Massive Changes Coming to Gran Turismo 7 in Response to Fan Feedback

  • Thread starter R3V
That's great and all, but when are they going to give us all cars within 2 weeks. :D
Never said I'd be giving them a 10/10, lol.

When the update drops if it has filled in the IB/IA/S races and the payouts are fair, I'll change my 2/10 to maybe a 7.5 possibly 8.5/10 if they've fixed the PP system and tweaked the rwd physics that cause such unrealistic snap over-steer. They're not getting anything above an 8.5 from me no matter what they do as long as the game remains always online.

But hey, a 7.5-8.5 is a LOT better than a 2!
Complaints haven’t gone unnoticed, which is good, but I still feel the changes won’t make a big difference. Here’s why:

PS Blog
  • Increase rewards in the events in the latter half of the World Circuits by approximately 100% on average.
Why only the latter half? There are also events in the former half deserving more replay value. Better than nothing I suppose, but just increase payouts for all events for god’s sake.

What does “half” even mean in the context of World Circuits? It’s not like the events are divided, so it’s strange wording on their part.

PS Blog
  • Addition of high rewards for clearing the Circuit Experience in all Gold/All Bronze results.

Will this affect sections/circuits already cleared? Also, hardly a long-term solution as these are one-time payouts.

PS Blog
  • Include a total of eight new one-hour Endurance Race events to Missions. These will also have higher reward settings.
Why in Missions? These also reward a gold result only once, and there’s no indication of this changing.

PS Blog
  • Increase the upper limit of non-paid credits in player wallets from 20M Cr. to 100M Cr.
I smell legendary listings priced higher than 20,000,000 cr. incoming…

PS Blog
  • Make it so cars can be sold.

Suddenly I regret discarding a duplicate Gr. 3 car the other day. Better late than never though.

Like I’ve been saying over the last few days. The bad in-game economy will become less annoying with more events getting added over time. More variety meaning less incentives to grind the same few specific events. The changes mentioned in the blog come across more like another attempt at damage control than something actually fixing the economy for the long term. Yes, duplicating payouts on certain events will make a difference, but in the grander scheme of GT7 it’s honestly a small change, especially because the economy already was hostile before the recently nerfed payouts.

Finally, payouts in Custom Events won’t be addressed? That’s a go-to feature for many, but the current payouts are horrible.
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I hope this stops some of the haters from piling on this game. GT Sport had so many monthly content updates, anyone who expected GT7 to be different is delusional. The game hasn't even been out for a month yet. I guess salty "gamers" have infiltrated this series as well. I will happily take 1m bonus credits and continue racing and enjoying the game.
inconsistent force feedback e.g. on nordschleife where half of track provides ff most parts weirdly dont. curbs etc very weirdly done. car jumps and inbalances but still no feedback.

spinning out every corner when traction control is 0 sucks as well. How is Accetto Corsa able to handle it so well when PD with all the resources can't come anywhere near.
What wheel are you using? I can’t say I’ve noticed the FFB dropping out at Nurbs. And I’ve been playing with TC& ABS off most of the time. It’s a little twitchy yeah but not all that bad.

PS4 pro (1080p) - T-GT2
This flip flopping around, combined with bugs that all recent GT games have been launched with just reinforces my opinion that I am better off waiting until:

a. this mess re credits has been sorted out
b. The major bugs have been ironed out
c. the price for the game has dropped to a more reasonable level

Everyone who already owns the game is my game tester! 😜

I look forward to buying the game with these problems sorted out in a couple of months time.
Same here, maybe May or June. GT releases always have these kind of issues.
Complaints haven’t gone unnoticed, which is good, but I still feel the changes won’t make a big difference. Here’s why:

My same worries. They're just bringing some events' payouts on the level of other events (I assume they're talking about the late game 700-800pp Championships, which are not worth grinding). They are also talking about average, so could be more or even less.
We're not getting Fisherman pre-nerf back, that's for sure lol
I like Elon Musk but I just really despise electric cars. Get em out of gran turismo (never gonna happen)
As an employee of an American OEM since before when Gran Turismo originally was released and as a third generation autoworker, I appreciate car culture. I love that GT tries to be a console encyclopedia of cars.

I don't enjoy electric cars, IRL or in game, but I respect them. We appreciate the history of cars while playing. Why not the future of cars?

