Megaton GT5 leak. Weather, stunt arenas, go-karting, and track editor! [unconfirmed]

  • Thread starter paskowitz
Because it sounds too good to be true. It also sounds like maybe bad translation. It also sounds like they put GRAN TURISMO 5 when they should've written ModNation Racers.

Does Modnation racers have weather? (just asking cause I don't know).
"What can we look forward to when Gran Turismo 5 releases on PlayStation 3?
Gran Turismo 5 will offer gamers an experience more rich, more in-depth and more exciting than they might expect - even from a series as closely identified with innovation and invention as Gran Turismo. Not only will Gran Turismo 5 deliver an even more comprehensive set of cars and courses than gamers saw with previous iterations, it will also feature new game-enhacing graphical effects such as damage, night racing and weather.

These innovations are twinned with the option to join millions of like-minded individuals globally within the Gran Turismo community and to find a driving experience to suit, whether that is taking on the Top Gear test track, chucking cars around stunt arenas, go-karting, creating and sharing your own track or intense head-to-head races. Who, where and what to drive is completely down to the individual.

This time around Gran Turismo is likely not just to be the definitive driving experience but a definitive gaming experience full stop."
Sorry if this had been posted (I've looked through a few pages of the thread but wasn't going to go through all of them) doesn't this confirm we will have more individual tracks / courses / locations (whatever the term is for the day) than in GT4, meaning that the whole 20 tracks thing will be wrong?
Sorry if this had been posted (I've looked through a few pages of the thread but wasn't going to go through all of them) doesn't this confirm we will have more individual tracks / courses / locations (whatever the term is for the day) than in GT4, meaning that the whole 20 tracks thing will be wrong?

Hadn't actually noticed this must have over looked it and just read about the track creator bit. Maybe we can expect more tracks than PD have quoted.
I believed all of this at first as much as I believed that F1 would return to the United States in my home state of Texas. I must say... most, if not all, news bits here just made our smiles a little wider. The only thing I'm questionable of is that of stunt arenas. I mean, are we talking about (for lack of a better term) Saturday night at the short track? If that stunt arena thing is true, I wonder what that is going to entail.
With the TopGear track, who knows what kind of stunts we're going to get, maybe we'll get some help from TopGear Stuntman. :sly:

Rain just won't have the same effect when I can't see the water on my windscreen with the wipers working furiously from cockpit view on 800 of my cars.
To the negative people who are against a livery editor due to people putting penises on their cars.

Will you drive on a giant penis shaped track?
I remember reading an article yesterday that mentioned over 1000 cars and karts, but I didn't know what to make of it.
Guess it makes sense now.
Sorry if this had been posted (I've looked through a few pages of the thread but wasn't going to go through all of them) doesn't this confirm we will have more individual tracks / courses / locations (whatever the term is for the day) than in GT4, meaning that the whole 20 tracks thing will be wrong?

Hmmmm, it seems you are seriously outdated. It is confirmed already that there will be more then 40 tracks with more then 100 layouts...:)
Well, even though I have my doubts, a track editor limited to go-kart track design (or gymkhana style stuff - big flat surface with some cones and obstacles) should be fairly (~) reasonable to develop for the game.

Anything beyond that sounds very implausible to me.

I find it hard to disagree, it's great that this is a confirmed feature in GT5. Now it will be interesting how much room we have to play with. Regardless, if you can save them and share them with your mates then it's a great boost for the online side of things 👍
Sorry if this had been posted (I've looked through a few pages of the thread but wasn't going to go through all of them) doesn't this confirm we will have more individual tracks / courses / locations (whatever the term is for the day) than in GT4, meaning that the whole 20 tracks thing will be wrong?

Click on Guides at the top of the screen to see the tracks in each version.

The first game of a generation has less tracks (and cars) than the second game in that generation so it should not surprise anyone if there are less tracks in GT5 than in GT4.

