's going on in the world anymore! Is Helsinki next?
I hope not. Norwegian police are now saying that they have the impression (from Internet sources) that the shooter is not a neonazi or right-wing extremist, but a Christian fundamentalist. :nervous:

source (Dutch)
Horrific. I think it will take a while for the killers motives to really become apparent.
If it is like in Portugal (25 years maximum) if he is declared mentally insane and/or a danger to be released into society, then he can effectively remain detained for the rest of his life.

I believe this will be the scenario in this case. He will most likely be considered as too dangerous to ever be released (I hope).

Edit: There are now witnesses from the shooting claiming it might have been a second shooter on the island!