GT is served ala carte - many dishes are offered, partake only of those which please your palate. I'll not dictate to the chef to not serve green beans because I prefer peas.
A welcome update, finally. The ability to sell cars is so needed. They need to adjust the price of the legendary cars too because the amount of time it takes to grind credits, and the cost of them using real life money is scandalous.

I also hope that the new content/races, especially in single player/career mode are actual proper races, with qualifying, grid starts etc. I'm totally fed up of 90+% of this game in single player form is the rolling start 'hare chasing the tortoise' malarky with the leader half way round the lap before you even start the race. The opponents are far too spread out and it just isn't close competitive racing. It's boring. And it's every single race nearly.

This is a racing game. Let us race properly. The 'race weekends' on Project Cars 2 was a good idea. Something like that would be nice.
Complaints haven’t gone unnoticed, which is good, but I still feel the changes won’t make a big difference. Here’s why:

Why only the latter half? There are also events in the former half deserving more replay value. Better than nothing I suppose, but just increase payouts for all events for god’s sake.

What does “half” even mean in the context of Word Circuits? It’s not like the events are divided, so it’s strange wording on their part.

Will this affect sections/circuits already cleared? Also, hardly a long-term solution as these are one-time payouts.

Why in Missions? These also reward a gold result only once, and there’s no indication of this changing.

I smell legendary listings priced higher than 20,000,000 cr. incoming…

Suddenly I regret discarding a duplicate Gr. 3 car the other day. Better late than never though.

Like I’ve been saying over the last few days. The bad in-game economy will become less annoying with more events getting added over time. More variety meaning less incentives to grind the same few specific events. The changes mentioned in the blog come across more like another attempt at damage control than something actually fixing the economy for the long term. Yes, duplicating payouts on certain events will make a difference, but in the grander scheme of GT7 it’s honestly a small change, especially because the economy already was hostile before the recently nerfed payouts.

Finally, payouts in Custom Events won’t be addressed? That’s a go-to feature for many, but the current payouts are horrible.
Still some people defend even old economy. It's rather unbelievable how people perceive world differently. It was a scam but they were happy. Maybe they expect nothing for $100. :D
I personally love EVs in driving games. The instant throttle response and amazing torque is a lot of fun, plus they give an extra tuning challenge in having to compensate for their increased weight. It's like a whole new arena of tuning has opened up and I'm very much here for it.
Their performance is nice, sure, but the eerie silence is very off-putting, especially the all EV races we had in GT Sport. Those were just... weird. I hate the idea of piping fake engine sounds into a car like we've seen from many hybrid super cars lately, but in the case of EV's I think it'd be by far the best implementation of the concept. Obviously able to be turned on/off by the driver as they choose, and even doing that I could see where it would put certain people off, but to me it would be better than total silence.
This guy sums up my thoughts pretty much spot on. Will become a pretty good GT7 channel as well I think. I didn’t watch his other sim racing videos but for GT7 he’s already my favorite channel.

I've been following his channel for a few weeks. One of the better Gran Turismo content creators. Check out his License Test guides.
I was surpsied to see the blog this morning when I was getting ready for work. I hope we are able to sell gift cars. Glad they are raising the cap to 100 mil. Hopefully they will make some adjustments to roulette tickets as well. After to wait see what happens in April
You meant it just like your Destiny 2 defense was serious. But I had a good laugh. Thanks!
Wasn't a defence, just called you out on incorrect/false BS with zero credible sources to back it up other than "my opinion is better than yours" (which is against the AUP btw, along with repeatedly singling out and attacking other users) and you got salty because you got ratio'd multiple times, but hey, if you like Warframe there's nothing wrong with that - many others do, it's just not my thing, like how I like D2 and D2 is just not your thing.

Some people like ketchup, others like mustard, other like mayonnaise, and you're clearly someone who'll like one of those three and take extreme offence to other people liking the other two instead, then fight tooth and nail on a petty basis to point out why they're "wrong" for not having the exact same preference as you.
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It’s kind of unnerving that GT7 received high praise from everyone that reviewed it, yet the game has so many issues. Game reviews are definitely going to be taken with a grain of salt going forward.
Not really, the main reason was that it was a return to a "typical GT" whilst also being different than other titles.