It's been 20 track locations and 70 track variations for a long time. I find it suspicious that the track locations have suddenly doubled to 40 with 100 track variations.
If we get body kits and livery editor I'm just worried we're gonna see so many cars online "riced up" like something out of fast and furious. I hate seeing a beautiful car being ruined by a big fat ugly body kit and a spoiler that could reach the moon and ridiculously over sized shiny chrome rims. *shivers* I can understand racing body kits or very subtle ones.
I will make a track which difficulty wise will be quite hard car setup wise as well as driver skill and i wont use stupid jumps it will be quite technical but with 2 long straights followed by hairpins one of which with a wide track to encourage overtaking the second with walls by the edge of the track to try and force mistakes.
no one will be making any tracks, You'll only be able to edit the way tracks go.

there certainly will not be the ability to create tracks from scratch!
I call BS on this thread. Anyone that believes anything other than OFFICIAL Sony/PD info is gullible.

Did you bother checking the source?

It would certainly seem not, given that the interview in question was with the president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, and featured on the Playstation website for the EU/UK.

Exactly how much more official Sony do you want? It is after all a member of the Sony board being interviewed on a Sony website?

Strikes me someone forgot to actually read what they were commenting on.

And you know this how?
He doesn't and posting opinion as fact (as he has done) is never a smart move at all, repeated occurrences of it have seen more than one member banned.

Did you bother checking the source?

It would certainly seem not, given that the interview in question was with the president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, and featured on the Playstation website for the EU/UK.

Exactly how much more official Sony do you want? It is after all a member of the Sony board being interviewed on a Sony website?

Strikes me someone forgot to actually read what they were commenting on.

He doesn't and posting opinion as fact (as he has done) is never a smart move at all, repeated occurrences of it have seen more than one member banned.


I'm a quality control/tester for a small unreleased racing title (which unfortunately looks likes its going to be swallowed up by GT5) and see what goes into making tracks from scratch. I VERY highly doubt there will be a tool in which you can create tracks from scratch with Polyphony detail and precise measurements in the game.

Quite simply the target audience for the game requires them to make a editor that is quick and easy to use even for computer illiterate people.

Dont forget the PS3 Hardware, In the PC world often tracks are made that have too much detail and the PC Hardware cant cope with it. Coupling the average GT5 playing person who has no idea about track building or performance optimization to a PS3 based editor is just going to create too many headaches.

Now you can keep believing you'll be creating Spa/Bathurst/Yas Marina... but do the math, and you'll quickly figure out it isn't going to happen! (I am however happy to be proven wrong).
I doubt very highly that any kind of track editor more intricate than a go-kart track creator will be in GT5, mainly becuase 99% of the people that buy this game will have no clue on how to make a track and hate the game for it, regardless of how we lonely few may salivate over such an inclusion in the game. If only it was 2001 again and the mainstream public didn't give a **** about games, then we might have seen something like this, but it's their money that counts, not ours.
I'm a quality control/tester for a small unreleased racing title (which unfortunately looks likes its going to be swallowed up by GT5)

Now you can keep believing you'll be creating Spa/Bathurst/Yas Marina... but do the math, and you'll quickly figure out it isn't going to happen! (I am however happy to be proven wrong).
The game your testing isn't Forza 4 is it.:sly: Sorry couldn't resist.

I quiet agree with your comments and feel anyone who believes they will be creating Spa are deluding themselves. I agree with the other comments that the track editor will be very basic and more likely suited to go-karting.

Personally im not bothered about a track editor because there is no way on this earth could I create a track of similiar quality to what is already in the game.
The game your testing isn't Forza 4 is it.:sly: Sorry couldn't resist.

I quiet agree with your comments and feel anyone who believes they will be creating Spa are deluding themselves. I agree with the other comments that the track editor will be very basic and more likely suited to go-karting.

Personally im not bothered about a track editor because there is no way on this earth could I create a track of similiar quality to what is already in the game.

Hahah, nah mate not anything that big, Would love if it would gain that much attention though.
I doubt very highly that any kind of track editor more intricate than a go-kart track creator will be in GT5, mainly becuase 99% of the people that buy this game will have no clue on how to make a track and hate the game for it, regardless of how we lonely few may salivate over such an inclusion in the game. If only it was 2001 again and the mainstream public didn't give a **** about games, then we might have seen something like this, but it's their money that counts, not ours.

99% of the people who bought GT4 had no clue on how to take a proper photo, yet Photo Mode became incredibly popular. 99.9% of people who buy Gran Turismo titles have no real clue how to tune and set-up a car, yet it continues to be one of Gran Turismo's defining features.