Megaton GT5 leak. Weather, stunt arenas, go-karting, and track editor! [unconfirmed]

  • Thread starter paskowitz
Would it really be that difficult to have a ModNation Racer track editor that produced realistic graphics rather than cartoon graphics on GT5?
I'm a quality control/tester for a small unreleased racing title (which unfortunately looks likes its going to be swallowed up by GT5) and see what goes into making tracks from scratch. I VERY highly doubt there will be a tool in which you can create tracks from scratch with Polyphony detail and precise measurements in the game.

Quite simply the target audience for the game requires them to make a editor that is quick and easy to use even for computer illiterate people.

Dont forget the PS3 Hardware, In the PC world often tracks are made that have too much detail and the PC Hardware cant cope with it. Coupling the average GT5 playing person who has no idea about track building or performance optimization to a PS3 based editor is just going to create too many headaches.

Now you can keep believing you'll be creating Spa/Bathurst/Yas Marina... but do the math, and you'll quickly figure out it isn't going to happen! (I am however happy to be proven wrong).

Which part of the above allows you to state as a fact (which you did) the exact scale and/or functionality of any track editor in GT5?

The simple answer is none, I also note that you are now posting in the manner which you should have used originally, which is that of informed option.

It is also rather clear that I stated no belief either way, so would appreciate it if you did not attempt to put words in my mouth.

Simply put unless you can back it up with a credible source (and in this case that would be PD/Sony) then you can't state this as a fact at all.

While of differing scales a number of games have allowed you to create tracks from scratch, take Modnation Racers as an example or even as far back as the original Playstation and V-Rally 2, both of which allow you to create tracks from scratch.

So, as I said, please keep it to informed opinion and don't state it as a fact.

I'm a quality control/tester for a small unreleased racing title (which unfortunately looks likes its going to be swallowed up by GT5) and see what goes into making tracks from scratch. I VERY highly doubt there will be a tool in which you can create tracks from scratch with Polyphony detail and precise measurements in the game.

Quite simply the target audience for the game requires them to make a editor that is quick and easy to use even for computer illiterate people.

Dont forget the PS3 Hardware, In the PC world often tracks are made that have too much detail and the PC Hardware cant cope with it. Coupling the average GT5 playing person who has no idea about track building or performance optimization to a PS3 based editor is just going to create too many headaches.

Now you can keep believing you'll be creating Spa/Bathurst/Yas Marina... but do the math, and you'll quickly figure out it isn't going to happen! (I am however happy to be proven wrong).

I heve been a software programmer since 1994 and I also have been covering other roles related to software integration in a worldwide company.
This is my opinion.

I think that realizing a precise copy of the SPA track (as example) may be really hard for two reasons:
1) We have quite acceptable measurements from google maps or other sources regarding the 2D map but we don't have height measurements (i.e. slopes)
2) Creating all the environment (paddocks etc..) may be also difficult if not impossible because I don't think the editor will allow you to create any building you want.

Said that, I think that a track editor is definitely possible. It will have limitations but an editable track with a library of standard predefined objects (trees ,bulding and so on) is something they can provide.
They had a meeting in Germany with Mercedes Benz in which 3 disks are shown. Maybe one of them is for the track editor (if it is I wonder about the third disk..).
If a track editor is available is a lovely thing in my opinion. Especially if draft version of the customized track can be created and people can work on different environment parts of it. 4-5 people could create a wonderful track in a reasonable time.
why the title of this topic is marked as UNCONFIRMED still???
Because there's been no official word from Polyphony.

And if there has been, the moderator or the person who created the thread hasn't gottena round to changing the title just yet.
I think an extensive and user-friendly track editor isn't too unlikely. I still remember playing Moto Racer 2 way back when (just checked, released in 1998), and it had an editor that allowed you to create a track with a lot of freedom. You could freely shape corners and elevation changes, simply by dragging a lot of stuff around. In no time you could create a track of any shape or form you wanted.

Here is the editor:


Which would translate into something like this (it's not the corresponding track, just an example):


I could do that in 1998 on the PC (also existed on the Playstation). I think a decent editor is definately a possibility. Biggest issue is trackside detail, but a few basic tools to add some pre-fabricated buildings and trees should do the trick. You wouldn't be able to create any memorable looking tracks, but at least you'd be able to create any layout you like.
Which part of the above allows you to state as a fact (which you did) the exact scale and/or functionality of any track editor in GT5?