As the saying goes, "how can I miss you when you won't leave?"
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Not really, the main reason was that it was a return to a "typical GT" whilst also being different than other titles.

As the saying goes, "how can I miss you when you won't leave?"
LOL, GT without career? What kind of GT is it? Oh, I know, it's GTS2, right? Oh, that's not it... what it is then? MTX hell!
It’s kind of unnerving that GT7 received high praise from everyone that reviewed it, yet the game has so many issues. Game reviews are definitely going to be taken with a grain of salt going forward.
Games "journalism" has been a laughing stock for a decade, well most of it.

GT7 is one instance where I will defend them though. This game seemed like it was purpose-built to impress reviewers. If you partake in everything there's about 30hr of content, and that's probably close to where most reviewers play to test a game.

I was having a blast for the first three days and thought this was one of the best GT's ever made. But when the content runs out the game hits a brick wall. The way they ditched the old style of having each license-tier have a menu full of races, replacing it with the "cafe" seemed designed to fool people by not allowing them to see how much content was there on Day 1. Had the old system been in place we would have known immediately that IB/IA/S races were absent.

Just wish PD had worked as hard on the game as they did in hiding the LACK of a game; probably would have shipped complete had they ditched the diversionary tactics and put that effort into adding the basic career mode from every other numbered GT entry.
Good news! At least showing that they listen. As much as there are elements of realism the game strives for. They have to be careful not to think we all go to work (in real life) for fun so we can afford what we would like to buy.

As a game the focus should be on making it much easier for anyone to own anything. So that we can all focus on the driving experiences and comparison of the little differences in all the cars in the industry.

That is a mini game of its own but if we have to grind for days just to buy one car or a few cars then the whole fantasy and enjoyment falls apart real fast.
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Their performance is nice, sure, but the eerie silence is very off-putting, especially the all EV races we had in GT Sport. Those were just... weird. I hate the idea of piping fake engine sounds into a car like we've seen from many hybrid super cars lately, but in the case of EV's I think it'd be by far the best implementation of the concept. Obviously able to be turned on/off by the driver as they choose, and even doing that I could see where it would put certain people off, but to me it would be better than total silence.
Silence is underrated, imo.

Have you missed the past two weeks? It's incredibly clear the game's economy was designed around pushing people towards them if they want to get anywhere. And as far as I'm concerned, they still believe they can wring some more blood out of that stone as long as they continue to be present within the game.
Well obviously. I'm not saying the economy as it stands now isn't designed to do that. I'm saying that if the economy is redone so that people are not pushed towards them as the only way of earning actual income quickly, then that is a good thing.
I'm not a rally fan so I don't really care to be honest.
So just because you're not a rally fan means nobody else is or should be? Sound logic. Personally rally to me is one of the coolest and most epic motorsports to exist which makes the treatment it's got in GT7 downright cruel. The rally physics were legitimately better in the older games with how cars handled jumps. The fact that 7 is a step back in that regard is downright unacceptable.

I love the game as well but you should still be honest with it's shortcomings.

Either way I'm happy to see this positive news and hope they continue to do the right thing.
This is a step in the right direction and an overall positive response to the community's original complaints with the game.
I'm cautiously optimistic on this.
Silence is underrated, imo.
Silence is great when I want to read, practice my instruments, meditate, etc. Driving should be about the experience. The "feel" of the clutch/steering feedback/throttle response. Processing the visual overload as the road/track comes at you faster and faster. Just as important is the sound the car is giving you for feedback. You don't need a tach to know when to shift, the car is giving you audio indicators. Taking the sound out of racing is like taking the visual aspects out of eating: I don't care how good a meal tastes if it looks like the chef vomited on a platter. We use all of our senses to experience activities to their fullest, so when we lose one of the most important (sound) it is quite jarring to most people.

Plus the lack of sound with EV's is kind of the poster child of the auto-makers' trend of taking the driving experience away from the driver. It may not be the biggest culprit by any means, but it sticks out like a sore thumb to those that want a 6-speed manual, rear wheel drive, that gives you full control of the vehicle. Hence why 90's JDM cars are becoming more expensive than a new Porsche.

I appreciate EV's being in GT in the same way I appreciate hot-hatches being in GT. They aren't my cup of tea but this franchise has always been about providing a little slice of the entire automotive world, and EV's are a part of that brave new world, whether I like them or not.
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