Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Well is my suspicions are correct and this leads up to the beginning of Outer Heaven, well, then yeah it kind of would make sense. :lol:

But yeah, it's too early to tell.
So I decided to replay Snake Eater (and Peace Walker, which I never got around to playing) to catch up on Big Boss' story for The Phantom Pain. I'd forgotten how amazing it is - it's about as close to a perfect game as I have ever played.
The grinding is what put me off with peace walker. Some of the Extra ops missions definitely were enjoyable.

Like dating Paz, Kaz and killing Gear Rex, Rathalos and Tigrex. Photographing ghosts and finding treasure was also fun for me
I played Peace Walker a lot when I was ill, just before I had my tonsils whipped out I had tonsillitis for like a solid month so I had a lot of time on my hands; I managed to get full teams of S-rank people and unlocked a lot of the stuff but 'unfortunately' I got better before I had time to grind those last few Extra Ops for those weapons... Also now whenever I play Peace Walker I just feel ill. My bad. I thought it was really fun anyway though, except for the bosses. Urgh.
I never even got as far as the grinding parts, I just really didn't like the whole thing. I don't really know what it was. I think I got as far as the first 'boss' with a little tank, never beat it and that's it.

Never played Portable OPs either. Maybe I should.
The rapid aging's due to his natural lifespan (which was shortened, as said by Naomi in MGS4). I assume that the rapid aging effect doesn't really kick in until his late 30's though as he looked like he was aging normally up until then.

FOXDIE made him almost a walking biological weapon until newer FOXDIE stopped it.
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^ That's pretty much exactly what I was going to say.

In the Shadow Moses and Big Shell incidents he looked his age (he was conceived in 1972, Shadow Moses was 2005 and Big Shell was 2009), but in Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection, which was 2014, he acts and looks like he's in his late 60s, so between the ages of 37 and 42 he aged something like 30 years.

His rapid ageing was due to him being a clone, not FOXDIE, but the FOXDIE from Shadow Moses was also ageing with him and it started to break down, which is why he was at risk of becoming a biological weapon; FOXDIE was supposed to target specific individuals but as it degraded over time it became apparent it would stop caring and just kill everyone.
I never even got as far as the grinding parts, I just really didn't like the whole thing. I don't really know what it was. I think I got as far as the first 'boss' with a little tank, never beat it and that's it.

Never played Portable OPs either. Maybe I should.

Peace Walker is really fun in coop. I hope MGS 5 will have coop too. That would be really awesome. Sneaking together through the woods and doing smooth syncronised kills is perfect. And the rage, when one of you alert an enemy and you both get hunted by them. Good times. :sly:👍
The player can choose between life and death for certain characters in MGSV.
The player can play missions, serving as kind of episodes in the story, in the order he wants, and the story will adapt naturally to that. Within these episodes, choices can be made. At certain moments, the player will be able to decide between life and death for certain characters, and what follows depends on his actions. But, when developing this system they need to be careful not to create time paradoxes in the story, since there are games before and after this one and the story needs to stay coherent to the overall storyline.

The E3 trailer focused mainly on ways for Snake to move through the environment, but there will also be plenty of new gadgets and items in the game that Snake can use during his missions. He will have to use them if he wants to become even better.

The themes of race and vengeance are at the heart of the game. Kojima has been discussing child soldiers since MGS2, but this time he wanted to go further. He doesn’t ask himself if these topics are taboo, because they are part of the story, so he has to talk about it. With PS4 and Xbox One, he can advance the story and better convey his messages. He hopes that there is a place for games with topics such as these.
^ That's pretty much exactly what I was going to say.

In the Shadow Moses and Big Shell incidents he looked his age (he was conceived in 1972, Shadow Moses was 2005 and Big Shell was 2009), but in Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection, which was 2014, he acts and looks like he's in his late 60s, so between the ages of 37 and 42 he aged something like 30 years.

