Ok, time to let off some steam because these 'experts' don't know how to analyze baseball at all. First off, I in no way am trying to put down the Tigers my prediction is Giants in 7 but obviously it can go either way.
So all I hear is how the Tigers have this mighty offense that will blow away the Giants. The Giants were 12th in baseball with 718 runs and the Tigers were 11th with 126. That's playing most of the year without our best power hitter or he was injured and playing with limited bat speed, he is now 100% and on fire.
This reminded me back in 2010 when all I heard was 'the Rangers power bats are going to devour the Giants'. The Giants hit 162 HRs that year, the Rangers hit 162.
The Giants score there runs on hits, speed, patience and situational hitting. We led baseball in sacrifice flies. We don't strike out, we put the ball in play and make the defense work. This is where the Giants have an advantage, there defense sucks. Playoffs are all about defense, this is why the Giants are here. Its something this team takes really seriously, we have 5-6 guys that play GG quality D.
Verlander isn't unbeatable, before this year he had a 5-6 ERA over 8 starts. Now these past 3 starts hes unbeatable? Yes he is very very good, but the Giants are the type of team to beat him. They will jump on the first pitch and make the defense work, they aren't going sit back and wait and strike out. Unless he has control problems they are going to be aggressive.
Pablo is going to sit on the first ankle high curve and hit it far.