Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
But who's to say Kazuhira Miller and McDonnell Miller are the same person? But you know what the answer is if they are the same person...

Wait for it...


Why would we think he isn't the same person? Do we know anything of Miller in the MGS era except he was murdered and Liquid pretended to be him?
He had two complete arms and legs. :lol:

Kaz, in that trailer lost an arm and a leg. Also, Big Boss, in illustrations and MGS4 didn't have a horn.



Granted, that hairline where the horn is is quite high compared to everywhere else, so I don't know. Plus Ocelot is indeed real. I think.
Well.. you have a point. I'm not sure how to answer that. It's a Yoji Shinkawa illustration but at the same time, it could be depicted as liquid disguised as miller.

Damn it, Kojima :lol:
Miller was dead before the Shadow Moses Incident (found dead at his place that morning) so that likely is Liquid in the illustration, but Snake saw Liquid in disguise as Miller with all his limbs and I think - I haven't gotten this far in my current PT yet - thought it was him for a second. Maybe. But even if I am making that up, Snake says 'there's no one I'd rather have in a foxhole than you' early on, but a one-footed, one-armed man wouldn't be much good in a combat situation, and Snake must've known him in person... You can't be that good friends with someone you've never met.

I'm telling you, it'll be nanomachines.
Well.. you have a point. I'm not sure how to answer that. It's a Yoji Shinkawa illustration but at the same time, it could be depicted as liquid disguised as miller.

Damn it, Kojima :lol:

Indeed. I'm sure Kojima has more fun with the intricate storytelling and how many curve balls he can throw in rather than the actual gameplay, leaving that to his minions to work on.

I just watched the original Phantom Pain trailer and gameplay again and it certainly sounds like Keifer Sutherland voicing the man in the bandages that calls himself Ishmael. I can't see any logical reason why he would be voicing Snake and that man. It would also explain why he's in the full bandages, if he had some sort of facial work to look like Snake.

But then, and this is probably me getting lost with the story again, if that is Gray Fox when is the hospital stuff meant to take place in the game and what happens to the real Snake afterwards?
Being that Kojima didn't call this trailer MGSV solely but calls it MGSV: The Phantom Pain, I have a feeling this is one of many arcs in the game. Ground Zeroes --> The Phantom Pain --> Next chapter, etc.

Like Solid Sun, Liquid Sun, Third Sun, Old Suns, and so on (which all were Acts in MGS4).

Speculation Time!

I could also see Kojima making TPP the whole dream sequence (big boss being in a coma during this chapter) which would help with the inconsistencies regarding the horn, missing arm/leg, "those that don't exist" and such. That or BB has really went off the deep end and can't tell what's real and what's fake anymore. :lol:

Note that "Paz and Chico" (methinks) who are in the chopper happens while BB is in the sneaking suit, so that has to be "real". This is compared to the hospital scene where BB was riding shotgun with ocelot while shooting a flaming unicorn with wings and a flaming volgin(?).

If that indeed is Gray Fox, that would just reinforce my Naomi Hunter speculation post earlier (regarding Quiet being a much younger version of her).

Miller was dead before the Shadow Moses Incident (found dead at his place that morning) so that likely is Liquid in the illustration, but Snake saw Liquid in disguise as Miller with all his limbs and I think - I haven't gotten this far in my current PT yet - thought it was him for a second. Maybe. But even if I am making that up, Snake says 'there's no one I'd rather have in a foxhole than you' early on, but a one-footed, one-armed man wouldn't be much good in a combat situation, and Snake must've known him in person... You can't be that good friends with someone you've never met.

I'm telling you, it'll be nanomachines.

Then how can you explain the fact that Miller trained Solid Snake while he was in the Green Berets (and later FOXHOUND), Provided material support during the Zanzibar Land Disturbance, only to find himself killed and replaced by Liquid three days before Shadow Moses only to find that Liquid manages to completely fool EVERYBODY involved in that mission until he got what he wanted(Rex's Activation)?