His rapid ageing was due to him being a clone, not FOXDIE, but the FOXDIE from Shadow Moses was also ageing with him and it started to break down, which is why he was at risk of becoming a biological weapon; FOXDIE was supposed to target specific individuals but as it degraded over time it became apparent it would stop caring and just kill everyone.
To look at it another way, I point to Solidus.

To be eligible for the Presidency, you have to be 35 or older. Ocelot claims that Solidus was the best of both Liquid and Solid, but due to his youth(you can see this in an off comment in MGS2), he would have been ineligible to be President of the United States, so The Patriots genetically altered his age to make it appear that Solidus was eligible for the office. Assuming that Solidus appeared to be 20 years older than he should be(in other words take the Jack movie with Robin Williams and cut the rate of aging in half), he would have to be born in the late 70's early 80's.

If they were willing to do that to a puppet president, what would have stopped them from advance aging Solid and Liquid?
Argh, I just got the rudest shock in Peace Walker. I was playing through the final missions of Chapter 4, and ran into a boss fight at the end without warning (after dying dozens of times trying to get through the maintenance dock) or the chance to change my weapons the way all the other boss fights do. The problem is that I need the Moisin Nagant and the M16A to clear all the enemies beforehand, and I don't have a slot for a missile launcher. I suppose I could take out the kidnappers with the launcher and search bodies for anaesthetic ammunition.
I can't recall that part, I didn't have any problems with having the wrong equipment though and now that I think about it, I have no idea how I avoided such problems as I don't think I ever actually chose to take a launcher with me in any of the story missions. In fact I pretty much only ever took the Mk.22 and maybe the Moisin Nagant.
If DH really is the voice of "the real big boss", at one point will his voice change to something similar to his voice in MGS2 (Solidus)/MGS4?






East meets west as Konami opens Los Angeles game development studio.

Tomoyuki Tsuboi
“As gaming takes the world stage as one of the greatest forms of entertainment, it’s only natural for us to expand our operations across the globe,” said Hideo Kojima, Director of Kojima Productions. “And since Los Angeles is ground zero for the best studios, facilities and world-class talent, we are leaning on of these local resources to build an incredible team to create gaming experiences that are just as compelling as any film or television show.”

“The Los Angeles studio emphasizes Konami and Kojima Productions commitment to expanding our development footprint. The new studio will put Kojima Productions in the heart of the west which will benefit future releases as it will introduce new talent and creativity to the development teams.”