The simple answer is none, I also note that you are now posting in the manner which you should have used originally, which is that of informed option.

It is also rather clear that I stated no belief either way, so would appreciate it if you did not attempt to put words in my mouth.

ply put unless you can back it up with a credible source (and in this case tSimhat would be PD/Sony) then you can't state this as a fact at all.

While of differing scales a number of games have allowed you to create tracks from scratch, take Modnation Racers as an example or even as far back as the original Playstation and V-Rally 2, both of which allow you to create tracks from scratch.

So, as I said, please keep it to informed opinion and don't state it as a fact.


Sorry I didn't mean you said those things just some things other people had said as I Glazed over the thread. Hence references to Spa and Yas Marina. Gets on my nerves a little that people can be so naive but I guess thats the internet for you.

I understand that games have let you create tracks from scratch before. But doing it withing the scope of PD, high level of accuracy and detail is just not possible with a simple track creator.

I guess it is possible to create simple made up tracks from scratch, but recreation of real tracks accurately is not possible.
You wouldn't be able to create any memorable looking tracks, but at least you'd be able to create any layout you like.

And that's more than good enough I think. As long as we can layout the track as we like, do the details really matter? If we can just layout a track like Spa or Ebisu, as long as the actual driving part is right, it doesn't matter if the environment doesn't match, you will still know the track by its turns and elevations etc...
its a karting simulator. but it will feature Australian tracks!

I think I know the game. I came across it looking for a kart simulator a while ago. It's been in development for a few years now yeah? Is it coming out anytime soon?
If we can make a track from scratch, but they're only simple tracks, it couldn't be that hard to re-create the ol' Paper Clip, QLD Raceway.:lol::dopey:
I think I know the game. I came across it looking for a kart simulator a while ago. It's been in development for a few years now yeah? Is it coming out anytime soon?

I'm not privy to all the information in my position but my latest estimates would put a launch a few months of so after the demo is released. Which will probably put it close to GT5 release. I'm fairly certain they want it to be released before GT5.
Okay so the correct data for elevation and stuff is going to make it impossible for track-editor users to recreate real world tracks to the same accuracy as PD..

I'd be interested to see more comments from those amongst us who know about game development and programming. I think for this to be a hit, we'd need be able to make equivalents of tracks like Complex String, at the least (ideally much more interesting :lol:) But, I don't see why not?

I can see it in my head, but have no idea whether it's realistic or not: I imagine something like this:

Start with a map 5 miles square. You choose a terrain type, eg. "grassy" or "dusty" or w/e. Then you have a tool that lets you change elevation of that terrain. You lay a basic length of road over your terrain and then pull and bend and warp the road, add some tools to mess with it a bit more - create bumps or sections of different surface/texture, pinch it or add some banking. Throw in a library of prefab trees, barriers, tire walls, curbs, sandpits, a handfull of generic buildings and voila.

That would make the track editor a very powerful tool. Now, whether something like that is possible, I have no idea...
If the track editor was just something like that old game "Stunts" aka "4d Sports Driving" I would be in heaven. It was so easy to build a track and tweak it to just the way you liked.
I'm pondering on buying Modnation Racers just because of the track editor, even though I don't like that kind of racing game....too arcade with all those weapons....not my style. But that track editor is something that I would like to try.
I always wondered why there aren't many games with track editors like that game, is it because of the graphics nowadays?
Rfactor is other game I love just because of the sheer number of tracks available.
Aside from the track editor, the way those "created tracks" will be available to main public is also very important, it should be easy to research tracks and install them to the game, when you join an online session and there's a new track it should be able to quickly download to everybody who hasn't it.
I could spend the rest of the afternoon just writing about this...but I don't want to bother the other users with such a big post :)
Stunt arenas are more then likely just parking lot type areas where when can lay poylons down (similar to Coffee Breaks). I find it hard to believe that we will be jumping buses.
To the negative people who are against a livery editor due to people putting penises on their cars.

Will you drive on a giant penis shaped track?

Yes. And I'll be the one making it (j/k).
If the track editor was just something like that old game "Stunts" aka "4d Sports Driving" I would be in heaven...

Sorry for off-topic but man that game is one of the first driving games i have, i really loved and it soo fun!!!!! that game have an Audio Quattro!!! and with cockpit view!!!

