Massive Changes Coming to Gran Turismo 7 in Response to Fan Feedback

  • Thread starter R3V
I'm happy that a race payout will be worth a little more now. I'm looking forward to being able to buy more cars ad their tuning parts more frequently so I can play the offline custom races as I wish. Having to spend a race payout on tires for a car was a slow going process. I hope these increases also include the custom race options.

Happy that they're including endurance events too!
Why is this considered as "massive changes.". They are just starting to fix what they broke regarding the monetization at will in the first place .

Massive change is to get rid of this always online requirement on all single player events . Period. I don't need it. And you guys were unable to play the game for 2 days mainly because of that stupid feature. That and the incoming monetization change made you guys starting to complain.

Sony and Kaz are only giving you crumbles for now. This is not enough.

Wanna get rid of cheaters? Don't penalize everyone who is not a cheater. Ban them when they dare to enter the online multiplayer races. Do some checks there.
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"Dear Gran Turismo Community,

Thank you for your continued support and feedback on Gran Turismo 7, your voices have not gone unheard. I would like to apologize for the frustration and confusion caused last week with our patch updates which resulted in, not only a server outage but also adjustments to the in-game economy which were made without a clear explanation to our community.

We know that this is not the Gran Turismo experience you expect and we will be making a goodwill gesture in the form of a non-paid credit pack of 1 million Cr. available to those players who may have been affected*. You will see this hit your accounts shortly. Make sure you log into the game before April 25 to claim the credits."

1) An apology is welcome, and I accept it. However, further thoughts arise.
2) I wonder what exactly is meant by "confusion". Confusion about what? People didn't understand why the game wasn't working? The servers being down? The intent behind the update? It would be helpful either to skip the word or clarify what is intended, and thus avoiding any more "confusion".
3) The credits are appreciated, although the money people could've earned during the extended downtime would probably be closer to 15 million. But, sith happens so I'm just glad they gave players something.

"The patch update previously deployed was intended to rectify an issue with inconsistent reward payouts within a part of the World Circuit Events. But, to re-establish the intended equilibrium and provide more accurate rewards based on time investment and completion, it was necessary to recalculate the rewards system as a whole."

1) So this says that they believed that earning 3-4% (600.000-800.000 cr) of the most expensive cars (20.000.000 cr, that we know of) per hour is a reasonable time investment. Reasonable people could disagree about the exact percentage that would be reasonable. As someone who can afford to play more than 4 hours/day I'd settle for 5% per hour (1.000.000), but people who play less than that would probably find 10% (2.000.000) more reasonable. Although this could start to tie in with the car sales mentioned later in the post.
2) They speak of re-stablishing the intended equilibrium, here I smell the influence of MTX creeping in. Equilibrium = a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced. What it showed was that they thought that earning 1.8 million credits (9% of 20.000.000) per hour was too much, so we get the 3-4% per hour that they find reasonable, for now.

"To improve the player experience, we will be rolling out a considerable patch in the beginning of April. The number of events will be increased, and we will reestablish the reward system with greater balance throughout the game to benefit all players."

1) More races are welcome, thank you.
2) The update is going to arrive in the next couple of weeks, great! Again, thank you.
3) What exactly they mean by "reestablish the reward system", I don't know. Reverting to something that pays 1.500.000 or more per hour? Better rewards overall per hour? Similar rewards independent of the race type? Better rewards in the races/championships that don't exceed the current best payouts?

"Updates which will come into effect beginning of April:
  • Increase rewards in the events in the latter half of the World Circuits by approximately 100% on average.
  • Addition of high rewards for clearing the Circuit Experience in all Gold/All Bronze results.
  • Increase of rewards in Online Races.
  • Include a total of eight new one-hour Endurance Race events to Missions. These will also have higher reward settings.
  • Increase the upper limit of non-paid credits in player wallets from 20M Cr. to 100M Cr.
  • Increase the quantity of Used and Legend cars on offer at any given time."
1) World Circuit rewards doubled, great! Can't make the calculation of how many credits per hour that makes, but the increase is at least a move in the right direction. Thumbs up!
2) Increase in Circuit Experience rewards sounds good. However, will this be applicable for those who've already finished them? Will you be able to reset them?
3) Increase in Online Races sounds good too.
4) New Endurance Races? Noice! If they'll be worth racing more than once remains to be seen, but at the very least it'll give more variety.
5) A 5x larger wallet, wohoo! Now I won't feel like it's throwing money into the void if I keep racing without having anything interesting to buy.
6) More cars in UCD and LCD, awesome! But, how many more are there going to be? 3 UCD and 1 LCD, 9 UCD and 3 LCD, 21 UCD and 10 LCD? Guess we'll have to wait and see.

"Beyond this there will be a few additional patches deployed between now and the end of April which will add new cars and tracks and make some other fixes."

1) Great, glad to know there are more things coming so soon.