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New screens and info from the LA Studio opening event.
  • The life bar seems to be gone. In stead, the screen will turn bloody and red when Snake gets hurt, and he will regenerate health automatically if he takes cover long enough (this feature was also in previous Metal Gear games, if Snake kneeled or took a prone position).
  • The interface has been toned down a lot, also as a result of the removing of the health bar and other items and bits of information.
  • Players can use their scope to mark enemies and vehicles, so they appear on the map.
  • Context sensitive buttons let Snake open locked gates, or interrogate guards. After this has been done, the objective will appear on the map automatically.
  • The threat ring from MGS4 makes a return, only this time it isn’t around Snake anymore, but against the screen.
  • When Big Boss gets spotted by an enemy, the game will go into a slow motion, during which the player can still silence the enemy, and the alert phase will be canceled. This was done to help players in compensation for the extra difficulty posed by an open world design, and the lack of a radar.
  • During driving sequences, the player can switch between first and third person view.
  • Enemies can take out tires of vehicles Snake is driving.
  • Player can call in a helicopter for extraction (as we already knew), but the player isn’t safe until he’s actually boarded and flying away.
  • Big Boss received information over the codec when he saw certain things through his scope. Kojima explained that story moments would mostly be told through the players perspective.
  • Snake can grab enemies in higher positions and drop them down to their death, similar as in Uncharted.
  • The demo being played was very similar to the one at PAX, but this time players had to retrieve a red FOXHOUND patch (the logo of the new LA studio). Also, the demo was in English, with Big Boss voiced by Kiefer Sutherland. He also spoke the famous line ‘Kept you waiting, huh’.
  • The demo was being played on the easiest difficulty setting. Kojima will show a more difficult playthrough at TGS.
  • The holographic gear Snake used in the demo is called the iDroid.
  • Snake can use searchlights and gun mounted flash lights to blind and distract enemies.
  • Snake can still throw empty gun magazines to distract enemies.
  • The game will feature less cutscenes and smoother transitions between them and gameplay.
  • During interrogation, the player can choose between multiple lines for questioning.
  • If you mark a destination using the tablet, it will appear on the screen in the game world, so not just on a map.
  • Item selection will happen on the center of the screen now, using sub options, and obviously it won’t be permanently there.
  • The lens flare seen in some of the videos isn’t just cosmetic, it is there to warn the player that they might be detected. A lens flare will come from the direction of something that might spot Snake, like a searchlight. So the lens flare is the caution alert phase. Human enemies have a cone directional lens flare, similar to the cone field of view on the map of previous Metal Gear games. This lets the player know from which direction the alert is coming. The music lets Snake know in which alert phase he is, because there is no radar anymore to indicate this.
  • The interface, switching between weapons for different alert phases, seemed really fluent.
  • There seemed to be auto-aim.
  • At the end there was a cutscene. Snake put on the patch he retrieved, and when he did that the ‘XOF’ on it turned to ‘FOX’.
  • Snake can now sprint, really fast.
  • Ground Zeroes takes place in 1975, and The Phantom Pain in 1984. This is a reference to Orwell’s novel, among other things.
  • According to Kojima, MGSV is not being ‘westernized’. He simply tries to give the game a global appeal, just like he did with the original Metal Gear Solid. The Kojima Productions LA studio is not involved in the game’s story, only in the multiplayer.
  • There’s a reason Quiet looks the way she looks.
  • Among the items that make a return are the thermal goggles.
  • When calling in a helicopter, Snake can choose between multiple extraction points.
  • The exclamation mark makes a return, as well as the famous alert sound.





Eh? Hideo Kojima's english twitter account just said:

@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: I know there's people concerning about "Quiet" but don't worry. I created her character as an antithesis to the women characters (cont)

@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: appeared in the past fighting game who are excessively exposed. "Quiet" who doesn't have a word will be teased in the story as well. (Cont)

@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: (Cont) But once you recognize the secret reason for her exposure, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds.

Really not sure how I feel about this, sounds like a bit of a gamble to say the least. If he's wrong... Well, I just hope he's not wrong. If its because Quiet has an allergy to clothes I'm going to facepalm so hard it'll require hours in A&E.
People are seriously overreacting to how Quiet is being depicted. In fact, there are images of the actress posing in full BDU in some of the Fox Engine articles. I doubt she'll be like this the entirety of the game.

Kojima himself said he wants both the men and women characters he created to be sexy.
People are seriously overreacting to how Quiet is being depicted. In fact, there are images of the actress posing in full BDU in some of the Fox Engine articles. I doubt she'll be like this the entirety of the game.

Kojima himself said he wants both the men and women characters he created to be sexy.

I'd much rather have Kojima make a good game and deliver it promptly than him fill it up with softcore pr0n and tenuous plot links
I'm willing to chalk it up to that pervy-but-mostly-harmless voyeurism stuff you see a lot in anime and occasionally (I think it's occasional, anyway) in Japanese games, MGS has always had silly stuff like that (such as: being able to catch Meryl in her underwear in MGS, Olga's wet top in MGS2, the secret scene with Snake and EVA, being able to make her, er, chest jiggle and various first person moments in cutscenes in MGS3, basically all of the bosses in MGS4), just don't try and give it a flimsy message... Be honest and say 'Quiet goes into combat wearing a bikini because there aren't enough opportunities to get boobs into an open world game with relatively few cutscenes' or 'we had to have at least one character that would give cosplayers the opportunity to show off the size of their 'talents', then deal with the fact that gaming has changed and people don't dig that so much any more.
And wasn't snake fully naked in one game? And my point is that this soft tease shouldn't affect the game.
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