There are certain traits that you pick up when you known a person for years that no man can mimic, physical or otherwise. And if Kaz got prosthesis limbs, you can be sure that he would go to great lengths to get that covered up, especially during physical rough stuff. That is something that Solid Snake would have picked up on, and would have known that Miller was a fake in MGS just by looking at his briefing.
Well does it not say when miller is introduced that he is being transmitted from a remote location (implying his home) and he wasnt part of the submarine team? so snake didnt see him in the first place? then all it is to mimic of the real miller was the voice, and snake couldnt see him to prove otherwise
Well does it not say when miller is introduced that he is being transmitted from a remote location (implying his home) and he wasnt part of the submarine team? so snake didnt see him in the first place? then all it is to mimic of the real miller was the voice, and snake couldnt see him to prove otherwise

No, but you can be sure that that in any standard op, black or not, that there would be dossiers of everyone involved of the op up the chain of command. Campbell would have told Solid Snake a key phrase or action to recognize a member of the team, and current photos of Master Miller would have peculated upwards from Campbell to his superiors in LA(Ames), to the Secretary of Defense and the President in Washington.

The problem was is that because Liquid was aiding Snake via Codec, impersonating Miller, Snake let his emotions get the better of him and didn't ask for his key phrase to check to see if he was genuine. Remember back in the original Metal Gear, Big Boss was manipulating Snake in this manner to prevent the destruction of TX-55.
That was because Campbell had a personal interest at Shadow Moses, Meryl. Don't you find it hard that the SoD would just randomly assign Meryl to the facility for no reason? No, he wanted to blackmail Campbell to be the perfect little puppet for him so that he could claim Rex after the terrorists died. The only reason why Meryl lived was that Campbell agreed to do the op in exchange for her safety from FOXDIE. Remember the virus killed Decoy Octopus who had Signit's blood and Kenneth Baker. They were targets for a reason as I stated above.
So here's an interesting tidbit to an article I read:

Hideo Kojima
So using tablets and smart phones you can also enjoy MGSV and create user-generated missions within the world. That's another reason we had to go open-world - if it was linear we wouldn't be able to do that.

Also this:

Hideo Kojima
What you saw in the E3 trailer is really the first couple of missions. The world of MGSV is a lot bigger than just what you're seeing at the beginning.
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That first quote sounds a lot like Hitman Absolution's Contracts mode, aka the only reason people are still playing the game... An MGS with that kind of replay value will be a thing to behold, not least because I find them quite replayable in the first place! I didn't think I could be more excited for MGS V, yet here we are.
An MGS with that kind of replay value will be a thing to behold, not least because I find them quite replayable in the first place!
I went back to Sons of Liberty recently, playing through the alternate missions. I can instantly think of a dozen places I'd stash bombs throughout the Big Shell, to share with others.
So either they've got things very wrong or Solid Snake is making an appearance? He would only be 12 by the time of the second part of the game though so Hayter would make no sense. Some sort of flash forward maybe? I hope Hideo isn't going to go all Lost on us.

Prison Scene, man. Looks like that could be Solid Snake. Especially if Liquid's Eli (as both do look around the same age).
BB could've ran that mission before he went into a coma followed by 9 years later and David Hayter.

With Kojima, anything's possible :lol:
BB could've ran the mission where he has to retrieve Paz and Chico before his Coma (as that looks like the same cage/area as in the Ground Zeroes trailer). The fact that BB was choking him, stopped and "Sins of the father" popping up on screen just reinforces my idea that the child he's choking is Dave (Solid Snake).
Right, gotcha. Still not getting how/why Hayter would be voicing David/Snake though.

Yeah, you'd expect it to be at least the late 80's/early 90's if David was conceived in 1972, but even then for a late teenager to have a voice that gravelly he would've had to have been raised on a diet of glass and cigarettes from an early age.

Maybe it's:

- An easter egg appearance - a secret CODEC call, Solid Snake as a multiplayer character, etc.
- A red herring to make people like us get all freaking out and such,
- A hint at the fact that MGS V/GZ/PP will take place even further beyond 1984, perhaps into the early 90's just before the events of Metal Gear,
- A colossal retcon
- Fan service
- A mistake
- Anything...

It's a bit early to tell!
Indeed it is, I think it's pretty obvious something fishy/sneaky is going on with the voice actors and the various incarnations of Big Boss/clones/etc in the game though. Kojima is toying with us as usual.