Simply follow the link on the first post and read the full article.
Its from an interview with the president of Sony Computer Entertainment (and Sony board member) by the EU Playstation website.
Given that its a head of a Playstation division stating it on a Playstation website, I'm sure you can understand why people are taking it as confirmation. Its is after all Sony saying it on a Sony website. So if its doesn't come to pass its not as if anyone has conjured this out of thin air or from a rumour posted on a non-Sony site.
In all fairness, confirmation in the GT world seems to be a gamble no matter what...
We see stuff from those who should be trustable turn out to be untrue or severely twisted meanings and we see random lists and fortune tellers get it totally right.
Many a time I have seen a point argued on here in which proof was demanded inthe form of the right party confirming it... however that party was ultimately alwas not the part who spoke on it.
Sony said it? We need to hear it from PD.
PD said it? We need to hear it from Sony.
Both said it? We need to hear it directly from KY.
KY said it? You are taking it wrong or it's a bad translation.
Ultimately I don't blame anyone here for doubting the meaning of any announcments with this game anymore...
I don't know why the president of Sony would get it wrong, I doubt he would intentionally lie, but hey Dan Greenwalt should have known the cars in F3 gamelplay weren't going to be the super high res ones, but ya know, sometimes "confirmed" just means "was wrong" too...