"Finally, we also want to take the opportunity to lay out some of the near-term updates we are working on. We can’t confirm an exact date or specifics yet, but will give advance notice via
  • Increase the payout value of limited time rewards as we develop as a live service.
  • Further World Circuit event additions.
  • Addition of Endurance Races to Missions including 24-hour races.
  • Addition of Online Time Trials and awarding of rewards according to the player’s difference with the top ranked time.
  • Make it so cars can be sold."
1) "Limited time rewards" and "live service". Well, let's hope for stable servers and that they don't try to ratchet up the FOMO.
2) More World Circuits, sweet.
3) Oooh, 24-hour races. Let's just hope they remember to enable us to save in the middle of a race.
4) Rewards for Online Time Trials, sounds like a good incentive.
5) Make it so cars can be sold. Finally! Thank you!
Where exactly did I say that? 🤨
That's how you act and how your personality is percieved to me. Just because you dont come right out and say something doesn't mean that it isn't implied. You could care less about the rally mode because you're not a fan of rally. So as far as you're concerned you don't care either way if they fix it, which is a pathetic attitude to have.

That'd be like someone saying "I'm rich so I don't care that overpriced MTX's and unreasonable grinds are in the game because it doesn't affect me and I can just pay my way out of it."

Complete disregard for other people's interests and what they like doesn't make the game better just because it does everything "you want" fine. Everyone has different wants and expectations. Downgrading the rally jump physics from previous games is obviously not a way to make people that previously enjoyed that mode happy.

This should be common sense.
Happy that a statement was released. Acknowledgment is the first step to improving this fiasco. The last 2yrs of GTS were great imo, so I'm hoping this installment will become the grand jewel in the series, as it was intended to be and continues to grow.
I'm pretty surprised at the speed of this response. I'll give PD credit for trying to get out in front of this mess. I honestly figured PD would go back into snail pace mode and wouldn't release anything until the summer. I'll be cautiously optimistic for now. I'll jump back into the game again once they implement some of these stated 'fixes' in April and see if it's worth it.
That's how you act and how your personality is percieved to me. Just because you dont come right out and say something doesn't mean that it isn't implied. You could care less about the rally mode because you're not a fan of rally. So as far as you're concerned you don't care either way if they fix it, which is a pathetic attitude to have.

That'd be like someone saying "I'm rich so I don't care that overpriced MTX's and unreasonable grinds are in the game because it doesn't affect me and I can just pay my way out of it."

Complete disregard for other people's interests and what they like doesn't make the game better just because it does everything "you want" fine. Everyone has different wants and expectations. Downgrading the rally jump physics from previous games is obviously not a way to make people that previously enjoyed that mode happy.

This should be common sense.
All I said was that I didn't care for rally in GT. How you figure thats me telling you that you can't enjoy it is beyond me. Maybe you should get some fresh air.
All I said was that I didn't care for rally in GT. How you figure thats me telling you that you can't enjoy it is beyond me. Maybe you should get some fresh air.
It's pretty hard to "enjoy" when the jump physics are abysmal compared to previous games. Being someone that's played alot of RBR and DR 2.0 I can tell you for a fact that they had it closer in the previous games. I'm actually outside enjoying the beautiful FL sunshine as we speak. It's obvious that I'm not getting through and you don't understand or care about other people's expectations for something to be atleast as good as it was in a previous game. Have a nice day.
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The credit ticket is a welcome gesture,regarding the updates,if this all pulls off it should make GT the enjoyable game it should`ve been,i`ll reserve judgement on selling cars for now.If i remember you could sell certain cars in GT sport but werent they for a verly low figure?Somebody chime in who still plays maybe?
Bigger payouts in the world circuits will make grinding,dare i say it,more pleasurable,to afford some of the more exotic cars.Im personally still not keen on the Hegarty pricing in the LCD but it is what it is.Fingers and toes crossed.
I think I'm cautiously optimistic. This is a better response than what I was expecting at this point, which might've been no response at all. :lol:

For those not concerned with obtaining all legendary cars, this sets GT7 on a decent path. But we'll also have to see how things look once the updates are rolled out.
I'll start my interim response by recommending the video from @Scaff above. Now, my 0.02 Cr., in point-by-point form, with the caveat that the devil is always in the details:
(W)e will be making a goodwill gesture in the form of a non-paid credit pack of 1 million Cr. available to those players who may have been affected.
That is nice. It lets me get my fourth invite car (from Peugeot, after winning the Porsche before getting the invite to buy and buying the two Aston Martins using the bulk of what I managed to earn burning through the cafe) without any additional effort. It also would appear to represent the upper limit of what PD considers "acceptable" grinding over 1-2 days (which, if it's 2 days, is pretty much what I can grind in the current game economy).
Updates which will come into effect beginning of April:
  • Increase rewards in the events in the latter half of the World Circuits by approximately 100% on average.
Somebody who remembers the pre-1.07 payouts will be in a better position to tell whether that represents just a return to the 1.05-1.06 levels or a modest improvement over them. I believe many, but not quite all, were nerfed by roughly 50%, which would make a 100% increase a wash.
Addition of high rewards for clearing the Circuit Experience in all Gold/All Bronze results.
I hope that includes making them retroactive for those of us who tried them. I'm disappointed that there will be no real prize for getting all Silver, as there was in previous titles.
Increase of rewards in Online Races.
This doesn't affect me...yet, but is a good thing to see. It might even get me to start trying online racing, especially if the increase is significant.
Include a total of eight new one-hour Endurance Race events to Missions. These will also have higher reward settings.
Why missions, where there's no pay for finishing outside the bronze tier, and only differential pay for improving upon the previous best tier?
Increase the upper limit of non-paid credits in player wallets from 20M Cr. to 100M Cr.
Good news/bad news. There's less of a spend-it-or-lose-it mechanic, but I'm expecting more expensive cars in the Legendary dealership.
Increase the quantity of Used and Legend cars on offer at any given time.
Given we're almost a month in, and barely halfway through the rotations, welcome news.
Increase the payout value of limited time rewards as we develop as a live service. (note; this is the start of the "coming soon" series)
Welcome news, the level of which is dependent on the amount of increase.
Further World Circuit event additions.
In theory, good, but if the payouts don't improve upon the soon-to-be-unnerfed events, what's the point?
Addition of Endurance Races to Missions including 24-hour races.
See the above point on the April 1-hour endurance races.
Addition of Online Time Trials and awarding of rewards according to the player’s difference with the top ranked time.
In theory, good, but what will the scaling look like?
Make it so cars can be sold.
Another devil-in-the-details item. How will the value be set? Will mileage and wear be factors? What about modifications (especially since we currently can't pull parts off of one car and put them on an identical car in our garages)?

Further, if the only ways to get a car once the menu books are done continue to be buy one or get real lucky on the roulette wheel, what's the point, especially if it's going to be a credit-losing proposition?

I would be at least somewhat remiss if I didn't address some what wasn't specifically addressed:

  • The AI being the same as it's been since the beginning, both in driving style and inability to change anything more than power levels and tire selection (and perhaps downforce given by the Clubman races, they do mount wings)
  • The lack of standing starts/qualifying for at least championships
  • The one-and-done nature of gift cars (especially annoying in championships where there are 3 possibilities on that roulette wheel)
  • The roulette wheel acting like a penny slot machine
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I think I'm cautiously optimistic. This is a better response than what I was expecting at this point, which might've been no response at all. :lol:

For those not concerned with obtaining all legendary cars, this sets GT7 on a decent path. But we'll also have to see how things look once the updates are rolled out.
I'm basically right here with you on that sentiment. However I don't think they were given much choice once angry consumers rightfully smashed their rating on meta to below EA levels. Setting a precedent like that forces a company to either act or eventually get obliterated financially and morally.

It just makes me happy that i can say Kazunori still cares and is atleast taking notice of his criticisms. (Because much like you I was worried they had truly been lost to the dark side forever)

Addressing payouts is good and should hopefully bring them back to atleast what they were before with the addition of more events to grind so it's not as boring.

The only thing that worries me is that the endurance races are going to missions. I don't think that's right or fair since missions currently only pay out once for a gold. (Unless they change that just for the endurance races)

The cap being raised to 100M also worries me unless some of the rewards are extremely huge. (Like over 5 - 10+ mil at a time huge) because I already know with their Hagerty contract this is the reason it's really happening. Hagerty is going to force them to price cars like the 250 GTO at well over 20 M which still angers me.

The Hagerty partnership was ridiculously pointless, annoying and arrogant imho. Hagerty has absolutely nothing to do with the game besides putting their name on it, yet it forces the cars to be "realistically" priced in a world that supposed to be an escape from reality.

Some of the payouts are going to have to be insanely massive like I said to make it feasible. Either that or they need to bring back 250% Logon bonuses ASAP. That was always a great compromise imo. Play the game alot? Get rewarded alot.
Good. Would it have been so hard to provide a reasonable explanation or timeline of this at the game's launch? Would this have been announced so quickly if not for the hysterical response to the last patch? Who knows. At least I can save the Circuit Experiences for the time being, they were up next.
When will they fix the online problems?

Noted issues with online experience:

Cannot save lobby settings
Cannot change lobby settings once lobby has been launched
Cannot boot players from lobbies
Very hard to launch a race (says player still initializing)
No miles accumulated for free roam

Sport ended up being miles ahead of this current experience, but I remember Sport had a host of issues and concerns when it first came out too. Here's to hoping these issues are all addressed.
They can't have been listening that hard. Still no word for sorting out online lobbies and this would seem to confirm nothing is happening on this until after the end of April! Do PD think that the lobby system is acceptable or something?