Start with a map 5 miles square. You choose a terrain type, eg. "grassy" or "dusty" or w/e. Then you have a tool that lets you change elevation of that terrain. You lay a basic length of road over your terrain and then pull and bend and warp the road, add some tools to mess with it a bit more - create bumps or sections of different surface/texture, pinch it or add some banking. Throw in a library of prefab trees, barriers, tire walls, curbs, sandpits, a handfull of generic buildings and voila.

That would make the track editor a very powerful tool. Now, whether something like that is possible, I have no idea...
Yes, as a matter of fact ModNation Racers has exactly what you describe (check youtube for some vids that demo it). It even allows you to auto-populate a created track with stuff. :)

EDIT: added YT link.

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Nearly fell out of bed when I read this news last night, although still unconfirmed and not direct from the source so to speak it would make a lot of sense.

Just thinking out loud but this could explain the mystery 'third disk' in the box set assuming one was the game, the second not being a disk at all but the 300 page book and then another disk solely for the track editor. This unfortunatley throws out yet another question, will this be a collectors edition only item or will the non collectors edition be a two disk game/track editor version, maybe a third option would merely be the game without a track editor at all... Who knows? (Silly question, we all know who knows and they're not telling yet).

The editor being on a seperate disk would make sense IMHO, I can't see Kaz/PD with their exacting standards just bolting on a parking lot and a handful of cones for us to play with? Even on a disk of it's own I can't see it being a fully blown CAD style track recreator, it would be far too overcomplicated and the 'average' gamer would hate it for that reason alone but a reasonably simple landscape creation tool, track layout, tweak the tracks surface type, elevation changes, camber etc, add to that a library of generic trackside furniture et voila, track created. Granted we'll end up with a massive amount of useless, undriveable tat (did someone mention LBP? :)) but I'm sure they'll be a few of us out there that will create some legendary tracks, real and fictional, the possibilities could be endless... All thoughts pulled from my little skull anyway, still unconfirmed of course. ;)

I hope they mean the inclusion of dynamic weather rather than the odd wet version of a curcuit such as we've had in the past, personally I only ever used them out of necessity to get the game completion stat up. Proper weather conditions changing mid race and screwing with your strategy, as long as it's done properly, I don't want a rain shower every five minutes, assuming your PS3's plugged into the internetz (a complete waste if it's not tbh) maybe it could be linked to the calendar and the likelyhood of wet conditions in the region your racing, or have something similar to EA Tiger Woods 2010, I'm sure there's an option to play the course with whatever the weather conditions are at the time you are playing it, obviously a bit of a problem with the fictional courses but not something they couldn't get around somehow, possibly drop the fictional courses somewhere on the atlas and match them that way?

And karting too, wow, as many have already said, karting is the place that so many race drivers learn and hone their skills these days it makes perfect sense to include it, even if it is only on a few licence tests.

Will be keeping a close eye on the news page for any Gamescom/TGS news as their respective dates come and go, I'm pretty sure Kaz/PD will be doing the rounds and making further announcments to clear this up or confuse us even more, some screen shots and/or videos of these newly unconfirmed additions would be much appreciated please Kazunori san.
Yes, as a matter of fact ModNation Racers has exactly what you describe (check youtube for some vids that demo it). It even allows you to auto-populate a created track with stuff. :)

EDIT: added YT link.

After watching that video I am way more confident about the track editor. The last one I used was in a RC game called Revolt 2 I think. Things have come a long way
Of course, it does not have to be exactly like that, but like you said: things have come a long way. Just imagine that video with GT5 assets. Will it allow to recreate real-life locations to the millimeter? Probably not, but does it have to? You would be able to create awesome tracks that way. If a kart-game can do it, then why shouldn't GT5 be able to?
Weather = (very) nice
track editor =for me it's not important but i think for much other people it's a great feature
go-karting ?? I dont really know what they mean with go-karting , is it a new game mode? because I can't belive that go-karting is to race with Go Karts (hey this is GT5 guys , go-karting ??? )
It must be a new game mode or anything like this ... :indiff: 💡
hey this is GT5 guys , go-karting ???

I'm surprised to see so many people...well...surprised about this. Where do you think Formula One drivers started? (just to be clear I'm NOT being a smartass here) I think it fits perfectly into GT, will teach you the fundamentals of driving, I think it's a fantastic addition.
I'm surprised to see so many people...well...surprised about this. Where do you think Formula One drivers started? (just to be clear I'm NOT being a smartass here) I think it fits perfectly into GT, will teach you the fundamentals of driving, I think it's a fantastic addition.

Exactly, it's how you learn to race. I think it will be in the licenses part and then maybe in a free practice mode.